[User-committee] [app] App Eco WG naming

Christopher Aedo doc at aedo.net
Tue Nov 1 11:26:17 UTC 2016

During one of our work sessions in Barcelona (etherpad here[1]) we
discussed the name of our working group and agreed it was overly broad
and could use reconsideration.  Those in attendance agreed that our
purpose, scope and deliverables[2] made sense given goals planned for
the next cycle[3].

As far as names go, we briefly discussed the following before agreeing
to continue the conversation on the mailing list after the summit:
-App Developer Support
-App Developer Enabling

Any feedback on these?  Any others to think about?

I think it's also worth discussing whether or not we continue as a
working group or transition to a functional team.  Nobody currently
involved with the App Eco WG was there at it's creation.  Since then
we've broadened our scope to cover more than just creation of the
first-openstack-app guide and chasing improvements in external SDKs.
Given the definitions in the UC charter[4] I think we should be
operating as a "functional team" rather than a working group.  What do
you think?


[1]: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/AppEco_WG_BCN
[2]: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Application_Ecosystem_Working_Group
[3]: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/app-eco-objectives
[4]: http://governance.openstack.org/uc/reference/charter.html

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