[User-committee] [Win The Enterprise-wg] [OpenStack][Enterprise WG] Forming an Enterprise ISV Interop Team

Barrett, Carol L carol.l.barrett at intel.com
Thu Jun 11 15:59:47 UTC 2015

Team - I have updated the Doodle so that the times will localize to your timezone when you view it. Sorry for the confusion.

Please use this link: http://doodle.com/mmdyx7rwryxhxrc3


From: Pitzely, David [mailto:David_Pitzely at cable.comcast.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 11:13 AM
To: enterprise-wg at lists.openstack.org; user-committee at lists.openstack.org; marketing at lists.openstack.org
Subject: [Win The Enterprise-wg] [OpenStack][Enterprise WG] Forming an Enterprise ISV Interop Team

All - It was great to meet with so many of you in Vancouver. I look forward to meeting more of you at mid-cycle meet-ups and other events.

After talking with many of you, we're moving forward to form a new team within the Enterprise WG, called the "ISV Interop Team." This team takes the work underway today in the Marketing and Business team around Top 5 ISVs, combined with the Monitoring Team to form a single working group.  Our group will work with the most enterprise-requested ISVs, in high priority enterprise work load categories, for the purpose of creating interoperable solutions, documentation and how-to guides, customer PoCs and reference architectures. Our belief is, that having a strong ISV ecosystem will accelerate deployments of OpenStack by Enterprise IT managers.

We're reaching out across the community for members to join this team. We have started a doodle to find a meeting time that works for everyone interested in contributing. Pls mark your preferences here: http://doodle.com/r9iq89ttms2pmdus

We look forward to working on this important element of accelerating enterprise adoption of OpenStack.

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