[User-committee] [app] 1st milestone for my first Openstack Application

Bart Demeulenaere bart.demeulenaere at venean.com
Tue Apr 12 21:39:56 UTC 2016


@David - the webserver in my application is meant as a monitoring component for a group of distributed processing components (these are the ones that would require (at least) 3 more VMs) - it was just easiest to do this component first as it has a nice way of providing feedback that it is up and running (http responses). I would like to make this cross-cloud indeed - AWS, GCP and some public Openstack provider (Dreamhost just came out with a nice offering). The big advantage of the Python script is that I can easily make it cross-cloud - and Python is great to work with.

@Kevin - I will try Heat as well, have experimented with it before. The cross-cloud experimentation requires the coding though. As for fault tolerance, this could mean many things - I am pretty sure that I can make my script reliably and reproducibly launch at least 4 VMs that provide me with the processing and monitoring platform that I need. What I do like about the orchestration and ceilometer components together is that they should allow for elasiticity to be built in. I had one thing with Heat before though (and again in the Juno release), I  think in a devstack deployment, where I terminated a server (VM) from Horizon that had been created as part of a stack - and then I could no longer remove the stack. I did not try this again so far as I do not want to mess up my deployment.

Kind regards,

From: David F Flanders 
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 4:38 AM
To: Fox, Kevin M 
Cc: Bart Demeulenaere ; user-committee at lists.openstack.org 
Subject: Re: [User-committee] [app] 1st milestone for my first Openstack Application

Hi Bart,  

Is this script intended to run across multiple clouds to test the basics of being able to "build a webserver" on any given cloud, aka "AppDev usability of clouds"?  

Hence not being able to use Heat, as Heat doesn't work with AWS, Azure, GCP, etc.?

Apologies if I've got crossed wires.

I've also love to hear your impression of ask.openstack from an AppDev PoV, but that for another thread.

Best, Flanders

On Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 8:42 AM, Fox, Kevin M <Kevin.Fox at pnnl.gov> wrote:

  Cool. :)

  I'd recommend looking into OpenStack Heat very closely though for doing most of the heavy lifting. Doing the deployment Declaratively makes for significantly less code then trying to do it Imperatively and makes it much more fault tolerant.

  You can do something like:
    Name: Server1
    Flavor: m1.large
    ExtraUserData: "yum install -y httpd; systemctl start httpd; systemctl enable httpd"
    PrimarySecurityGroup: web
    PrimaryNetworkId: cd5f6918-2870-48f4-85d1-722e70350ed4

  heat stack-create -e <the file above> -u https://raw.githubusercontent.com/EMSL-MSC/heat-templates/master/cfn/lib/SimpleServer.yaml MyStack

  Done. :)

  I'm continuing development on the lib templates to make them even more generic/configurable to make it even easier to launch complicated setups without much code. See some of the parent directories for more examples.


  From: Bart Demeulenaere [bart.demeulenaere at venean.com]
  Sent: Monday, April 11, 2016 3:13 PM
  To: user-committee at lists.openstack.org
  Subject: [User-committee] [app] 1st milestone for my first Openstack    Application


  Over the past 2 months with so little time I can dedicate to this effort I
  have been crawling towards my first Opensatck application. Today I have
  reached my first milestone. So what is this about?

  The Openstack deployment is:
  - Mirantis 6.0/Openstack Juno (so old) on a single hardware box in a bunch
  of Virtualbox VMs (6 of them) - the Openstack VMs have no internet access
  - Nova networking (could not get Neutron configured so I could use it)
  - Swift object storage

  My first milestone is a Python script that will upload a software archive to
  the Object storage, then launch a VM on Openstack that upon boot
  (cloud-init) will download that archive and start a webserver from it that
  is externally accessible. So prerequisites are an uploaded cloud-image for
  the VM and a security group (with SSH key and port rules). The webserver
  just returns 'exception' when contacted as it is supposed to monitor another
  part of y application that I have not yet up and running (next milestone).
  Point is though - it is auto-launched at VM creation time (running as a
  non-root user) and it is externally accessible, returning something.

  I used the nova-python sdk and swift-python sdk for this, tried first with
  the integrated OpenstackPythonSDK, but my deployment is likely too old and
  it has no Neutron, so that did not work out. I also had to as a question on
  Ask Openstack to get up to speed with the python SDK documentation. The
  answer I got to my question there provided snippets that did not run, but
  they kickstarted my understanding of the SDK, so they were more than welcome
  and extremely useful in that respect.

  Next milestone: get the other parts of the app deployed and running (at
  least 3 more VMs) and get all VMs communicating with each other.

  Kind regards,

  From: "Bonell Manjarrez, Marcela" <marcela.bonell.manjarrez at intel.com>
  Sent: Monday, February 08, 2016 11:59 PM
  To: <user-committee at lists.openstack.org>
  Subject: [User-committee]  [app] Deploying FirstApp in Trystack

  > Hi folks,
  > Good news, I'm able to deploy the FirstApp (getting started script) in
  > Trystack [1] with shade!
  > First, I tried with libcloud without success, because libcloud has
  > problems with networking (security groups).
  > Then I tried with shade and everything worked fine!
  > The pre-work required to deploy the app is:
  > * Generate an API password (Settings tab)
  > * Create an internal network
  > * Create a router
  > * Connect the internal and public networks with the router
  > All these steps are well documented in a video[2] that is accessible from
  > Trystack horizon login page [3].
  > Despite the fact that Trystack is for testing purposes only (your
  > instances are available just for 1-3 days), it can be used for training or
  > to explore app development such as the FirstApp tutorial.
  > [1] http://trystack.org/
  > [2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-M5Vt4-HYg
  > [3] https://x86.trystack.org/dashboard/auth/login/?next=/dashboard/
  > Marcela Bonell.
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