[User-committee] User Survey: Development Tools

Tom Fifield tom at openstack.org
Tue May 5 15:14:26 UTC 2015


Thanks a lot for going through this - it's great to have another set of
eyes - keep it coming!

On 05/05/15 22:56, Michael Krotscheck wrote:
> I just did another quick pass over the data in the user survey, and I'm
> specifically looking at the "Deployment Tools" section
> in http://superuser.openstack.org/articles/openstack-user-survey-insights-november-2014....
> Firstly: The numbers for production add up to 118%. This seems odd, but
> might be an artifact of rounding.

This is probably because Deployments can use more than one tool for

> Secondly: Would it make sense to include 'pip', 'install from source',
> and 'private fork' in those options? Is there a different question that
> asks those?

For reference, the question on the survey is: "What tools are you using
to deploy / configure this cluster?"

I think the main spirit of this particular question is about
configuration management, rather than how the code gets to be there. In
essence: you can use packages, pip, or a git repo inside your tool as
you wish.

However - did you see the new question about packaging in the March
questions update? Is there potential to tweak that one?



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