On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 4:21 PM, Stefano Maffulli <stefano@openstack.org> wrote:
On 09/05/2014 03:23 PM, Luis Villa wrote:
> I was trying to look at the CCLA, and there doesn't appear to be a copy
> of it anywhere other than the e-sign form. Is that deliberate?

It is somewhat deliberate but I'm happy to reconsider that.

Here's my reasoning:
- CCLAs are mostly signed by corporate lawyers, like me.
- Corporate lawyers, like me, like to print out and examine documents before signing them. Or at least ook at them in a window that can be properly resized/zoomed (unlike the awful, user-unfriendly Adobe widget.)
- Careful corporate lawyers *particularly* like to print out and examine documents that are derived from other documents (ahem, Apache CLA), so that they can compare them carefully to the original/source document.

Additionally, I *assume* (but can't test!) that the completed document can be downloaded; if that's not the case, you should fix that, since being able to retain a copy for your own records is a requirement for a valid contract in some jurisdictions (arguably including California).

> If not,
> can it be posted somewhere in a downloadable/printable-for-review format?

I'll email it to you offlist, while this conversation is settled.



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Luis Villa
Deputy General Counsel
Wikimedia Foundation
415.839.6885 ext. 6810

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