We are eager to announce the release of: murano-dashboard 2.0.0: The Murano Dashboard This release is part of the mitaka release series. For more details, please see below. 2.0.0 ^^^^^ Murano-dashboard now supports python3 New Features ************ * Add details page for packages, The details page will show more info to user, such as FQN, Description, etc. * Requirements for the flavor field accepts 'max_vcpus' 'max_disk' and 'max_memory_mb'. Previously only minimum values can be specified in the flavor requirements. * Added :filter by 'KeyWord' in package definition can matches all the package parameters like name, tags ..etc. * When using glare the endpoint for client is now 'artifact' since glare has been moved to a separate service * Version of Dynamic UI is increased to 2.3 due to *password* field update. Now *password* supports validator overloading and control of automatic password conformation field insertion. * If "regexpValidator" is provided, default complex check for numbers, capital and small letters in the password is not performed. Also, several validators with corresponding Dynamic UI field may be used. * "confirmInput" parameter is supported now for controlling whether password field should be cloned or not. If application author decided to turn off automatic field cloning, he should set the new parameter to *false*. Upgrade Notes ************* * Parameters "GLANCE_API_INSECURE" and "GLANCE_API_URL" have been renamed to "GLARE_API_INSECURE" and "GLARE_API_URL". Bug Fixes ********* * It is now possible to use any symbols in environments name. * Filter by 'Name' in package definition only matches package name. Changes in murano-dashboard --------------------------------------------- 8489e43 Imported Translations from Zanata 148ef99 Imported Translations from Zanata 5c4d60a Imported Translations from Zanata afcb2ee Add i18n trans for form field label and help_text c13875d Imported Translations from Zanata f0a0f65 Update .gitreview for stable/mitaka Diffstat (except docs and test files) ------------------------------------- .gitreview | 1 + muranodashboard/categories/forms.py | 4 +- muranodashboard/environments/forms.py | 2 +- muranodashboard/images/forms.py | 4 +- muranodashboard/locale/django.pot | 48 +- muranodashboard/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/django.po | 11 +- muranodashboard/locale/ko_KR/LC_MESSAGES/django.po | 13 +- muranodashboard/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/django.po | 14 +- muranodashboard/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/django.po | 1106 ++++++++++++++++++++ muranodashboard/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/django.po | 58 +- muranodashboard/packages/forms.py | 6 +- 11 files changed, 1228 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)