[User-committee] Formulate application developer oriented questions for the user survey

Everett Toews everett.toews at RACKSPACE.COM
Thu Jan 16 22:01:28 UTC 2014

Hi All,

Inspired by this thread [1], I think it's time we try to formulate some application developer oriented questions for the user survey. Having this information will help us guide OpenStack developers, SDK developers, and other tool developers.

Sean Dague already proposed the following 3 questions. I've added some more answers to the first to flesh it out. I replaced the work toolkit with code in questions 2 and 3.

1. What toolkits do you use to interface with the OpenStack API?
* OpenStack command line (i.e. nova cli)
* OpenStack libraries (Python)
* jclouds (Java)
* fog (Ruby)
* pkgcloud (node.js)
* openstack.net (C#)
* php-opencloud (PHP)
* deltacloud (HTTP API)
* other - please specify
* none - wrote our own

2. If you wrote your own code for accessing the OpenStack API, what wire format are you using?

3. If you wrote your own code for accessing the OpenStack API, what programming language did you write it in?
* Python
* Java
* Ruby
* node.js
* C#
* Perl
* C/C++
* Other (please specify)

All of the answers would be multi-select. e.g. checkboxes instead of radio buttons.

Do we need more questions?

Do we need change the wording of the questions as if it's from the perspective of the OpenStack operators asking their users what tools they are using to develop applications on an OpenStack cloud?

e.g.  What toolkits *are your users using* to interface with the OpenStack API?
If *your users wrote their* own code for accessing the OpenStack API, what wire format are *they* using?


[1] http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack/2014-January/004638.html

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