Highlights of the week

Participate in the first OpenStack User Survey!

If you are an OpenStack user or have customers with OpenStack deployments, please take 10 minutes to respond to our first User Survey or pass it along to your network. Our community has grown at an amazing rate in 2.5 years, and it’s time to better define our user base and requirements, so we can respond and advocate accordingly. TAKE THE SURVEY

A new agent management approach for Quantum in OpenStack Grizzly

In Folsom, Quantum didn’t have facilities to schedule its agents between cluster nodes, but the Grizzly release brings the support of a new component management approach, which addresses this issue.

Havana Project Technical Leads

Welcome to the new PTLs for OpenStack’s future release, Havana:

They were elected democratically by their peer developers according to the rules of the OpenStack community to lead the next release cycle. Congratulations. The new PTLs will join three more people whose election is still ongoing, to form the OpenStack Technical Committee.

Moving to open development: OpenStack / Crowbar / Chef on SUSE

Crowbar was originally developed by Dell engineers, and is now a fully-fledged Open Source project involving close collaboration with SUSE and others. There are weekly public meetings, a public mailing list, a #crowbar IRC channel, public Trello boards and so on. As an indication of the project’s independent nature, the authoritative location for the git repositories has changed from https://github.com/dellcloudedge to https://github.com/crowbar, and a new homepageis currently under construction.

OpenStack Miniconf at PyCon Australia 2013

PyCon Australia 2013 will be hosting two one-day miniconfs on Friday 5 July before the main conference proceedings kick off on Saturday 6 July. Miniconfs are events that focus on a specific community that relies heavily on Python, and allows practitioners in those communities to explore those topics in a much deeper way than the main PyCon conference can allow.

The Call For Presenters for the OpenStack Miniconf is open now and closes on 15 April, 2013. To submit a presentation, visit the OpenStack Miniconf CFP site at http://aptira.wufoo.com/forms/pyconau2013-openstack-miniconf-call-for-presenters/

Tips and Tricks

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Other News

Welcome New Contributors

Celebrating the first patches submitted this week by:

The weekly newsletter is a way for the community to learn about all the various activities occurring on a weekly basis. If you would like to add content to a weekly update or have an idea about this newsletter, please leave a comment.