[User-committee] [scientific][scientific-wg] Reminder: Scientific WG Meeting Wednesday 0700 UTC

Stig Telfer stig.openstack at telfer.org
Tue Jun 21 18:54:01 UTC 2016

Hello all - 

We have a Scientific WG IRC meeting on Wednesday 22 June at 0700 UTC on channel #openstack-meeting.

The agenda is available here[1] and full IRC meeting details are here[2].

The headline items for discussion are:

* Scientific OpenStack at Supercomputing 2016. OpenStack activities related to HPC and research computing at the annual Supercomputing conference in Salt Lake City in November.
 - Possibility of organisations with booths providing space for OpenStack-related content
 - Panel session on OpenStack for HPC & research computing
 - Proposal for a Birds-of-Feather session
 - White paper on OpenStack and HPC
* HPC / Research track at OpenStack Barcelona summit
 - Deadline for presentation submissions
 - Cross-promotion of the HPC/Research track in other channels
* Use cases and reference architectures

Best wishes,

[1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Scientific_working_group#IRC_Meeting_June_22nd_2016
[2] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/#Scientific_Working_Group

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