20 Mar
20 Mar
4:55 p.m.
On 2015-03-20 09:26:59 -0500 (-0500), Anne Gentle wrote: [...]
I checked on the CC-By ability of the clouddocs-maven-plugin and it can do CC-by, but only 3.0 currently. [...]
Can you clarify why that's a problem? For example our wiki content all claims to be contributed/distributed under CC BY 3.0 explicitly, so if that's not actually what we wanted then we have a bit of a problem there too. Speaking of problems, the wiki edit screen's blurb about that links to a nonexistent page[1] for "details" so we should probably do something about that. I'd fix it myself immediately except this discussion now has me questioning what's supposed to be in it. :( [1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/OpenStack:Copyrights -- Jeremy Stanley