[User-committee] Details of public survey results

Bob Ball bob.ball at citrix.com
Thu Jul 4 11:03:14 UTC 2013

Hi all,

Referring to the thread started http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/user-committee/2013-April/000111.html.

There were a number of suggestions made about how we could make more of the public results available - but it wasn't clear to me what the preferred direction was.  I believe that the following suggestions were made:

*         Publishing the results tables which were used for making the graphs from the Havana presentation

*         Aggregated data to provide details on things like the scales of deployments on a per-hypervisor basis

*         Dynamic queries for deployments that have been listed as public

*         Preventing access to more detailed information to ensure that data mining doesn't expose information some may consider private (although I suspect this depends on whether the information was classified as public or private, and what the terms of it being public are)

I was wondering if there was an update on making more of the results publically accessible?


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