[release-announce] tripleo-heat-templates 14.0.0 (wallaby)

no-reply at openstack.org no-reply at openstack.org
Thu Jan 28 11:12:42 UTC 2021

We are amped to announce the release of:

tripleo-heat-templates 14.0.0: Heat templates for deploying OpenStack
with OpenStack.

This release is part of the wallaby release series.

The source is available from:


Download the package from:


Please report issues through:


For more details, please see below.


New Features

* Added "MemcachedMaxConnections" setting with a default of 8192
  maximum connections in order to allow an operator to override that
  value in environments where memcached is heavily sollicited.

* The "aodh_api_cron" container has been added to run aodh-expirer
  command periodically, to remove expired alarms from Aodh database.
  Use AodhExpire* parameters to override cron parameters.

* The new "AodhAlarmHistoryTTL" parameter has been added, which
  defines TTL of alarm histories in aodh. This parameter is set as
  86400 by default.

* Support deploying multiple Cinder Netapp Storage backends.
  CinderNetappBackendName is enhanced to support a list of backend
  names, and a new CinderNetappMultiConfig parameter provides a way to
  specify parameter values for each backend.

* Introducing the new "NovaSchedulerEnabledFilters" based on the new
  nova parameter "filter_scheduler.enabled_filters".

* The parameter "NovaComputeStartupDelay" allows the operator to
  delay the startup of "nova-compute" after a compute node reboot.
  When all the overcloud nodes are rebooted at the same time, it can
  take a few minutes to the Ceph cluster to get in a healthy state.
  This delay will prevent the instances from booting before the Ceph
  cluster is healthy.

* The NovaApiMaxLimit parameter allows the operator to set Nova API
  max_limit using a Heat parameter in their templates.

* New Heat parameter ClusterFullTag controls how we configure
  pacemaker container image names for the HA services. Compared to the
  previous parameter ClusterCommonTag, this new naming convention
  allows any part of the container image name to change during a minor
  update, without service disruption. e.g.,
  registryA/namespaceA/imgA:tagA to registryB/namespaceB/imgB:tagB
  This new paramter ClusterFullTag is enabled by default.

* Refresh Swift ring files without restarting containers. This makes
  it possible to update rings without service restarts, lowering the
  overhead for updates.

* The SwiftHashPrefix parameter allows the operator to set Swift
  swift_hash_path_prefix using a Heat parameter in their Templates.

* OVN now supports VXLAN network type for tenant networks.

Known Issues

* Cell_v2 discovery has been moved from the nova-compute|nova-ironic
  containers as this requires nova api database credentials which must
  not be configured for the nova-compute service. As a result scale-up
  deployments which explicitly omit the Controller nodes will need to
  make alternative arrangements to run cell_v2 discovery. Either the
  nova-manage command can be run manually after scale-up, or an
  additional helper node using the NovaManage role can be deployed
  that will be used for this task instead of a Controller node. See
  Bug: 1786961 (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1786961) and Bug: 1871482

Upgrade Notes

* The following parameters have been removed since they have had no

  * "NovaDbSyncTimeout"

  * "ExtractedPlacementEnabled"

* The *EnableEtcdInternalTLS* parameter's default value changes from
  false to true. The change is related to the fact that novajoin is
  deprecated, and the functionality associated with the
  *EnableEtcdInternalTLS* parameter is not required when TLS is
  deployed using the tripleo-ansible ansible module.

* The AdminEmail parameter has been removed because it has had no
  effect since TripleO had bootstrap support implemented.

* Support for Sahara service has been removed.

Deprecation Notes

* The *EnableEtcdInternalTLS* parameter is deprecated. It was added
  to support a workaround that is necessary when novajoin is used to
  deploy TLS, but novajoin itself is deprecated. The workaround is not
  necessary when TLS is deployed using the tripleo-ansible ansible

* Deprecating "NovaSchedulerDefaultFilters", it's replaced with the
  new setting, "NovaSchedulerEnabledFilters".

* Zaqar services are deprecated for removal.

Bug Fixes

* When deploying a spine-and-leaf (L3 routed architecture) with TLS
  enabled for internal endpoints the deployment would fail because
  some roles are not connected to the network mapped to the service in
  ServiceNetMap. To fix this issue a role specific parameter
  "{{role.name}}ServiceNetMap" is introduced (defaults to: "{}"). The
  role specific ServiceNetMap parameter allow the operator to override
  one or more service network mappings per-role. For example:

       NovaLibvirtNetwork: internal_api_leaf2

  The role specific "{{role.name}}ServiceNetMap" override is merged
  with the global "ServiceNetMap" when it's passed as a value to the
  "{{role.name}}ServiceChain" resources, and the "{{role.name}}"
  resource groups so that the correct network for this role is mapped
  to the service.

  Closes bug: 1904482

* Certificates get merged into the containers using kolla_config
  mechanism. If a certificate changes, or e.g. UseTLSTransportForNbd
  gets disabled and enabled at a later point the containers running
  the qemu process miss the required certificates and live migration
  fails. This change moves to use bind mount for the certificates and
  in case of UseTLSTransportForNbd ans creates the required
  certificates even if UseTLSTransportForNbd is set to False. With
  this UseTLSTransportForNbd can be enabled/disabled as the required
  bind mounts/certificates are already present.

  7b2 introduced THT parameters to set libvirt/cpu_mode. The patch
  sets the NovaLibvirtCPUMode wrong to 'none' string which results in
  puppet-nova not to handle the default cases correct and sets
  libvirt/cpu_mode to none which results in 'qemu64' CPU model, which
  is highly buggy and undesirable for production usage.  This changes
  the default to the recommended CPU mode 'host-model', for various
  benefits documented elsewhere.

* When using RHSM Service (deployment/rhsm/rhsm-baremetal-
  ansible.yaml) based registration of the overcloud nodes and enabling
  the KSM using NovaComputeEnableKsm=True the overcloud deployment
  will fail because the RHSM registration and the ksm task run as
  host_prep task. The handling of enable/disable ksm is now handled in
  deploy step 1.

* In case of cellv2 multicell environment nova-metadata is the only
  httpd managed service on the cell controller role. In case of tls-
  everywhere it is required that the cell controller host has ther
  needed metadata to be able to request the HTTP certificates.
  Otherwise the getcert request fails with "Insufficient 'add'
  privilege to add the entry

* Do not relabel Swift files on every container (re-)start. These
  will be relabeled already in step 3 preventing additional delays.

Other Notes

* A new parameter called "RabbitTCPBacklog" that specifies the
  maximum tcp backlog for RabbitMQ as been added. The value defaults
  to 4096 to match previous behavior and can be modified for the needs
  of larger scale deployments by operators.

Changes in tripleo-heat-templates 13.0.0..14.0.0

48dc38f32 Fix swift bare variable warning
dc070b44a Do not loop on ceph_external_multi_config unless it is defined
4a599e372 Remove pcs/pacemaker package installation from upgrade tasks
fc61731b8 Add deployed_port template
93b5c3a20 Making sure virt-guest-shutdown.target exists
967339a1f Drop python_cmd set_Fact
ae1f4c1fb Add NovaImageTypeExcludeList parameter
831f5d65f Configure OVNCMSOptions=enable-chassis-as-gw within neutron-ovn-sriov.yaml
9949a8efe Turn off the etcd TLS workaround used with novajoin
fea7fa2d9 Add doc/requirements
79686663e Configure Ceph clients via tripleo-ceph-client (not ceph-ansible)
38c3cdb81 Wire up new tripleo upgrades jobs template
e7a84a2c1 Move the misplaced release note file
14c517916 Rename the template for LoginDefs service
49cebbb56 Remove duplicated tasks to create persisitent directries for haproxy
1c46f0a6c Glance: use the puppet parameter to enable image cache feature
ab1599765 Revert "Move CA cert injection to host_prep_tasks"
799a270e3 Remove ineffective parameters of puppet-rabbitmq
cb55cc8ce Serialize shutdown of pacemaker nodes
971438dd8 Simplify composition of swift-proxy-server pipelines
d0c9b6d0c Remove cinder v2 API keystone service and endpoints
f89140402 Fix logic to honor HorizonDebug
969693e66 Fix unreachable handling
6eb72aa76 Adding an optional startup delay to nova-compute
bb8cb15d2 Update container-config-scripts/ folder content before update_tasks.
48d0e4d9b Notification drivers need to be a list
be6a844a7 Make it possible to override ServiceNetMap per-role
976097752 Adding key_size option on the certificate creation
3e2371f71 Rely on the HOSTNAME var to resolve the mon container name
191d16090 Do not relabel Swift files on every container start
4c2d5927e Set up right DNF module stream for Upgrades and Updates.
144eb67ca Remove Luna HSM clients on scaledown
b11835307 Use stat module instead of "test -s"
faab7e785 Removing scheduler_default_filters for Nova
6d39c90a2 Use RootStackName parameter instead for consistency
81087b49c Move ipa check to external_deploy_tasks
4aa2bcd6d Ensure images folder is created for ironic-conductor
d582c097c Set setgid mode bit for /var/lib/ironic
4ebc9ac8f Disable SwiftDisperion when deploying Ceph RGW
c8f5fdfc3 HA: reimplement resource locks with cibadmin
ffd86b3f2 Fix ownership of octavia_rsyslog log directory
efd197551 The lower constraint file has been removed
5b60ef1ee Don't try and clean non-existing nic config dir
2d60799c4 Define a new CinderVolumeEdge service
3663790bc Remove /etc/ceph dependency and add tripleo_ceph_client role
bf7ef6b4d Set toplevel nova::dhcp_domain for all nova services
a487e16c5 Remove vfio-pci.conf module load file
0e1c9618b Add SwiftHashPrefix parameter
8b16911cc Revert rolling certificate updates for HA services
ca6cf97d9 [PowerFlex] Fix resource name typo in template
bbed1ef73 Add setting to override max memcached connections
eace71f0e Add setting to override rabbitmq tcp connection backlog
1879441b3 Ensure cloud-init has finished before puppet run
83e6f9a6c Add qemu metadata to compute node when tls for live migration
04b4ec386 Identify HSMs using labels instead of Slot ID
1e7015081 Pre-fix neutron resource tags with 'tripleo_'
06a6fffc1 Add deleton_policy to network port resources
fe275dd91 Add 'networks_all' ansible group_var
a4ed8120f Run os-net-config on step 3
63b2a989b Ensure cinder LVM volumes work after system restart
c290a5e3a Set correct default NovaLibvirtCPUMode
89fcfa5fa Fix barbican settings missing from glance Edge nodes
841ffc0ad Fix typo in bond options group var name (2/2)
70818dc68 fix nova_statedir_ownership
e77a59b41 Revert "Create post-deploy.conf on update/upgrade for octavia"
39d0330b2 Remove 'role_networks_lower' group_var
3108c052b Add {{ network.name }}_mtu for all networks to group_vars
39ee7e23d Don't pass empty values for ipaclient_servers to ipaclient role
b1204893e Allow to configure vxlan network type for OVN
1fafca733 Refresh ceph-ansible group_vars values
c8c985567 Make sure networks_skip_config defaults to []
079d50547 Network data v2 YAML definition for CI
caa9d7de0 Deployed networks template
8e5d5283c Move CA cert injection to host_prep_tasks
89d605103 Make sure apache metadata is set for nova-metadata service
d476a31a0 Fix the value of ssl_verify_client
9d82364de Refactor nova db config
629485dde Move cell_v2 discovery off compute hosts
ddec6c8b6 Fix convert_nic_config.py script
d3826e9ec Create post-deploy.conf on update/upgrade for octavia
d910b9486 Add file which enables QoS related L3 agent extensions
28f2a7091 Add hostname and stack_name tags to ports
c329204de Move enable ksm on compute node to deploy step 1
603530c71 Add NovaApiMaxLimit configure max_limit for nova
fce83f534 Support deploying multiple Cinder Netapp Storage backends
0b4175178 Adding Ceph Dashboard to the Edge roles
735faf047 Enable tripleo_free strategy for upgrade
4e0f61d9e Properly compute hostname when looking for the ceph-mon container
633707d41 Fix typo in bond options group var name (1/2)
efdfa252c Add Python3 victoria unit tests
51ebe2f65 node_exporter_container_image is needed in 'all' group
5d9c6edb3 Always set dashboard_protocol when Ceph Dashboard is enabled
a9da212d7 Fix memcached logging
97ddb9496 Replace deprecated UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE variable
00a22232f Filter computes with nova_host defined
f456eb57d Drop duplicate paramter NeutronPublicInterface
eb41d8bf6 Remove mistral parameters from undercloud.yaml
e07e571ba Use bind mounts for tls certificates
4933d6f3e cinder/iscsi backend: remove lvm2-lvmetad.service dependency
fedc81d82 Update master for stable/victoria
dfc3322b6 Fix MetricsQdrUseSSL value
566feed07 Remove the ineffective AdminEmail parameter
ef1b03455 Make sure octavia user belongs to octavia project
9bc664090 Fix swift containers idempotency
cb982440d Refresh Swift ring files without restarting containers
d00943a58 Deprecate zaqar services
50f062da7 HA: ClusterFullTag naming convention by default
62e7beb38 Switch c8-standalone to content provider
3f8decf17 Add CinderBackupOptVolumes parameter
3c246d15d Remove old nic config templates
a2324ccac Cleanup unused parameters from nova templates
c15653401 Skip Trilio dirs when setting ownership in /var/lib/nova
d63d2c63a Fix ceilometer_agent_compute healthcheck
4a7d56947 Remove Sahara support
91cc43e01 Add SendQueueLimit to collectd-amqp1
cb92bb73a Re-enable driver agent for scenario 13
46113c545 Add aodh-expirer cron job

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

README.rst                                         |   2 -
ci/environments/multinode-containers.yaml          |   1 +
ci/environments/neutron_l3_qos.yaml                |   2 +
ci/environments/scenario000-standalone.yaml        |   2 -
ci/environments/scenario001-standalone.yaml        |   3 +
ci/environments/scenario002-standalone.yaml        |   2 +-
ci/environments/scenario004-standalone.yaml        |   2 +-
ci/environments/scenario013-standalone.yaml        |   3 -
ci/network_data.yaml                               |  50 +++
common/common-container-config-scripts.yaml        |  17 +
common/container-puppet.sh                         |   6 +-
common/deploy-steps-playbooks-common.yaml          |  12 +-
common/deploy-steps-tasks-step-0.j2.yaml           |  14 +
common/deploy-steps-tasks-step-1.yaml              |  33 +-
common/deploy-steps.j2                             |   5 +
.../nova_statedir_ownership.py                     |  21 +-
.../pacemaker_mutex_shutdown.sh                    | 120 +++++++
.../pacemaker_resource_lock.sh                     | 134 ++++---
deployment/aodh/aodh-api-container-puppet.yaml     |  74 ++++
deployment/aodh/aodh-base.yaml                     |   2 +-
deployment/apache/apache-baremetal-puppet.j2.yaml  |  16 +
.../barbican/barbican-api-container-puppet.yaml    |  86 ++---
.../barbican-backend-pkcs11-crypto-puppet.yaml     |  14 +-
deployment/barbican/barbican-client-puppet.yaml    |   3 +-
.../ceilometer-agent-compute-container-puppet.yaml |   3 +-
.../ceilometer-base-container-puppet.yaml          |   2 +-
deployment/ceph-ansible/ceph-base.yaml             |  60 +++-
deployment/ceph-ansible/ceph-grafana.yaml          |  20 +-
deployment/ceph-ansible/ceph-mgr.yaml              |  22 +-
deployment/ceph-ansible/ceph-osd.yaml              |   4 +-
deployment/ceph-ansible/ceph-rgw.yaml              |  20 +-
deployment/cinder/cinder-api-container-puppet.yaml |  27 +-
.../cinder/cinder-backend-netapp-puppet.yaml       |  28 +-
.../cinder/cinder-backup-pacemaker-puppet.yaml     |   6 +
.../cinder/cinder-common-container-puppet.yaml     |  38 +-
.../cinder/cinder-volume-container-puppet.yaml     |   8 +-
.../cinder/cinder-volume-pacemaker-puppet.yaml     |   6 +
deployment/containers-common.yaml                  |   3 +
deployment/database/mysql-base.yaml                |  16 +
deployment/database/mysql-pacemaker-puppet.yaml    |   2 -
deployment/database/redis-container-puppet.yaml    |  16 +
deployment/deprecated/mistral/mistral-base.yaml    |   2 +-
.../sahara/sahara-api-container-puppet.yaml        | 215 -----------
deployment/deprecated/sahara/sahara-base.yaml      | 120 -------
.../sahara/sahara-engine-container-puppet.yaml     | 137 -------
.../zaqar/zaqar-container-puppet.yaml              |   6 +-
deployment/etcd/etcd-container-puppet.yaml         |  60 +++-
.../experimental/designate/designate-base.yaml     |   2 +-
deployment/glance/glance-api-container-puppet.yaml |  25 +-
.../gnocchi/gnocchi-api-container-puppet.yaml      |  20 +-
.../gnocchi/gnocchi-metricd-container-puppet.yaml  |  13 +-
.../gnocchi/gnocchi-statsd-container-puppet.yaml   |  13 +-
deployment/haproxy/haproxy-container-puppet.yaml   |  21 +-
.../haproxy/haproxy-edge-container-puppet.yaml     |   1 -
.../haproxy-internal-tls-certmonger.j2.yaml        |  19 +
deployment/haproxy/haproxy-pacemaker-puppet.yaml   |  53 ++-
.../haproxy/haproxy-public-tls-certmonger.yaml     |  19 +
deployment/heat/heat-base-puppet.yaml              |   2 +-
deployment/horizon/horizon-container-puppet.yaml   |  28 +-
deployment/ipa/ipaservices-baremetal-ansible.yaml  |  30 +-
.../ironic/ironic-conductor-container-puppet.yaml  |   3 +-
deployment/ironic/ironic-pxe-container-puppet.yaml |   2 +-
deployment/iscsid/iscsid-container-puppet.yaml     |  16 +-
deployment/keystone/keystone-container-puppet.yaml |   7 +-
...etal.yaml => login-defs-baremetal-ansible.yaml} |   0
deployment/manila/manila-backend-cephfs.yaml       |   6 +
deployment/manila/manila-base.yaml                 |   2 +-
deployment/manila/manila-share-common.yaml         |  11 +-
.../manila/manila-share-container-puppet.yaml      |   7 +-
.../manila/manila-share-pacemaker-puppet.yaml      |   8 +-
.../memcached/memcached-container-puppet.yaml      |  25 +-
deployment/metrics/collectd-container-puppet.yaml  |  13 +
deployment/metrics/qdr-container-puppet.yaml       |  23 +-
.../neutron/neutron-api-container-puppet.yaml      |  16 +
deployment/neutron/neutron-base.yaml               |   2 +-
.../neutron/neutron-dhcp-container-puppet.yaml     |  16 +
.../neutron-ovs-dpdk-agent-container-puppet.yaml   |  24 +-
deployment/neutron/neutron-plugin-ml2-ovn.yaml     |  11 -
deployment/neutron/neutron-plugin-ml2.yaml         |   2 +-
deployment/nova/nova-api-container-puppet.yaml     |  47 ++-
deployment/nova/nova-apidb-client-puppet.yaml      |  78 ++++
deployment/nova/nova-az-config.yaml                |   2 +-
deployment/nova/nova-base-puppet.yaml              |  80 +----
.../nova/nova-compute-common-container-puppet.yaml |  22 +-
deployment/nova/nova-compute-container-puppet.yaml | 169 ++++++---
.../nova/nova-conductor-container-puppet.yaml      |  60 +++-
deployment/nova/nova-db-client-puppet.yaml         |  80 +++++
deployment/nova/nova-ironic-container-puppet.yaml  |  13 +-
deployment/nova/nova-libvirt-container-puppet.yaml | 250 ++++++-------
deployment/nova/nova-manager-container-puppet.yaml | 106 ++++++
.../nova/nova-metadata-container-puppet.yaml       |  47 ++-
.../nova/nova-scheduler-container-puppet.yaml      |  64 +++-
.../nova/nova-vnc-proxy-container-puppet.yaml      |  47 ++-
.../octavia/octavia-api-container-puppet.yaml      |   1 +
deployment/octavia/octavia-base.yaml               |   2 +-
.../octavia-health-manager-container-puppet.yaml   |   5 +-
.../octavia/providers/ovn-provider-config.yaml     |  16 +
.../ovn/ovn-controller-container-puppet.yaml       |  16 +
deployment/ovn/ovn-dbs-pacemaker-puppet.yaml       |  18 +-
deployment/ovn/ovn-metadata-container-puppet.yaml  |  16 +
.../pacemaker/pacemaker-baremetal-puppet.yaml      |   6 +
deployment/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-container-puppet.yaml |  24 +-
...rabbitmq-messaging-notify-container-puppet.yaml |  16 +
.../rabbitmq-messaging-rpc-container-puppet.yaml   |  16 +
deployment/swift/swift-base.yaml                   |   7 +
deployment/swift/swift-proxy-container-puppet.yaml |  39 +-
.../swift/swift-ringbuilder-container-puppet.yaml  |  10 +
.../swift/swift-storage-container-puppet.yaml      |  42 ++-
.../tripleo-packages-baremetal-puppet.yaml         |  45 ++-
deployment/undercloud/undercloud-upgrade.yaml      |  34 ++
environments/barbican-backend-pkcs11-lunasa.yaml   |  24 +-
environments/cavium-liquidio.yaml                  |   2 +-
environments/ceph-ansible/ceph-rgw.yaml            |   1 +
environments/cinder-dellemc-powerflex-config.yaml  |   2 +-
environments/cinder-netapp-config.yaml             |  20 +-
environments/dcn-hci.yaml                          |   2 +-
environments/docker-ha.yaml                        |   2 +-
environments/enable-stf.yaml                       |   1 +
.../lifecycle/undercloud-upgrade-prepare.yaml      |   1 +
environments/lifecycle/update-prepare.yaml         |   1 +
environments/lifecycle/upgrade-prepare.yaml        |   1 +
environments/login-defs.yaml                       |   2 +-
environments/low-memory-usage.yaml                 |   1 -
environments/metrics/collectd-write-qdr.yaml       |   1 +
environments/ovs-hw-offload.yaml                   |   2 +-
environments/podman.yaml                           |   1 -
.../services-baremetal/neutron-ovn-dvr-ha.yaml     |   2 +-
.../services-baremetal/neutron-ovn-ha.yaml         |   2 +-
environments/services-baremetal/neutron-sriov.yaml |   2 +-
environments/services/neutron-mlnx-agent.yaml      |   2 +-
environments/services/neutron-ovn-dvr-ha.yaml      |   6 +-
environments/services/neutron-ovn-ha.yaml          |   8 +-
environments/services/neutron-ovn-sriov.yaml       |   8 +-
environments/services/neutron-ovn-standalone.yaml  |   4 +-
environments/services/neutron-ovs-dpdk.yaml        |   2 +-
environments/services/neutron-sriov.yaml           |   2 +-
environments/services/sahara.yaml                  |   3 -
environments/services/zaqar-swift-backend.yaml     |   2 +-
environments/services/zaqar.yaml                   |   2 +-
environments/ssl/no-tls-endpoints-public-ip.yaml   |   3 -
environments/ssl/tls-endpoints-public-dns.yaml     |   3 -
environments/ssl/tls-endpoints-public-ip.yaml      |   3 -
environments/ssl/tls-everywhere-endpoints-dns.yaml |   3 -
environments/standalone/standalone-overcloud.yaml  |   2 -
environments/standalone/standalone-tripleo.yaml    |   2 -
environments/storage/cinder-netapp-config.yaml     |   8 +-
environments/swift-external.yaml                   |   1 +
environments/undercloud-enable-nova.yaml           |   2 +-
environments/undercloud.yaml                       |   5 -
environments/undercloud/undercloud-minion.yaml     |   2 -
lower-constraints.txt                              | 164 ---------
net-config-bond.j2.yaml                            | 108 ------
net-config-bridge.j2.yaml                          | 105 ------
net-config-linux-bridge.j2.yaml                    | 113 ------
net-config-noop.j2.yaml                            |  82 -----
net-config-standalone.j2.yaml                      | 161 ---------
...config-static-bridge-with-external-dhcp.j2.yaml | 117 ------
net-config-static-bridge.j2.yaml                   | 116 ------
net-config-static.j2.yaml                          | 105 ------
net-config-undercloud.j2.yaml                      | 155 --------
network/config/2-linux-bonds-vlans/README.md       |  38 --
.../config/2-linux-bonds-vlans/role.role.j2.yaml   | 266 --------------
network/config/bond-with-vlans/README.md           |  64 ----
.../bond-with-vlans/controller-no-external.j2.yaml | 175 ---------
network/config/bond-with-vlans/role.role.j2.yaml   | 239 -------------
network/config/multiple-nics-vlans/README.md       |  46 ---
.../config/multiple-nics-vlans/compute-dvr.j2.yaml | 192 ----------
.../config/multiple-nics-vlans/role.role.j2.yaml   | 212 -----------
network/config/multiple-nics/README.md             |  54 ---
network/config/multiple-nics/compute-dvr.j2.yaml   | 180 ----------
network/config/multiple-nics/role.role.j2.yaml     | 201 -----------
.../config/single-nic-linux-bridge-vlans/README.md |  27 --
.../role.role.j2.yaml                              | 168 ---------
network/config/single-nic-vlans/README.md          |  63 ----
.../controller-no-external.j2.yaml                 | 123 -------
network/config/single-nic-vlans/role.role.j2.yaml  | 159 ---------
network/deployed_networks.yaml                     |  59 ++++
network/endpoints/endpoint_data.yaml               |   9 -
network/endpoints/endpoint_map.yaml                | 393 ---------------------
network/ports/deployed_port.j2                     |  74 ++++
network/ports/deployed_port.network.j2.yaml        |   1 +
network/ports/ovn_mac_addr_port.yaml               |   9 +
network/ports/port.j2                              |  21 ++
network/ports/vip.yaml                             |   9 +
network/service_net_map.j2.yaml                    |   1 -
overcloud-resource-registry-puppet.j2.yaml         |   4 +-
overcloud.j2.yaml                                  |  42 ++-
...ddmemcachedmaxconnections-b591c0fa39e821f5.yaml |   6 +
.../notes/aodh-expirer-6631733d237a872e.yaml       |  10 +
.../notes/bug-1904482-dbc5162c8245a9b3.yaml        |  21 ++
...v2_discovery_off_computes-2b977c6b9a01cde2.yaml |  13 +
...-multiple-netapp-backends-71ed7fef3008e654.yaml |   7 +
.../cleanup-nova-params-cc7c501dcb9879d0.yaml      |   7 +
...ecate-etcd-tls-workaround-de5dd1fc19dae5b2.yaml |  14 +
...scheduler_default_filters-122a7448d808dd82.yaml |   9 +
.../notes/deprecate-zaqar-622f409474813783.yaml    |   4 +
...use_bind_mounts_for_certs-64cb88f78538a64b.yaml |  13 +
...ova-compute-startup-delay-fdb1f229840bd0e6.yaml |   8 +
...ova_api_max_limit-support-43fe9792eca63599.yaml |   5 +
..._compute_default_cpu_mode-cda2bb3e56463b3a.yaml |  11 +
.../notes/nova_compute_ksm-444f1cc51ceafb66.yaml   |   8 +
...tadata_http_cert_metadata-274e7e8a66727983.yaml |   9 +
...r-enable-cluster-full-tag-f868a6f0b1f16018.yaml |  10 +
...onfigure_rabbitmq_backlog-68da3a07ef506f57.yaml |   7 +
.../notes/remove-AdminEmail-70cf5b218f916734.yaml  |   5 +
.../notes/remove-sahara-ffec9acf94d72905.yaml      |   4 +
.../swift-prevent-relabeling-b9721aa5a1abda6e.yaml |   5 +
.../swift-refresh-rings-cc327f998490b0df.yaml      |   6 +
.../swift_hash_path_prefix-5ecc32ed5d78158b.yaml   |   6 +
.../vxlan-support-for-ovn-1320be8046aca9c6.yaml    |   4 +
releasenotes/source/index.rst                      |   1 +
releasenotes/source/victoria.rst                   |   6 +
roles/ComputeHCI.yaml                              |   1 +
roles/ComputeHCIOvsDpdk.yaml                       |   1 +
roles/ComputeHCISriov.yaml                         |   1 +
roles/Controller.yaml                              |   3 +-
roles/ControllerAllNovaStandalone.yaml             |   3 +-
roles/ControllerNoCeph.yaml                        |   2 -
roles/ControllerNovaStandalone.yaml                |   3 +-
roles/ControllerOpenstack.yaml                     |   3 +-
roles/ControllerSriov.yaml                         |   3 +-
roles/ControllerStorageDashboard.yaml              |   3 +-
roles/ControllerStorageNfs.yaml                    |   3 +-
roles/DistributedCompute.yaml                      |   2 +
roles/DistributedComputeHCI.yaml                   |   3 +-
roles/DistributedComputeHCIDashboard.yaml          |  80 +++++
roles/NovaManager.yaml                             |  37 ++
roles/Standalone.yaml                              |   2 -
roles_data.yaml                                    |   3 +-
sample-env-generator/dcn.yaml                      |   2 +-
sample-env-generator/ssl.yaml                      |  12 -
sample-env-generator/standalone.yaml               |   6 -
sample-env-generator/undercloud-minion.yaml        |   2 -
scripts/delay-nova-compute                         |  45 +++
test-requirements.txt                              |   3 -
tools/convert_nic_config.py                        |   3 +-
tools/process-templates.py                         |  10 -
tools/yaml-validate.py                             |  18 +-
tox.ini                                            |  10 +-
zuul.d/layout.yaml                                 | 104 +-----
242 files changed, 2788 insertions(+), 5273 deletions(-)

Requirements updates

diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt
index e11f7e2c1..36bb9c41f 100644
--- a/test-requirements.txt
+++ b/test-requirements.txt
@@ -5 +4,0 @@ hacking>=3.0.1,<3.1.0 # Apache-2.0
-openstackdocstheme>=1.18.1 # Apache-2.0
@@ -9,2 +7,0 @@ six>=1.10.0 # MIT
-sphinx>=1.8.0,!=2.1.0 # BSD
-reno>=2.5.0 # Apache-2.0

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