[User-committee] Officially forming project under User committee and repo

Rochelle Grober rochelle.grober at huawei.com
Thu Jul 9 21:01:39 UTC 2015

Hey, guys.  I'm putting together the patch to request that we (Product Working Group) become an official OpenStack project under the auspices of the User committee.

The patch is simple, just identifying project and repo, but the commit message will include our mission statement from our wiki page and perhaps some other stuff from the page.  Is it current?  This patch will appear today and be advertised on these two (plus ops) mailing lists once I have the link.

I discussed the repo name with Doug (and am following the Telco WG discussion about move to OpenStack) and the thinking is that we should use : openstack/openstack-userstories as the repo name to differentiate it from other WG user story repos that might appear under openstack.  But there is another option.

1)      Name repo openstack/openstack-userstories so that the repo is easily identifiable for its content and overarching nature of spanning  across working groups

2)      Name the repo openstack/product-wg and have a userstories (user-stories?) directory underneath which *publishes* the user stories to an openstack wiki location similar to specs and docs.  That way, all the approved ones are on a wiki.  All the in process ones are in gerrit going through review. If we use the specs-pub descriptor on the repo, I think we'll immediately have the ability to publish to specs.openstack.com and can work with infra to separate out all the user stories as a follow-on patch
The other thing I need to do is setup a launchpad group for us.  And I was thinking Product_WG?

Enquiring minds want to know,
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