[release-announce] tripleo-heat-templates 9.4.0 (rocky)

no-reply at openstack.org no-reply at openstack.org
Fri Jun 21 14:00:18 UTC 2019

We are tickled pink to announce the release of:

tripleo-heat-templates 9.4.0: Heat templates for deploying OpenStack
with OpenStack.

This release is part of the rocky stable release series.

The source is available from:


Download the package from:


Please report issues through:


For more details, please see below.


New Features

* Added the configuration option to disable Exact Match Cache (EMC)

* Support setting values for "cephfs_volume_mode" manila parameter
  via the THT parameter ManilaCephFSCephVolumeMode.  These control the
  POSIX rwx mode of the cephfs volumes, snapshots, and groups of these
  that back corresponding manila resources.  Default value for
  ManilaCephFSCephVolumeMode is '0755', backwards-compatible with the
  mode for these objects before it was settable.

* Add new CinderNfsSnapshotSupport parameter, which controls whether
  cinder's NFS driver supports snapshots. The default value is True.

* Add neutron-plugin-ml2-mlnx-sdn-assist as a containerized Neutron
  Core service template to support Mellanox SDN ml2 plugin.

* The parameter {{role.name}}RemovalPoliciesMode can be set to
  'update' to reset the existing blacklisted nodes in heat. This will
  help re-use the node indexes when required.

* Allows a deployer to specify the IdM domain with --domain on the
  ipa-client-install invocation by providing the IdMDomain parameter.

* Allows a deployer to direct the ipa-client-install to skip NTP
  setup by specifying the IdMNoNtpSetup parameter.  This is useful if
  the ipa-client-install setup clobbers the NTP setup by puppet.

* New parameters, NovaCronDBArchivedMaxDelay and
  CinderCronDbPurgeMaxDelay, are introduced to configure max_delay
  parameter to calculate randomized sleep time before db
  archive/purge. This avoids db collisions when performing db
  archive/purge operations on multiple controller nodes.

* The passphrase for config option 'server_certs_key_passphrase',
  that was recently added to Octavia, and will now be auto-generated
  by TripleO by adding OctaviaServerCertsKeyPassphrase to the list of
  parameters TripleO configures in Octavia.

* To allow PAM to create home directory for user who do not have
  one, ipa-client-install need an option. This change allow to enable

* Configure Neutron API for Nova Placement When the Neutron Routed
  Provider Networks feature is used in the overcloud, the Networking
  service will use those credentials to communicate with the Compute
  scheduler's placement API.

* The parameters "NovaNfsEnabled", "NovaNfsShare", "NovaNfsOptions",
  "NovaNfsVersion" are changed to be role specific. This requires the
  usage of host aggregates as otherwise it will break live migration
  of instances as we can not do this with different storage backends.

* The parameter "NovaRbdPoolName" is changed to be role specific.
  This requires the usage of host aggregates as otherwise it will
  break live migration of instances as we can not do this with
  different storage backends.

* New parameter "NovaNfsVersion" allow configuring the NFS version
  used for nova storage (when NovaNfsEnabled is true). Since NFSv3
  does not support full locking a NFSv4 version need to be used. To
  not break current installations the default is the previous hard
  coded version 4.

* The Shared File Systems service (manila) API has been switched to
  running behind httpd, and it now supports configuring TLS options.

Upgrade Notes

* Cinder's NFS driver does not support snapshots unless the feature
  is explicitly enabled (this policy was chosen to ensure
  compatibility with very old versions of libvirt). The
  CinderNfsSnapshotSupport default value is True, and so the new
  default behavior enables NFS snapshots. This change is safe because
  it just enables a capability (i.e. snapshots) that other cinder
  drivers generally provide.

* Keystone catalog entries for Cinder's v1 API are no longer
  created, but existing entries will not be automatically deleted.

Deprecation Notes

* The only OVN Tunnel Encap Type that we are supporting in OVN is
  Geneve and this is set by default in ovn puppet. So there are no
  need to set it in TripleO

Bug Fixes

* Fixes an issue where deployment would fail if a non-default
  "name_lower" is used in network data for one of the networks:
  "External", "InternalApi" or "StorageMgmt". (See bug: 1830852

* Fixed service auth URL in Octavia to use the Keystone v3 internal

* Fixes an issue that caused a subnet to be wrongly created on the
  Undercloud provisioning network based on environment default values.
  If the default "ctlplane-subnet" was renamed in "undercloud.conf",
  the defaults for "ctlplane-subnet" in "environments/undercloud.yaml"
  was merged with the subnets defined in "undercloud.conf". See bug
  1820330 (https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/1820330).

* It is now possible for temporary containers inside THT to test if
  they are being run as part of a minor update by checking if the
  TRIPLEO_MINOR_UPDATE environment variable is set to 'true' (said
  containers need to export it to the container explicitely), see
  <service>_restart_bundles for examples.

* When setting up TLS everywhere, some deployers may not have their
  FreIPA server in the ctlplane, causing the ipaclient registration to
  fail. We move this registration to host-prep tasks and invoke it
  using ansible. At this point, all networks should be set up and the
  FreeIPA server should be accessible.

* e0e885b8ca3332e0815c537a32c564cac81f7f7e moved the cellv2
  discovery from control plane to compute services. In case the
  computes won't have access to the external API this task will fail.
  Switch nova_cell_v2_discover_host.py to use internal api.

* [1] switched to run nova-manage discovery as non root user. In
  case of updates there can be already a nove-manage log owned by root
  from previous runs. This change make sure we change the owner of
  nova- manage log to nova:nova on overcloud deploy runs on the

  [1] https://review.opendev.org/#/c/652039/13/deployment/nova/nova-

* With large number of OSDs, where each OSD need a connection, the
  default nofile (1024) of nova_compute is too small. This changes the
  default DockerNovaComputeUlimit to 131072 what is the same for

* Change-Id: I1a159a7c2ac286373df2b7c566426b37b7734961 moved the
  dicovery to run on a single compute host to not race on simultanious
  nova-manage commands. This change make sure we run the discover on
  every deploy run which is required for scaling up events.

* If nova-manage command was triggered on a host for the first time
  as root (usually manual runs) the nova-manage.log gets created as
  root user. On overcloud deploy runs the nova-manage command is run
  as nova user. In such situation the overcloud deploy fails as the
  nova user can not write to the nova-manage.log. With this change we
  run the chown of the logs files on every overcloud deploy to fix the
  nova-manage.log file permissions.

* The keystone service and endpoint for Cinder's API v1 are no
  longer created. Cinder removed support for its v1 API in Queens.

Other Notes

* The EndpointMap parameter is now required by post_deploy
  templates. So if an user overrides OS::TripleO::NodeExtraConfigPost
  with another template, the template would need to have EndpointMap
  parameter to work fine.

Changes in tripleo-heat-templates 9.3.0..9.4.0

66cd92439 Handle openvswitch meta-package on undercloud upgrade.
fbd3638e2 Fix NovaNfs role parameters
d37bdf779 Set cache_backend for token caching
f1bca94ff Remove scenario008 jobs
fb5f69dcb [FUP] Backport - krb-service-principal metadata per-Role
d574fddb1 Fix log owner on computes during overcloud deploy runs
17a937496 Re-enable manila dashboard
8aa434389 Backport miss to run discovery via bootstrap_host_exec
b99969ea6 Fix correct network for nova-vnc
0ebecb29a Add ComputeHCIOvsDpdk role
435496082 Add panko_api_cron container
dcb9df6ce Add {{role.name}}RemovalPoliciesMode parameter
a8f5bb11d Fix undefined variable python_interpreter
8bf53825d Request certificate for using host service principals
de16ec8b0 Configure server_certs_key_passphrase for Octavia
d6184b833 Ensure we aren't running some dry-run also for Pacemaker case
dcce160c2 DVR neutron template should enable ARP responder
97eb154e9 Only request neutron certificate from neutron dhcp service
38cfa3436 Configure Neutron API for Nova Placement...
6c92c5195 Fix ssl.yaml generating GaneshaInternal in the endpoint map
42695fbd9 Set TenantNetPhysnetMtu to 0 to allow different MTUs
7329ca67a Do not bind /run on host to nova_migration_target
a483d0b53 Start/enable OVS on neutron ovs agent nodes
0663f3fea Fix service auth URL in Octavia
379d6ad76 Fix custom network.name_lower in krb-service-principals
b56035e65 Fix haproxy stats network binding
3e972555e Add CephAnsibleEnvironmentVariables to nodes-uuid call
218582c4c Make krb-service-principal metadata per-Role
ebd0c4944 Add domain and no-ntp options to ipaclient
ff10e2f6b Remove the iptables rules set via service_config_settings
8e13d5778 Fix run-os-net-config.sh to use ping6 for IPv6 hostnames
9c2822879 Add ability to specify dns search domains
bfd445661 Fix IPA client when doing brownfield deployment of internal TLS
3ed420e8a Only add internal_api_virtual_ip if InternalApi in network_data
7ae142710 Add mkhomedir option to ipa-client-install
45dcd0e5a Try a timesync as part of first boot
74fd3fe5b standalone/undercloud - post: use EndpointMap to fetch Keystone URL
448c9b81b Enable serial execution for ansible host
debdaa4b3 Set arp_notify to match ndisc_notify
8da661b1c Add cinder credentials to nova conf
7e0a4d0e5 [Rocky/Queens Only] Remove pre-upgrade validation tasks in cont services.
fdac2bbcd Clean metrics related environments
dd46170b7 Fix NovaNfs role parameter precedence in conditions
9995be9fd Remove OVNTunnelEncapType
884a0ad20 Enable ndisc_notify sysctl setting to notify of MAC changes
edce8a943 Remove ceph-ansible fetch directory after it is saved
93c81bb62 Change setype for non container /var/log/nova-placement
733ec337c Add parameter to configure maxdelay in db purge/archive job
d9eadc4c8 Change setype for non container /var/log/<service> directories
5ed8883ca ensure /var/run/redis is present upon reboot
cba7c2285 Allow ssh from all for undercloud
747abdd15 Ensure there is no redis on host
123535d8c implement default ssh-from-ctlplane rule via hiera
a96883899 Run nova-manage as root to prevent wrong nova-manage.log permissions
ef076b244 Run nova_cell_v2_discover_hosts.py on every deploy run
4d478753b Allow NovaNfs parameters to be role specific
64f80a0b4 Avoid concurrent nova cell_v2 discovery instances
9850aeaeb OpenDev Migration Patch
738bc3ca7 fix storage.yaml to write environments/storage/nova-nfs.yaml
fbf755979 Modifying the ovs-hw-offlaod file to adapt new changes
5b5e4a5f8 Allow NovaRbdPoolName to be role specific
cd3fa6994 Move scenario 10 (octavia) to non-voting check job
ae36e234e Fixed wrong cinder store user name
cdfd00412 Set Standalone's br-ctlplane MTU
1f054551b Switch Manila API to httpd and support TLS
5203a4a83 ceilometer_agent_notification: disable-panko.yaml
d3b70308b Run octavia-api under httpd
5435f13da Correct error catching while in "--check" mode
47284b1f0 Remove deprecated value used to set nova_metadata_ip
741cbadc2 Check if source directory does exist before linking
e2e41c0df Increase DockerNovaComputeUlimit default value
af755c3e8 Fix usage of satellite in organization mode
12543005b Set ulimit 16384 for Neutron SR-IOV container
178773f92 Increase default ulimit values for Neutron agents containers
562359bf2 Bind mount undercloud.conf with ,z in mistral_executor
f24f23b96 Do not archive ceph-ansible fetch directory if it is empty
2e2f29760 Ensure we get rsyslog state, even in "--check" mode
a3dc76b06 Provide option to disable EMC in puppet-vswitch
a39f0c564 Do not restart bundles during a minor update
fb77857f7 Be able to know when we are running inside a minor update workflow
913b73947 Add GnocchiStorageS3BucketPrefix into deployment
ecb01485c Add support for cinder NFS snapshots
17fed07c0 Disable a directory listing of /icons in httpd.
8aff87b8a TLS everywhere: switch Octavia to use DNS entries
8896c2259 Enable flat network for ovn
ac4bd32a7 Fix reload notification file
00102a206 Make nfs version for nova ephemeral storage configurable
6145c590b Remove unused parameter NovaPassword
b158626b4 Include python-panko client.
f9d7d92a4 Disable cinder's LVM backend when deploying Pure backend
9e37ce9ab [Rocky-only] Install and configure tmpwatch for log cleanup
08792a670 scen09 voting on rocky
50063195e Remove UndercloudCtlplaneSubnets defaults in UC env
65a185885 Update manila environment file name in capabilities-map
4bd3d245c Fix python binary lookup regression
4cd63e71d Remove ENV parameters for nova_cell_v2_discover_host.py
85885cbcf Run chown for nova log files on every run to fix wrong permissions
e224d619c Add missing TLS configuration for ironic
22d83bbb0 Optional ICMP validation of controllers and gateways
05413a18b Enable authtoken cache
2859ba651 Add Mellanox SDN ML2 template for a containerized service
745369e8a Enable Glance image_conversion plugin when backend is rbd
d0a6cb1d3 Add tempest workspace volume for tempest
6646e1ce1 Reload rsyslog/cron when we change timezones
0ef34d51c Allow embedded Skydive etcd port
6b916fec1 Use dedicated container tag per skydive service
0fc5b0efc Fix idempotency for horizon container logs
a368910cd Refactored configuration options for nova/neutron in manila
bfe4379bc Add missing entries for Pure Storage Cinder Backend and fix typos
f34e27928 Make heat yaql limits configurable
e02cb626a Rework nova_cell_v2_discover_host.py to use nova.conf and python novaclient
e5d6b52c1 Fix nova_cell_v2_discover_host.py with python3
eef9d3e49 Service check in nova_cell_v2_discover_host.py to use internal API
d7704bbf5 Move cellv2 discovery from control plane services to compute services
5baa88d94 Added tar option to preserve metadata of existing fetch_dir
9ae5fd8f3 Don't create service or endpoint for cinder API v1
d8740f616 Support cephfs_volume_mode parameter
61911edb5 Switch scenario00{1,4}-multinode-containers to Ceph bluestore
1792fa2be [FFU] Ensure compatibility with ansible 2.6.
19373b0ef Move ipa enrollment to host_prep_tasks
db722bfd0 Don't look for primary_role ips in AllNodesValidationConfig
82a648fcc certmonger: Don't restart haproxy on cert renewal
759b711b9 Handle upper and lower case system uuids
f56814ebe Upgrades: Ensure idempotency of pacemaker services
3e5484c61 Add CertmongerUser role to OVB defaults
5e725bf58 FFWD: Introduce workaround for neutron cisco plugin
0a39efefe Add missing RoleParameters and ServiceNames
44a3f5ac4 Fail to live migration if instance has NUMA topology
23ac104bf Remove ties between ceilometer and panko
02298dd07 Adding support of glance cinder store settings
3bd4a2a8b TLS everywhere: Mount the whole /etc/pki/libvirt/ directory in libvirt
d07af320a TLS everywhere: Set post-save command for neutron dhcpd
5a2e205c1 TLS everywhere: Set post-save command for nova-vnc-proxy
8d06db25a TLS everywhere: Set post-save command for redis
a1430fbf6 TLS everywhere: Set post-save command for RabbitMQ
6be616a38 TLS everywhere: Set post-save command for httpd
64e564aaf Reload haproxy when certificate is renewed
d9f8ca29d Set Ironic default interface when using networking-ansible
d2e191e76 Fix deployment of gluster with openshift AllInOne
ad9712b60 Fix logging for metrics_qdr
936fd94d2 Run collectd socket cleanup on container start
1dfc4267f Apply changes to cluster using updated inventory
3ce479fb1 Generate post-deployment openshift-ansible inventory
9a07d00c1 Store nodes information in a dict
ee486f2f6 Set container images for openshift 3.11
bda0c48e6 Remove openshift-ansible customization
7e98a5823 fix typo in ansible module name in "upgrade_tasks" of octavia*

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

.gitreview                                         |   2 +-
all-nodes-validation.yaml                          |  12 ++
capabilities-map.yaml                              |   7 +-
ci/common/vbmc_setup.yaml                          |   5 +
.../multiple-nics-ipv6/nic-configs/compute.yaml    |   5 +
.../multiple-nics-ipv6/nic-configs/controller.yaml |   5 +
.../network/multiple-nics/nic-configs/compute.yaml |   5 +
.../multiple-nics/nic-configs/controller.yaml      |   5 +
.../network/public-bond/nic-configs/compute.yaml   |   5 +
.../public-bond/nic-configs/controller.yaml        |   5 +
ci/environments/ovb-ha.yaml                        |   2 +
.../scenario001-multinode-containers.yaml          |  13 +-
.../scenario004-multinode-containers.yaml          |  14 +-
.../scenario010-multinode-containers.yaml          |   1 +
ci/environments/scenario010-standalone.yaml        |  99 ++++++++++
common/deploy-steps-tasks.yaml                     |   2 +
common/deploy-steps.j2                             |  11 +-
.../{services.yaml => services/role.role.j2.yaml}  |  17 +-
deployed-server/deployed-server-roles-data.yaml    |   1 +
.../services/logging/files/opendaylight-api.yaml   |   2 +-
.../neutron-plugin-ml2-mlnx-sdn-assist.yaml        |  65 +++++++
.../octavia/octavia-deployment-config.yaml         |  11 +-
.../nova_cell_v2_discover_hosts.py                 |  55 ++++++
.../nova_wait_for_compute_service.py               |  96 +++++++++
environments/cinder-pure-config.yaml               |   2 +
environments/disable-panko.yaml                    |   1 +
...ternal-tls.yaml => enable-internal-tls.j2.yaml} |   4 +-
environments/hyperconverged-ceph.yaml              |   1 +
environments/manila-cephfsganesha-config.yaml      |   1 +
environments/manila-cephfsnative-config.yaml       |   1 +
environments/metrics/collect-read-rabbitmq.yaml    |  15 ++
.../collectd-standalone.yaml}                      |   0
.../collectd-write-qdr.yaml}                       |   0
environments/neutron-ml2-ansible.yaml              |   1 +
environments/neutron-ml2-ovn-ha.yaml               |   2 +-
environments/neutron-ovs-dvr.yaml                  |   3 +
environments/ovs-hw-offload.yaml                   |  16 +-
environments/services-baremetal/octavia.yaml       |   5 +-
environments/services/neutron-ml2-ansible.yaml     |   1 +
environments/services/neutron-ovn-dvr-ha.yaml      |   2 +-
environments/services/neutron-ovn-ha.yaml          |   2 +-
environments/services/neutron-ovn-hw-offload.yaml  |   2 +-
environments/services/octavia.yaml                 |   5 +-
...ternal-tls.yaml => enable-internal-tls.j2.yaml} |   5 +-
environments/ssl/tls-everywhere-endpoints-dns.yaml |   6 +-
environments/standalone.yaml                       |   1 +
environments/standalone/standalone-tripleo.yaml    |   5 +
environments/storage-environment.yaml              |   2 +
environments/storage/nova-nfs.yaml                 |   4 +
environments/undercloud.yaml                       |  64 +++++-
.../role.role.j2.yaml}                             |  29 ++-
extraconfig/post_deploy/default.yaml               |   5 +
extraconfig/post_deploy/standalone_post.yaml       |  43 +----
extraconfig/post_deploy/undercloud_post.yaml       |  35 +---
.../rhel-registration/rhel-registration.yaml       |   6 +
.../rhel-registration/scripts/rhel-registration    |  13 +-
extraconfig/pre_network/config_then_reboot.yaml    |   7 +
extraconfig/services/ipaclient.yaml                | 184 ++++++++++++++++++
extraconfig/services/openshift-cns.yaml            |  14 +-
extraconfig/services/openshift-master.yaml         | 214 +++++++++++++++------
extraconfig/services/openshift-node.yaml           |  41 +++-
extraconfig/services/skydive-analyzer.yaml         |   9 +-
extraconfig/services/tmpwatch-install.yaml         |  44 +++++
firstboot/os-net-config-mappings.yaml              |   5 +-
firstboot/userdata_timesync.yaml                   |  97 ++++++++++
net-config-bond.j2.yaml                            |   8 +
net-config-standalone.j2.yaml                      |   7 +
net-config-static-bridge.j2.yaml                   |   6 +
net-config-static.j2.yaml                          |   6 +
net-config-undercloud.j2.yaml                      |   6 +
.../bond-with-vlans/controller-no-external.j2.yaml |   8 +
.../config/bond-with-vlans/controller-v6.j2.yaml   |   6 +
network/config/bond-with-vlans/role.role.j2.yaml   |   6 +
network/config/multiple-nics/compute-dvr.j2.yaml   |   6 +
network/config/multiple-nics/controller-v6.j2.yaml |   6 +
network/config/multiple-nics/role.role.j2.yaml     |   6 +
.../controller-v6.j2.yaml                          |   6 +
.../role.role.j2.yaml                              |   6 +
.../controller-no-external.j2.yaml                 |   6 +
.../config/single-nic-vlans/controller-v6.j2.yaml  |   6 +
network/config/single-nic-vlans/role.role.j2.yaml  |   6 +
network/scripts/run-os-net-config.sh               |   3 +-
network/service_net_map.j2.yaml                    |   2 +
overcloud-resource-registry-puppet.j2.yaml         |  17 +-
overcloud.j2.yaml                                  |  37 ++--
puppet/all-nodes-config.j2.yaml                    |  12 +-
puppet/extraconfig/pre_deploy/per_node.yaml        |  12 ++
puppet/services/apache.j2.yaml                     |   2 +
puppet/services/cinder-api.yaml                    |   9 +-
puppet/services/cinder-backend-pure.yaml           |  19 +-
puppet/services/cinder-base.yaml                   |   8 +-
puppet/services/cinder-volume.yaml                 |   7 +
puppet/services/database/mysql.yaml                |  10 +-
puppet/services/database/redis.yaml                |   4 +-
puppet/services/glance-api.yaml                    |  21 +-
puppet/services/gnocchi-base.yaml                  |   5 +
.../haproxy-internal-tls-certmonger.j2.yaml        |  11 +-
puppet/services/haproxy-public-tls-certmonger.yaml |   1 +
puppet/services/haproxy.yaml                       |   6 +
puppet/services/heat-base.yaml                     |  16 +-
puppet/services/horizon.yaml                       |   6 -
puppet/services/kernel.yaml                        |   4 +
puppet/services/manila-api.yaml                    |  47 +++++
puppet/services/manila-backend-cephfs.yaml         |   4 +
puppet/services/manila-scheduler.yaml              |  21 +-
puppet/services/manila-share.yaml                  |  17 ++
puppet/services/messaging/notify-rabbitmq.yaml     |   2 +
puppet/services/messaging/rpc-rabbitmq.yaml        |   2 +
puppet/services/metrics/collectd.yaml              |   1 +
puppet/services/neutron-api.yaml                   |  10 +
puppet/services/neutron-base.yaml                  |  29 ---
puppet/services/neutron-dhcp.yaml                  |  15 ++
puppet/services/neutron-metadata.yaml              |   1 -
puppet/services/neutron-ovs-agent.yaml             |   9 +
puppet/services/neutron-plugin-ml2-ovn.yaml        |   7 +-
puppet/services/nova-base.yaml                     |   6 +
puppet/services/nova-compute.yaml                  |  62 +++++-
puppet/services/nova-vnc-proxy.yaml                |   7 +-
puppet/services/octavia-api.yaml                   |  39 +---
puppet/services/octavia-base.yaml                  |   8 +-
puppet/services/openstack-clients.yaml             |   1 +
puppet/services/openvswitch.yaml                   |   9 +
puppet/services/ovn-controller.yaml                |   5 -
puppet/services/rabbitmq.yaml                      |   2 +
puppet/services/sshd.yaml                          |  21 +-
puppet/services/time/timezone.yaml                 |  13 ++
puppet/services/tripleo-firewall.yaml              |   6 +
.../notes/OvsDisableEMC-ab29e5c08856d439.yaml      |   3 +
...eph_volume_mode-parameter-5553a9b39718a749.yaml |   9 +
...nder-nfs-snapshot-support-16664aa46a67a5ad.yaml |  13 ++
...d-mellanox-sdn-ml2-docker-58d242b5a8c40ade.yaml |   5 +
...add-removal-policies-mode-6869362fbeed2cd2.yaml |   6 +
...n_and_no_ntp_to_ipaclient-048fdfccf0cb7835.yaml |   7 +
.../notes/bug-1823274-ca992c1055035c7b.yaml        |   7 +
.../notes/endpointmap-8825fcd5fa5a2ba2.yaml        |   7 +
...-lower-and-tls-everywhere-1f2300f9a2ba4d98.yaml |   7 +
...-service-auth-url-octavia-90f19c835cb1cc0a.yaml |   4 +
...ne-subnet-defaults-merged-5a6061b29618f5cf.yaml |   9 +
...rver_certs_key_passphrase-229a677df1b7f6e0.yaml |   6 +
.../notes/ipa-mkhomedir-c126291bcbdd0111.yaml      |   5 +
.../notes/minor-update-env-20657417094d4aeb.yaml   |   7 +
...enroll-to-host-prep-tasks-934c6e0a9f75f15b.yaml |   8 +
.../notes/neutron-placement-6ea6de89bd30b592.yaml  |   8 +
...a-nfs-parms-role-specific-527915c6e99ceb89.yaml |   7 +
...va-rbd-pool-role-specific-010f6072d641d84f.yaml |   6 +
...va_add_nfs_vers_parameter-62b9e9d6150358d1.yaml |   8 +
...ver_host_use_internal_api-1bebb3e9c6e69113.yaml |   7 +
...mpute_fix_log_permissions-e866f91848d647fb.yaml |   9 +
.../nova_compute_nofile-0427e49cc8ae70a6.yaml      |   6 +
...ell_discovery_on_each_run-11dbb6096ebbf51b.yaml |   7 +
...run_chown_on_every_deploy-c366af9898ecaeed.yaml |   9 +
.../ovn_tunnel_encap_type-04df21d622874c27.yaml    |   7 +
.../remove-cinder-api-v1-66a24998d7f8e985.yaml     |   9 +
...-api-to-httpd-support-tls-9b995fe4113b2412.yaml |   5 +
roles/BlockStorage.yaml                            |   1 +
roles/CephAll.yaml                                 |   1 +
roles/CephFile.yaml                                |   1 +
roles/CephObject.yaml                              |   1 +
roles/CephStorage.yaml                             |   1 +
roles/Compute.yaml                                 |   1 +
roles/ComputeAlt.yaml                              |   1 +
roles/ComputeDVR.yaml                              |   1 +
roles/ComputeHCI.yaml                              |   1 +
roles/ComputeHCIOvsDpdk.yaml                       |  60 ++++++
roles/ComputeInstanceHA.yaml                       |   1 +
roles/ComputeLiquidio.yaml                         |   1 +
roles/ComputeOvsDpdk.yaml                          |   1 +
roles/ComputeOvsDpdkRT.yaml                        |   1 +
roles/ComputeOvsDpdkSriov.yaml                     |   1 +
roles/ComputeOvsDpdkSriovRT.yaml                   |   1 +
roles/ComputePPC64LE.yaml                          |   1 +
roles/ComputeRealTime.yaml                         |   1 +
roles/ComputeSriov.yaml                            |   1 +
roles/ComputeSriovRT.yaml                          |   1 +
roles/Controller.yaml                              |   2 +
roles/ControllerAllNovaStandalone.yaml             |   1 +
roles/ControllerNoCeph.yaml                        |   2 +
roles/ControllerNovaStandalone.yaml                |   1 +
roles/ControllerOpenstack.yaml                     |   1 +
roles/ControllerStorageNfs.yaml                    |   2 +
roles/Database.yaml                                |   1 +
roles/HciCephAll.yaml                              |   1 +
roles/HciCephFile.yaml                             |   1 +
roles/HciCephMon.yaml                              |   1 +
roles/HciCephObject.yaml                           |   1 +
roles/IronicConductor.yaml                         |   1 +
roles/Messaging.yaml                               |   1 +
roles/Networker.yaml                               |   1 +
roles/Novacontrol.yaml                             |   1 +
roles/ObjectStorage.yaml                           |   1 +
roles/Standalone.yaml                              |   3 +
roles/Telemetry.yaml                               |   1 +
roles/Undercloud.yaml                              |   1 +
roles_data.yaml                                    |   6 +
roles_data_undercloud.yaml                         |   1 +
sample-env-generator/ssl.yaml                      |  13 +-
sample-env-generator/standalone.yaml               |   8 +
sample-env-generator/storage.yaml                  |   3 +
tools/check-up-to-date.sh                          |   2 +-
tools/process-templates.py                         |   7 +
tools/yaml-diff.py                                 |  32 +++
tools/yaml-validate.py                             |  14 +-
validation-scripts/all-nodes.sh                    |   8 +-
zuul.d/layout.yaml                                 |  21 +-
315 files changed, 2701 insertions(+), 1024 deletions(-)

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