OpenStack users share how their deployments stack up

Some of OpenStack’s founding projects -- including Nova, Keystone, Glance, Horizon and Cinder -- continue to be the most popular. That may be changing, however. For starters, the inclusion of bare-metal provisioning project Ironic in the integrated release led to an increase across all deployment stages, including production, test and running a proof-of-concept (POC). Other projects, including Heat, Ceilometer, Swift and Trove, are also gaining in adoption, according to the recent User Survey.

OpenStack application developers share insights

Application developers working with OpenStack know what they want. Most are looking for clear, accurate documentation with emphasis on detailed working examples so they can get their jobs done. That’s one of key takeaways from the fifth consecutive survey conducted by the User Committee.

How to get more women involved in tech? Communication, leadership and mentors

Whether the women considering the problem were developers, engineers or marketers, they all pinpointed that communication, leadership and mentorship were fundamental to getting more women involved.

Think FICO is a credit scoring company? Nope: it’s about large-scale analytics

Americans have been counting on FICO to measure their credit worthiness since the 1980s, but the San Jose, California-based company has much a farther reach.

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