<font face="arial" size="3"><p style="margin:0;padding:0;font-family: arial; font-size: 12pt; word-wrap: break-word;">The Foundation is assisting in the planning of a co-located Container Day @ OpenStack Summit, on Tuesday, May 19 in the Vancouver Convention Center East Building. It's an exciting and relatively new technology. We're looking for users to speak about their real-life use cases with Containers on OpenStack. We welcome your stories - please let me know if you would like to participate! Thank you.</p>
<p style="margin:0;padding:0;font-family: arial; font-size: 12pt; word-wrap: break-word;">-- <br />Regards, <br /> <br />Kathy Cacciatore<br />Consulting Marketing Manager<br />OpenStack Foundation<br />1-512-970-2807 (mobile)<br />Part time: Monday - Thursday, 9am - 2pm US CT<br />kathyc@openstack.org</p>