[release-announce] puppet-neutron 20.0.0 (yoga)

no-reply at openstack.org no-reply at openstack.org
Fri Nov 26 16:58:16 UTC 2021

We are chuffed to announce the release of:

puppet-neutron 20.0.0: Puppet module for OpenStack Neutron

This release is part of the yoga release series.

The source is available from:


Download the package from:


Please report issues through:


For more details, please see below.


New Features

* The new "sdn_token" parameter to authenticate sdn has been added
  to the "neutron::plugins::ml2::mellanox::mlnx_sdn_assist" class.

* Now the following classes support the "rpc_response_max_timeout"

  * "neutron::agents::dhcp"

  * "neutron::agents::metadata"

  * "neutron::agents::metering"

  * "neutron::agents::l3"

  * "neutron::agents::ml2::linuxbridge"

  * "neutron::agents::ml2::ovs"

  * "neutron::agents::ml2::sriov"

* The new "key_val_separator" parameter has been added to the
  "neutron_api_paste_ini" resource type.

* Now "neutron::server::api_service_name" can accept and handle
  "httpd" as a valid service name, to run api service by

* The "neutron::plugins::ml2::ovn" class now supports the following
  two new parameters.

  * "ovsdb_retry_max_interval"

  * "ovsdb_probe_interval"

* The new "neutron::server::rpc_state_report_workers" parameter has
  been added.

Upgrade Notes

* The "neutron::server::service_name" parameter no longer accepts
  "httpd" as a valid service name. To run api service by httpd, the
  "neutron::server::api_service_name" parameter should be used instead
  along with the "neutron::server::rpc_service_name".

* Default value of the "neutron::wsgi::apache::ssl" parameter will
  be changed from "true" to "false" in a future release. Make sure the
  parameter is set to the desired value.

Deprecation Notes

* The following two parameters of the
  "neutron::plugins::ml2::mellanox::mlnx_sdn_assist" class have been
  deprecated and have no effect now.

  * "sdn_username"

  * "sdn_password"

* The "neutron::agents::ovn_metadata::ovn_remote_probe_interval"
  parameter has been deprecated and has no effect now. This parameter
  will be removed in a future release.

* Usage of arbitaly service name for the
  "neutron::server::service_name" has been deprecated and will be
  removed in a future release.

Bug Fixes

* The independent ovn plugin package("pythonN-networking-ovn") is no
  longer required. The package is no longer available since Ussuri,
  and all codes are now included in the base neutron package.

* The "neutron-ovn-metadata-agent" package is now installed in
  Ubuntu and Debian.

Changes in puppet-neutron 19.4.0..20.0.0

9e2c7d01 Test more default values of neutron::designate
5b760239 Support setting rpc_response_max_timeout per agent
4c5bf0c0 Add support for [DEFAULT] rpc_state_report_workers
3c63347c Remove ineffective notification
ef06ac48 Add support for running neutron api by httpd+mod_wsgi
85db3449 ml2+ovn: Add more tunable parameters for OVN DB connections
8ce1ea3d Change authentication method for Mellanox sdn controller
7236d7ff Remove unused params
424d0fd8 Prepare to update default of <service>::wsgi::apache::ssl
ce2357d4 ovn: Deprecate the ovn_remote_probe_interval parameter
9d3e6a73 Bump puppetlabs-inifile
bf562b88 Accept an array value for valid_interfaces
bfb1a76e Allow customizing separator for api-paste.ini
ba14e049 Bump version for the start of Yoga
3a14ee73 Update master for stable/xena
854ece09 ovn: Do not expect the separate plugin package

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

.../ovn_metadata_agent_config/ini_setting.rb       |  2 +-
lib/puppet/type/neutron_api_paste_ini.rb           |  5 ++
lib/puppet/type/ovn_metadata_agent_config.rb       |  2 +-
manifests/agents/dhcp.pp                           |  6 ++
manifests/agents/l3.pp                             |  6 ++
manifests/agents/metadata.pp                       |  6 ++
manifests/agents/metering.pp                       | 34 ++++----
manifests/agents/ml2/linuxbridge.pp                | 32 ++++---
manifests/agents/ml2/ovs.pp                        |  6 ++
manifests/agents/ml2/sriov.pp                      |  6 ++
manifests/agents/ovn_metadata.pp                   | 17 +++-
manifests/keystone/auth.pp                         |  4 +-
manifests/params.pp                                | 14 +---
manifests/plugins/ml2/mellanox/mlnx_sdn_assist.pp  | 47 ++++++++---
manifests/plugins/ml2/ovn.pp                       | 20 +++--
manifests/server.pp                                | 76 +++++++++++++----
manifests/server/notifications/ironic.pp           |  2 +-
manifests/services/l2gw.pp                         |  1 -
manifests/wsgi/apache.pp                           | 11 ++-
metadata.json                                      | 12 +--
.../notes/add_token_auth-daa888e87da725da.yaml     | 13 +++
...-rpc_response_max_timeout-fbf636fb47193896.yaml | 13 +++
.../api_paste_ini-separator-d0cdc04bd0cad337.yaml  |  5 ++
.../notes/bug-1945973-65195b6dae2009e5.yaml        | 10 +++
...ovn_remote_probe_interval-269bdab63be84041.yaml |  6 ++
.../notes/neutron-api-wsgi-97ea733fb608da78.yaml   | 17 ++++
.../notes/ovn-tunables-0f917de23d4c1274.yaml       |  8 ++
...pare-to-change-apache-ssl-465063265e7834ac.yaml |  6 ++
.../rpc_state_report_workers-779d6cde164de3d2.yaml |  5 ++
releasenotes/source/index.rst                      |  1 +
releasenotes/source/xena.rst                       |  6 ++
spec/classes/neutron_agents_dhcp_spec.rb           |  1 +
spec/classes/neutron_agents_l3_spec.rb             |  1 +
spec/classes/neutron_agents_metadata_spec.rb       |  1 +
spec/classes/neutron_agents_metering_spec.rb       |  1 +
.../classes/neutron_agents_ml2_linuxbridge_spec.rb |  1 +
spec/classes/neutron_agents_ml2_ovs_spec.rb        |  1 +
spec/classes/neutron_agents_ml2_sriov_spec.rb      |  1 +
spec/classes/neutron_agents_ovn_metadata_spec.rb   | 42 ++++------
spec/classes/neutron_designate_spec.rb             |  7 ++
.../neutron_plugins_ml2_mlnx_sdn_assist_spec.rb    |  6 +-
spec/classes/neutron_plugins_ml2_ovn_spec.rb       |  6 +-
.../neutron_server_notifications_ironic_spec.rb    | 15 +++-
spec/classes/neutron_server_spec.rb                | 97 +++++++++++++++++-----
.../ovn_metadata_agent_config/ini_setting_spec.rb  |  4 +-
45 files changed, 434 insertions(+), 149 deletions(-)

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