Highlights of the week

Best way to brag about contributing to Grizzly?

Contributors to OpenStack Folsom received a nice patch to stick on something you carry every day like a backpack or your favorite sweater. Would you like to get a patch for Grizzly, too? Would you rather get something else to brag about your ‘Contributor’ status? Let us know your preferences.

Packstack: Openstack Install tool

There is a new tool that installs Openstack either on bare metal or Vms: it can be found on github under the fedora-openstack organization. Packstack is currently in its first ages and still under heavy development but, it’s already capable of installing, customize some parameters and distribute most of the Openstack modules on a single server or several as well. It currently supports Red Hat based distros but there’s space for more.

Testing (OpenStack)

Anita Kuno, one of our awesome intern of OPW program, tells the tales common to new developers learning about OpenStack developer’s community. In this new installation she tells us how she had to run some tests in /opt/stack/nova and every command failed. Why? She didn’t know. But now she does.

Cloud Prizefight: OpenStack vs. VMware

There have been many discussions in the cloud landscape comparing VMware and OpenStack. In fact, it’s one of the most popular topics among those thinking about using OpenStack. Mirantis’ Lee Xie judged the two in the following categories: design, features, use cases, and value. The categories are scored on a 10-point scale and then tallied to determine the winner.

In a nutshell: How Does OpenStack work?

Victoria Martínez de la Cruz, another awesome intern of OPW program, uses pictures and words to explain in a blog post how OpenStack works.

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Celebrating the first patches submitted this week by:

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