[User-committee] review request: overhaul for developer.openstack.org

Anne Gentle annegentle at justwriteclick.com
Thu Nov 19 21:17:11 UTC 2015

Hi all,
I need to get feedback on the mitaka plan for developer.openstack.org. Does
this look complete, do-able, and does it explain enough so you understand
the plan and see where you could help?

Please, review it and comment on the review, and feel free to pass it
around in your org. Thanks to everyone who has commented so far!

Read the draft HTML version here (but realize the URL will be outdated each
time I address feedback):

Email me directly if you don't have a review.openstack.org account or if
you want to chat about app devs needs. Especially if you have developers
looking for meaningful upstream OpenStack work, we can find tasks here.


Anne Gentle
Principal Engineer
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