We are enthusiastic to announce the release of: mistral 3.0.0: Mistral Project This release is part of the newton release series. For more details, please see below. 3.0.0 ^^^^^ New Features ************ * Mistral now support usage of alternative RPC layer, that calls RabbitMQ directly instead of using Oslo. * Tasks support new flag 'safe-rerun'. If it is set to 'true', a task would be re-run if executor dies during execution. * Mistral now supports authentication with KeyCloak server using OpenId Connect protocol. * Magnum action are now supported. * Mistral API server can be configured to handle https requests. * Role base access control was added. * Murano actions are now supported. * Tacker actions are now supported. * Now user can provide custom message for fail/pause/success transition. e.g. - fail(msg='error in task'): <% condition if any %> * New API for validating ad-hoc actions was added. Upgrade Notes ************* * During an upgrade to Newton, operators or administrators need to run "python tools/sync_db.py" to populate database with Magnum action definitions. Bug Fixes ********* * Fix for YaqlEvaluationException in std.create_instance workflow. Changes in mistral ------------------------------------ d9e734f Remove environment data from task inbound context be41847 Add tests to check deletion of delayed calls on WF execution delete 2d44cb0 Disable Client Caching 310f03a Delete all necessary delayed calls on WF stop e95594f Update UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/newton 229ea1d Fix for timeouting actions on run-action 2ab055b Avoid storing workflow input in task inbound context 63e849c Add __ne__ built-in function 0febff9 Remove context.spawn a761ca5 Fix for raising excepton from kombu db340d4 Fixed task in_bound context when retrying 2715d0f Enable changing of rpc driver from devstack 4b64132 Take os_actions_endpoint_type into use 238f398 Update .gitreview for stable/newton 097c68f Remove workflow spec, input and params from workflow context 23ff560 Add a smarter delay between workflow completion checks 9d06a61 Optimize the logic that check if 'join' task is allowed to start a0f6c7a Copy cached WF spec stored by definition id into WF execution cache 3455dd6 Add functional tests for event engine functions 09e2358 Added unit tests for Workbook and Workflow filtering b193719 Delete unnecessary comma 0940282 Fix mistral API docs Fixing v2.rst to refer to new module paths, and adding the cron trigger param to POST v2/cron_triggers/ documentation. 4e1e358 Add event trigger REST API 6982483 Using count() instead of all() for getting incompleted tasks ab0c547 Fix for raising exception directly to kombu 33e0ee5 Updated from global requirements 1e2ecac Fix delayed calls DB migration ec349f0 standardize release note page ordering e525db7 Fixed http links in CONRIBUTING.rst 4ebe9b1 Optimize finder functions for task executions 1b0f0cd Change execution mechanism for 'join' tasks ec630e1 Fixed an incorrect migration revision number in a comment cbc0a99 cast to str for allowable types a58236e Raise NotImplementedError instead of NotImplemented dbdf4fc Optionally include the output when retrieving all executions 43acabd Add __ne__ built-in function 3958a82 Fix getting URLs / and /v2 c73edcb Add event configuration for event trigger 471ce2d Add 'uuid' YAQL function 2e497b3 Sync tools/tox_install.sh 10ee876 Updated from global requirements 9a60c02 Fix for 'Cannot authenticate without an auth_url' 347aabc Add client caching for OpenStack actions c54b7c9 Add setuptools to requirements.txt a96c895 Task publish does not overwrite variable in context Edit 2706b25 Updated from global requirements 3661bc0 Clean imports in code 72a34e8 TrivialFix: Remove logging import unused 1fe7b49 Add a note to the documentation about std.fail 0ba0eae Some minor code optimization in post_test_hook.sh b89bc39 Updated from global requirements 10425c9 Fix for not working 'run-action' on kombu driver e88c8e3 Updated from global requirements bb92ee9 Fix documentation 81a9abc Clean imports in code c527425 Use more specific asserts in tests 4ecca57 Use upper constraints for all jobs in tox.ini 9c5faa3 Updated from global requirements 9d5fcba Updated the configuration guide. 8302d85 Add a DB migration for named locks c0118b6 Implement named transactional lock (semaphore) 2e80dd6 Updated from global requirements bf1cb90 Closes-Bug: 1607348 56d0b35 Optimize task defer() method c459aee Optimize direct workflow controller 0062699 Updated from global requirements b18e5cb Updated from global requirements e97d614 Fix task post completion scheduling f10d431 Fix _possible_route() method to account for not completed tasks a390f5c Add 'wait-before' policy test with two chained tasks 3025845 Fix task 'defer' eebe77b Filtering support for actions 4e6d811 Increase size of 'task_executions_v2.unique_key' column 099d444 Add 'join after join' test 4bdda3b Slightly improve workflow trace logging 8bdef0f Fix workflow and join completion logic 6ea305c Towards non-locking model: remove pessimistic locks f2445ac Fix specification caching mechanism 297fe92 Towards non-locking model: make 'with-items' work w/o locks 4f028ca Make mistral work with amqp and zmq backends 9f23624 Towards non-locking model: adapt 'join' tasks to work w/o locks 8e221dd Add unique keys for non locking model cbda943 Updated from global requirements 3558980 Fix GET /executions/<id> to init 'output' attribute explicitly 13b835d Fix past migration scripts discrepancies eec41b8 fix for get action executions fails with "has no property 'type" 6a35188 Updated Doc for SSL configuration 81f1682 Use actual session for ironic-inspector action population 4adc3cf Added support for SSL connection in mistra-api server 2cdec1c Towards non-locking model: decouple WF completion check via scheduler e464f4c Towards non-locking model: use insert_or_ignore() for delayed calls 1f210a4 Towards non-locking model: add insert_or_ignore() on DB API 277b08a Fix the use of both adhoc actions and "with-items" in workflows d9c9df2 Towards non-locking model: removing env update from WF controller ebfb3c4 Updated from global requirements 6872dd8 DB migration to three execution tables and increase some columns d25d31d Updated from global requirements b93e491 Add state info for synchronous actions run from CLI abe5ef9 Towards non-locking model: fix obvious workflow controller issues 0c8ad1a Towards non-locking model: Add 'unique_key' for delayed calls b8c0ba8 Add _get_fake_client to ironic-inspector actions b8c7dd7 Add target parameters to REST API fb2fa02 Update docs and add release not for safe-rerun flag 09c0886 Invalidate workflow spec cache on workflow definition updates 5d51dfc Removing unnecessary workflow specification parsing c7aa89e Splitting executions into different tables 95016cb Added releasenote for https support 82ab51b Add cancelled state to executions 3deec2f Enable user to use transport_url in kombu driver b2aabd2 Fixed trivial issue in exception message b13ae1a Updated from global requirements 639e204 Fix DSLv2 example according to Mistral Neuton 727d633 Updated from global requirements c1dec4f Use 'rpc_response_timeout' in kombu driver e4640dd Use Paginate query even if 'limit'or 'marker' is not set 0463e78 Remove task result for collection REST requests c3e776e Allow to use both name and id to update action definitions d844aad Remove some inconsistency in DB api a55a1c5 Get rid of oslo_db warning about "id" not being in "sort_keys" 2f3d897 Add event engine service 0bc0fd0 Error handling test: error in 'publish' for a task with 'on-error' 34232f0 Added 'pip install -r requirements.txt' instruction 2197126 Executor fails actions if they are redelivered 4bcf17a Move the remainder of REST resources to resources.py 7f5335d Move REST resources action, action execution and task to resources.py 175775f Add the new endpoint /v2/tasks/<id>/workflow_executions 0d8a3a8 Allow to use both name and id to access action definitions 6a69d36 Pass 'safe-rerun' param to RPC layer 16c3b59 Initialize RPC-related flag when starting API e403344 Update in installation package list in installation guide d2dba58 Add param 'safe-rerun' to task 138b885 Create MistralContext from rpc context in kombu engine 54bbe3d Add db models for event trigger 80e925b Updated from global requirements f962038 Fix SPAG errors in Quickstart and Main Features docs 2d5ceaf Fix some trivial SPAG errors in docs 606059a Rename package mistral.engine.rpc to mistral.engine.rpc_backend 1dbb3f2 Fixing filtering in task controller 89645ce Add Python 3.5 classifier and venv e473a09 Updated from global requirements 400c622 Fix for YaqlEvaluationException in std.create_instance workflow. a85fb71 Updated from global requirements 4919a0a Add tests for Kombu driver 43c404d Release note for KeyCloak OIDC support 021caf8 Add KeyCloak OpenID Connect server-side authentication d29a6dc Add authentication options for KeyCloak OIDC 87a75cb Add proper handling for implicit task completion 633eb0f Add proper error handling for task continuation eda639f Add error handling tests: invalid workflow input, error in first task 56dc39c Add more tests for error handling 201d36a Fix utility print_executions method f058eb3 Log warn openstack action generation failures b0523c0 Fix Magnum action _get_fake_class 62b1fd4 Fix Murano action _get_fake_class 26f2d35 Stylistic cleanups to lazy loading patch 9c63a24 Add configuration option for endpoint type 843df14 Add filters to all collections listing functions (tags included) 9eee201 Lazy load client classes 95e6b34 Integrating new RPC layer with Mistral fc6d712 Make RPC implementation configurable 2cdd95a Adding OsloRPC server and client 72dcdfb Add support for custom YAQL functions 967a8c0 Remove obsolete config option "use_mistral_rpc" 7e9c04e Add tacker actions in mistral 909241c Update Expiration Policy Documentation f454824 New RPC layer implementation 7b773bb Don't create actions when attempting to update one that doesn't exist 9d00052 Updated from global requirements 7387543 Add zake into dependencies 37a828b Add action context to all action executions a7b8f49 Fix SSHActionsTestsV2 failure fcd4862 Updated mapping.json file 024d938 Support recursive ad-hoc action definitions 31d6f8f Updated from global requirements 7e01ef2 Updated from global requirements fbab974 Updated from global requirements 998f515 Use client credentials to retrieve service list 716776a Remove std.mistral_http action from tests d094dc2 Doc updated for oslo_policy configuration 4732ed8 Updated from global requirements dda6773 Remove .mailmap file d7fc222 Fix mysql driver installation section in readme 0e51d26 Fix API inconsistencies with GET /v2/workflows 4672690 Fixed fake clients of glance and designate 23becb2 Fixed get_actions_list script to get glance actions 17fab41 Fixed get_actions_list script to get designate actions 16c5ca2 Example Mistral docker container broke due to oslo.policy update 48db3eb Refactored tempest tests e512df9 Release note for magnum actions support 09ee417 Fix postgresql test failure e7e2a80 Add configuration for Mistral tempest testing a9f52d7 Added doc string for enforce method 8d53a25 Release note for murano actions support 7980734 Add magnum certificates and mservices actions 40a4b12 Release note for role base access control 11e443e Added role base authentication support 10fa247 Added murano actions 4314ea9 Add magnum bays actions 45ac6d0 Enable osprofiler to measure performance e15fba5 Rename the to_string method to to_json to clarify it's purpose e97e3ac Support JSON data in JSON API type b0a2fc6 Add Magnum actions 9921b8c Updated from global requirements 6a22bca Removing redundant wf_ex_id parameter for rerun across the code 0233356 Add explicit preconditions for methods of Action, Task and Workflow 70adb45 Add a test that verifies an old bug with join e2c89f7 Refactoring workflow handler c496775 Fix invalid type usage for join d2af0df mistral actions for designate v1 api's not working e700a49 Updated from global requirements 927bc19 Remove AUTHORS file 6e6af39 Remove AUTHORS file from git tracking 7e793d2 Add missing argument in exception string a8f7a05 Updated from global requirements 09c4151 Use LOG.exception when logging exceptions 67b2584 Release notes for fail/pause/success transition message 979d0e9 Updated from global requirements 6b8f153 Fail/Success/Pause transition message 3641b46 Remove unnecessary database transaction from Scheduler d48b796 Update .mailmap 816bfd9 Refactor Mistral Engine 6a72d2c Updated from global requirements 385789d Updated from global requirements 7b6d766 Fixes the Mistral Docker image 2e4a3cc Updated from global requirements 5af4407 Return 'Unknown error' when error output is empty 18c6178 Fix client in TroveActions a50dcfc Add Python 3.4 to the classifiers e697cc7 Remove unnecessary executable permissions 575aac2 Updated from global requirements 3582107 Add baremetal.wait_for_finish action to mapping 7712cc3 Update get_arg_list_as_str to skip func params 752df74 Updated from global requirements af5975e Enforcing upper constraints for tox test jobs b9dafd1 Fix get task list on YAQL error in with-items 594b3e2 Add API to validate ad-hoc action 2cf2fc5 Updated from global requirements 2eb1e1e Updated from global requirements 9cbfa93 Replace keystone CLI with openstack CLI 42ca859 Add Designate apis as mistral actions 87aeb0a Remove oslo.messaging hack since it's broken with 5.0.0 version 32b0121 Fix the yaql github repository 50210a7 Updated from global requirements 627145b Updated from global requirements 2b517d8 Fix mistral installation in devstack 96e6d7e Refactoring exception hierarchy 18f1715 Updated from global requirements cc32c82 Fixing engine facade hierarchy c93405f Fixed issue related to docker image creation a1891fd Updated from global requirements 1216ae6 Rename base API test class 1586c3e Disable cron trigger thread for API unit tests 49d04cf Disabled ssl warnings while runing tempest tests 22769b7 Add extra checks for the existance of executor_callback bb078af Updated from global requirements 11c26cf Updated from global requirements 6bb6046 Added script to create docker image 5976655 Switch to auto-generated cron trigger names in unit tests 99edd17 tempest: fix dir_path b549137 Leave more relevant comment in engine race condition test 39e2b4a Add utility methods to test action executions more conveniently 8821dee Fixing failing functional tests for Cinder and Heat actions 29732bf Update OpenStack actions mapping 06f385e Updated from global requirements 3a2af38 Unblock skipped test 73d1105 Replace self._await(lamdba: ..) constructs with more readable calls ca66caa Add auth_enabled=False to a cron trigger test fcfb271 Updated from global requirements fdefc80 Updated from global requirements 9f34b17 Updated from global requirements 60a8d96 Unblock skipped tests in test_action_defaults.py 6aac269 Updated from global requirements d04dd4d Fixing issue with different versions of oslo_messaging 4a88302 Getting rid of task result proxies in workflow context 6c6484e Fix typos in Mistral files 7e0ffb7 Hacking log for warning ad07ba0 Fixing engine transaction model and error handling 9a1a157 Refactor workflow controller and fix a bug in _fail_workflow() 3e9aa8b Fixing a bug in DB API method that acquires entity lock a4c4ead Also package mistral_tempest_tests fdb24bd module docs are not being generated 554e14e Update reno for stable/mitaka 236a7f2 Run mistral services as separate processes Diffstat (except docs and test files) ------------------------------------- .gitignore | 4 + .gitreview | 1 + .mailmap | 19 - AUTHORS | 43 - CONTRIBUTING.rst | 10 +- Dockerfile | 37 - README.rst | 4 + devstack/plugin.sh | 31 +- devstack/settings | 12 +- etc/event_definitions.yml.sample | 6 + etc/policy.json | 64 ++ etc/wf_trace_logging.conf.sample | 21 +- etc/wf_trace_logging.conf.sample.rotating | 21 +- mistral/actions/generator_factory.py | 2 +- mistral/actions/openstack/action_generator/base.py | 3 +- mistral/actions/openstack/actions.py | 345 ++++-- mistral/actions/openstack/base.py | 78 +- mistral/actions/openstack/mapping.json | 433 +++++-- mistral/actions/std_actions.py | 37 +- mistral/api/access_control.py | 59 +- mistral/api/app.py | 24 +- mistral/api/controllers/resource.py | 2 +- mistral/api/controllers/v2/action.py | 208 ++-- mistral/api/controllers/v2/action_execution.py | 328 ++++-- mistral/api/controllers/v2/cron_trigger.py | 166 ++- mistral/api/controllers/v2/environment.py | 138 ++- mistral/api/controllers/v2/event_trigger.py | 143 +++ mistral/api/controllers/v2/execution.py | 230 ++-- mistral/api/controllers/v2/member.py | 74 +- mistral/api/controllers/v2/resources.py | 595 ++++++++++ mistral/api/controllers/v2/root.py | 2 + mistral/api/controllers/v2/service.py | 36 +- mistral/api/controllers/v2/task.py | 347 ++++-- mistral/api/controllers/v2/types.py | 8 +- mistral/api/controllers/v2/workbook.py | 134 ++- mistral/api/controllers/v2/workflow.py | 197 ++-- mistral/api/service.py | 55 + mistral/cmd/launch.py | 137 +-- mistral/config.py | 335 ++++-- mistral/context.py | 178 ++- mistral/db/sqlalchemy/base.py | 17 +- .../006_add_processed_to_delayed_calls_v2.py | 2 +- .../versions/012_add_event_triggers_v2_table.py | 67 ++ .../013_split_execution_table_increase_names.py | 246 ++++ .../versions/014_fix_past_scripts_discrepancies.py | 74 ++ .../015_add_unique_keys_for_non_locking_model.py | 51 + .../016_increase_size_of_task_unique_key.py | 33 + .../versions/017_add_named_lock_table.py | 41 + .../018_increate_task_execution_unique_key_size.py | 33 + .../versions/019_change_scheduler_schema.py | 59 + mistral/db/sqlalchemy/model_base.py | 3 + mistral/db/sqlalchemy/types.py | 13 + mistral/db/v2/api.py | 157 ++- mistral/db/v2/sqlalchemy/api.py | 916 ++++++++------- mistral/db/v2/sqlalchemy/filters.py | 63 + mistral/db/v2/sqlalchemy/models.py | 315 +++-- mistral/engine/action_handler.py | 319 +----- mistral/engine/actions.py | 557 +++++++++ mistral/engine/base.py | 83 +- mistral/engine/default_engine.py | 448 +------- mistral/engine/default_executor.py | 71 +- mistral/engine/dispatcher.py | 101 ++ mistral/engine/policies.py | 95 +- mistral/engine/rpc.py | 536 --------- mistral/engine/rpc_backend/__init__.py | 0 mistral/engine/rpc_backend/base.py | 77 ++ mistral/engine/rpc_backend/kombu/__init__.py | 0 mistral/engine/rpc_backend/kombu/base.py | 115 ++ .../engine/rpc_backend/kombu/examples/__init__.py | 0 .../engine/rpc_backend/kombu/examples/client.py | 42 + .../engine/rpc_backend/kombu/examples/server.py | 51 + mistral/engine/rpc_backend/kombu/kombu_client.py | 192 ++++ mistral/engine/rpc_backend/kombu/kombu_server.py | 180 +++ mistral/engine/rpc_backend/oslo/__init__.py | 0 mistral/engine/rpc_backend/oslo/oslo_client.py | 48 + mistral/engine/rpc_backend/oslo/oslo_server.py | 56 + mistral/engine/rpc_backend/rpc.py | 645 +++++++++++ mistral/engine/task_handler.py | 648 ++++------- mistral/engine/tasks.py | 543 +++++++++ mistral/engine/utils.py | 14 +- mistral/engine/workflow_handler.py | 249 ++-- mistral/engine/workflows.py | 479 ++++++++ mistral/exceptions.py | 128 ++- mistral/expressions.py | 2 +- mistral/hacking/checks.py | 176 ++- mistral/messaging.py | 117 ++ mistral/resources/workflows/create_instance.yaml | 6 +- mistral/services/action_manager.py | 48 +- mistral/services/actions.py | 64 +- mistral/services/event_engine.py | 377 ++++++ mistral/services/executions.py | 95 -- mistral/services/periodic.py | 89 +- mistral/services/scheduler.py | 96 +- mistral/services/security.py | 1 + mistral/services/triggers.py | 73 ++ mistral/services/workbooks.py | 43 +- mistral/services/workflows.py | 8 +- .../resources/openstack/action_collection_wb.yaml | 12 +- .../actions/openstack/test_openstack_actions.py | 174 ++- .../unit/engine/rpc_backend/kombu/__init__.py | 0 .../unit/engine/rpc_backend/kombu/fake_kombu.py | 44 + .../engine/rpc_backend/kombu/test_kombu_client.py | 192 ++++ .../engine/rpc_backend/kombu/test_kombu_server.py | 262 +++++ .../unit/engine/test_direct_workflow_rerun.py | 325 ++++-- .../engine/test_direct_workflow_with_cycles.py | 37 +- .../test_execution_fields_size_limitation.py | 114 +- .../unit/engine/test_reverse_workflow_rerun.py | 17 +- .../services/test_expired_executions_policy.py | 56 +- mistral/utils/__init__.py | 32 +- mistral/utils/filter_utils.py | 91 ++ mistral/utils/inspect_utils.py | 13 +- mistral/utils/openstack/keystone.py | 96 +- mistral/utils/profiler.py | 54 + mistral/utils/rest_utils.py | 146 ++- mistral/utils/rpc_utils.py | 111 ++ mistral/utils/serializers.py | 20 +- mistral/utils/yaql_utils.py | 61 +- mistral/workbook/base.py | 2 +- mistral/workbook/parser.py | 92 +- mistral/workbook/v2/task_defaults.py | 16 +- mistral/workbook/v2/tasks.py | 30 +- mistral/workbook/v2/workflows.py | 50 +- mistral/workflow/base.py | 190 ++-- mistral/workflow/commands.py | 63 +- mistral/workflow/data_flow.py | 268 +++-- mistral/workflow/direct_workflow.py | 310 +++-- mistral/workflow/lookup_utils.py | 109 ++ mistral/workflow/reverse_workflow.py | 36 +- mistral/workflow/states.py | 30 +- mistral/workflow/utils.py | 140 +-- mistral/workflow/with_items.py | 41 +- .../services/v2/mistral_client.py | 164 +++ .../actions/v2/test_multi_vim_authentication.py | 67 ++ .../engine/actions/v2/test_openstack_actions.py | 2 +- .../scenario/engine/actions/v2/test_ssh_actions.py | 16 +- .../alternative-rpc-layer-21ca7f6171c8f628.yaml | 6 + .../keycloak-auth-support-74131b49e2071762.yaml | 4 + .../magnum-actions-support-b131fa942b937fa5.yaml | 7 + .../mistral-api-server-https-716a6d741893dd23.yaml | 3 + ...l-customize-authorization-d6b9a965f3056f09.yaml | 3 + .../mistral-murano-actions-2250f745aaf8536a.yaml | 3 + .../tacket-actions-support-2b4cee2644313cb3.yaml | 3 + .../notes/transition-message-8dc4dd99240bd0f7.yaml | 5 + ...e-ad-hoc-action-api-added-6d7eaaedbe8129a7.yaml | 3 + ...e-YaqlEvaluationException-e22afff26a193c4f.yaml | 3 + releasenotes/source/index.rst | 3 +- releasenotes/source/mitaka.rst | 6 + requirements.txt | 61 +- setup.cfg | 21 + test-requirements.txt | 9 +- tools/config/config-generator.mistral.conf | 4 +- tools/docker/DOCKER_README.rst | 60 + tools/docker/Dockerfile | 22 + tools/docker/Dockerfile_script.sh | 47 + tools/docker/build.sh | 9 + tools/docker/start_mistral_rabbit_mysql.sh | 39 + tools/get_action_list.py | 41 +- tools/sync_db.py | 9 + tools/tox_install.sh | 56 + tox.ini | 9 +- 270 files changed, 21382 insertions(+), 7290 deletions(-) Requirements updates -------------------- diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt index e97203b..3a9683e 100644 --- a/requirements.txt +++ b/requirements.txt @@ -5,2 +5,2 @@ -alembic>=0.8.0 # MIT -Babel>=1.3 # BSD +alembic>=0.8.4 # MIT +Babel>=2.3.4 # BSD @@ -7,0 +8 @@ croniter>=0.3.4 # MIT License +cachetools>=1.1.0 # MIT License @@ -10,2 +11,2 @@ jsonschema!=2.5.0,<3.0.0,>=2.0.0 # MIT -keystonemiddleware!=4.1.0,>=4.0.0 # Apache-2.0 -mock>=1.2 # BSD +keystonemiddleware!=4.1.0,!=4.5.0,>=4.0.0 # Apache-2.0 +mock>=2.0 # BSD @@ -13,4 +14,4 @@ networkx>=1.10 # BSD -oslo.concurrency>=3.5.0 # Apache-2.0 -oslo.config>=3.7.0 # Apache-2.0 -oslo.db>=4.1.0 # Apache-2.0 -oslo.messaging>=4.0.0 # Apache-2.0 +oslo.concurrency>=3.8.0 # Apache-2.0 +oslo.config>=3.14.0 # Apache-2.0 +oslo.db!=4.13.1,!=4.13.2,>=4.10.0 # Apache-2.0 +oslo.messaging>=5.2.0 # Apache-2.0 @@ -18 +19,2 @@ oslo.middleware>=3.0.0 # Apache-2.0 -oslo.utils>=3.5.0 # Apache-2.0 +oslo.policy>=1.9.0 # Apache-2.0 +oslo.utils>=3.16.0 # Apache-2.0 @@ -21,2 +23,3 @@ oslo.serialization>=1.10.0 # Apache-2.0 -oslo.service>=1.0.0 # Apache-2.0 -paramiko>=1.16.0 # LGPL +oslo.service>=1.10.0 # Apache-2.0 +osprofiler>=1.4.0 # Apache-2.0 +paramiko>=2.0 # LGPLv2.1+ @@ -24,9 +27,12 @@ pbr>=1.6 # Apache-2.0 -pecan>=1.0.0 # BSD -python-barbicanclient>=3.3.0 # Apache-2.0 -python-ceilometerclient>=2.2.1 # Apache-2.0 -python-cinderclient>=1.3.1 # Apache-2.0 -python-glanceclient>=2.0.0 # Apache-2.0 -python-heatclient>=0.6.0 # Apache-2.0 -python-keystoneclient!=1.8.0,!=2.1.0,>=1.6.0 # Apache-2.0 -python-mistralclient>=1.0.0 # Apache-2.0 -python-neutronclient!=4.1.0,>=2.6.0 # Apache-2.0 +pecan!=1.0.2,!=1.0.3,!=1.0.4,>=1.0.0 # BSD +python-barbicanclient>=4.0.0 # Apache-2.0 +python-ceilometerclient>=2.5.0 # Apache-2.0 +python-cinderclient!=1.7.0,!=1.7.1,>=1.6.0 # Apache-2.0 +python-designateclient>=1.5.0 # Apache-2.0 +python-glanceclient!=2.4.0,>=2.3.0 # Apache-2.0 +python-heatclient>=1.4.0 # Apache-2.0 +python-keystoneclient!=2.1.0,>=2.0.0 # Apache-2.0 +python-mistralclient>=2.0.0 # Apache-2.0 +python-magnumclient>=2.0.0 # Apache-2.0 +python-muranoclient>=0.8.2 # Apache-2.0 +python-neutronclient>=5.1.0 # Apache-2.0 @@ -35,4 +41,5 @@ python-swiftclient>=2.2.0 # Apache-2.0 -python-troveclient!=2.1.0,>=1.2.0 # Apache-2.0 -python-ironicclient>=1.1.0 # Apache-2.0 -python-ironic-inspector-client>=1.3.0 # Apache-2.0 -python-zaqarclient>=0.3.0 # Apache-2.0 +python-tackerclient>=0.6.0 # Apache-2.0 +python-troveclient>=2.2.0 # Apache-2.0 +python-ironicclient>=1.6.0 # Apache-2.0 +python-ironic-inspector-client>=1.5.0 # Apache-2.0 +python-zaqarclient>=1.0.0 # Apache-2.0 @@ -40 +47 @@ PyYAML>=3.1.0 # MIT -requests!=2.9.0,>=2.8.1 # Apache-2.0 +requests>=2.10.0 # Apache-2.0 @@ -41,0 +49 @@ retrying!=1.3.0,>=1.2.3 # Apache-2.0 +setuptools!=24.0.0,>=16.0 # PSF/ZPL @@ -44 +52 @@ SQLAlchemy<1.1.0,>=1.0.10 # MIT -stevedore>=1.5.0 # Apache-2.0 +stevedore>=1.16.0 # Apache-2.0 @@ -47,0 +56 @@ tooz>=1.28.0 # Apache-2.0 +zake>=0.1.6 # Apache-2.0 diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt index 7b63966..0671158 100644 --- a/test-requirements.txt +++ b/test-requirements.txt @@ -5 +5 @@ coverage>=3.6 # Apache-2.0 -fixtures>=1.3.1 # Apache-2.0/BSD +fixtures>=3.0.0 # Apache-2.0/BSD @@ -11,2 +11,3 @@ pyflakes==0.8.1 # MIT -pylint==1.4.5 # GNU GPL v2 -sphinx!=1.2.0,!=1.3b1,<1.3,>=1.1.2 # BSD +pylint==1.4.5 # GPLv2 +requests-mock>=1.0 # Apache-2.0 +sphinx!=1.3b1,<1.3,>=1.2.1 # BSD @@ -18 +19 @@ unittest2 # BSD -reno>=0.1.1 # Apache2 +reno>=1.8.0 # Apache2