[User-committee] Paris discussions for Application Ecosystem Working Group

Tom Fifield tom at openstack.org
Mon Oct 20 13:13:56 UTC 2014

Hi all,

Apologies for the long silence on this. We had a number of 'background'
discussions, which failed to come to a conclusion, but delayed our progress.

Having thought about this for a couple of weeks, I think this group's
actual aim should be a little different to what we talked about in
previous emails.

I believe the end goal of our activity should be:

To create an environment where a diverse array of applications built for
OpenStack can thrive.

That is, we do a bunch of concrete work that all leads to that happy
nirvana scenario where we've got a list of 30,000 high quality
applications that all work on OpenStack. A successful Application
Ecosystem. Then we can close up our working group and move on :)

This is going to take a bunch of effort. I've had a go at hashing out
some of the lower-level objectives at:


However, the purpose of this email is also to talk about what's on in Paris!

Provided nothing changes, we have two timeslots:
* 40 minutes on Monday to introduce the working group to a large
audience, and try to get some initial feedback from those who are likely
users or creators of such applications.
* 90 minutes on Thursday, to allow a smaller group those who are
interested in participating to set out the work plan and get a head
start on such activities

A potential list of topics for the Monday follows:
* Welcome
* Where do you hang out? How can we reach you?
* What do you do? Anyone able to give a lightening intro?
* Feedback on developer.openstack.org and the type of content that would
be useful
* User survey - "Your OpenStack Usage" section - results and tweaks
* SDKs & working with SDK communities
* Where are the bugs/rough edges in OpenStack for you?
* Getting feedback into the development process



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