On Wed, Jul 08, 2015 at 12:14:31PM -0700, Stefano Maffulli wrote:
I asked the TC if this approach would be in violation of the governance repository here: https://github.com/openstack/governance/blob/master/reference/new-projects-r... [...] From the requirements " * Project must have no library dependencies which effectively restrict how the project may be distributed or deployed"
I don't think that this requirement line you quote is preventing GPLv3 code in OpenStack because the GNU GPLv3 (and its predecessor v2) doesn't restrict how the code is distributed or deployed. The license provisions kick in when code is modified *and* is distributed with such modifications.
The bullet before the one you quoted says:
* The proposed project uses an open source license (preferably the Apache v2.0 license, since it is necessary if the project wants to be used in an OpenStack trademark program)
This to me means that code can be put under the /openstack/ namespace in any open source approved license. Using Apache SL v2 will make it possible to be legally distributed by the OpenStack Foundation as part of the OpenStack 'core' definition.
If the intention of the TC requirements is to prevent strong copyleft licenses in openstack/ namespace maybe the bullets needs to be clarified.
I agree. If "effectively restrict[s] how the project may be distributed or deployed" was meant to allude to things like GPLv3 that is not obvious. Richard