[Transparency] Moving the transparency policy to gerrit

Mark McLoughlin markmc at redhat.com
Sun May 3 13:36:08 UTC 2015


At last week's committee meeting[1], one topic was how we should manage
proposals for changes to the transparency policy. Previously, we have
used google docs comments for this.

I proposed experimenting with using gerrit for this, similar to how the
Technical Committee uses gerrit for its policies and resolutions. I've
just proposed the creation of the openstack/transparency-policy repo:


The initial repo is here:


and you can see how the published result would currently look like:


compare to:


With proposed changes to the policy, the process would roughly be:

  1) Someone proposes the changes by checking out the git repo, editing
     the document, and running the git-review command line too

  2) Discussion of the changes would happen through the gerrit web
     interface, with people able to propose changes in line

  3) The author would respond to that discussion, mostly likely making 
     amendments, and uploading those new reviews to gerrit

  4) The proposal would be discussed in a committee meeting.

  5) Eventually, the committee members would individually vote +1 on 
     the  proposal.

  6) The proposal would be presented to the board, showing the diff, 
     and the end result. Perhaps several changes would be proposed to 
     the board at once.

  7) Each change that is approved by the board is then merged into the 
     repo using the gerrit web interface by either the foundation board 
     chair or the committee chair.


[1] - See notes at https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Transparency_Committee_Meeting_%28Apr_28,_2015%29

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