The Hong Kong Summit: Why I’m Excited

We asked our community why they’re looking forward to the OpenStack Summit in Hong Kong next week. We received a number of colorful responses and we’re sharing some of the best here. Have something to add?  Let us know why you’re excited for the Summit in the comments!

Reviewing how Blueprints are handled

OpenStack Compute Tech Lead Russell Bryant has triggered an important discussion on the OpenStack Development mailing list about the process to review blueprints. The Blueprints wiki page currently assigns to Project Tech Leads the task of assigning priority to the blueprints and Russell is suggesting that a wider group of people in the community shares such responsibility. Join the discussion on the development mailing list and in Hong Kong.

OpenStack “Core” and Interoperability

Have you been following the “what is core?” conversation since the “Incubation Update” committee completed its work some time ago? This discussion is going to be the big ticket item during next week’s board meeting. Mark McLoughlin shares his thoughts and a discussion derived from it on the OpenStack Foundation mailing list.

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Other News

Welcome New Reviewers and Developers

Is your affiliation correct? Check your profile in the OpenStack Foundation Members Database!

Chandankumar, None Lana, Rackspace
Vinod Mangalpally, Rackspace Vladimir Vechkanov, Mirantis
Tim Freund, Missing email in profile Neo, None
Telles Mota Vidal Nóbrega, Distributed System Laboratory – LSD/UFCG Maxime Vidori, Enovace
Christian Strack, None Kai Zhang, Cisco
Hoisaleshwara Madan V S, Missing email in profile Ekaterina Fedorova, Mirantis
Daniel Korn, Missing email in profile Sushil Kumar, Globallogic
ChenZheng, IBM Olga Kopylova, None
Vipin Balachandran, VMware Krishna Raman, Multiple profile profile
Renat Akhmerov, Mirantis Diane Mueller, ActiveState Software
Adrian Otto, Rackspace Clayton Coleman, Red Hat
Sridhar S, None Blair Zajac, ?
Matthew Mosesohn, Multiple profile and profile Vipin Balachandran, VMware
Dzmitry Horbach, None Lars Butler, Rackspace
Brian DeHamer, HP Chandankumar, None
nikhil komawar, Rackspace Anastasia Karpinska, None
Joe Cruz, Rackspace
Terry Howe, HP
Phillipa Avery, Self
Michael Prokop, ?

Security Advisories

Latest Activity In Projects

Do you want to see at a glance the bugs filed and solved this week? Latest patches submitted for review? Check out the individual project pages on OpenStack Activity Board – Insights.

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