[User-committee] [scientific-wg] Scientific Working Group meeting in Barcelona

Blair Bethwaite blair.bethwaite at monash.edu
Tue Aug 2 12:13:08 UTC 2016

Hi Edgar,

I hear we need to talk to you regarding organising meeting time and
place for UC WGs? The inaugural Scientific Working group meeting in
Austin was very well attended so I suspect we'll need a reasonably
large space if possible.

Best regards,
Blair and Stig (scientific-wg co-chairs)

Blair Bethwaite
HPC Consultant (eResearch) -
Monash eResearch Centre (https://platforms.monash.edu/eresearch/)
R&D, System Admin, Cloud & Grid support specialist -
Monash eScience & Grid Engineering Lab (http://www.messagelab.monash.edu.au/)
Mobile: 0439-545-002
Office: +61 3-9903-2800

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