[release-announce] openstacksdk 0.18.0 (stein)

no-reply at openstack.org no-reply at openstack.org
Fri Oct 19 14:24:15 UTC 2018

We are jazzed to announce the release of:

openstacksdk 0.18.0: An SDK for building applications to work with

This release is part of the stein release series.

Download the package from:


For more details, please see below.


New Features

* The networking API v2 specification, which is implemented by
  OpenStack Neutron, features an optional routes parameter - when
  updating a router (PUT requests). Static routes are crucial for
  routers to handle traffic from subnets not directly connected to a
  router.  The routes parameter has now been added to the
  OpenStackCloud.update_router method as a list of dictionaries with
  destination and nexthop parameters.

* The "OpenStackCloud" bare metal NIC calls now support all
  microversions supported by the SDK. Previously version 1.6 was

* Added "wait_for_node_reservation" to the baremetal proxy.

* The bare metal operations now retry HTTP 409 and 503 by default.
  The number of retries can be changes via the
  "baremetal_status_code_retries" configuration option (defaulting to

* Adds support for bare metal node validation to the bare metal

* Implements VIF attach/detach API for bare metal nodes.

* Containers are now searchable both with a JMESPath expression or a
  dict of container attributes via the
  "openstack.connection.Connection.search_containers" function.

* Implement fwaas v2 resources for managing firewall groups, rules
  and policies.

* Added "get_object_raw" method for downloading an object from swift
  and returning a raw requests Response object.

* The "get_machine", "update_machine" and "patch_machine" calls now
  support all Bare Metal API microversions supported by the SDK.
  Previously they used 1.6 unconditionally.

* create_network now exposes the mtu api option in accordance to
  network v2 api. This allows the operator to adjust the given MTU
  value which is needed in various complex network deployments.

* Add support for networks being configured as the primary
  nat_source in clouds.yaml.

* Objects are now searchable both with a JMESPath expression or a
  dict of object attributes via the
  "openstack.connection.Connection.search_object" function.

* Added "stream_object" method for getting object content in an

* Added a new property, 'port_security_enabled' which is a boolean
  to enable or disable port_secuirty during network creation. The
  default behavior will enable port security, security group and anti
  spoofing will act as before. When the attribute is set to False,
  security group and anti spoofing are disabled on the ports created
  on this network.

Upgrade Notes

* When using the Image API, it is no longer possible to set
  arbitrary properties, not known to the SDK, via "image.update_image"

* The baremetal API now returns "available" as provision state for
  nodes available for deployment. Previously, "None" could be returned
  for API version 1.1 (early Kilo) and older.

* "openstack.connection.Connection.create_object" no longer creates
  a container if one doesn't exist. It is the user's responsibility to
  create a container before using it.

* In anticipation of the upcoming 1.0 release, all the things that
  have been marked as deprecated have been removed.

* "openstack.profile.Profile" has been removed. "openstack.config"
  should be used directly instead.

* "openstack.resource.Resource.get" has been renamed to
  "openstack.resource.Resource.fetch" to prevent conflicting with a
  "dict" method of the same name. While most consumer code is unlikely
  to call this method directly, this is a breaking change.

* "openstack.resource.Resource.update" has been renamed to
  "openstack.resource.Resource.commit" to prevent conflicting with a
  "dict" method of the same name. While most consumer code is unlikely
  to call this method directly, this is a breaking change.

* The base "Resource" field "location" is no longer drawn from the
  "Location" HTTP header, but is instead a dict containing information
  about cloud, domain and project. The location dict is a feature of
  shade objects and is being added to all objects as part of the
  alignment of shade and sdk.

Deprecation Notes

* The *OpenStackCloud* "wait_for_baremetal_node_lock" call is
  deprecated. Generally, users should not have to call it. The new
  "wait_for_node_reservation" from the baremetal proxy can be used
  when needed.

* The "OpenStackCloud.validate_node" call was deprecated in favor of

Bug Fixes

* Adds support for error messages from the bare metal service.

* Correct updating bare metal resources. Previously an incorrect
  body used to be sent.

* Fixed an issue where passing an iterator to the "data" parameter
  of "create_object" for chunked uploads failed due to attempting to
  calculate the length of the data.

* Re-added support for *v4-fixed-ip* and *v6-fixed-ip* in the *nics*
  parameter to *create_server*. These are aliaes for *fixed_ip*
  provided by novaclient which shade used to use. The switch to REST
  didn't include support for these aliases, resulting in a behavior

Changes in openstacksdk 0.17.0..0.18.0

d91723d Support v4-fixed-ip and v6-fixed-ip in create_server
a7dce7b Update sphinx extension logging
d36e835 Add stackviz processing to functional tests
17230af Move wait_for_baremetal_node_lock to the baremetal proxy
41e0c46 Convert inspect_machine to use the baremetal proxy
38f6050 Adding two new regions and dynamic auth_url based on region name.
0646a73 Update ElastX cloud profile
beedbcc Update Auro cloud profile
c07c39b Rearrange shade image code
c9e3374 Revert the Proxy metaclass
1370553 Make it clear that OpenStackCloud is a mixin
877326a Start shifting cloud object-store methods to proxy
603ba0d Remove all the deprecated stuff
25f74eb Switch bare metal NIC actions in OpenStackCloud to baremetal Proxy calls
d75056a Use network proxy in openstack.cloud
5a4845c Remove duplicate code
7b8a2e0 cloud: rename with deprecation validate_node -> validate_machine
af3a8f4 Wire in retries for all baremetal actions
0962342 Correct updating baremetal nodes by name or ID
3ce157c Add some warnings and clarifications for discovery
9db8bae Make RateLimitingTaskManager the TaskManager
348c9e8 Import rate limiting TaskManager from nodepool
20199e8 Remove api version default values
071e567 Use discovery instead of config to create proxies
a70c291 Set endpoint_override from endpoint with noauth
a030d82 Remove profile
5a99852 Support firewall service for SDK
6befbbe Clean up python3 test and split networking into a job
6b27429 Add functional tests for clustering
7721af1 Clarify error message is from nova
3f49aa3 Format URL when updating image props in Glance v1
70d665b Add compute API info and fix provider names
23c6f3a Update vendor support info for vexxhost
12a4679 Update vendor support info for switchengines
97bd7e4 Update vendor support info for ecs
943f606 Update vendor support info for catalyst
b5c96c5 Restore timeout_scaling_factor
d70bdeb Fix location region field in docs
1e46a95 Run all tasks through the threadpool
e4ef460 Update the URL in doc
fb74c7d Turn down stevedore and urllib logging
f0138e4 Update .zuul.yaml
2ea35b2 Update baremetal objects with fields added up to Rocky
19124c9 Add sjc1 to vexxhost profile
595f4ca Add support for configured NAT source variable
4cdf15c Explicitly set logging levels for external libs
c3e5eeb Implement network update
d7470b5 Normalize security groups when using Neutron
e080148 Normalize image when using PUT on Glance v2
a4f1f2f Fix typo
eb92849 Consolidate cloud/base.py into functional/base.py
e0c7d24 Implement volume update
e40ccf7 Allow JMESPath on searching networking resources
f96b132 Allow search on objects
c340e20 Listing objects to return Munch objects
a967956 Allow search on containers
782919e Change the method of role update
cb2f9de Fix list_recordsets to deal with top-level key
a748910 baremetal: implement validate_node
4dd309f Support bare metal service error messages
7488588 baremetal: support newer microversions in {get,update,patch}_machine
5abdc60 Run bifrost integration test jobs
8c2646e Listing containers to return Munch objects
46763e1 Invalidate cache upon container deletion
d445987 Handle missing endpoint_data in maximum_supported_microversions
edbcb6c switch documentation job to new PTI
d92678a import zuul job settings from project-config
4a34f8c Alias NotFoundException to ResourceNotFound
934725d Remove the duplicated word
d876240 baremetal: add support for VIF attach/detach API
04f7af7 Use the base Resource's JSON patch support in Image
14b4609 Correct update operations for baremetal
ac8df03 Add simple create/show/delete functional tests for all baremetal resources
5d440e0 Fix the heat template resource more cleaner
2f97394 Make resource a dict subclass usable by shade layer
d4db52f Remove special handling of stacks
e3e9a9d Add computed attribute type and location to base resource
2d472ae Rename Resource get and update to not clash with dict
7590bea Add more options to enable ansible testing feature
8c2eac3 Stop using the -consumer devstack jobs
17c7a29 Fix to_dict recursion issues with circular aliases
23ace6b Stop calling get_all_types when service-type is None
75eaaab Don't wait for task in submit_task
5b8ef64 Update storyboard links to use name
3280198 fix 2 typos in documentation
6464422 Pass microversion info through from Profile
a1fc820 python-shade expose MTU setting.
8eb788af Adds toggle port security on network create
7fd4c33 Add a simple baremetal functional job
4c49acd Add support for static routes
f213de3 Handle image and object key metadata for shade transition
1cd992c Update config doc url to point to openstacksdk
8ccece3 Remove the auto-creation of containers in create_object
96eac6a Add support for streaming object responses
de981a3 Add method for returning a raw response for an object
94b2bf0 Update create_object to handled chunked data
100fd90 Support for microversions in baremetal resources
a3c1690 Support for microversions in base Resource
9281c5b Update reno for stable/rocky
73ab97c Support passing profile to get_one
71067ce Send disk_over_commit if nova api < 2.25
d9f648d Docs: Remove duplicate content in connection page
66ebf04 Docs: Include CloudRegion class
031acd9 baremetal: correct the default timeout in Node.set_provision_state
722d813 Run ansible tests against specific public cloud
850b99b Add some backoff to find_best_address
05a340d Fix filter style consistency for keystone assignment API
9b188ba Fix wait for futures append 'result' error

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

.zuul.yaml                                         |  204 +++-
CONTRIBUTING.rst                                   |    2 +-
HACKING.rst                                        |    2 +-
README.rst                                         |    2 +-
SHADE-MERGE-TODO.rst                               |    4 +-
.../contributor/create/examples/resource/fake.py   |    6 +-
.../create/examples/resource/fake_service.py       |   13 +-
examples/clustering/cluster.py                     |   34 +-
examples/connect.py                                |    3 +-
lower-constraints.txt                              |    5 +-
openstack/_adapter.py                              |    9 +-
openstack/_log.py                                  |   17 +-
openstack/_meta/_proxy_templates.py                |  150 ---
openstack/_meta/connection.py                      |   53 +-
openstack/_meta/proxy.py                           |  124 --
openstack/baremetal/baremetal_service.py           |   14 +-
openstack/baremetal/v1/_common.py                  |    9 +
openstack/baremetal/v1/_proxy.py                   |  247 ++--
openstack/baremetal/v1/chassis.py                  |   13 +-
openstack/baremetal/v1/driver.py                   |   94 +-
openstack/baremetal/v1/node.py                     |  345 +++++-
openstack/baremetal/v1/port.py                     |   23 +-
openstack/baremetal/v1/port_group.py               |   20 +-
openstack/baremetal/version.py                     |    4 -
openstack/block_storage/block_storage_service.py   |   15 +-
openstack/block_storage/v2/_proxy.py               |   42 +
openstack/block_storage/v2/snapshot.py             |    6 +-
openstack/block_storage/v2/stats.py                |    4 +-
openstack/block_storage/v2/type.py                 |    4 +-
openstack/block_storage/v2/volume.py               |    6 +-
openstack/cloud/__init__.py                        |   39 -
openstack/cloud/_utils.py                          |    2 +-
openstack/cloud/meta.py                            |   35 +-
openstack/cloud/openstackcloud.py                  | 1287 ++++++++++++--------
openstack/clustering/clustering_service.py         |   17 +-
openstack/clustering/v1/_proxy.py                  |  151 ---
openstack/clustering/v1/action.py                  |    4 +-
openstack/clustering/v1/build_info.py              |    4 +-
openstack/clustering/v1/cluster.py                 |    8 +-
openstack/clustering/v1/cluster_attr.py            |    2 -
openstack/clustering/v1/cluster_policy.py          |    4 +-
openstack/clustering/v1/event.py                   |    4 +-
openstack/clustering/v1/node.py                    |   12 +-
openstack/clustering/v1/policy.py                  |   14 +-
openstack/clustering/v1/policy_type.py             |    4 +-
openstack/clustering/v1/profile.py                 |   14 +-
openstack/clustering/v1/profile_type.py            |    4 +-
openstack/clustering/v1/receiver.py                |    8 +-
openstack/clustering/v1/service.py                 |    2 -
openstack/clustering/version.py                    |    4 -
openstack/compute/compute_service.py               |   14 +-
openstack/compute/v2/_proxy.py                     |  177 ++-
openstack/compute/v2/availability_zone.py          |    3 -
openstack/compute/v2/extension.py                  |    4 +-
openstack/compute/v2/flavor.py                     |   10 +-
openstack/compute/v2/hypervisor.py                 |    7 +-
openstack/compute/v2/image.py                      |    6 +-
openstack/compute/v2/keypair.py                    |    4 +-
openstack/compute/v2/limits.py                     |    8 +-
openstack/compute/v2/server.py                     |   27 +-
openstack/compute/v2/server_group.py               |    4 +-
openstack/compute/v2/server_interface.py           |    6 +-
openstack/compute/v2/server_ip.py                  |    2 -
openstack/compute/v2/service.py                    |    5 +-
openstack/compute/v2/volume_attachment.py          |    6 +-
openstack/compute/version.py                       |    4 -
openstack/config/cloud_region.py                   |   41 +-
openstack/config/defaults.json                     |   18 +-
openstack/config/loader.py                         |    7 +-
openstack/config/schema.json                       |    9 -
openstack/config/vendors/auro.json                 |    8 +-
openstack/config/vendors/citycloud.json            |    6 +-
openstack/config/vendors/dreamhost.json            |   13 -
openstack/config/vendors/elastx.json               |    2 +-
openstack/config/vendors/vexxhost.json             |    3 +-
openstack/connection.py                            |   32 +-
openstack/database/database_service.py             |   14 +-
openstack/database/v1/database.py                  |    2 -
openstack/database/v1/flavor.py                    |    4 +-
openstack/database/v1/instance.py                  |    6 +-
openstack/database/v1/user.py                      |    2 -
openstack/exceptions.py                            |   55 +-
openstack/identity/identity_service.py             |   26 +-
openstack/identity/v2/extension.py                 |    4 +-
openstack/identity/v2/role.py                      |    6 +-
openstack/identity/v2/tenant.py                    |    6 +-
openstack/identity/v2/user.py                      |    6 +-
openstack/identity/v3/credential.py                |    8 +-
openstack/identity/v3/domain.py                    |    8 +-
openstack/identity/v3/endpoint.py                  |    8 +-
openstack/identity/v3/group.py                     |    8 +-
openstack/identity/v3/policy.py                    |    8 +-
openstack/identity/v3/project.py                   |   13 +-
openstack/identity/v3/region.py                    |    8 +-
openstack/identity/v3/role.py                      |    7 +-
openstack/identity/v3/role_assignment.py           |    5 +-
.../identity/v3/role_domain_group_assignment.py    |    2 -
.../identity/v3/role_domain_user_assignment.py     |    2 -
.../identity/v3/role_project_group_assignment.py   |    2 -
.../identity/v3/role_project_user_assignment.py    |    2 -
openstack/identity/v3/service.py                   |    8 +-
openstack/identity/v3/trust.py                     |    7 +-
openstack/identity/v3/user.py                      |    8 +-
openstack/identity/version.py                      |    4 -
openstack/image/image_service.py                   |   19 +-
openstack/image/v1/image.py                        |    6 +-
openstack/image/v2/_proxy.py                       |    3 +-
openstack/image/v2/image.py                        |   54 +-
openstack/image/v2/member.py                       |    6 +-
openstack/instance_ha/instance_ha_service.py       |   14 +-
openstack/instance_ha/v1/host.py                   |    6 +-
openstack/instance_ha/v1/notification.py           |    6 +-
openstack/instance_ha/v1/segment.py                |    6 +-
openstack/key_manager/key_manager_service.py       |   14 +-
openstack/key_manager/v1/container.py              |    6 +-
openstack/key_manager/v1/order.py                  |    6 +-
openstack/key_manager/v1/secret.py                 |    8 +-
openstack/load_balancer/load_balancer_service.py   |   16 +-
openstack/load_balancer/v2/health_monitor.py       |    8 +-
openstack/load_balancer/v2/l7_policy.py            |    8 +-
openstack/load_balancer/v2/l7_rule.py              |    8 +-
openstack/load_balancer/v2/listener.py             |    8 +-
openstack/load_balancer/v2/load_balancer.py        |    8 +-
openstack/load_balancer/v2/member.py               |    8 +-
openstack/load_balancer/v2/pool.py                 |    8 +-
openstack/load_balancer/version.py                 |    4 -
openstack/message/message_service.py               |   16 +-
openstack/message/v2/claim.py                      |   12 +-
openstack/message/v2/message.py                    |    6 +-
openstack/message/v2/queue.py                      |    6 +-
openstack/message/v2/subscription.py               |    6 +-
openstack/message/version.py                       |    4 -
openstack/network/network_service.py               |   14 +-
openstack/network/v2/_proxy.py                     |  376 +++++-
openstack/network/v2/address_scope.py              |    6 +-
openstack/network/v2/agent.py                      |   14 +-
openstack/network/v2/auto_allocated_topology.py    |    6 +-
openstack/network/v2/availability_zone.py          |    6 +-
openstack/network/v2/extension.py                  |    4 +-
openstack/network/v2/firewall_group.py             |   58 +
openstack/network/v2/firewall_policy.py            |   95 ++
openstack/network/v2/firewall_rule.py              |   66 +
openstack/network/v2/flavor.py                     |    6 +-
openstack/network/v2/floating_ip.py                |    6 +-
openstack/network/v2/health_monitor.py             |    6 +-
openstack/network/v2/listener.py                   |    6 +-
openstack/network/v2/load_balancer.py              |    6 +-
openstack/network/v2/metering_label.py             |    6 +-
openstack/network/v2/metering_label_rule.py        |    6 +-
openstack/network/v2/network.py                    |   11 +-
openstack/network/v2/network_ip_availability.py    |    6 +-
openstack/network/v2/pool.py                       |    6 +-
openstack/network/v2/pool_member.py                |    6 +-
openstack/network/v2/port.py                       |    6 +-
openstack/network/v2/qos_bandwidth_limit_rule.py   |    6 +-
openstack/network/v2/qos_dscp_marking_rule.py      |    6 +-
openstack/network/v2/qos_minimum_bandwidth_rule.py |    6 +-
openstack/network/v2/qos_policy.py                 |    6 +-
openstack/network/v2/qos_rule_type.py              |    6 +-
openstack/network/v2/quota.py                      |   10 +-
openstack/network/v2/rbac_policy.py                |    6 +-
openstack/network/v2/router.py                     |    9 +-
openstack/network/v2/security_group.py             |    6 +-
openstack/network/v2/security_group_rule.py        |    6 +-
openstack/network/v2/segment.py                    |    6 +-
openstack/network/v2/service_profile.py            |    6 +-
openstack/network/v2/service_provider.py           |    6 +-
openstack/network/v2/subnet.py                     |    6 +-
openstack/network/v2/subnet_pool.py                |    6 +-
openstack/network/v2/trunk.py                      |    6 +-
openstack/network/v2/vpn_service.py                |    6 +-
openstack/network/version.py                       |    4 -
openstack/object_store/object_store_service.py     |   14 +-
openstack/object_store/v1/_base.py                 |    4 +-
openstack/object_store/v1/_proxy.py                |    2 +
openstack/object_store/v1/account.py               |    4 +-
openstack/object_store/v1/container.py             |    4 +-
openstack/object_store/v1/obj.py                   |    6 +-
openstack/orchestration/orchestration_service.py   |   17 +-
openstack/orchestration/v1/_proxy.py               |    2 +-
openstack/orchestration/v1/resource.py             |    4 +-
openstack/orchestration/v1/software_config.py      |    6 +-
openstack/orchestration/v1/software_deployment.py  |   10 +-
openstack/orchestration/v1/stack.py                |   24 +-
openstack/orchestration/v1/stack_environment.py    |   14 +-
openstack/orchestration/v1/stack_files.py          |   16 +-
openstack/orchestration/v1/stack_template.py       |   23 +-
openstack/orchestration/v1/template.py             |    6 +-
openstack/orchestration/version.py                 |    4 -
openstack/profile.py                               |  201 ---
openstack/proxy.py                                 |   91 +-
openstack/proxy2.py                                |   23 -
openstack/resource.py                              |  521 ++++++--
openstack/resource2.py                             |   23 -
openstack/service_description.py                   |  200 ++-
openstack/service_filter.py                        |  199 ---
openstack/task_manager.py                          |  103 +-
.../functional/baremetal/test_baremetal_chassis.py |   51 +
.../functional/baremetal/test_baremetal_driver.py  |   55 +
.../functional/baremetal/test_baremetal_node.py    |  159 +++
.../functional/baremetal/test_baremetal_port.py    |   83 ++
.../baremetal/test_baremetal_port_group.py         |   75 ++
.../functional/cloud/test_cluster_templates.py     |    4 +-
.../functional/cloud/test_floating_ip_pool.py      |    4 +-
.../cloud/test_qos_bandwidth_limit_rule.py         |    4 +-
.../functional/cloud/test_qos_dscp_marking_rule.py |    4 +-
.../cloud/test_qos_minimum_bandwidth_rule.py       |    4 +-
.../functional/network/v2/test_firewall_group.py   |   52 +
.../functional/network/v2/test_firewall_policy.py  |   52 +
.../functional/network/v2/test_firewall_rule.py    |   69 ++
.../v2/test_firewall_rule_insert_remove_policy.py  |   91 ++
.../functional/network/v2/test_floating_ip.py      |    2 +
.../functional/orchestration/v1/test_stack.py      |    2 +-
.../block_storage/test_block_storage_service.py    |   28 -
.../unit/clustering/v1/test_cluster_policy.py      |    3 +-
.../unit/compute/v2/test_availability_zone.py      |    2 -
.../unit/compute/v2/test_volume_attachment.py      |    5 +-
.../v3/test_role_domain_group_assignment.py        |    1 -
.../v3/test_role_domain_user_assignment.py         |    1 -
.../v3/test_role_project_group_assignment.py       |    1 -
.../v3/test_role_project_user_assignment.py        |    1 -
.../unit/instance_ha/test_instance_ha_service.py   |   30 -
.../key_manager/test_key_management_service.py     |   28 -
.../unit/load_balancer/test_health_monitor.py      |    7 +-
.../load_balancer/test_load_balancer_service.py    |   28 -
.../network/v2/test_auto_allocated_topology.py     |    4 +-
.../unit/network/v2/test_availability_zone.py      |    5 +-
.../unit/network/v2/test_metering_label_rule.py    |    5 +-
.../network/v2/test_network_ip_availability.py     |    5 +-
.../network/v2/test_qos_bandwidth_limit_rule.py    |    5 +-
.../unit/network/v2/test_qos_dscp_marking_rule.py  |    5 +-
.../network/v2/test_qos_minimum_bandwidth_rule.py  |    5 +-
.../unit/network/v2/test_security_group_rule.py    |    5 +-
.../unit/object_store/test_object_store_service.py |   28 -
.../orchestration/test_orchestration_service.py    |   29 -
.../unit/orchestration/v1/test_software_config.py  |    5 +-
.../orchestration/v1/test_software_deployment.py   |    5 +-
.../orchestration/v1/test_stack_environment.py     |    5 +-
.../unit/orchestration/v1/test_stack_files.py      |    8 +-
.../unit/orchestration/v1/test_stack_template.py   |   22 +-
openstack/utils.py                                 |   85 +-
openstack/workflow/v2/execution.py                 |    4 +-
openstack/workflow/v2/workflow.py                  |    4 +-
openstack/workflow/version.py                      |    4 -
openstack/workflow/workflow_service.py             |   16 +-
playbooks/devstack/post.yaml                       |    1 +
...for-setting-static-routes-b3ce6cac2c5e9e51.yaml |    9 +
.../notes/baremetal-errors-5cc871e8df4c9d95.yaml   |    4 +
.../notes/baremetal-ports-cc0f56ae0d192aba.yaml    |    5 +
.../baremetal-reservation-40327923092e9647.yaml    |   10 +
.../notes/baremetal-retries-ff8aa8f73fb97415.yaml  |    6 +
.../notes/baremetal-update-80effb38aae8e02d.yaml   |    5 +
.../notes/baremetal-validate-ccce2a37d2a20d96.yaml |    4 +
.../notes/baremetal-vif-122457118c722a9b.yaml      |    4 +
.../notes/container-search-b0f4253ce2deeda5.yaml   |    6 +
.../notes/firewall-resources-c7589d288dd57e35.yaml |    5 +
.../notes/get-object-raw-e58284e59c81c8ef.yaml     |    5 +
.../notes/image-update-76bd3bf24c1c1380.yaml       |    5 +
...-get-update-microversions-4b910e63cebd65e2.yaml |   11 +
.../notes/mtu-settings-8ce8b54d096580a2.yaml       |    6 +
.../notes/nat-source-support-92aaf6b336d0b848.yaml |    4 +
.../object-chunked-data-ee619b7d4759b8d2.yaml      |    6 +
.../notes/object-search-a5f5ec4b2df3e045.yaml      |    6 +
.../remove-auto-container-527f1807605b42c0.yaml    |    6 +
...removed-deprecated-things-8700fe3592c3bf18.yaml |    5 +
.../notes/removed-profile-b033d870937868a1.yaml    |    5 +
.../rename-resource-methods-5f2a716b08156765.yaml  |   12 +
.../notes/shade-location-b0d2e5cae743b738.yaml     |    8 +
.../notes/stream-object-6ecd43511dca726b.yaml      |    4 +
.../toggle-port-security-f5bc606e82141feb.yaml     |    9 +
.../notes/v4-fixed-ip-325740fdae85ffa9.yaml        |    7 +
.../notes/validate-machine-dcf528b8f587e3f0.yaml   |    5 +
releasenotes/source/index.rst                      |    1 +
releasenotes/source/rocky.rst                      |    6 +
requirements.txt                                   |    3 +-
tox.ini                                            |   16 +-
501 files changed, 7474 insertions(+), 5239 deletions(-)

Requirements updates

diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 8eb788aa..78f7585 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -11,2 +11 @@ os-service-types>=1.2.0 # Apache-2.0
-keystoneauth1>=3.8.0 # Apache-2.0
-deprecation>=1.0 # Apache-2.0
+keystoneauth1>=3.11.0 # Apache-2.0

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