[User-committee] User Committee Election coming soon!

Shilla Saebi shilla.saebi at gmail.com
Wed Jul 5 13:35:47 UTC 2017

Hello Everyone,

The OpenStack User Committee will be holding an election in August, per the
(UC) bylaws and charter
<https://governance.openstack.org/uc/reference/charter.html>. The current
UC will serve until the elections in August. At that point, the current two
UC members who still have 6 months to serve get a 6-month seat, and an
election is run to determine the other three members. Candidates ranking 1st,
2nd, and 3rd will get a one-year seat. Voting for the 2017 UC members will
be granted to the Active User Contributors (AUC).

Open candidacy for the UC positions will be from July 31 - August 11, 05:59
UTC. Voting for the User Committee (UC) members will be open on August 14th and
will remain open until August 18, 11:59 UTC. Additional details and the
process for nomination can be found here

As a reminder, please see the community code of conduct (

Please let me, or anyone from the UC know if you have any questions,
comments or concerns.

Thank you,

OpenStack User Committee

Shilla, Edgar, Jonathan, Melvin, Shamail
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