<html><body><p><font size="4" face="Arial">In today's WOO meting we will continue our discussion on the top items to focus on as a community during the Newton cycle. I have summarized both the input from the Austin summit WOO breakfast working session with the comments and discussion since that time in today's etherpad: </font><a href="https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/WOS_5_16_16"><font size="4" face="Arial">https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/WOS_5_16_16</font></a><br><br><font size="4" face="Arial">Please add your +1 to your top 3-5 items to join in the discussion if you are not able to join today's meeting by phone: </font><br><br><font size="4" face="Arial">Women of OpenStack</font><br><font size="4" face="Arial">May 16, 2016 </font><br><font size="4" face="Arial">2000 UTC // 4PM EDT, 3PM CDT, 1PM PDT <-- double check your time zone conversion</font><font size="4" face="Arial"> </font><br><b><font size="4" face="Arial">Dial In: 1-203-277-8157 or </font></b><b><u><font size="4" face="Arial">866-619-0383 Participant: 7217256#</font></u></b><b><font size="4" face="Arial"> Leader 4018#</font></b><br><br><font size="4" face="Arial">Amy Marrich will be leading today's meeting -- thanks Amy for volunteering!</font><br><br>Jessica Murillo<br>Vice President, Strategy<br>IBM Systems <br>jessicak@us.ibm.com<br>Mobile Phone: 512-970-8466<br><font size="2" color="#800080">----- Forwarded by Jessica Murillo/Austin/IBM</font><font size="2" color="#800080"> on 05/16/2016 01:01 PM</font><font size="2" color="#800080"> -----</font><br><br><font size="2" color="#5F5F5F">From: </font><font size="2">Jessica Murillo/Austin/IBM</font><br><font size="2" color="#5F5F5F">To: </font><font size="2">women-of-openstack@lists.openstack.org</font><br><font size="2" color="#5F5F5F">Date: </font><font size="2">05/02/2016 10:08 PM</font><br><font size="2" color="#5F5F5F">Subject: </font><font size="2">See etherpad notes from May 2nd Women of OpenStack meeting</font><br><hr width="100%" size="2" align="left" noshade style="color:#8091A5; "><br><br><font face="Arial">Thanks to everyone who was able to join or add comments to today's Women of OpenStack discussion. Please take a few minutes to read and add any additional comments in the etherpad: </font><a href="https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/WOS_5_2_16"><u><font size="4" color="#0000FF" face="Arial">https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/WOS_5_2_16</font></u></a><font face="Arial">. </font><br><br><font face="Arial">There were a number of common themes in the discussion last week as well as today: separation of Design and OpenStack Summits and how we will continue to reach women as the event schedule changes, on-boarding and educating new OpenStack community members, using metrics to understand areas we should address and formulate actions, and our interlock with the OpenStack Diversity Council. </font><br><br><font face="Arial">I will continue to summarize the input for our next meeting where we can prioritize and assign owners to a few key actions. </font><br><br><font face="Arial">Our next meeting is scheduled in 2 weeks on May 16 @ 2000 UTC. </font><br><br>Jessica Murillo<br>Vice President, Strategy<br>IBM Systems <br>jessicak@us.ibm.com<br>Mobile Phone: 512-970-8466<br><font size="2" color="#800080">----- Forwarded by Jessica Murillo/Austin/IBM on 05/02/2016 09:57 PM -----</font><br><br><font size="2" color="#5F5F5F">From: </font><font size="2">Jessica Murillo/Austin/IBM</font><br><font size="2" color="#5F5F5F">To: </font><font size="2">women-of-openstack@lists.openstack.org</font><br><font size="2" color="#5F5F5F">Date: </font><font size="2">05/02/2016 12:22 PM</font><br><font size="2" color="#5F5F5F">Subject: </font><font size="2">Reminder: May 2nd Women of OpenStack meeting today at 2000 UTC</font><br><hr width="100%" size="2" align="left" noshade style="color:#8091A5; "><br><br><font size="5" face="Arial">It was great connecting with so many of you last week in Austin. Reminder: we will have a Women of OpenStack meeting today. We will be discussing the top outcomes of the working breakfast discussions and I hope that you are able to attend. </font><br><br><b><font size="5" face="Arial">Women of OpenStack</font></b><br><b><font size="5" face="Arial">May 2, 2016, 2000 UTC</font></b><br><br><b><font size="5" face="Arial">Dial In: 1-203-277-8157 or </font></b><b><u><font size="5" face="Arial">866-619-0383 Participant: 7217256#</font></u></b><b><font size="5" face="Arial"> Leader 4018#</font></b><br><br><font size="4" face="Arial">Leader: Jessica Murillo</font><br><font size="4" face="Arial">Etherpad: </font><a href="https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/WOS_5_2_16"><u><font size="4" color="#0000FF" face="Arial">https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/WOS_5_2_16</font></u></a><br><br><br><br>Jessica Murillo<br>Vice President, Strategy<br>IBM Systems <br>jessicak@us.ibm.com<br>Mobile Phone: 512-970-8466<br><br><br><BR>