[User-committee] Proposed by-law and charter changes

Christopher Aedo doc at aedo.net
Thu Nov 24 21:28:34 UTC 2016

This last Monday (Nov 21st) the User Committee held their first IRC
meeting[1] since the summit.  There was one topic that deserves to be
highlighted on the mailing list in order to get more eyes on it and to
generally raise awareness.  For some months the UC has been working on
some changes to the by-laws which will require a board vote.  The
first version of these changes[2] was presented to the board of
directors during the Barcelona summit.  They got good feedback along
with some suggested changes of wording.

>From the update provided by Edgar Magana one important suggestion was
around what changes should be in the by-laws and what should be in the
UC charter (since it's easier to adjust the charter later on).

Please take a minute to review the meeting log[1] (it was a pretty
quick one!), and PLEASE take a look at the google doc with the
proposed changes.

As a community it's really important that we get this right and
hopefully continue to strengthen and improve the relations and
coordination between all the developers working on the OpenStack
projects and the consumers of that code (and the resultant clouds
being deployed around the world).

Thank you!

[1]: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/uc/2016/uc.2016-11-21-19.00.log.txt
[2]: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QmLOeseAkjBWM_TXsUeKBErNaSHnuZp81II0T71ARfo/edit?usp=sharing


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