Thanks much for the update Mark. Great to see this making progress. On 06/11/2014 08:49 PM, Radcliffe, Mark wrote:
I wanted to provide a summary of the process that we are using to address this issue. After a discussion with Jonathan Bryce and Alan Clark on how best to approach the CLA issue, we have developed the following plan: we need to separate the legal issues and the recommendations. I will start by preparing a memo to provide a legal framework so everyone can understand the legal issues in making this decision.
The memo will not provide recommendations, because I think that we need to first agree on the framework before we can assess the options. The goal is to have a finalized framework and recommendations for the Board prior to the July Board meeting. I will be preparing the memo for review by the Legal Affairs Committee for its June 25 meeting. After we get their input, I will make the memo available on the Foundation website for further community review.
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-- Sean Dague