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We have some exciting news for OpenStack public cloud providers:
We'd like to invite you to participate in a new initiative due to
launch at the Sydney Summit, November 6th.<br>
The OpenStack Public Cloud Passport Program is a unified way for
users to access free trial accounts from OpenStack public cloud
providers around the world. The passport will start life as a new
landing page on openstack.org, where users can easily access trial
accounts on any participating public cloud. The initial goals are:
to promote the OpenStack public cloud market, remove friction for
users to get started on their OpenStack journey, and to allow them
to experiment across a broad range of clouds.<br>
The long term vision involves a unified way for users to access
OpenStack public clouds around the world via their own OpenStack
Passport, which would involve a technical integration with a new
OpenStack Passport API service and OpenStack ID. We will be
discussing future plans for this during several sessions at the
Sydney Summit. In the short term, all interested parties will
essentially provide a website offering of their freemium/trial
offerings, which will be indexed and promoted at
If you're interested, please do get in touch and register your
details here by September 26th:
<a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="https://openstackfoundation.formstack.com/forms/openstack_public_cloud_passport_registration">https://openstackfoundation.formstack.com/forms/openstack_public_cloud_passport_registration</a><br>
The guidelines for participation are:<br>
1. Your business must either a) currently offer a free trial for
new public cloud users or b) plans to launch one by November 3rd;<br>
2. You must implement an official OpenStack graphic and
agreed-upon text on your own website's landing page (details TBA);<br>
3. You must provide a quality user experience, because
confusing/longwinded processes dissuade users;<br>
4. You must have a privacy policy, because we will be sending
users to sign up directly for your service;<br>
5. You are strongly encouraged to get involved with the bi-weekly
IRC meetings hosted by the Public Cloud Working Group (more
details below);<br>
6. You acknowledge that participation in the program does not
necessarily guarantee traffic or users.<br>
The program is currently being driven by the Public Cloud Working
Group with the support of the OpenStack Foundation. If you want to
get involved with how the program takes shape, we do public IRC
meetings every other Wednesday. Our next meeting is today
(Wednesday September 13th) at 1400UTC in #openstack-meeting-3.<br>
We're also running fishbowl sessions at OpenStack Days UK in
London (September 26th) and OpenStack Days Nordic in Copenhagen
(October 19th).<br>
Kind regards,<br>
Howard Huang, Sean Handley & Tobias Rydberg<br>
Chairs of Public Cloud Working Group<br>
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<td> <strong>Tobias Rydberg</strong> <br>
Senior Developer <br>
Mobile: +46 733 312780 <br>
Support: +46 8 4000 9000 <br>
<a href="mailto:tobias.rydberg@citynetwork.se">tobias.rydberg@citynetwork.se</a><br>
<a href="http://www.citynetwork.se">www.citynetwork.se</a><br>
City Network Hosting AB <br>
Borgmästaregatan 18 <br>
SE-371 34 Karlskrona <br>
Sweden <br>
<span class="uppercase">Innovation through open IT
Infrastructure <br>
ISO 9001, 14001, 27001, 27015 & 27018 Certified </span>
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