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- 3 participants
- 148 discussions
We are pumped to announce the release of:
magnum 3.0.0: Container Management project for OpenStack
This release is part of the newton release series.
With source available at:
Please report issues through launchpad:
For more details, please see below.
New Features
* Add docker-storage-driver parameter to baymodel to allow user
select from the supported drivers. Until now, only devicemapper was
supported. This release adds support for OverlayFS on Fedora Atomic
hosts with kernel version >= 3.18 (Fedora 22 or higher) resulting
significant performance improvement. To use OverlayFS, SELinux must
be enabled and in enforcing mode on the physical machine, but must
be disabled in the container. Thus, if you select overlay for
docker-storage-driver SELinux will be disable inside the containers.
* Current implementation of magnum bay operations are synchronous
and as a result API requests are blocked until response from HEAT
service is received. This release adds support for asynchronous bay
operations (bay-create, bay-update, and bay-delete). Please note
that with this change, bay-create, bay-update API calls will return
bay uuid instead of bay object and also return HTTP status code 202
instead of 201. Microversion 1.2 is added for new behavior.
* Add Microversion 1.3 to support Magnum bay rollback, user can
enable rollback on bay update failure by setting 'OpenStack-API-
Version' to 'container-infra 1.3' in request header and passing
'rollback=True' param in bay update request.
Upgrade Notes
* Magnum bay operations API default behavior changed from
synchronous to asynchronous. User can specify OpenStack-API-Version
1.1 in request header for synchronous bay operations.
* Magnum default service type changed from "container" to
"container- infra". It is recommended to update the service type at
Keystone service catalog accordingly.
Changes in magnum 2.0.0..3.0.0
50bc376 Include version info in bay/cluster show operation
23b2610 Fix bay status: after bay-delete status is not DELETE_IN_PROGRESS
5c5bc5f Fix incorrect reference to bay-template-example.html
272903f Revert "Update mesos slave to mesos agent"
77c4f50 Updated from global requirements
cdd14f2 Init api-ref structure and requirements
4d545d6 Compare test coverage with the master branch
08dc69e Removed not required style.css file
433eeb8 To use cinder with rexray downgrade to version: 0.3.3
584380f Rename Bay to Cluster in docs
8aed31a Add cluster to cert commands
06d5bb5 Add history for API versions supported by magnum
b4b3226 Make templates env path be const variable
2cc25ab Allow k8s cluster without Floating IP
4a35781 Bay to Cluster api cleanup
3ee2965 Openvswitch image build
d82d8b2 Get mandatory patch attrs from WSME properties
52224c5 Simplify test_create_list_sign_delete_clusters() tempest test
52328aa Updated from global requirements
802f137 Revert "Use symlinks for common template files"
c520085 Add Mesos labels and summary for labels
eaddb94 Rename Bay to Cluster in api
f9e8c70 Updates k8s example rc to use correct label
f984638 Use upper constraints for all jobs in tox.ini
26370a2 Add floating_ip_enabled field to baymodel
9d6045c Increase in UT coverage
017ac4a Fix tempest.conf generation
6cb748d Align k8s CoreOS with atomic: add proxy config
0e175f3 Update to User Guide
63b5c21 Rollback bay on update failure
52f3092 Set bay status: DELETE_IN_PROGRESS before updated by poll
fb0057c Add i18n translation for Log messages
e2d320d Increase test coverage
c827039 Fix an issue on kube-proxy in CoreOS bay
d81b2df Fix the CoreOS fragment write-kubeconfig.yaml
883ce8e Correct the get_file patch in CoreOS template
9fe81ba Increased UT of magnum/api/
ca1f9e6 Updated from global requirements
8486667 Add test for update baymodel public
81771f6 Improve unit test coverage for cmd/
1f18d9e Improve unit test coverage for cmd/
c0604fb Improve unit test coverage for common/
28d8eca Change stacks:global_index heat policy to context_is_admin
bf30b9b Support for async bay operations
1dff798 Fix indentation and if expressions in make-cert
62a4676 Use memory mode for sqlite in db test
4e14a3d Functional: validate OpenStack resources
748cf13 Use symlinks for common template files
e6a29fb Remove ReplicationController object
b5d05fc Add openSUSE driver support to Magnum
1f1a4c8 Increased test coverage
3fa4179 Remove Invalid for k8s
fddf1a3 Makes config file generation reproducible
83e0d8d Add functional test for k8s ironic
08531c1 Fix ironic template
d5616dc Re: Remove dependency of metadata service
4b87c57 Support HA for k8s coreos bay
7a12d94 Pass missing variables to heat-params
1095699 Updated from global requirements
8cd71a6 Use kubelet-wrapper provided by CoreOS
83d1546 Remove kube-user.yaml
7963f20 Fix copying logs from nodes
e76ca36 Fix for enum type docker_storage_driver
cb1d8f5 Updated from global requirements
e6a71b9 Add microversioning support for methods
db03470 Correct hyperlink syntax in userguide
42ef3dc Restricted Magnum service state to 'up' and 'down'
bfaea6c Add support for master elected component
b658392 Drop - it's not needed by pbr
e4a8242 API: restrict length of bay's name to 242
1c28c93 Updated from global requirements
40aa655 Remove container object
797f942 Add TLS section to User Guide
2e54b73 Add functional test for public baymodel
28c8014 Add hacking rule for explicit import of _ function
960448c Add functional test for image/flavor validation
b3de592 Create a base class for tempest tests
5239869 Add Bay section to User Guide
0f3ebe9 Remove unnecessary code
4eca907 Consolidate heat fragments
828aff6 Fix some simple mistake
c898296 Bay name must start with alphabets only
f081cf1 k8s_coreos_driver: cleanup file naming
f895b2b Fix global stack list in periodic task
cff9ef5 De-duplicate the decouple-LBaaS-related files
8495098 Corrected import module in gmr.rst
c07a1f6 k8s: Remove unused volume mount for kube-proxy
5c2fc0b Added hacking check to ensure LOG.warn is not used
ee201a9 Fix typo in baymodel param
966e6d9 Move common/fragments into templates directory
7a5cd24 Pass private ip address to scale manager
921e3f8 Updated from global requirements
fb8425e fix bug for
4427374 Fix the permission of these files -rwxr-xr-x
3b3d337 Add Mesos section to User Guide
9c093da Set swarm api_address protocol to tcp on all cases.
f33ca29 Correction in heat template description
635e79e Add check on docker_volume_size
2f1a1f6 [install] Add debian and ubunutu IGs
f645514 [install] Refactor configuration in IG
cd6cbc2 Updated from global requirements
097ae91 Removed unwanted files
514dc58 add hacking for assertIsNotNone
5f55ef6 Fix wrong COE name in template
48db85c modify test_assert_is_not_none
54ce2d2 Formatting userguide.
1b3ab81 Remove repeated WaitConditionHandle resource
15162ce Update mesos slave to mesos agent
a295500 Updated from global requirements
f3f0f9f Add i18n support for some ERROR message
ec729d6 Replace "" with ""
1726957 Fix for k8s bay creation stall
7df7439 Allow swarm cluster without LBaaS
a76097e Fix bug for
3214c6e Support the OpenStack-API-Version header
830db91 Updated from global requirements
f71968f Allow mesos cluster without LBaaS
6789c71 Replace assertEqual(None, *) with assertIsNone in tests
b16b4b6 Correction in script
3ca2eb3 Fix OS::stack_id is set as stack id instead of private ip
9dd1018 Remove unused LOG to keep code clean
fec5622 Nit documentation formatting
0a56f55 Add Python 3.5 classifier and venv
21a3b21 Update default version of heat template
894f03b Correct the rest of the reraising of exception
f09f314 k8s coreos bay driver
a5ae8b3 Bay driver: k8s Fedora Atomic
dca691d Add "WAIT_CURL" parameter to the template of swarm
40e341d tempest: Allow the old-style name project name
b04659c Nit document formatted
deb10d3 Updates microversion root and error messages
833392e Remove dependency of metadata service
d6e8753 Add description to the output_key of stack.
85a2fdd Correct reraising of exception
c93df2a Move common bay drivers fragments in common dir
1e82948 tempest: Don't hardcode external network id
f9c662e Fix string declaration in
c73a44a Misspelled text corresponding to method 'get_template_definition' is commited
20029b6 Change the type of flannel_network_subnetlen to 'number'
3ac8704 Delete unused discovery_url for swarm
2ea72d7 Allow k8s cluster without LBaaS
242cbe0 Mesos-Ubuntu bay driver implementation
4080d4a Bay driver implementation
2f2971b Move Initialization of variables inside if/else
ae0b77a Improve validation for the external network parameter
16d8842 Add a explanatory text when flavor is None
f515007 Bay_create_timeout should be set to 60 default
15841b2 Fix typos for Magnum
4ce7177 Fixed typo for Availability
316089d Fix typos in resource-quotas.rst
1f1aa5a Add Bay Drivers section in user guide
4c2b1cc Updated from global requirements
899fbdd Change service name from "magnum" to "container-infra"
e31ef64 Delete certs when deleting bay
62c75e5 Add fixed_subnet field to baymodel
91d8aa4 Improve unit test coverage
253f0ce Validate discovery url when create a bay
f1c33e5 Fix typo in create-trustee-user-for-each-bay.rst
47502d3 Fix typo in async-container-operation.rst
c18019e Add Baymodel section to User Guide
b6df29c [install] Add obs install-guide
3e43fbd Fix file permission in dib elements
6d10dbf Add master_lb_enabled field to baymodel
db61da3 Allow Bay templates to include Heat environments
8a5acbd Pass some common cert related arguments to clients
cfc92b2 Fix DIB dependencies for >= Fedora 22
3d611db Fix docker storage drivers configuration
d3ab838 Updated from global requirements
bd0b3ec Delete unused cert_group variable
b456cf7 Modify mesos template to support removal policy
5f193f2 Add x509keypair_cert_manager to store certs in DB
936dd11 [install] Add install guide from template for rdo
e9956d4 Add Swarm section to User Guide
51b1f30 Remove K8sResourceBase
ca85bd9 Updated from global requirements
2981bce Make 'signing csr' accept Unicode CA Private key
b7971db Updated from global requirements
91ff3ef Modify the manual-devstack document for copying api-paste.ini
a43616a Wrong parameter in InvalidName exception message
dae88dd Auto generate Bay/BayModel name
d4fa259 Use kojipkgs for diskimage-builder
eb2110a Moving feroda atomic image to the bay driver folder.
3c93163 Fix typo in open-dcos.rst file
aad2fe3 Load heat-params before setting nounset
c30cb97 Updated from global requirements
ce04aa6 Remove unused POT files
1527445 Add Kubernetes section to User Guide
3961e3c Gate: fix the credential object type error
df9a4ab Change here doc limit strings to fix EOF in EOF.
b4ab661 Fix cli usage to get ca.crt and client.crt
c01420e Set 'nested_depth=2' when calling heat.resources.list
942be36 Updated from global requirements
f9bdc4e Run the unit tests to test magnum objects
a482ce8 First check whether output_value is None
275d6f5 Duplicated parameter definition in template
678f74c Put fault info of bay resources into bay-show outputs
af07380 Delete duplicate statement
1d74849 Support trustee_domain_name in config file
820603b Fix get_coe_valodator() clear unused Validator
d4747fe Fix indentation in install-guide
905757f Updated from global requirements
7c239bf [install] Add install guide from source
2b3c4a0 Update microversion header to include service type magnum
c3491ad Fix string format in cmd/conductor
3e02840 Remove service object
034aaf4 Spec for Open DC/OS and Magnum Integration.
dec85b5 Add docker-storage-driver attribute to baymodel
ed392bd Update swarm templates to use Heat resources
12da197 Fix Kubernetes-related deprecation in quickstart
6e39cbb Update for Swarm Bay quickstart docs
88bbe8a Add Bay Drivers specification
d9428fe Updated from global requirements
303d14d X509keypair cleanup
88124be Delete unused _admin_client variable
41b9ae6 Updated from global requirements
9641afd Support using insecure registry for k8s COE
96c0286 Fix an EndpointNotFound error
c1e5444 Updated from global requirements
c06b4f4 Use fixtures.TempDir in unit tests
d20e5ef Remove pod object
d8a3e64 Remove redundant utils code
0b2fefa devstack: fix magnum service name in is_magnum_enabled
8d09bd6 Fix spelling error on get_docker_quantity method
586b249 Use oslo_utils.is_int_like support
45ed383 Use oslo_utils.uuidutils support
490ddee Remove redundant exceptions code
c68e6c3 Add accidentally deleted
0d0cbb0 Gate: fix tempest config error
754233c Update Magnum service name and description
493c3f2 Updated from global requirements
b6a98b0 Document usage of notifications
7b1e0ec Add insecure_registry column to baymoddel
82f477b Remove k8s APIs pod, rcs, svc and container API
c7b0a8c Register k8s node but make it unschedulable
3bd8d5e Add mesos_slave_executor_env_variables validate
0fc8f43 Fix the swarm test for gate
e136f36 Add Storage section in user guide
d37a9be Updated from global requirements
4c62436 Emit notifications when bay operations get executed
2534a15 Fix two issues on k8s bay
158b339 Update Image section in user guide
e5b320d Added "Choosing a COE" to user guide
6e082e9 Move k8s specific terms to k8s section
e280b03 Code refactoring in conductor/
f0a3487 Honor insecure and cafile options in a trustee session
98c84cd Updated from global requirements
4b643ba Fix the quickstart guide for using kubectl
a96216b Updated from global requirements
69971ce Correct attribute name in TestListBayModel
33464e6 Update documentation to use native APIs
6e5d28b Updated from global requirements
c348154 Cleanup in Mesos template
e9ced7f Add troubleshooting steps for trustee creation
66cbd8c Always expand Baymodel fields
f921112 Correct parameter order for assertEqual() method
f23be29 Add mesos_slave_image_providers validate
958d1e5 Corrected spelling mistake in quickstart.rst
4ffe3c9 Revert "Remove KUBE_API_PUBLIC_ADDRESS"
9f40bef Updated from global requirements
bb05385 Enable TLS support for k8s CoreOS
89db1b6 Use the latest atomic image name
fd0974e Start using fedora atomic images that live in our mirrors
f7f78f6 Add mesos_slave_isolation validate
c52e5be Add tox test for k8s coreos bay
df977f9 Updated from global requirements
9ff8e23 Fix parameter mismatch in CoreOS templates
d126338 Copy logs if test failed and bay nodes existed
08b6018 Update docs to use the latest image link
d560cbd Replace tempest-lib with tempest.lib
7d8d090 Add docker registry support for swarm
a8da56e Updated from global requirements
1a77e5a [Trivial] Remove executable privilege of doc/source/
e4258cb Updated from global requirements
114c18a Functional: Add prefix when copy logs on failure
99f646a Update outdated doc index file
0a7cde5 Cleanup some validation functions
08d41a2 Healthcheck Middleware
7ed343c Add script to validate fedora atomic images
e232c7f Heat params are different in swarm master and swarm node
9c5199b Grab heat-params for debugging
309095c Updated from global requirements
84e724e Enable Mesos Bay export more slave flags
dffbabc Log copy for failed functional tests cannot be disabled
3fe3e46 devstack: Use magnum-api and magnum-cond for services
2b667eb Fix container-create memory not passed
39f7a4b Imported Translations from Zanata
816caea Fix specs reference rst format
5364356 Remove constraints envs from tox.ini
e3fef84 Fix post jobs
42e3657 Imported Translations from Zanata
a665065 Use k8sclient library
f575ef7 Gate: Remove neutron-lbaas devstack plugin
9712370 Functional tests should support DNS nameserver config
e57511f Fix bashisms in k8s conf minion template fragment.
40b11d2 Fix bashisms in k8s os config template fragment.
71c97b9 Docs: switch to neutron-lbaas plugin
11b8800 Move project-configs to gate hook
342d188 Updated from global requirements
353d631 Fix bashisms found in swarm template fragments.
d2676a2 Config docker registry in devstack
970c9a2 Add support for docker registry
a10af07 Updated from global requirements
6a7abf4 Fix the rst url format
785eb98 Add subjectAltName back to CSR config
5be7634 Fix bashisms found in shell scripts.
b20d411 Fix uuid cases with real UUID
7453c46 replace wsexpose by magnum.api.expose.expose
68eb8b2 Add script to install image build dependencies
924e94d Fix doc for certificate
779c4b0 Format template
639dcbe update doc for ca-show and ca-sign
8972b0c Notify Heat only if kube-apiserver is running
b3e5ce0 Update Kube version for latest image
b8324f0 Fix two issues that broke the gate
cb918fc Updated from global requirements
d688b94 Doc: fix flannel etcd key
7254915 Fix wrong parameter while creating bay
3fe5849 Use fedorapeople for getting fedora image
68b51d2 Fix an incorrect key path on copying logs
e79d4a1 Bay can not be deleted by other users in the same project
5ecf71a Use trust for tls cert generation in swarm
11307f6 Add cpu util to K8sMonitor
c1b63cd Add reno to Magnum
58f08be Updated from global requirements
dbcfe35 Magnum's tox test should respect upper-constraints
32f917c Switch to Atomic 23
a87603b Revert "Gate: fix AttributeError: load_pem_x509_csr"
2e68464 Update Using Container Volume Integration Feature doc
bc56f28 Add Container Volume Model into Kubernetes Heat Templates
196eae1 Add cpu util to MesosMonitor
e2def6f Generate fedora-atomic images using dib
ce55b76 Fix config error
eada966 Fix typos in Magnum files
97a939f Cleanup duplicated auth_url in k8scluster/master template
df1bf7e Remove the "Patch" function
e8d5378 Use trust for tls generation
a329d35 Fix usage of registering magnum endpoint
28e9b69 Fix bashisms in enable-kube scripts
7f145e7 Refactor Keystone client with keystoneauth
f2c5ea2 Remove unnecessary blank at command line usage
8a009dc cleanup usage of LOG.debug in magnum
4205f39 Add hacking check to ensure not use xrange()
c82da08 Allow update baymodel's public field even if referenced
6b72bf8 Cleanup container client api rewrite function
f3a56f9 Release certs/trust when creating bay is failed
3bd7492 Allow show public baymodel
b0ce382 Use bay to init K8sAPI instead of bay_uuid
2471fa6 Allow to parameterize image name in tests
392a84a Make kubernetes image version united into a variable
a75b5fb Gate: fix AttributeError: load_pem_x509_csr
ce18394 Raise OperationInProgres(400) when deleting bay conflict
14909f0 Add flannel's host-gw backend option
d207488 Add the container volume integration document
22b4be7 The type of node_count is number
b819dcf Refactor bay_conductor to split trust methods
a0b1a15 Spec for asynchronous container operations
08ac9a6 Remove minion dependency on master
Diffstat (except docs and test files)
.coveragerc | 3 +
.gitignore | 4 +
.testr.conf | 2 +-
HACKING.rst | 5 + | 9 -
api-ref/source/ | 0
api-ref/source/ | 0
api-ref/source/ | 0
api-ref/source/ | 247 +
api-ref/source/index.rst | 14 +
api-ref/source/ | 0
api-ref/source/status.yaml | 62 +
api-ref/source/ | 31 +
api-ref/source/ | 0
contrib/drivers/k8s_opensuse_v1/ | 19 +
contrib/drivers/k8s_opensuse_v1/ | 0
contrib/drivers/k8s_opensuse_v1/ | 36 +
contrib/drivers/k8s_opensuse_v1/ | 150 +
contrib/drivers/k8s_opensuse_v1/templates/COPYING | 202 +
.../drivers/k8s_opensuse_v1/templates/ | 143 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 58 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 21 +
.../fragments/ | 74 +
.../fragments/ | 25 +
.../fragments/ | 55 +
.../fragments/ | 50 +
.../fragments/create-kubernetes-user.yaml | 9 +
.../fragments/write-heat-params-master.yaml | 25 +
.../templates/fragments/write-heat-params.yaml | 32 +
.../k8s_opensuse_v1/templates/kubecluster.yaml | 513 +
.../k8s_opensuse_v1/templates/kubemaster.yaml | 280 +
.../k8s_opensuse_v1/templates/kubeminion.yaml | 313 +
contrib/drivers/k8s_opensuse_v1/ | 16 +
contrib/templates/example/README.rst | 8 +-
.../templates/example/example_template/ | 4 +-
.../example/example_template/example.yaml | 4 +- | 71 +
devstack/README.rst | 5 +-
devstack/lib/magnum | 89 +-
devstack/ | 9 +-
devstack/settings | 4 +-
.../etc/systemd/system/magnum-conductor.service | 15 +
etc/magnum/api-paste.ini | 7 +-
etc/magnum/policy.json | 34 +-
functional_creds.conf.sample | 2 +-
.../source/common/configure_2_edit_magnum_conf.rst | 104 +
.../common/configure_3_populate_database.rst | 5 +
install-guide/source/common/prerequisites.rst | 188 +
install-guide/source/ | 300 +
install-guide/source/get_started.rst | 20 +
install-guide/source/index.rst | 23 +
install-guide/source/install-debian-manual.rst | 32 +
install-guide/source/install-obs.rst | 36 +
install-guide/source/install-rdo.rst | 45 +
install-guide/source/install-ubuntu.rst | 32 +
install-guide/source/install.rst | 44 +
install-guide/source/next-steps.rst | 9 +
install-guide/source/verify.rst | 33 +
magnum/ | 1 -
magnum/api/ | 6 +-
magnum/api/ | 138 +-
magnum/api/controllers/ | 216 +-
magnum/api/controllers/ | 2 +-
magnum/api/controllers/ | 25 +-
magnum/api/controllers/v1/ | 126 +-
magnum/api/controllers/v1/ | 81 -
magnum/api/controllers/v1/ | 194 +-
magnum/api/controllers/v1/ | 102 +-
magnum/api/controllers/v1/ | 81 +-
magnum/api/controllers/v1/ | 497 +
magnum/api/controllers/v1/ | 433 +
magnum/api/controllers/v1/ | 457 -
magnum/api/controllers/v1/ | 8 +-
magnum/api/controllers/v1/ | 308 -
magnum/api/controllers/v1/ | 341 -
magnum/api/controllers/v1/ | 316 -
magnum/api/controllers/v1/ | 41 +-
magnum/api/controllers/v1/ | 264 -
magnum/api/controllers/ | 149 +
magnum/api/ | 70 +
magnum/api/middleware/ | 68 +-
magnum/api/rest_api_version_history.rst | 46 +
magnum/api/ | 31 +-
magnum/api/ | 43 +-
magnum/api/ | 35 +
magnum/cmd/ | 16 -
magnum/cmd/ | 2 +-
.../common/cert_manager/ | 29 +-
.../cert_manager/ | 100 +
magnum/common/ | 72 +-
magnum/common/ | 31 +-
magnum/common/ | 28 -
magnum/common/ | 240 +-
magnum/common/ | 262 +-
magnum/common/ | 37 +
magnum/common/ | 3 -
magnum/common/pythonk8sclient/README.rst | 52 -
magnum/common/pythonk8sclient/ | 0
.../pythonk8sclient/swagger_client/ | 121 -
.../pythonk8sclient/swagger_client/ | 562 -
.../swagger_client/apis/ | 4 -
.../swagger_client/apis/ | 16248 -------------------
.../swagger_client/ | 169 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 111 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 76 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 124 -
.../ | 174 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 174 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 124 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 76 -
.../models/ | 174 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 174 -
.../models/ | 174 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 449 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 199 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 149 -
.../models/ | 99 -
.../models/ | 249 -
.../models/ | 99 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 274 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 149 -
.../models/ | 99 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 124 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 149 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 124 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 174 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 174 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 149 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 99 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 324 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 174 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 124 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 99 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 76 -
.../models/ | 174 -
.../models/ | 124 -
.../models/ | 149 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 149 -
.../models/ | 99 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 174 -
.../models/ | 199 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 124 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 174 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 174 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 174 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 99 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 124 -
.../models/ | 124 -
.../models/ | 99 -
.../models/ | 99 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 199 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 174 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 99 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 99 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 149 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 199 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 124 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 224 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 174 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 174 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 199 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 274 -
.../models/ | 124 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 349 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 249 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 199 -
.../models/ | 76 -
.../models/ | 199 -
.../models/ | 174 -
.../models/ | 149 -
.../models/ | 149 -
.../ | 124 -
.../models/ | 174 -
.../models/ | 349 -
.../models/ | 149 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 199 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 124 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 174 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 374 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 274 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 174 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 174 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 124 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 199 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 274 -
.../models/ | 199 -
.../models/ | 174 -
.../models/ | 149 -
.../models/ | 124 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 199 -
.../models/ | 174 -
.../models/ | 99 -
.../models/ | 124 -
.../models/ | 124 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 174 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 199 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 174 -
.../models/ | 99 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 174 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 199 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 199 -
.../models/ | 174 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 174 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 199 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 224 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 99 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 274 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 149 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 174 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 99 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 374 -
.../swagger_client/models/ | 149 -
.../common/pythonk8sclient/swagger_client/ | 283 -
magnum/common/pythonk8sclient/templates/v1.json | 12683 ---------------
magnum/common/ | 10 +-
magnum/common/ | 7 +
magnum/common/ | 4 +-
magnum/common/ | 6 +-
magnum/common/ | 405 +-
magnum/common/x509/ | 26 +-
magnum/common/ | 13 +-
magnum/conductor/ | 109 +-
magnum/conductor/handlers/ | 167 +-
magnum/conductor/handlers/ | 5 +-
magnum/conductor/handlers/common/ | 61 +-
magnum/conductor/handlers/common/ | 54 +
magnum/conductor/handlers/ | 211 -
magnum/conductor/handlers/ | 479 -
magnum/conductor/handlers/ | 42 -
magnum/conductor/ | 40 +-
magnum/conductor/ | 72 +-
magnum/conductor/ | 16 +-
magnum/conductor/ | 4 +-
magnum/conductor/ | 2 +-
magnum/conductor/ | 674 -
magnum/conductor/ | 74 +-
magnum/db/ | 362 +-
.../versions/ | 28 +
.../versions/ | 28 + | 30 +
.../ | 28 + | 36 + | 32 +
.../ | 39 + | 30 + | 30 +
.../alembic/versions/ | 28 +
.../ | 34 +
magnum/db/sqlalchemy/ | 502 +-
magnum/db/sqlalchemy/ | 105 +-
magnum/drivers/ | 0
magnum/drivers/common/ | 0
.../drivers/common/image/fedora-atomic/README.rst | 67 +
.../common/image/fedora-atomic/element-deps | 4 +
.../fedora-atomic/environment.d/50-fedora-atomic | 2 +
.../fedora-atomic/finalise.d/80-fedora-atomic | 68 +
.../image/fedora-atomic/ | 21 +
.../image/fedora-atomic/package-installs.yaml | 2 +
.../image/fedora-atomic/ | 29 +
magnum/drivers/common/ | 445 +
.../environments/disable_floating_ip.yaml | 13 +
.../templates/environments/enable_floating_ip.yaml | 10 +
.../templates/environments/no_master_lb.yaml | 12 +
.../templates/environments/with_master_lb.yaml | 12 +
.../fragments/api_gateway_switcher_master.yaml | 32 +
.../fragments/api_gateway_switcher_pool.yaml | 32 +
.../fragments/ | 45 +
.../ | 38 +
.../floating_ip_address_switcher_private.yaml | 21 +
.../floating_ip_address_switcher_public.yaml | 21 +
magnum/drivers/k8s_coreos_v1/ | 0
magnum/drivers/k8s_coreos_v1/ | 145 +
magnum/drivers/k8s_coreos_v1/templates/COPYING | 202 +
.../k8s_coreos_v1/templates/elements/ | 29 +
.../templates/elements/kubernetes/elements-deps | 1 +
.../elements/kubernetes/package-installs.yaml | 4 +
.../templates/fragments/add-proxy.yaml | 46 +
.../templates/fragments/configure-etcd.yaml | 46 +
.../templates/fragments/create-kube-namespace.yaml | 47 +
.../templates/fragments/enable-kube-apiserver.yaml | 92 +
.../fragments/enable-kube-controller-manager.yaml | 77 +
.../templates/fragments/enable-kube-podmaster.yaml | 77 +
.../fragments/enable-kube-proxy-master.yaml | 50 +
.../fragments/enable-kube-proxy-minion.yaml | 73 +
.../templates/fragments/enable-kube-scheduler.yaml | 51 +
.../templates/fragments/enable-kubelet-master.yaml | 47 +
.../templates/fragments/enable-kubelet-minion.yaml | 64 +
.../fragments/enable-network-service.yaml | 55 +
.../templates/fragments/make-cert-client.yaml | 130 +
.../templates/fragments/make-cert.yaml | 149 +
.../templates/fragments/wc-notify.yaml | 24 +
.../fragments/write-heat-params-master.yaml | 38 +
.../templates/fragments/write-heat-params.yaml | 43 +
.../templates/fragments/write-kubeconfig.yaml | 24 +
.../templates/fragments/write-network-config.yaml | 45 +
.../k8s_coreos_v1/templates/kubecluster.yaml | 427 +
.../k8s_coreos_v1/templates/kubemaster.yaml | 454 +
.../k8s_coreos_v1/templates/kubeminion.yaml | 310 +
magnum/drivers/k8s_coreos_v1/ | 17 +
magnum/drivers/k8s_fedora_atomic_v1/ | 0
.../image/ironic/kubernetes/ | 42 +
.../image/ironic/kubernetes/elements-deps | 1 +
.../image/ironic/kubernetes/package-installs.yaml | 4 +
.../drivers/k8s_fedora_atomic_v1/ | 274 +
.../drivers/k8s_fedora_atomic_v1/templates/COPYING | 202 +
.../templates/elements/ | 29 +
.../templates/elements/kubernetes/elements-deps | 1 +
.../elements/kubernetes/package-installs.yaml | 4 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 40 +
.../fragments/ | 44 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 25 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 30 +
.../fragments/ | 62 +
.../fragments/ | 90 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 8 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 12 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 5 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 152 +
.../fragments/ | 39 +
.../fragments/ | 56 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 11 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 17 +
.../templates/fragments/kube-examples.yaml | 117 +
.../fragments/ | 66 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 121 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 117 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 128 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 58 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 78 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 36 +
.../fragments/write-heat-params-master.yaml | 39 +
.../templates/fragments/write-heat-params.yaml | 44 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 24 +
.../templates/fragments/write-kubeconfig.yaml | 24 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 28 +
.../templates/kubecluster-fedora-ironic.yaml | 543 +
.../templates/kubecluster.yaml | 583 +
.../templates/kubemaster-fedora-ironic.yaml | 428 +
.../k8s_fedora_atomic_v1/templates/kubemaster.yaml | 464 +
.../templates/kubeminion-fedora-ironic.yaml | 404 +
.../k8s_fedora_atomic_v1/templates/kubeminion.yaml | 439 +
magnum/drivers/k8s_fedora_atomic_v1/ | 17 +
magnum/drivers/mesos_ubuntu_v1/COPYING | 202 +
magnum/drivers/mesos_ubuntu_v1/ | 4 +
magnum/drivers/mesos_ubuntu_v1/ | 0
magnum/drivers/mesos_ubuntu_v1/image/Dockerfile | 17 +
magnum/drivers/mesos_ubuntu_v1/image/ | 4 +
.../mesos_ubuntu_v1/image/docker/elements-deps | 1 +
.../image/docker/package-installs.yaml | 1 +
.../post-install.d/60-disable-docker-service | 4 +
.../image/docker/pre-install.d/10-add-docker-repo | 17 +
.../mesos_ubuntu_v1/image/mesos/elements-deps | 1 +
.../image/mesos/package-installs.yaml | 3 +
.../image/mesos/post-install.d/60-disable-upstart | 6 +
.../image/mesos/pre-install.d/10-apt-repo | 20 +
magnum/drivers/mesos_ubuntu_v1/ | 97 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 38 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 72 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 53 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 8 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 8 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 42 +
.../fragments/ | 11 +
.../templates/fragments/write-heat-params.yaml | 24 +
.../mesos_ubuntu_v1/templates/mesoscluster.yaml | 481 +
.../mesos_ubuntu_v1/templates/mesosmaster.yaml | 100 +
.../mesos_ubuntu_v1/templates/mesosslave.yaml | 275 +
magnum/drivers/mesos_ubuntu_v1/ | 17 +
magnum/drivers/swarm_fedora_atomic_v1/ | 0
.../image/openvswitch/Dockerfile | 18 +
.../image/openvswitch/README.rst | 68 +
.../image/openvswitch/ | 4 +
.../drivers/swarm_fedora_atomic_v1/ | 129 +
.../swarm_fedora_atomic_v1/templates/COPYING | 202 +
.../swarm_fedora_atomic_v1/templates/ | 107 +
.../swarm_fedora_atomic_v1/templates/cluster.yaml | 468 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 40 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 15 +
.../fragments/ | 38 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 20 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 4 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 12 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 11 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 184 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 65 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 84 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 4 +
.../fragments/write-bay-failure-service.yaml | 16 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 52 +
.../templates/fragments/write-docker-socket.yaml | 20 +
.../fragments/write-heat-params-master.yaml | 32 +
.../fragments/write-heat-params-node.yaml | 36 +
.../templates/fragments/ | 22 +
.../fragments/ | 59 +
.../fragments/ | 50 +
.../templates/swarmmaster.yaml | 438 +
.../templates/swarmnode.yaml | 388 +
magnum/drivers/swarm_fedora_atomic_v1/ | 17 +
magnum/hacking/ | 102 +
magnum/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/magnum.po | 43 +-
magnum/locale/magnum-log-error.pot | 135 -
magnum/locale/magnum-log-info.pot | 100 -
magnum/locale/magnum-log-warning.pot | 103 -
magnum/locale/magnum.pot | 770 -
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magnum/ | 9 +-
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magnum/templates/kubernetes/elements/ | 29 -
.../kubernetes/elements/kubernetes/elements-deps | 1 -
.../elements/kubernetes/package-installs.yaml | 4 -
magnum/templates/kubernetes/fragments/ | 40 -
.../fragments/ | 45 -
.../fragments/ | 30 -
.../fragments/configure-etcd-coreos.yaml | 46 -
.../kubernetes/fragments/ | 20 -
.../kubernetes/fragments/ | 43 -
.../fragments/ | 50 -
.../fragments/ | 45 -
.../fragments/create-kube-namespace-coreos.yaml | 47 -
.../kubernetes/fragments/ | 8 -
.../kubernetes/fragments/ | 12 -
.../templates/kubernetes/fragments/ | 5 -
.../fragments/enable-kube-apiserver-coreos.yaml | 84 -
.../enable-kube-controller-manager-coreos.yaml | 70 -
.../fragments/enable-kube-podmaster-coreos.yaml | 77 -
.../kubernetes/fragments/ | 141 -
.../fragments/enable-kube-proxy-master-coreos.yaml | 59 -
.../fragments/ | 41 -
.../fragments/enable-kube-proxy-minion-coreos.yaml | 67 -
.../fragments/ | 56 -
.../fragments/enable-kube-scheduler-coreos.yaml | 50 -
.../fragments/enable-kubelet-master-coreos.yaml | 46 -
.../fragments/enable-kubelet-minion-coreos.yaml | 50 -
.../fragments/enable-network-service-coreos.yaml | 55 -
.../kubernetes/fragments/ | 11 -
.../kubernetes/fragments/ | 17 -
.../kubernetes/fragments/kube-examples.yaml | 117 -
.../fragments/ | 65 -
.../kubernetes/fragments/ | 114 -
.../templates/kubernetes/fragments/kube-user.yaml | 9 -
.../kubernetes/fragments/ | 86 -
magnum/templates/kubernetes/fragments/ | 82 -
.../kubernetes/fragments/ | 58 -
.../kubernetes/fragments/ | 77 -
.../kubernetes/fragments/wc-notify-coreos.yaml | 24 -
.../fragments/write-heat-params-master.yaml | 32 -
.../kubernetes/fragments/write-heat-params.yaml | 33 -
.../kubernetes/fragments/ | 24 -
.../kubernetes/fragments/write-kubeconfig.yaml | 24 -
.../fragments/write-network-config-coreos.yaml | 50 -
.../kubernetes/fragments/ | 44 -
.../templates/kubernetes/kubecluster-coreos.yaml | 260 -
.../kubernetes/kubecluster-fedora-ironic.yaml | 205 -
magnum/templates/kubernetes/kubecluster.yaml | 548 -
magnum/templates/kubernetes/kubemaster-coreos.yaml | 336 -
.../kubernetes/kubemaster-fedora-ironic.yaml | 213 -
magnum/templates/kubernetes/kubemaster.yaml | 419 -
magnum/templates/kubernetes/kubeminion-coreos.yaml | 211 -
.../kubernetes/kubeminion-fedora-ironic.yaml | 174 -
magnum/templates/kubernetes/kubeminion.yaml | 397 -
magnum/templates/mesos/COPYING | 202 -
magnum/templates/mesos/Dockerfile | 17 -
magnum/templates/mesos/ | 4 -
magnum/templates/mesos/elements/ | 4 -
.../templates/mesos/elements/docker/elements-deps | 1 -
.../mesos/elements/docker/package-installs.yaml | 1 -
.../post-install.d/60-disable-docker-service | 4 -
.../docker/pre-install.d/10-add-docker-repo | 17 -
.../templates/mesos/elements/mesos/elements-deps | 1 -
.../mesos/elements/mesos/package-installs.yaml | 3 -
.../mesos/post-install.d/60-disable-upstart | 6 -
.../mesos/elements/mesos/pre-install.d/10-apt-repo | 20 -
magnum/templates/mesos/fragments/ | 38 -
.../mesos/fragments/ | 72 -
.../mesos/fragments/ | 32 -
.../mesos/fragments/ | 8 -
.../mesos/fragments/ | 8 -
magnum/templates/mesos/fragments/ | 39 -
.../mesos/fragments/ | 11 -
.../mesos/fragments/write-heat-params.yaml | 20 -
magnum/templates/mesos/mesoscluster.yaml | 420 -
magnum/templates/mesos/mesosmaster.yaml | 94 -
magnum/templates/mesos/mesosslave.yaml | 253 -
magnum/templates/swarm/COPYING | 202 -
magnum/templates/swarm/ | 107 -
magnum/templates/swarm/fragments/ | 40 -
magnum/templates/swarm/fragments/ | 15 -
.../swarm/fragments/ | 30 -
magnum/templates/swarm/fragments/ | 20 -
.../templates/swarm/fragments/ | 4 -
.../templates/swarm/fragments/ | 11 -
magnum/templates/swarm/fragments/ | 147 -
.../swarm/fragments/ | 65 -
.../templates/swarm/fragments/ | 84 -
.../templates/swarm/fragments/ | 4 -
.../swarm/fragments/write-bay-failure-service.yaml | 16 -
.../swarm/fragments/ | 52 -
.../swarm/fragments/write-docker-socket.yaml | 20 -
.../swarm/fragments/write-heat-params.yaml | 27 -
.../swarm/fragments/ | 37 -
.../swarm/fragments/ | 59 -
.../swarm/fragments/ | 50 -
magnum/templates/swarm/swarmcluster.yaml | 397 -
magnum/templates/swarm/swarmmaster.yaml | 398 -
magnum/templates/swarm/swarmnode.yaml | 312 -
.../functional/api/v1/clients/ | 176 +
.../api/v1/clients/ | 113 +
.../functional/api/v1/models/ | 24 +
.../functional/api/v1/models/ | 30 +
.../api/v1/models/ | 30 +
.../api/v1/models/ | 77 +
.../functional/api/v1/models/ | 76 +
.../functional/api/v1/ | 239 +
.../functional/k8s/ | 3 -
.../k8s_coreos/ | 22 +
.../k8s_ironic/ | 24 +
.../functional/swarm/ | 92 +-
.../unit/api/controllers/auth-root-access.ini | 7 +-
.../unit/api/controllers/v1/ | 82 +-
.../api/controllers/v1/ | 1087 ++
.../unit/api/controllers/v1/ | 756 -
.../controllers/v1/ | 636 -
.../unit/api/controllers/v1/ | 302 -
.../unit/common/cert_manager/ | 24 +-
.../cert_manager/ | 96 +
.../conductor/handlers/common/ | 38 +-
.../handlers/common/ | 123 +
.../unit/conductor/handlers/ | 405 +-
.../unit/conductor/handlers/ | 2 +-
.../conductor/handlers/ | 558 -
.../conductor/handlers/ | 271 +-
.../unit/conductor/handlers/ | 624 -
.../conductor/handlers/ | 150 +-
.../conductor/handlers/ | 256 +-
.../handlers/ | 43 -
.../unit/conductor/ | 589 -
.../unit/objects/ | 95 -
releasenotes/notes/.placeholder | 0
...torage-driver-to-baymodel-1ed9ba8d43ecfea1.yaml | 12 + | 16 +
.../change-service-name-ce5c72642fe1d3d1.yaml | 5 +
...ack-bay-on-update-failure-83e5ff8a7904d5c4.yaml | 7 +
releasenotes/source/_static/.placeholder | 0
releasenotes/source/_templates/.placeholder | 0
releasenotes/source/ | 262 +
releasenotes/source/index.rst | 21 +
releasenotes/source/unreleased.rst | 5 +
requirements.txt | 55 +-
setup.cfg | 12 +-
specs/async-container-operation.rst | 452 +
specs/bay-drivers.rst | 344 +
specs/container-networking-model.rst | 52 +-
specs/container-volume-integration-model.rst | 68 +-
specs/create-trustee-user-for-each-bay.rst | 2 +-
specs/open-dcos.rst | 177 +
specs/resource-quotas.rst | 18 +-
test-requirements.txt | 15 +-
tox.ini | 74 +-
677 files changed, 33077 insertions(+), 74492 deletions(-)
Requirements updates
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 2653251..bdb243b 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -8 +8 @@
-Babel>=1.3 # BSD
+Babel>=2.3.4 # BSD
@@ -14 +14 @@ WebOb>=1.2.3 # MIT
-alembic>=0.8.0 # MIT
+alembic>=0.8.4 # MIT
@@ -17 +17 @@ decorator>=3.4.0 # BSD
-docker-py>=1.6.0 # Apache-2.0
+docker-py<1.8.0,>=1.6.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -21 +21 @@ greenlet>=0.3.2 # MIT
-iso8601>=0.1.9 # MIT
+iso8601>=0.1.11 # MIT
@@ -23 +23,2 @@ jsonpatch>=1.1 # BSD
-keystonemiddleware!=4.1.0,>=4.0.0 # Apache-2.0
+keystoneauth1>=2.10.0 # Apache-2.0
+keystonemiddleware!=4.1.0,!=4.5.0,>=4.0.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -25,4 +26,4 @@ netaddr!=0.7.16,>=0.7.12 # BSD
-oslo.concurrency>=3.5.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.config>=3.7.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.context>=0.2.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.db>=4.1.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.concurrency>=3.8.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.config>=3.14.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.context>=2.9.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.db>=4.10.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -31 +32 @@ oslo.log>=1.14.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.messaging>=4.0.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.messaging>=5.2.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -33 +34 @@ oslo.middleware>=3.0.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.policy>=0.5.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.policy>=1.9.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -35,3 +36,3 @@ oslo.serialization>=1.10.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.service>=1.0.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.utils>=3.5.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.versionedobjects>=1.5.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.service>=1.10.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.utils>=3.16.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.versionedobjects>=1.13.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -39 +40 @@ oslo.reports>=0.6.0 # Apache-2.0
-paramiko>=1.16.0 # LGPL
+paramiko>=2.0 # LGPLv2.1+
@@ -41,5 +42,7 @@ pbr>=1.6 # Apache-2.0
-pecan>=1.0.0 # BSD
-python-barbicanclient>=3.3.0 # Apache-2.0
-python-glanceclient>=2.0.0 # Apache-2.0
-python-heatclient>=0.6.0 # Apache-2.0
-python-neutronclient!=4.1.0,>=2.6.0 # Apache-2.0
+pecan!=1.0.2,!=1.0.3,!=1.0.4,>=1.0.0 # BSD
+pycadf!=2.0.0,>=1.1.0 # Apache-2.0
+python-barbicanclient>=4.0.0 # Apache-2.0
+python-glanceclient!=2.4.0,>=2.3.0 # Apache-2.0
+python-heatclient>=1.4.0 # Apache-2.0
+python-neutronclient>=5.1.0 # Apache-2.0
+python-k8sclient>=0.2.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -47,3 +50,3 @@ python-novaclient!=2.33.0,>=2.29.0 # Apache-2.0
-python-keystoneclient!=1.8.0,!=2.1.0,>=1.6.0 # Apache-2.0
-requests!=2.9.0,>=2.8.1 # Apache-2.0
-setuptools>=16.0 # PSF/ZPL
+python-keystoneclient!=2.1.0,>=2.0.0 # Apache-2.0
+requests>=2.10.0 # Apache-2.0
+setuptools!=24.0.0,>=16.0 # PSF/ZPL
@@ -51 +54 @@ six>=1.9.0 # MIT
-stevedore>=1.5.0 # Apache-2.0
+stevedore>=1.16.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -53,2 +56,2 @@ taskflow>=1.26.0 # Apache-2.0
-cryptography>=1.0 # BSD/Apache-2.0
-urllib3>=1.8.3 # MIT
+cryptography!=1.3.0,>=1.0 # BSD/Apache-2.0
+urllib3>=1.15.1 # MIT
diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt
index a0c5eb6..d798e70 100644
--- a/test-requirements.txt
+++ b/test-requirements.txt
@@ -8 +8 @@
-bandit>=0.17.3 # Apache-2.0
+bandit>=1.1.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -11 +11 @@ doc8 # Apache-2.0
-fixtures>=1.3.1 # Apache-2.0/BSD
+fixtures>=3.0.0 # Apache-2.0/BSD
@@ -13 +13,2 @@ hacking<0.11,>=0.10.0 # Apache-2.0
-mock>=1.2 # BSD
+mock>=2.0 # BSD
+openstackdocstheme>=1.5.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -16 +17,2 @@ oslotest>=1.10.0 # Apache-2.0
-os-testr>=0.4.1 # Apache-2.0
+os-api-ref>=1.0.0 # Apache-2.0
+os-testr>=0.7.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -19 +21 @@ pytz>=2013.6 # MIT
-sphinx!=1.2.0,!=1.3b1,<1.3,>=1.1.2 # BSD
+sphinx!=1.3b1,<1.3,>=1.2.1 # BSD
@@ -23 +25,2 @@ testtools>=1.4.0 # MIT
-tempest-lib>=0.14.0 # Apache-2.0
+# releasenotes
+reno>=1.8.0 # Apache2
31 Aug '16
We are mirthful to announce the release of:
python-watcherclient 0.25.0: Python client library for Watcher API
This release is part of the newton release series.
With source available at:
Please report issues through launchpad:
For more details, please see below.
Changes in python-watcherclient 0.24.0..0.25.0
6e85823 Add again parameters as Audit creation attributes
c2b5eea Updated from global requirements
824017f Add strategy name in action plan fields
545f153 Updated from global requirements
008b50e remove redundant ')'
6fbcfc7 Add goal_id, strategy_id and host_aggregate CLI options to audit
aa90c53 Optimiz the help information for audit type parameter.
9c32e6e Updated from global requirements
7b55f92 Add scoring engine commands
daa4a88 Remove discover from test-requirements
776a251 Updated from global requirements
613810e Updated from global requirements
e258613 Fix for importing osc-lib instead openstackclient
ea45547 Updated from global requirements
Diffstat (except docs and test files)
requirements.txt | 6 +-
setup.cfg | 6 +
test-requirements.txt | 1 -
watcherclient/ | 2 +-
watcherclient/ | 4 +-
watcherclient/v1/ | 6 +-
watcherclient/v1/ | 2 +-
watcherclient/v1/ | 2 +-
watcherclient/v1/ | 5 +-
watcherclient/v1/ | 77 ++++++---
watcherclient/v1/ | 2 +-
watcherclient/v1/ | 1 +
watcherclient/v1/ | 2 +-
watcherclient/v1/ | 32 ++--
watcherclient/v1/ | 78 +++++++++
watcherclient/v1/ | 105 ++++++++++++
watcherclient/v1/ | 2 +-
22 files changed, 713 insertions(+), 96 deletions(-)
Requirements updates
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index dcc06bb..f4d068e 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -6,0 +7 @@ cliff!=1.16.0,!=1.17.0,>=1.15.0 # Apache-2.0
+osc-lib>=1.0.2 # Apache-2.0
@@ -8 +9 @@ oslo.i18n>=2.1.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.utils>=3.14.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.utils>=3.16.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -11,2 +12 @@ PrettyTable<0.8,>=0.7 # BSD
-python-keystoneclient!=1.8.0,!=2.1.0,>=1.7.0 # Apache-2.0
-python-openstackclient>=2.1.0 # Apache-2.0
+python-keystoneclient!=2.1.0,>=2.0.0 # Apache-2.0
diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt
index c9a0e8a..ae3d8f2 100644
--- a/test-requirements.txt
+++ b/test-requirements.txt
@@ -6 +5,0 @@ coverage>=3.6 # Apache-2.0
-discover # BSD
31 Aug '16
We are gleeful to announce the release of:
watcher-dashboard 0.4.0: Watcher Management Dashboard
This release is part of the newton release series.
For more details, please see below.
Changes in watcher-dashboard 0.3.0..0.4.0
b62ec3c Remove discover from test-requirements
a8e73dc Updated from global requirements
0769ac0 Updated from global requirements
5ccab31 Add policies for API access control to watcher-dashboard
6afb3b3 Do not pass interval parameter for ONESHOT audit
06ea647 Add support continuously-optimization
23b8740 Revert "Initializes EfficacyIndicator attributes"
0b90ae9 Initializes EfficacyIndicator attributes
b967c0c Modify error message from 'action_plan' to 'audit'
8c1687c Rename type keyword across the project
70ade20 Replaced UUID of goal with name
dc58cdd Added efficacy-related fields to the dashboard
Diffstat (except docs and test files)
README.rst | 16 +++
devstack/ | 2 +
requirements.txt | 15 +-- | 1 -
test-requirements.txt | 15 ++-
tools/ | 6 +
tox.ini | 2 +
watcher_dashboard/api/ | 138 +++++++++++++--------
watcher_dashboard/conf/watcher_policy.json | 37 ++++++
watcher_dashboard/content/action_plans/ | 90 ++++++++++++--
watcher_dashboard/content/action_plans/ | 66 ++++++----
watcher_dashboard/content/actions/ | 33 ++++-
watcher_dashboard/content/actions/ | 15 ++-
watcher_dashboard/content/audit_templates/ | 18 +--
.../content/audit_templates/ | 15 ++-
watcher_dashboard/content/audit_templates/ | 27 +++-
watcher_dashboard/content/audits/ | 26 +++-
watcher_dashboard/content/audits/ | 71 +++++++++--
watcher_dashboard/content/audits/ | 30 ++++-
watcher_dashboard/content/goals/ | 34 ++++-
watcher_dashboard/content/goals/ | 38 +++++-
watcher_dashboard/content/strategies/ | 59 +++++++--
watcher_dashboard/content/strategies/ | 15 ++-
.../infra_optim/action_plans/details.html | 7 +-
.../infra_optim/audit_templates/_create.html | 4 +-
.../templates/infra_optim/audits/details.html | 4 +-
.../templates/infra_optim/goals/details.html | 9 +-
watcher_dashboard/test/ | 8 +-
watcher_dashboard/test/ | 74 ++++++++++-
watcher_dashboard/test/test_data/ | 15 ++-
32 files changed, 756 insertions(+), 218 deletions(-)
Requirements updates
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 2a8a0a8..d51c75f 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -2,0 +3 @@
+# process, which may cause wedges in the gate later.
@@ -4 +5 @@
+pbr>=1.6 # Apache-2.0
@@ -6,5 +7,5 @@ pbr>=1.8
-Django>=1.8,<1.9 # BSD
-django_compressor>=1.4 # MIT
-django_openstack_auth>=2.0.0 # Apache-2.0
-httplib2>=0.7.5 # MIT
-python-keystoneclient>=1.6.0,!=1.8.0,!=2.1.0 # Apache-2.0
+Django<1.9,>=1.8 # BSD
+django-compressor>=2.0 # MIT
+django-openstack-auth>=2.4.0 # Apache-2.0
+httplib2>=0.7.5 # MIT
+python-keystoneclient!=2.1.0,>=2.0.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -14 +15 @@ pytz>=2013.6 # MIT
+python-watcherclient>=0.23.0 # Apache-2.0
diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt
index 4fbcbd4..b5fc48f 100644
--- a/test-requirements.txt
+++ b/test-requirements.txt
@@ -9 +9 @@
-hacking>=0.10.2,<0.11 # Apache-2.0
+hacking<0.11,>=0.10.2 # Apache-2.0
@@ -12,3 +12,2 @@ ddt>=1.0.1 # MIT
-django-nose>=1.2 # BSD
-discover # BSD
-mock>=1.2 # BSD
+django-nose>=1.4.4 # BSD
+mock>=2.0 # BSD
@@ -18 +17 @@ python-subunit>=0.0.18 # Apache-2.0/BSD
-selenium!=2.49,!=2.50 # Apache-2.0
+selenium>=2.50.1 # Apache-2.0
@@ -23 +22 @@ testtools>=1.4.0 # MIT
-xvfbwrapper>=0.1.3,!=0.2.8 #license: MIT
+xvfbwrapper>=0.1.3 #license: MIT
@@ -26,2 +25,2 @@ xvfbwrapper>=0.1.3,!=0.2.8 #license: MIT
-oslosphinx>=2.5.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslosphinx!=3.4.0,>=2.5.0 # Apache-2.0
+sphinx!=1.3b1,<1.3,>=1.2.1 # BSD
31 Aug '16
We are frolicsome to announce the release of:
python-watcher 0.29.0: Watcher takes advantage of CEP and ML
algorithms/metaheuristics to improve physical resources usage through
better VM placement. Watcher can improve your cloud optimization by
reducing energy footprint and increasing profits.
This release is part of the newton release series.
With source available at:
Please report issues through launchpad:
For more details, please see below.
New Features
* Added a standard way to both declare and fetch configuration
options so that whenever the administrator generates the Watcher
configuration sample file, it contains the configuration options of
the plugins that are currently available.
* Added a generic scoring engine module, which will standarize
interactions with scoring engines through the common API. It is
possible to use the scoring engine by different Strategies, which
improve the code and data model re-use.
* Added an in-memory cache of the cluster model built up and kept
fresh via notifications from services of interest in addition to
periodic syncing logic.
* Added a way to add a new action without having to amend the source
code of the default planner.
* Added a way to create periodic audit to be able to optimize
continuously the cloud infrastructure.
* Added a way to compare the efficacy of different strategies for a
give optimization goal.
* Added a way to return the of available goals depending on which
strategies have been deployed on the node where the decison engine
is running.
* Allow decision engine to pass strategy parameters, like
optimization threshold, to selected strategy, also strategy to
provide parameters info to end user.
* Copy all audit templates parameters into audit instead of having a
reference to the audit template.
* Added a strategy that monitors if there is a higher load on some
hosts compared to other hosts in the cluster and re-balances the
work across hosts to minimize the standard deviation of the loads in
the cluster.
* Added a new strategy based on the airflow of servers. This
strategy makes decisions to migrate VMs to make the airflow uniform.
* Added policies to handle user rights to access Watcher API.
* Added a strategy based on the VM workloads of hypervisors. This
strategy makes decisions to migrate workloads to make the total VM
workloads of each hypervisor balanced, when the total VM workloads
of hypervisor reaches threshold.
Changes in python-watcher 0.28.0..0.29.0
6e8dc52 Merge scoring base files
7cce4b9 Add release notes for Newton blueprints
deb5cb3 TrivialFix: Remove cfg import unused
720884c TrivialFix: Remove logging import unused
249cd11 Remove unused LOG
e4ba59e Update configuration section for notifications
f238167 Doc on how to add notification endpoints
77b7fae Notification and CDM partial update
103f541 Remove unreachable line
c617938 Added start/end date params on ceilometer queries
ecea228 Correct watcher reraising of exception
1fafcc5 Check unspecified parameters create audit
32c13d0 Fix loading of plugin configuration parameters
a1cb142 Add Scoring Module implementation
da67b24 Add unit tests for
6d41c23 Updated from global requirements
7b22834 Fixed flaky tempest test
e741728 Remove pot files
35201c8 Updated from global requirements
6be758b Added strategy ID + Action Plan syncing
9450a70 Fixes to get cluster data model
64f45ad Updated from global requirements
4e3593a Fix double self._goal definition
01164b0 Scheduler of decision_engine fix
9933955 Updated from global requirements
17d2d75 Clean imports in code
2e55f4e Modify libvirt_opts="-d -l" to libvirtd_opts="-d -l"
ea01031 Rename (pre/post)condition to (pre/post)_condition
6144551 Add unit tests for
1b2672a Updated from global requirements
31de0e3 Removed unused function in uniform airflow
8145906 Update the home-page info with the developer documentation
9d2d218 Updated from global requirements
31c3734 Refactored the compute model and its elements
cc2e805 Use more specific asserts
0a6841f Merged metrics_engine package into decision_engine
4f8591c Updated DE architecture doc + 'period' param
06c6c46 Added DE Background Scheduler w/ model sync jobs
b94677c Cluster data model collector plugin documentation
5a2a94f Loadable Cluster Data Model Collectors
61e581f Updated from global requirements
26d84e3 Add scoring engines to database and API layers
52ffc2c Implement goal_id, strategy_id and host_aggregate into Audit api
5dee934 use parameters to set the threshold
0769e53 Updated from global requirements
107bd0b Fixed Basic optim tempest test
926b790 Fix 2 occurrences of typo: "occured" --> "occurred"
7d704db Add hacking checks to watcher
5c08095 Update docs links to
b579a41 Remove discover from test-requirements
051810d Updated from global requirements
6730202 Fix typos and messages in strategies
fd7c41f Remove unused columns parameters in watcher/db/api
aef1eba test_context_hook_before_method failed
cd60336 Fix dict.keys() PY3 compatible
e7a1ba7 There are some spelling errors in the code.
1b0801a Add Python 3.5 classifier and venv
ff43753 Add installation from Debian packages section
21d1610 Update executor to eventlet
Diffstat (except docs and test files)
.coveragerc | 4 +-
devstack/lib/watcher | 5 +
.../plantuml/sequence_architecture_cdmc_sync.txt | 41 +
.../sequence_trigger_audit_in_decision_engine.txt | 54 +-
.../images/sequence_architecture_cdmc_sync.png | Bin 0 -> 46795 bytes
.../sequence_trigger_audit_in_decision_engine.png | Bin 83923 -> 73345 bytes
etc/watcher/policy.json | 4 +
.../add-plugins-parameters-376eb6b0b8978b44.yaml | 8 +
.../notes/add-scoring-module-fa00d013ed2d614e.yaml | 7 +
...ter-model-objects-wrapper-9c799ea262c56a5b.yaml | 6 +
...e-weights-default-planner-3746b33160bc7347.yaml | 4 +
...continuously-optimization-35364f4d2c0b81fc.yaml | 4 +
.../notes/efficacy-indicator-95380ad7b84e3be2.yaml | 4 +
.../get-goal-from-strategy-396c9b13a38bb650.yaml | 5 +
.../optimization-threshold-21ad38f0470d0e1a.yaml | 5 +
...rsistent-audit-parameters-ae41dd7252ba9672.yaml | 6 +
...andard-deviation-strategy-cd1d0c443fdfde9c.yaml | 7 +
.../uniform-airflow-strategy-68cdba1419c3f770.yaml | 5 +
.../notes/watcher-policies-1e86a30f0f11c6fa.yaml | 4 +
...alance-migration-strategy-a0b05148a57815c0.yaml | 7 +
requirements.txt | 23 +-
setup.cfg | 14 +-
test-requirements.txt | 3 +-
tox.ini | 3 +-
watcher/api/controllers/v1/ | 13 +
watcher/api/controllers/v1/ | 4 +-
watcher/api/controllers/v1/ | 99 ++-
watcher/api/controllers/v1/ | 286 ++++---
watcher/api/controllers/v1/ | 4 +-
watcher/api/controllers/v1/ | 4 -
watcher/api/controllers/v1/ | 246 ++++++
watcher/api/controllers/v1/ | 4 -
watcher/api/controllers/v1/ | 4 +-
watcher/api/middleware/ | 5 +-
watcher/applier/action_plan/ | 10 +-
watcher/applier/actions/ | 8 +-
.../applier/actions/ | 17 +-
watcher/applier/actions/ | 60 +-
watcher/applier/actions/ | 8 +-
watcher/applier/actions/ | 10 +-
watcher/applier/ | 4 +-
watcher/applier/ | 7 +-
watcher/applier/workflow_engine/ | 3 +-
watcher/applier/workflow_engine/ | 24 +-
watcher/cmd/ | 3 +-
watcher/cmd/ | 5 +-
watcher/cmd/ | 6 +-
watcher/cmd/ | 9 +-
watcher/cmd/ | 39 +
watcher/common/ | 55 +-
watcher/common/ | 118 ++-
watcher/common/ | 37 +-
watcher/common/loader/ | 2 +-
watcher/common/loader/ | 31 +
watcher/common/messaging/ | 2 +-
watcher/common/ | 84 +-
watcher/common/ | 41 +-
watcher/common/ | 44 +
watcher/common/ | 88 +-
watcher/common/ | 33 +-
watcher/db/ | 85 +-
watcher/db/ | 58 +-
watcher/db/sqlalchemy/ | 105 ++-
watcher/db/sqlalchemy/ | 34 +-
watcher/decision_engine/audit/ | 3 +-
watcher/decision_engine/audit/ | 10 +-
watcher/decision_engine/audit/ | 4 +-
watcher/decision_engine/cluster/ | 0
.../decision_engine/cluster/history/ | 0
watcher/decision_engine/cluster/history/ | 80 ++
.../decision_engine/cluster/history/ | 45 +
watcher/decision_engine/goal/ | 4 -
watcher/decision_engine/goal/efficacy/ | 4 +-
.../decision_engine/goal/efficacy/ | 8 +-
watcher/decision_engine/goal/efficacy/ | 6 +-
watcher/decision_engine/goal/ | 20 +-
watcher/decision_engine/loading/ | 20 +
watcher/decision_engine/ | 33 +-
.../decision_engine/messaging/ | 1 +
.../decision_engine/model/collector/ | 0
watcher/decision_engine/model/collector/ | 178 ++++
watcher/decision_engine/model/collector/ | 61 ++
watcher/decision_engine/model/collector/ | 113 +++
watcher/decision_engine/model/ | 50 --
watcher/decision_engine/model/ | 53 --
watcher/decision_engine/model/element/ | 38 +
watcher/decision_engine/model/element/ | 29 +
.../model/element/ | 57 ++
watcher/decision_engine/model/element/ | 59 ++
watcher/decision_engine/model/element/ | 54 ++
watcher/decision_engine/model/element/ | 53 ++
watcher/decision_engine/model/element/ | 61 ++
watcher/decision_engine/model/ | 51 --
watcher/decision_engine/model/ | 24 -
watcher/decision_engine/model/ | 118 ++-
watcher/decision_engine/model/ | 151 +++-
.../decision_engine/model/notification/ | 0
watcher/decision_engine/model/notification/ | 47 ++
.../model/notification/ | 88 ++
watcher/decision_engine/model/notification/ | 334 ++++++++
watcher/decision_engine/model/ | 31 -
watcher/decision_engine/model/ | 58 --
watcher/decision_engine/model/sla/ | 0
watcher/decision_engine/model/ | 31 -
watcher/decision_engine/model/ | 34 -
watcher/decision_engine/planner/ | 18 +-
watcher/decision_engine/ | 2 +
watcher/decision_engine/ | 92 +++
watcher/decision_engine/scoring/ | 0
watcher/decision_engine/scoring/ | 126 +++
watcher/decision_engine/scoring/ | 169 ++++
.../scoring/ | 98 +++
watcher/decision_engine/scoring/ | 106 +++
watcher/decision_engine/strategy/context/ | 12 +-
.../decision_engine/strategy/context/ | 22 +-
.../decision_engine/strategy/selection/ | 2 -
.../strategy/strategies/ | 5 +-
.../decision_engine/strategy/strategies/ | 23 +-
.../strategy/strategies/ | 300 ++++---
.../strategy/strategies/ | 8 +-
.../strategy/strategies/ | 166 ++++
.../strategy/strategies/ | 143 ++--
.../strategy/strategies/ | 309 +++----
.../strategies/ | 390 +++++----
.../strategy/strategies/ | 247 +++---
.../strategy/strategies/ | 233 +++---
watcher/decision_engine/ | 258 +++++-
watcher/ | 69 --
watcher/hacking/ | 0
watcher/hacking/ | 309 +++++++
watcher/locale/watcher.pot | 909 ---------------------
watcher/metrics_engine/ | 0
watcher/metrics_engine/cluster_history/ | 0
watcher/metrics_engine/cluster_history/ | 80 --
.../metrics_engine/cluster_history/ | 49 --
.../cluster_model_collector/ | 0
.../metrics_engine/cluster_model_collector/ | 119 ---
.../cluster_model_collector/ | 34 -
.../metrics_engine/cluster_model_collector/ | 81 --
watcher/objects/ | 4 +-
watcher/objects/ | 3 +-
watcher/objects/ | 4 +-
watcher/objects/ | 10 +-
watcher/objects/ | 257 ++++++
watcher/ | 3 +
.../action_plan/ | 18 +-
.../actions/ | 26 +-
.../ | 4 +-
.../common/messaging/ | 1 +
.../decision_engine/audit/ | 42 +-
.../cluster/ | 54 ++
.../decision_engine/cluster/ | 82 ++
.../loading/ | 83 ++
.../loading/ | 31 +
.../loading/ | 78 ++
.../decision_engine/loading/ | 78 ++
.../messaging/ | 2 +-
.../decision_engine/model/notification/ | 0
.../model/notification/data/instance-create.json | 70 ++
.../notification/data/instance-delete-end.json | 49 ++
.../model/notification/data/instance-update.json | 65 ++
.../data/scenario3_instance-create.json | 70 ++
.../data/scenario3_instance-delete-end.json | 49 ++
.../data/scenario3_instance-update.json | 65 ++
.../data/scenario3_legacy_instance-create-end.json | 62 ++
.../data/scenario3_legacy_instance-delete-end.json | 46 ++
.../data/scenario3_legacy_instance-update.json | 52 ++
...enario3_legacy_livemigration-post-dest-end.json | 61 ++
.../data/scenario3_service-update.json | 21 +
.../model/notification/data/service-update.json | 21 +
.../model/notification/ | 53 ++
.../model/notification/ | 106 +++
.../model/notification/ | 450 ++++++++++
.../decision_engine/model/ | 32 -
.../planner/ | 79 +-
.../planner/ | 31 -
.../decision_engine/scoring/ | 54 ++
.../scoring/ | 51 ++
.../scoring/ | 53 ++
.../solution/ | 11 +-
.../strategy/context/ | 28 +-
.../decision_engine/strategy/loading/ | 0
.../loading/ | 78 --
.../strategy/selector/ | 3 -
.../strategies/ | 268 +++---
.../strategy/strategies/ | 431 +++++-----
.../strategy/strategies/ | 73 +-
.../strategies/ | 120 +--
.../strategy/strategies/ | 4 +-
.../strategy/strategies/ | 61 ++
.../strategies/ | 62 +-
.../strategy/strategies/ | 123 +--
.../strategies/ | 172 ++--
.../strategy/strategies/ | 106 +--
.../strategies/ | 29 +-
.../services/infra_optim/v1/json/ | 8 +-
261 files changed, 10240 insertions(+), 4919 deletions(-)
Requirements updates
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 74cb8d3..774b848 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -8 +8 @@ jsonpatch>=1.1 # BSD
-keystoneauth1>=2.7.0 # Apache-2.0
+keystoneauth1>=2.10.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -12,3 +12,3 @@ oslo.cache>=1.5.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.config>=3.10.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.context>=2.4.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.db>=4.1.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.config>=3.14.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.context>=2.9.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.db>=4.10.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -19,0 +20 @@ oslo.reports>=0.6.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.serialization>=1.10.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -21 +22 @@ oslo.service>=1.10.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.utils>=3.14.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.utils>=3.16.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -24 +25 @@ pbr>=1.6 # Apache-2.0
-pecan>=1.0.0 # BSD
+pecan!=1.0.2,!=1.0.3,!=1.0.4,>=1.0.0 # BSD
@@ -27 +28 @@ voluptuous>=0.8.9 # BSD License
-python-ceilometerclient>=2.2.1 # Apache-2.0
+python-ceilometerclient>=2.5.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -29,3 +30,3 @@ python-cinderclient!=1.7.0,!=1.7.1,>=1.6.0 # Apache-2.0
-python-glanceclient>=2.0.0 # Apache-2.0
-python-keystoneclient!=1.8.0,!=2.1.0,>=1.7.0 # Apache-2.0
-python-neutronclient>=4.2.0 # Apache-2.0
+python-glanceclient!=2.4.0,>=2.3.0 # Apache-2.0
+python-keystoneclient!=2.1.0,>=2.0.0 # Apache-2.0
+python-neutronclient>=5.1.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -36 +37 @@ SQLAlchemy<1.1.0,>=1.0.10 # MIT
-stevedore>=1.10.0 # Apache-2.0
+stevedore>=1.16.0 # Apache-2.0
diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt
index 27e4a7f..0ccc117 100644
--- a/test-requirements.txt
+++ b/test-requirements.txt
@@ -6 +5,0 @@ coverage>=3.6 # Apache-2.0
-discover # BSD
@@ -27 +26 @@ reno>=1.8.0 # Apache2
-bandit>=1.0.1 # Apache-2.0
+bandit>=1.1.0 # Apache-2.0
[new][openstackclient] python-openstackclient 3.2.0 release (newton)
by 31 Aug '16
by 31 Aug '16
31 Aug '16
We are satisfied to announce the release of:
python-openstackclient 3.2.0: OpenStack Command-line Client
This release is part of the newton release series.
With source available at:
With package available at:
Please report issues through launchpad:
For more details, please see below.
Bug Fixes
* Fix prompting for password issue introduced in release 3.0.0 [Bug
1617384 (
Changes in python-openstackclient 3.1.0..3.2.0
8241f08 Updated from global requirements
84c83fc Provide fallback prompt function for current osc-lib
bec206f Fix auth prompt brokenness
5b14741 Updated from global requirements
9962403 Cleanup after install
c97e818 Fix six typos
f854b7d Clean imports in code
50a5c2a [docs] fix incorrect rst markups
Diffstat (except docs and test files)
openstackclient/common/ | 47 +++++++++++++-
openstackclient/common/ | 5 +-
openstackclient/ | 2 +-
.../notes/bug-1617384-55c88207115e2a5b.yaml | 5 ++
test-requirements.txt | 4 +-
tools/ | 2 +-
12 files changed, 171 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)
Requirements updates
diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt
index 24b693c..0ff0e22 100644
--- a/test-requirements.txt
+++ b/test-requirements.txt
@@ -16 +16 @@ stevedore>=1.16.0 # Apache-2.0
-os-client-config!=1.19.0,!=1.19.1,!=1.20.0,!=1.20.1,>=1.13.1 # Apache-2.0
+os-client-config!=1.19.0,!=1.19.1,!=1.20.0,!=1.20.1,!=1.21.0,>=1.13.1 # Apache-2.0
@@ -30 +30 @@ python-designateclient>=1.5.0 # Apache-2.0
-python-heatclient>=1.1.0 # Apache-2.0
+python-heatclient>=1.4.0 # Apache-2.0
31 Aug '16
We are high-spirited to announce the release of:
python-mistralclient 2.1.1: Mistral Client Library
This release is part of the newton release series.
With package available at:
For more details, please see below.
Changes in python-mistralclient 2.1.0..2.1.1
a37b5fe Make osprofiler dependency "soft"
227c429 Clean imports in code
c738c88 TrivialFix: Remove logging import unused
bbcab51 Updated from global requirements
Diffstat (except docs and test files)
mistralclient/api/ | 3 ---
mistralclient/api/ | 5 +++--
mistralclient/api/v2/ | 5 +++--
mistralclient/commands/v2/ | 3 ---
mistralclient/commands/v2/ | 3 ---
mistralclient/commands/v2/ | 3 ---
mistralclient/commands/v2/ | 5 -----
mistralclient/commands/v2/ | 4 ----
mistralclient/commands/v2/ | 4 ----
mistralclient/ | 2 --
requirements.txt | 4 ++--
test-requirements.txt | 1 +
13 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)
Requirements updates
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 0d8bd46..93f3901 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -5,2 +5,2 @@ cliff!=1.16.0,!=1.17.0,>=1.15.0 # Apache-2.0
-osc-lib>=0.4.0 # Apache-2.0
-osprofiler>=1.4.0 # Apache-2.0
+osc-lib>=1.0.2 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.utils>=3.16.0 # Apache-2.0
diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt
index 100e5b3..2be4f24 100644
--- a/test-requirements.txt
+++ b/test-requirements.txt
@@ -13,0 +14 @@ testtools>=1.4.0 # MIT
+osprofiler>=1.4.0 # Apache-2.0
31 Aug '16
We are content to announce the release of:
python-novaclient 6.0.0: Client library for OpenStack Compute API
This release is part of the newton release series.
With source available at:
With package available at:
Please report issues through launchpad:
For more details, please see below.
New Features
* The 2.37 microversion is now supported. This introduces the
following changes:
* CLI: The **--nic** value for the **nova boot** command now takes
special values, 'auto' and 'none'. If --nic is not specified,
the CLI defaults to 'auto'.
* Python API: The **nics** kwarg is required when creating a
server using
the *novaclient.v2.servers.ServerManager.create* API. The
**nics** value can be a list of dicts or a string with value
'auto' or 'none'.
Upgrade Notes
* The ability to update the following network-related resources via
the "nova quota-update" and "nova quota-class-update" commands is
now deprecated:
* Fixed IPs
* Floating IPs
* Security Groups
* Security Group Rules
By default the quota and limits CLIs will not update or show those
resources using microversion >= 2.36. You can still use them,
however, by specifying "--os-compute-api-version 2.35". Quota
information for network resources should be retrieved from python-
neutronclient or python-openstackclient.
* With the 2.37 microversion, the **nics** kwarg is required when
creating a server using the
*novaclient.v2.servers.ServerManager.create* API. The **nics** value
can be a list of dicts or an enum string with one of the following
* **auto**: This tells the Compute service to automatically
allocate a network for the project if one is not available and
then associate an IP from that network with the server. This is
the same behavior as passing nics=None before the 2.37
* **none**: This tells the Compute service to not allocate any
networking for the server.
Deprecation Notes
* The following commands are now deprecated:
* dns-create
* dns-create-private-domain
* dns-create-public-domain
* dns-delete
* dns-delete-domain
* dns-domains
* dns-list
* fixed-ip-get
* fixed-ip-reserve
* fixed-ip-unreserve
* floating-ip-create
* floating-ip-delete
* floating-ip-list
* floating-ip-pool-list
* floating-ip-bulk-create
* floating-ip-bulk-delete
* floating-ip-bulk-list
* network-create
* network-delete
* network-disassociate
* network-associate-host
* network-associate-project
* network-list
* network-show
* scrub
* secgroup-create
* secgroup-delete
* secgroup-list
* secgroup-update
* secgroup-add-group-rule
* secgroup-delete-group-rule
* secgroup-add-rule
* secgroup-delete-rule
* secgroup-list-rules
* secgroup-list-default-rules
* secgroup-add-default-rule
* secgroup-delete-default-rule
* tenant-network-create
* tenant-network-delete
* tenant-network-list
* tenant-network-show
With the 2.36 microversion these will fail in the API. The CLI will
fallback to passing the 2.35 microversion to ease the transition.
Network resource information should be retrieved from python-
neutronclient or python-openstackclient.
Changes in python-novaclient 5.1.0..6.0.0
c915a02 Fix test_trigger_crash_dump_in_locked_state_nonadmin test
f7dc91d Fixes TypeError on Client instantiation
8ebf859 Updated from global requirements
7d72ed2 Updated from global requirements
744c9b6 Replace functions 'Dict.get' and 'del' with 'Dict.pop'
8751475 Removed unused 'install_venv' module
a14e30e [functional] Do not discover same resources for every test
3b834f2 functional tests fail if cirros image not exist
7a2c412 Updated from global requirements
01de5a9 Pick first image if can't find the specific image
030ce53 Add support for v2.37 and auto-allocated networking
20b721e Cap image API deprecated methods at 2.35
4215e3f Cap baremetal python APIs at 2.35
aaebeb0 Deprecate all the nova-network functions in the python API
578c398 Deprecate network-* commands and clamp to microversion 2.35
9c5c8a6 [functional] Skip tests if API doesn't support microversion
c3b5365 Updated from global requirements
65c1fba Store api_version object in one place
4f0871f Add eggs to gitignore list
Diffstat (except docs and test files)
.gitignore | 1 +
novaclient/ | 2 +-
novaclient/ | 22 ++
novaclient/ | 3 +-
novaclient/v2/ | 12 +-
novaclient/v2/contrib/ | 4 +
novaclient/v2/contrib/ | 18 +-
novaclient/v2/ | 12 +-
novaclient/v2/ | 52 +++-
novaclient/v2/ | 7 +-
novaclient/v2/ | 18 +-
novaclient/v2/ | 14 +-
novaclient/v2/ | 11 +-
novaclient/v2/ | 11 +
novaclient/v2/ | 32 ++-
novaclient/v2/ | 15 +-
novaclient/v2/ | 14 +-
novaclient/v2/ | 24 +-
novaclient/v2/ | 71 +++--
novaclient/v2/ | 292 ++++++++++++++++++++-
.../deprecate-network-cli-f0a539528be594d3.yaml | 67 +++++
.../notes/microversion-2.37-d03da96406a45e67.yaml | 27 ++
test-requirements.txt | 6 +-
tools/ | 74 ------
48 files changed, 1149 insertions(+), 265 deletions(-)
Requirements updates
diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt
index 34c9e20..b7bb0e9 100644
--- a/test-requirements.txt
+++ b/test-requirements.txt
@@ -6 +6 @@ hacking<0.11,>=0.10.0
-bandit>=1.0.1 # Apache-2.0
+bandit>=1.1.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -13 +13 @@ python-cinderclient!=1.7.0,!=1.7.1,>=1.6.0 # Apache-2.0
-python-glanceclient>=2.0.0 # Apache-2.0
+python-glanceclient!=2.4.0,>=2.3.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -16 +16 @@ sphinx!=1.3b1,<1.3,>=1.2.1 # BSD
-os-client-config!=1.19.0,>=1.13.1 # Apache-2.0
+os-client-config!=1.19.0,!=1.19.1,!=1.20.0,!=1.20.1,>=1.13.1 # Apache-2.0
[new][searchlight] python-searchlightclient 1.0.0 release (newton)
by 31 Aug '16
by 31 Aug '16
31 Aug '16
We are thrilled to announce the release of:
python-searchlightclient 1.0.0: OpenStack Indexing and Search API
Client Library
This release is part of the newton release series.
With source available at:
Please report issues through launchpad:
For more details, please see below.
Changes in python-searchlightclient 0.2.1..1.0.0
10708d2 Updated from global requirements
aa39702 Updated from global requirements
c419f60 Updated from global requirements
a3d7f6a Updated from global requirements
c3e7324 Remove discover from test-requirements
c17a2a4 Updated from global requirements
8d27913 Updated from global requirements
e7fe6f6 Use osc_lib instead of cliff
0bc93d1 Use osc-lib instead of openstackclient
17b22bc Support new facet response format
2d54972 Updated from global requirements
ae09a1a Updated from global requirements
2cedbd2 Updated from global requirements
8734ddb Updated from global requirements
8e3a91f Updated from global requirements
ac17c28 Updated from global requirements
72712de Updated from global requirements
Diffstat (except docs and test files)
requirements.txt | 10 +++++-----
searchlightclient/osc/ | 2 +-
searchlightclient/osc/v1/ | 13 +++++++++----
searchlightclient/osc/v1/ | 6 +++---
searchlightclient/osc/v1/ | 6 +++---
searchlightclient/v1/ | 3 ++-
test-requirements.txt | 7 +++----
10 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)
Requirements updates
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index c463ee5..1b7a856 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -5 +5 @@
-Babel>=1.3 # BSD
+Babel>=2.3.4 # BSD
@@ -7 +7 @@ pbr>=1.6 # Apache-2.0
-cliff!=1.16.0,!=1.17.0,>=1.15.0 # Apache-2.0
+osc-lib>=1.0.2 # Apache-2.0
@@ -11,2 +11,2 @@ oslo.serialization>=1.10.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.utils>=3.5.0 # Apache-2.0
-python-keystoneclient!=1.8.0,!=2.1.0,>=1.6.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.utils>=3.16.0 # Apache-2.0
+python-keystoneclient!=2.1.0,>=2.0.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -15 +15 @@ PyYAML>=3.1.0 # MIT
-requests!=2.9.0,>=2.8.1 # Apache-2.0
+requests>=2.10.0 # Apache-2.0
diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt
index 123c7f4..2dc9597 100644
--- a/test-requirements.txt
+++ b/test-requirements.txt
@@ -8,3 +8,2 @@ coverage>=3.6 # Apache-2.0
-discover # BSD
-fixtures>=1.3.1 # Apache-2.0/BSD
-mock>=1.2 # BSD
+fixtures>=3.0.0 # Apache-2.0/BSD
+mock>=2.0 # BSD
@@ -12 +11 @@ oslosphinx!=3.4.0,>=2.5.0 # Apache-2.0
-sphinx!=1.2.0,!=1.3b1,<1.3,>=1.1.2 # BSD
+sphinx!=1.3b1,<1.3,>=1.2.1 # BSD
We are pumped to announce the release of:
magnum-ui 2.0.0: Magnum User Interface
This release is part of the newton release series.
With source available at:
Please report issues through launchpad:
For more details, please see below.
Changes in magnum-ui 1.0.0..2.0.0
1b39892 Fix tox and tests
487bdad Imported Translations from Zanata
b9efc8a Fix typo for bp/cluster-template-options
7a3f43f Imported Translations from Zanata
aa0306d Fix typo
7174930 Clean up $scope usage
8d7104b Add cluster template options
04c6e44 Rename bay and baymodel for 'Soft StringFreeze' milestone
f9fcd8b Fix typo
8b8dfb6 Imported Translations from Zanata
5830713 Updated from global requirements
893ec15 Imported Translations from Zanata
16cc3e8 Use upper constraints for all jobs in tox.ini
de3f02f Updated from global requirements
807fa3a Add insecure/ca-cert option for magnumclient
950e895 Imported Translations from Zanata
bbdd887 Imported Translations from Zanata
2218d50 Imported Translations from Zanata
77223c3 Use Horizon's Angular registry of Actions and Views
39ca196 Updated from global requirements
466cf32 Imported Translations from Zanata
3e056e1 Imported Translations from Zanata
99150f1 Updated from global requirements
6fab1f4 Imported Translations from Zanata
4cef00b Imported Translations from Zanata
232155c Imported Translations from Zanata
6709887 Imported Translations from Zanata
dd3f30c Updated from global requirements
a97a487 Move enabled files
b31c2bf Rename service to 'container-infra'
f51777f Imported Translations from Zanata
5767efe Updated from global requirements
ec913d2 Imported Translations from Zanata
86e517a Updated from global requirements
3bd93a8 Move magic-search bar out of the table structure
962e982 Updated from global requirements
bf4897e Remove Container panel and action
fcde926 Imported Translations from Zanata
60443f1 Fix translation test
b055d5e Imported Translations from Zanata
538de3e Remove version number to fix build
Diffstat (except docs and test files)
README.rst | 7 +-
devstack/ | 4 +-
enabled/ | 37 -
enabled/ | 23 -
enabled/ | 23 -
enabled/ | 23 -
magnum_ui/api/ | 113 +--
magnum_ui/api/rest/ | 16 +
magnum_ui/api/rest/ | 128 +--
magnum_ui/content/baymodels/ | 0
magnum_ui/content/baymodels/ | 21 -
magnum_ui/content/baymodels/ | 22 -
magnum_ui/content/baymodels/ | 20 -
magnum_ui/content/bays/ | 0
magnum_ui/content/bays/containers/ | 0
magnum_ui/content/bays/containers/ | 21 -
magnum_ui/content/bays/containers/ | 22 -
magnum_ui/content/bays/containers/ | 19 -
magnum_ui/content/bays/ | 21 -
magnum_ui/content/bays/ | 25 -
magnum_ui/content/bays/ | 22 -
magnum_ui/content/cluster_templates/ | 0
magnum_ui/content/cluster_templates/ | 21 +
magnum_ui/content/cluster_templates/ | 22 +
magnum_ui/content/cluster_templates/ | 19 +
magnum_ui/content/clusters/ | 0
magnum_ui/content/clusters/ | 21 +
magnum_ui/content/clusters/ | 22 +
magnum_ui/content/clusters/ | 19 +
.../ | 37 + | 23 + | 23 +
magnum_ui/enabled/ | 0
magnum_ui/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/django.po | 18 +
magnum_ui/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po | 244 ++++++
magnum_ui/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/django.po | 17 +-
magnum_ui/locale/django.pot | 33 -
magnum_ui/locale/djangojs.pot | 918 ---------------------
magnum_ui/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/django.po | 18 +
magnum_ui/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po | 246 ++++++
magnum_ui/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/django.po | 21 -
magnum_ui/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/django.po | 25 +-
magnum_ui/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po | 504 ++++++-----
magnum_ui/locale/ko_KR/LC_MESSAGES/django.po | 20 +-
magnum_ui/locale/ko_KR/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po | 359 +-------
magnum_ui/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/django.po | 21 +-
magnum_ui/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po | 384 +--------
magnum_ui/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/django.po | 25 -
magnum_ui/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po | 401 +--------
magnum_ui/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/django.po | 20 +-
magnum_ui/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po | 293 +++++++
magnum_ui/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/django.po | 21 -
.../cluster-templates/actions.module.js | 82 ++
.../cluster-templates/cluster-templates.module.js | 162 ++++
.../cluster-templates.module.spec.js | 25 +
.../cluster-templates/cluster-templates.scss | 0
.../create/cluster-template-model.js | 101 +++
.../create/create-workflow.service.js | 69 ++
.../cluster-templates/create/create.service.js | 92 +++
.../info/ | 81 ++
.../cluster-templates/create/info/ | 12 +
.../cluster-templates/create/info/info.html | 45 +
.../labels/cluster-template.labels.controller.js | 43 +
.../create/labels/ | 1 +
.../cluster-templates/create/labels/labels.html | 11 +
.../network/ | 43 +
.../create/network/ | 8 +
.../cluster-templates/create/network/network.html | 81 ++
.../spec/cluster-template.spec.controller.js | 79 ++
.../cluster-templates/create/spec/ | 12 +
.../cluster-templates/create/spec/spec.html | 76 ++
.../cluster-templates/delete/delete.service.js | 152 ++++
.../cluster-templates/details/details.module.js | 55 ++
.../cluster-templates/details/drawer.controller.js | 39 +
.../cluster-templates/details/drawer.html | 28 +
.../details/overview.controller.js | 57 ++
.../cluster-templates/details/overview.html | 94 +++
.../container-infra/cluster-templates/panel.html | 4 +
.../container-infra/clusters/actions.module.js | 73 ++
.../container-infra/clusters/clusters.module.js | 182 ++++
.../clusters/clusters.module.spec.js | 25 +
.../container-infra/clusters/clusters.scss | 0
.../clusters/create/cluster-model.js | 72 ++
.../clusters/create/create-workflow.service.js | 63 ++
.../clusters/create/create.service.js | 96 +++
.../create/info/ | 85 ++
.../clusters/create/info/ | 1 +
.../container-infra/clusters/create/info/info.html | 50 ++
.../create/misc/cluster.misc.controller.js | 43 +
.../clusters/create/misc/ | 1 +
.../container-infra/clusters/create/misc/misc.html | 17 +
.../create/size/cluster.size.controller.js | 43 +
.../clusters/create/size/ | 1 +
.../container-infra/clusters/create/size/size.html | 20 +
.../clusters/delete/delete.service.js | 152 ++++
.../clusters/details/details.module.js | 55 ++
.../clusters/details/drawer.controller.js | 39 +
.../container-infra/clusters/details/drawer.html | 28 +
.../clusters/details/overview.controller.js | 51 ++
.../container-infra/clusters/details/overview.html | 77 ++
.../dashboard/container-infra/clusters/panel.html | 4 +
.../container-infra/container-infra.module.js | 41 +
.../container-infra/container-infra.module.spec.js | 25 +
.../dashboard/container-infra/container-infra.scss | 9 +
.../dashboard/container-infra/magnum.service.js | 127 +++
.../containers/baymodels/actions.module.js | 82 --
.../containers/baymodels/baymodels.module.js | 45 -
.../containers/baymodels/baymodels.module.spec.js | 25 -
.../dashboard/containers/baymodels/baymodels.scss | 0
.../containers/baymodels/create/baymodel-model.js | 94 ---
.../baymodels/create/create-workflow.service.js | 70 --
.../containers/baymodels/create/create.service.js | 91 --
.../create/info/ | 81 --
.../baymodels/create/info/ | 12 -
.../containers/baymodels/create/info/info.html | 45 -
.../create/labels/baymodel.labels.controller.js | 43 -
.../baymodels/create/labels/ | 1 -
.../containers/baymodels/create/labels/labels.html | 11 -
.../create/network/ | 43 -
.../baymodels/create/network/ | 4 -
.../baymodels/create/network/network.html | 60 --
.../create/spec/baymodel.spec.controller.js | 79 --
.../baymodels/create/spec/ | 12 -
.../containers/baymodels/create/spec/spec.html | 67 --
.../containers/baymodels/delete/delete.service.js | 125 ---
.../baymodels/detail/detail.controller.js | 86 --
.../containers/baymodels/detail/detail.html | 145 ----
.../containers/baymodels/table/table.controller.js | 123 ---
.../containers/baymodels/table/table.html | 144 ----
.../dashboard/containers/bays/actions.module.js | 82 --
.../dashboard/containers/bays/bays.module.js | 45 -
.../dashboard/containers/bays/bays.module.spec.js | 25 -
.../static/dashboard/containers/bays/bays.scss | 0
.../dashboard/containers/bays/create/bay-model.js | 72 --
.../bays/create/create-workflow.service.js | 64 --
.../containers/bays/create/create.service.js | 90 --
.../bays/create/info/ | 85 --
.../containers/bays/create/info/ | 1 -
.../containers/bays/create/info/info.html | 50 --
.../bays/create/misc/bay.misc.controller.js | 43 -
.../containers/bays/create/misc/ | 1 -
.../containers/bays/create/misc/misc.html | 17 -
.../bays/create/size/bay.size.controller.js | 43 -
.../containers/bays/create/size/ | 1 -
.../containers/bays/create/size/size.html | 20 -
.../containers/bays/delete/delete.service.js | 125 ---
.../containers/bays/detail/detail.controller.js | 83 --
.../dashboard/containers/bays/detail/detail.html | 116 ---
.../containers/bays/table/table.controller.js | 133 ---
.../dashboard/containers/bays/table/table.html | 149 ----
.../dashboard/containers/containers.module.js | 63 --
.../dashboard/containers/containers.module.spec.js | 25 -
.../static/dashboard/containers/containers.scss | 10 -
.../containers/containers/actions.module.js | 73 --
.../containers/containers/containers.module.js | 46 --
.../containers/containers.module.spec.js | 25 -
.../containers/containers/containers.scss | 0
.../containers/create/container-model.js | 74 --
.../containers/create/create-workflow.service.js | 58 --
.../containers/containers/create/create.service.js | 90 --
.../create/info/ | 83 --
.../containers/create/info/ | 1 -
.../containers/containers/create/info/info.html | 46 --
.../create/spec/container.spec.controller.js | 61 --
.../containers/create/spec/ | 1 -
.../containers/containers/create/spec/spec.html | 48 --
.../containers/containers/delete/delete.service.js | 125 ---
.../containers/detail/detail.controller.js | 79 --
.../containers/containers/detail/detail.html | 107 ---
.../containers/table/table.controller.js | 136 ---
.../containers/containers/table/table.html | 156 ----
.../static/dashboard/containers/magnum.service.js | 205 -----
magnum_ui/templates/baymodels/index.html | 18 -
magnum_ui/templates/bays.containers/index.html | 18 -
magnum_ui/templates/bays/index.html | 18 -
magnum_ui/test/ | 39 +
magnum_ui/test/ | 87 +-
requirements.txt | 16 +-
setup.cfg | 6 +- | 1 -
test-requirements.txt | 28 +-
tox.ini | 60 +-
192 files changed, 4478 insertions(+), 7597 deletions(-)
Requirements updates
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index a93ecbc..8ac1c33 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
-Django>=1.8,<1.9 # BSD
+pbr>=1.6 # Apache-2.0
+python-magnumclient>=2.0.0 # Apache-2.0
+Babel>=2.3.4 # BSD
+Django<1.9,>=1.8 # BSD
+django-babel>=0.5.1 # BSD
+django-compressor>=2.0 # MIT
+django-openstack-auth>=2.4.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -37 +37 @@ XStatic-Rickshaw>=1.5.0 # BSD License (prior)
-XStatic-smart-table>= # MIT License
+XStatic-smart-table!=,>= # MIT License
diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt
index ee491a1..207b058 100644
--- a/test-requirements.txt
+++ b/test-requirements.txt
@@ -12,14 +12,14 @@ hacking<0.11,>=0.10.2
-nodeenv>=0.9.4 # BSD License
-oslosphinx>=2.5.0 # Apache-2.0
+coverage>=3.6 # Apache-2.0
+django-nose>=1.4.4 # BSD
+mock>=2.0 # BSD
+mox3>=0.7.0 # Apache-2.0
+nodeenv>=0.9.4 # BSD License # BSD
+nose # LGPL
+nose-exclude # LGPL
+nosehtmloutput>=0.0.3 # Apache-2.0
+nosexcover # BSD
+openstack.nose-plugin>=0.7 # Apache-2.0
+oslosphinx!=3.4.0,>=2.5.0 # Apache-2.0
+selenium>=2.50.1 # Apache-2.0
+sphinx!=1.3b1,<1.3,>=1.2.1 # BSD
+testtools>=1.4.0 # MIT
30 Aug '16
We are pleased to announce the release of:
python-magnumclient 2.3.0: Client library for Magnum API
This release is part of the newton stable release series.
With source available at:
Please report issues through launchpad:
For more details, please see below.
Changes in python-magnumclient 2.2.0..2.3.0
160156a Updated from global requirements
f12e7a9 Magnum client to support sync and async bay opts
a738ea7 Add microversioning support for httpclient
3652bbe Add floating_ip_enabled attributes to baymodel
0a20e8e Cleanup coverage configuration
9833341 Fixes bay_uuid parameter issue in functional tests
a374b9f Fix to use HttpClient if token is given
1778212 Updates certificate CLI to use cluster
03a2cd9 Updated from global requirements
d9ae385 Adds 'cluster' and 'cluster template'
eab1ba3 Append value using comma if key exists in label
5fd459e bay-config return absolute path
74ce8d6 Updated from global requirements
5b0f60a Use upper constraints for all jobs in tox.ini
9a10538 Updated from global requirements
41563dc Enabled magnum client to display detailed information
bad0c1b Updated from global requirements
3ab2958 Add Python 3.5 classifier and venv
f49ef21 Base OSC plugin support
f2c49d2 Use os-client-config in shell
d08be68 Remove discover from test-requirements
5d96100 Increase unit test coverage for module baymodels
2a3bb81 Update the magnum client to send the latest version.
5e380e3 Updated from global requirements
6410a15 Add shell command bay-config
479ad14 Display baymodel info with bay-show command
11b49d6 Prints '-' instead of 'None' when data is None
Diffstat (except docs and test files)
.coveragerc | 2 +-
magnumclient/common/apiclient/ | 238 ------------
magnumclient/common/ | 28 +-
magnumclient/common/ | 33 +-
magnumclient/common/ | 4 +-
magnumclient/osc/ | 0
magnumclient/osc/ | 56 +++
magnumclient/ | 315 ++++++++++------
magnumclient/v1/ | 113 ++++++
magnumclient/v1/ | 108 ++++++
magnumclient/v1/ | 90 +----
magnumclient/v1/ | 15 +
magnumclient/v1/ | 87 +----
magnumclient/v1/ | 193 +++++++++-
magnumclient/v1/ | 8 +-
magnumclient/v1/ | 39 +-
magnumclient/v1/ | 208 ++++++----
magnumclient/v1/ | 25 ++
magnumclient/v1/ | 239 ++++++++++++
magnumclient/v1/ | 29 ++
magnumclient/v1/ | 335 +++++++++++++++++
magnumclient/v1/ | 4 +-
magnumclient/v1/ | 4 +
requirements.txt | 10 +-
setup.cfg | 6 +
test-requirements.txt | 4 +-
tox.ini | 10 +-
42 files changed, 3431 insertions(+), 855 deletions(-)
Requirements updates
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 6df07e3..86d9e35 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -8,2 +8,2 @@ six>=1.9.0 # MIT
-keystoneauth1>=2.7.0 # Apache-2.0
-stevedore>=1.10.0 # Apache-2.0
+keystoneauth1>=2.10.0 # Apache-2.0
+stevedore>=1.16.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -13,2 +13,2 @@ oslo.serialization>=1.10.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.utils>=3.15.0 # Apache-2.0
-os-client-config>=1.13.1 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.utils>=3.16.0 # Apache-2.0
+os-client-config!=1.19.0,!=1.19.1,!=1.20.0,!=1.20.1,!=1.21.0,>=1.13.1 # Apache-2.0
@@ -15,0 +16,2 @@ PrettyTable<0.8,>=0.7 # BSD
+cryptography!=1.3.0,>=1.0 # BSD/Apache-2.0
+decorator>=3.4.0 # BSD
diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt
index 6ed4fdd..36136c3 100644
--- a/test-requirements.txt
+++ b/test-requirements.txt
@@ -5 +5 @@ hacking<0.11,>=0.10.0
-bandit>=1.0.1 # Apache-2.0
+bandit>=1.1.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -7 +6,0 @@ coverage>=3.6 # Apache-2.0
-discover # BSD
@@ -8,0 +8 @@ fixtures>=3.0.0 # Apache-2.0/BSD
+python-openstackclient>=2.1.0 # Apache-2.0