[User-committee] [scientific-wg] Booth space for OpenStack content at Supercomputing 2016?

Stig Telfer stig.openstack at telfer.org
Mon Jun 20 19:56:45 UTC 2016

Hi All - 

There was some discussion[1] at the last Scientific WG IRC meeting about promoting OpenStack at the Supercomputing conference in November.  One item covered was how WG members who work at organisations with booth space on the conference floor might be able to host some OpenStack-specific content at their booth.  Happily it seems that there are some contributors who may able to do this, and perhaps there are some beyond the WG who might be interested too.

If there is anyone who works at an organisation that books space at SC, and who would be interested in and able to join in, please speak up and we will make sure you're involved in the discussion.

Best wishes,

[1] http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/scientific_wg/2016/scientific_wg.2016-06-14-21.03.log.html#l-41

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