[User-committee] OpenStack Surveys moving forward

Jimmy Mcarthur jimmy at tipit.net
Mon Mar 30 22:49:06 UTC 2015

Hello all -

We've been working on the development side of the user survey for 
OpenStack Foundation for the last two years. During that time, I've 
noticed a few issues which we'd like to address with the help of the 

* Because of some earlier limitations with Silverstripe, the data isn't 
normalized. I'd like to propose a true relational data model. This is a 
problem for many reasons: data analysis, ease of updates, year over year 
changes, etc...
* Users are updating the same Deployment and Survey rows year over year. 
Literally we're writing over historical data, which eliminates our 
ability to track data trends for companies and deployments.
* Due to the current data model, updating the survey must be done by 
someone familiar with Silverstripe. I would propose a survey builder, 
built around the needs of the most current survey. This should allow the 
User Committee to create/edit their own questions and answers, including 
the style of the question (e.g. radio buttons, checkbox list, ranking of 
answers, etc...)

We would be happy to put together a blueprint of what we're thinking, 
but I'd like to first get general feedback from you all. You're much 
more familiar with both the data and what you want to do with it than we 
could ever be, so we welcome any input you might have in improving the 
process of both creating the surveys and managing the data.

Thank you!
Jimmy McArthur / Tipit.net <http://Tipit.net>< jimmy at tipit.net 
<mailto:jimmy at tipit.net>>
m: 512.965.4846
o: 512.481.1161

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