[User-committee] FW: [Product] Participate in a Usability Study at Barcelona: Feel good and get a free bluetooth speaker

Kruithof Jr, Pieter pieter.kruithof.jr at intel.com
Thu Oct 13 14:04:56 UTC 2016

Sorry about Ccing you twice on this email.  

Please forward to anyone in your org that may be interested in participating in the usability sessions.   The foundation was kind enough to make the space available in Barcelona and I would like to make sure that both studies are filled so we can show value.

On 10/13/16, 7:59 AM, "Kruithof Jr, Pieter" <pieter.kruithof.jr at intel.com> wrote:

    For those attending the Barcelona Summit, there will be two usability studies being conducted with cloud operators. We had nearly a 100% show rate last summit and the results had a direct impact on the OpenStackClient.  In fact, the results were shared at the OSC working session the next day. 
    Intel is also providing a bluetooth speaker to show our appreciation for your time. 
    The first study will be on Monday, October 24th and is intended to investigate the current APIs to understand any specific pain points associated with completing tasks that span projects such as quotas.  This study will last 45 minutes per operator.  
    You can schedule a time here:
    Note that you may need to set the time zone in Doodle to Spain > Ceuta
    The second study will be on Tuesday, October 25th and is intended to investigate the OpenStackClient to understand any specific pain points and opportunities associated with completing tasks with the client.  This study will last 45 minutes per operator.  
    We ran a similar study at the previous summit and the feedback from users was that it was a good opportunity to “test drive” the client. 
    You can schedule a time here:
    Note that you may need to set the time zone in Doodle to Spain > Ceuta
    For both studies, someone from the OpenStack UX project will send you a calendar invite after you select a time(s) that are convenient for you.
    Piet Kruithof
    PTL OpenStack UX
    Product-wg mailing list
    Product-wg at lists.openstack.org

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