The next legal affairs committee meeting will be held Wednesday, October 14 at 4 pm ET/1 pm PT.
Join by Phone
+1-978-289-4114 (USA, Andover, MA)
+1-678-367-0003 (USA, Atlanta, GA)
+1-512-865-6123 (USA, Austin, TX)
+1-208-629-2920 (USA, Boise, ID)
+1-970-672-4888 (USA, Fort Collins. CO)
+1-281-377-1991 (USA, Houston, TX)
+1-650-300-4050 (USA, Palo Alto, CA)
1-855-493-4983 (USA/ Canada HP Customers/Partners)
Conference ID: 437192273
Nissa M. Strottman
Software, Cloud and Open Source
Office of the General Counsel
T +1 650 857 6279
M +1 650 387 4987
F +1 650 857 5409
Hewlett-Packard Company
3000 Hanover Street
MS 1601
Palo Alto, CA 94304-1112