[release-announce] tripleo-heat-templates 10.0.0 (stein)

no-reply at openstack.org no-reply at openstack.org
Mon Oct 8 18:25:56 UTC 2018

We are jazzed to announce the release of:

tripleo-heat-templates 10.0.0: Heat templates for deploying OpenStack
with OpenStack.

This release is part of the stein release series.

The source is available from:


Download the package from:


Please report issues through launchpad:


For more details, please see below.


New Features

* Allow plugins that support it to create VLAN transparent networks
  The vlan_transparent determines if plugins that support it to create
  VLAN transparent networks or not

* We now provide an example set of environment files that can be
  used to deploy a single all-in-one standalone cloud node via the
  'openstack overcloud deploy' and 'openstack tripleo deploy'
  (experimental) commands. For the overcloud deployment, use
  *environments/standalone/standalone-overcloud.yaml*. For the tripleo
  deploy deployment, use *environments/standalone/standalone-

* Now it's possible to define the number of API and RPC workers
  separately for neutron-api service. This is good for certain network
  backends such as OVN that don't require RPC communication.

* Usage of eventlet of all the WSGI-run nova services get
  deprecated, including nova-api and nova-metadata-api. See
  https://review.openstack.org/#/c/549510/ for more details. With this
  change we move nova-metadata to run via httpd wsgi.

* Add *OctaviaEventStreamDriver* parameter to specify which driver
  to use for syncing Octavia and Neutron LBaaS databases.

Upgrade Notes

* The default Octavia event_streamer_driver has changed from
  *queue_event_streamer* to *noop_event_streamer*. See

Deprecation Notes

* The environments/standalone.yaml has been deprecated and should be
  replaced with environments/standalone/standalone-tripleo.yaml when
  using the 'openstack tripleo deploy' command.

* All references to the logging_group output in the services
  templates have been removed, since it's been unused for a couple of
  releases now.

Bug Fixes

* An issue causing undercloud installer re-run (or update) to fail
  because VIP's where lost in case the networking configuration was
  changed has been fixed. See Bug: 1791238

* Fixes an issue in the legacy port_from_pool templates for
  predictable IP addressing. Prior to this fix using these tamplates
  would fail with the following error: **Referenced Attribute
  (%network_name%%Port host_routes) is incorrect.** (Bug: 1792968

* Ping the default gateways before controllers in validation script.
  In certain situations when using IPv6 its necessary to establish
  connectivity to the router before other hosts.

* The baremetal API version is no longer hardcoded in "stackrc".
  This allows easy access to new features in *ironicclient* as they
  are introduced. If you need to use a fixed API version, set the
  "OS_BAREMETAL_API_VERSION" environment variable.

Other Notes

* A new parameter called 'RabbitAdditionalErlArgs' that specifies
  additional arguments to the Erlang VM has been added. It now
  defaults to "'+sbwt none'"
  (http://erlang.org/doc/man/erl.html#+sbwt) This threshold determines
  how long schedulers are to busy wait when running out of work before
  going to sleep. By setting it to none we let the erlang threads go
  to sleep right away when they do not have any work to do.

* The common tasks in deploy-steps-tasks.yaml that are common to all
  roles are now tagged with one of: host_config, container_config,
  container_config_tasks, container_config_scripts, or

* The step plays in deploy-steps.j2 (which generates the
  deploy_steps_tasks.yaml playbook) are now tagged with step[1-5] so
  that they can run individually if needed.

Changes in tripleo-heat-templates

f2e7235 Fix placement region setting
a0ead2f Chunk up ceph-ansible output to prevent clogging the CLI
203a5f2 Fix privileged typo in docker-puppet.py
bfca535 undercloud: deploy podman
7bebdef Introduce OS::TripleO::Services::Podman
bbab850 Allow to deactivate SELinux separation for selected containers
3eeece2 Set proper setype for service directories
1b0c827 Convert with_dict tasks to use loop and be less chatty
0acfc34 Add UseNotifySSL to environments/ssl/enable-internal-tls.yaml
6bbc3b5 docker-puppet.py: used dedicated hiera entry, not uuid
7bf7996 Remove unused parameter NeutronEnableDHCPAgent
5ca0b91 Mount /usr/share/ceph-ansible into mistral-executor
25901f8 Set mysql connect timeout in the undercloud
242bef1 Add a zaqar-swift-backend environment file
9a69426 Don't configure BIND to listen on localhost
b78f3ea Configure http/https on OVN Metadata service to talk to Nova
47f47c1 In process-templates script write output files to provided dir when using base path
3508848 Add a fact checking xinetd service present
25e497d Remove unused bootstrap-config.yaml
99f9e59 Allow to run bootstrap containers in privileged mode.
ba81e1f Update standalone role
ae3379e Ping default gateways before controllers
6ea85bc Check if openstack-glance-registry is enabled before stopping it.
b6b476d Clean up previous osa inventory dir before deployment
8629bf4 Fix openshift new node detection
7373adc Refactor openshift services for composable roles
df04ed9 Add simple validation that OpenShift is deployed
57154fd Dropped "recurse" for idempotency
6450d20 Pass NeutronMechanismDrivers parameter to prepare
b766e25 Undercloud - Restart keepalived on update
961fdc2 Tag tasks in in common tasks
13aaf52 Remove "when failed" from debug task names
bf6efb0 Tag step plays
7719263 Ensure some directories are created with the correct SELinux label
46ed8d8 Conditionally mount the TLS-related certs on the haproxy container
e68da67 Remove parameter reference to non-exisingt parameter
247a59d undercloud/stackrc: unset OS_* variables
366cd63 Add networks to IronicConductor role.
e0b5290 Stop cap granting to empty pool when telemetry disabled
2b1afc0 Allow a containerized logrotate to access docker
edd5b8f Expose IronicImageDownloadSource as a parameter
a823be0 Move nova-metadata api to httpd wsgi
fd17213 Pacemaker-cinder-volume & pacemaker-cinder-backup log path fix
711f7ef Add host_routes to port_from_pool.j2
5ca1aee Only set ca_bundle for HAProxy if internal TLS enabled & fix mounts
dcf0a9a Disable OVN related services in ODL env file
7905fe0 Add CephOSD service to roles/Standalone.yaml
06b66a8 Add ERL args parameter for rabbit and set the busy wait threshold to none
7f2276b Use openshift_cockpit_deployer_image directly
905441b Don't merge /etc/collectd.d
8e127bc Don't fail ironic upgrade if xinetd isn't present
33e4950 Fix syntax for set_fact module.
3a88c87 Fix typo in ansible's module name.
f9bb8b6 Enable fluentd health check
ebf0db0 Enable ceilometer-agent-compute health check
f1ec245 Enable health check for Ironic inspector services
3f121ed Enable Sahara API health check
459b266 Handle missing or bad dmidecode
ce0e695 Hook openshift deployment with image prepare
5d015ce Cleanup ControllerStorageNfs role
7fc8398 Persist ceph-ansible fetch_directory using config-download
36054d0 Add template to disable Panko services
e175e5a Initial support for Podman in docker-puppet
0be27ee Disable sync_power_state_interval in containerized undercloud
668afdc iscsi: workaround to let podman read /dev/null
f7f9053 Create a Timesync service declaration
d2f410e undercloud: deploy kernel composable service
e0f6f98 Add chrony support to validations
e1912cd Move to openshift-ansible 3.10
16405ff Run online data migrations
0e6087d Pass parameters for TLS proxy in front of Octavia-API
b7e124b Add scenario010 to check job list
09f1993 switch documentation job to new PTI
7c2d544 python3ification of docker-puppet.py
c70d197 Simplify ssh known_hosts entries for non-default port
42c3f18 Make redeploy idempotent
74439ff Fix neutron dhcp log path
0cf4bff Always lowercase role name
24f5a25 Create missing directories before mounting them
9473817 Enable neutron-sriov-agent health check
7351b3c Add reflection of RpcPort to health checks
90234f4 Remove references to logging_group
5c4983f Remove unused config file when start ovs agent
876683f Include ssh known_hosts entries for non-default port
2153786 heat-api fix log path
9729870 Stop hardcoding baremetal API version in stackrc
7456303 heat-api-cfn fix log path
31a8ff2 Enable fluentd on scenario002-multinode-containers
eec303d Set OVS local ip through OVS ODL class
04b2356 Do not enable Ram/Disk Filter with filter_scheduler
aa1b108 Fix all-nodes.sh for python3
41721e6 Fix incorrect network name "ctrlplane" to "ctlplane" for SNMPd.
1918413 neutron-api: remove /usr/share/neutron mount
0a2a897 Update reno for stable/rocky
81b065a import zuul job settings from project-config
66ae4e9 avoid unnecessary failure to delete a list of empty workflows
c03987f Remove the duplicated word
40d59f2 Bind mount the database client settings in sahara_db_sync
b4c9766 Remove uneececary conditionals in network-environment jinja
ba461c1 Update rsyslog existence check
4a583c8 Define keepalived service in environments/docker.yaml
a22ceef Remove deprecated value used to set nova_metadata_ip
e066722 Add OctaviaEventStreamerDriver and change default
d9fa0ed Remove External network from DVR related configuration
2998c21 Remove NeutronServicePlugins from octavia environment files
c677a4b Set the number of RPC workers to 1 for non SRIOV OVN setups
93d87cf Always enable image prepare service for docker clouds
855d1ec Make vlan_transparent in neutron.conf configurable from Undercloud
0afe46b Decoupling number of API and RPC workers for neutron-api
4a3668c Delete FreeIPA enroll script
fb28435 Added NovaOVSDBConnection parameter
4504aad Allow performing Ceph update/upgrade separately
20f614b Ceph update and upgrade in config-download era
e4d7182 Pass in rndc key to Designate deployment
93075dd Open designate-mdns ports in firewall
1fe1798 Run designate pool update only on bootstrap node
2e93095 Set container images for CNS
cf9dac8 Configure rndc to listen on internal_api network
e025ebc Enable configuration of Designate's pools.yaml
f5ab0e7 fix tox python3 overrides
ef895db Add pvremove to the disk clean step
c72492c fix spelling misktake
ea4e582 Add a 60 seconds timeout to ping_metadata_ip()

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

bootstrap-config.yaml                              |  25 -
ci/environments/multinode-3nodes.yaml              |   1 +
ci/environments/multinode-containers.yaml          |   1 +
ci/environments/multinode.yaml                     |   1 +
ci/environments/multinode_major_upgrade.yaml       |   1 +
ci/environments/ovb-ha.yaml                        |   1 +
.../scenario000-multinode-containers.yaml          |   1 +
.../scenario001-multinode-containers.yaml          |   1 +
.../scenario002-multinode-containers.yaml          |   3 +
.../scenario003-multinode-containers.yaml          |  48 ++
.../scenario004-multinode-containers.yaml          |   1 +
.../scenario006-multinode-containers.yaml          |   1 +
ci/environments/scenario006-multinode.yaml         |   1 +
.../scenario007-multinode-containers.yaml          |   2 +-
.../scenario008-multinode-containers.yaml          |   1 +
ci/environments/scenario009-multinode.yaml         |   2 +-
.../scenario010-multinode-containers.yaml          |   1 +
.../scenario011-multinode-containers.yaml          |   1 +
common/deploy-steps-tasks.yaml                     | 112 +++-
common/deploy-steps.j2                             |  24 +
common/services.yaml                               |  16 -
deployed-server/deployed-server-roles-data.yaml    |   6 +
environments/cavium-liquidio.yaml                  |   1 +
environments/ceph-ansible/ceph-ansible.yaml        |   4 +
environments/disable-panko.yaml                    |  10 +
environments/docker.yaml                           |   1 +
environments/enable-designate.yaml                 |  48 ++
environments/hyperconverged-ceph.yaml              |   4 +-
environments/lifecycle/ffwd-upgrade-converge.yaml  |   1 -
environments/lifecycle/update-converge.yaml        |   1 -
environments/lifecycle/upgrade-converge.yaml       |   1 -
environments/network-environment-v6.j2.yaml        |   4 +-
environments/network-environment.j2.yaml           |   2 +-
environments/neutron-ml2-ovn-dvr-ha.yaml           |   1 -
environments/neutron-ml2-ovn-ha.yaml               |   1 -
environments/neutron-ml2-ovn-hw-offload.yaml       |   1 -
environments/neutron-ovs-dvr.yaml                  |   4 -
environments/podman.yaml                           |   2 +
.../neutron-opendaylight-hw-offload.yaml           |   2 +
.../services-baremetal/neutron-opendaylight.yaml   |   2 +
.../services-baremetal/neutron-ovn-dvr-ha.yaml     |   1 -
.../services-baremetal/neutron-ovn-ha.yaml         |   1 -
.../services-baremetal/neutron-ovn-hw-offload.yaml |   1 -
environments/services-baremetal/octavia.yaml       |   1 -
.../services/neutron-opendaylight-hw-offload.yaml  |   2 +
environments/services/neutron-opendaylight.yaml    |   2 +
environments/services/neutron-ovn-dvr-ha.yaml      |   2 +-
environments/services/neutron-ovn-ha.yaml          |   2 +-
environments/services/neutron-ovn-hw-offload.yaml  |   2 +-
environments/services/octavia.yaml                 |   1 -
environments/services/ptp.yaml                     |   1 +
environments/services/zaqar-swift-backend.yaml     |   4 +
environments/ssl/enable-internal-tls.yaml          |   4 +
environments/standalone.yaml                       |   2 +
environments/standalone/standalone-overcloud.yaml  |  97 +++
environments/standalone/standalone-tripleo.yaml    | 105 ++++
environments/stdout-logging.yaml                   |   1 +
environments/undercloud.yaml                       |  13 +-
extraconfig/post_deploy/undercloud_post.sh         |  10 +-
extraconfig/pre_deploy/undercloud_pre.sh           |   8 +
extraconfig/pre_deploy/undercloud_pre.yaml         |  23 +
extraconfig/services/openshift-cns.yaml            |  55 +-
extraconfig/services/openshift-master.yaml         | 648 +++++++++++----------
extraconfig/services/openshift-node.yaml           | 145 +++++
extraconfig/services/openshift-worker.yaml         | 113 +---
network/config/bond-with-vlans/role.role.j2.yaml   |   1 -
network/config/multiple-nics/role.role.j2.yaml     |   4 +-
network/ports/port_from_pool.j2                    |   3 +
network/scripts/run-os-net-config.sh               |   4 +-
network/service_net_map.j2.yaml                    |   2 +-
overcloud-resource-registry-puppet.j2.yaml         |  12 +-
overcloud.j2.yaml                                  |   1 -
puppet/extraconfig/tls/freeipa-enroll.yaml         |  83 ---
puppet/role.role.j2.yaml                           |  14 +-
puppet/services/container-image-prepare.j2.yaml    |   7 +
puppet/services/designate-api.yaml                 |   2 -
puppet/services/designate-central.yaml             |   8 +-
puppet/services/designate-mdns.yaml                |  11 +-
puppet/services/designate-producer.yaml            |   2 -
puppet/services/designate-sink.yaml                |   2 -
puppet/services/designate-worker.yaml              |  34 +-
.../disabled/glance-registry-disabled.yaml         |  18 +-
puppet/services/haproxy.yaml                       |   9 +-
puppet/services/heat-api-cfn.yaml                  |   2 +-
puppet/services/heat-api.yaml                      |   2 +-
puppet/services/ironic-conductor.yaml              |   7 +
puppet/services/neutron-api.yaml                   |  22 +-
puppet/services/neutron-base.yaml                  |   7 +
puppet/services/neutron-metadata.yaml              |   1 -
puppet/services/nova-base.yaml                     |  30 +-
puppet/services/nova-metadata.yaml                 | 129 ++--
puppet/services/octavia-api.yaml                   |  52 +-
puppet/services/octavia-health-manager.yaml        |   9 +-
puppet/services/opendaylight-ovs.yaml              |   2 +-
puppet/services/ovn-metadata.yaml                  |  17 +-
puppet/services/pacemaker/cinder-backup.yaml       |   1 +
puppet/services/pacemaker/cinder-volume.yaml       |   1 +
puppet/services/podman.yaml                        |  74 +++
puppet/services/rabbitmq.yaml                      |   9 +
puppet/services/tripleo-packages.yaml              |   2 +-
puppet/services/tripleo-ui.yaml                    |   2 -
...d-vlan_transparent-config-5623f8cffc8b41f0.yaml |   5 +
...n-one-via-undercloud.yaml-8766b43a20a4270f.yaml |  14 +
...i_rpc_workers_neutron_api-eb5820d6bcedb53b.yaml |   6 +
.../notes/docker-bip-9a334c8f31a59b96.yaml         |   2 +-
...-keepalived-needs-restart-6d7efbb9788e0f95.yaml |   7 +
...ort-from-pool-host-routes-7fcc4d00cb11603d.yaml |   8 +
.../notes/nova_metadata_wsgi-bfb240bc84194d05.yaml |   7 +
...t_streamer_driver-default-e5152c28713e7707.yaml |   8 +
...ateway-before-controllers-e029e81961dbaee8.yaml |   6 +
.../notes/rabbitmq-erl-args-9029cf4605d63dd9.yaml  |   8 +
.../remove-logging-groups-b6cee238a235bbc9.yaml    |   5 +
...stackrc-baremetal-version-309809c01105095f.yaml |   7 +
.../notes/tag-common-tasks-4a78275787655fdd.yaml   |   6 +
.../notes/tag-step-plays-b1b1ea7584f1665d.yaml     |   5 +
...ubnet-attrs-ctlplane-cidr-a02e14a251733726.yaml |   2 +-
...rs-ctlplane-default-route-625ef5e414a65f2e.yaml |   2 +-
...e-subnet-attrs-dnsservers-f751ec1125a9f787.yaml |   2 +-
...ubnet-attrs-ec2metadataip-aa28f3c030f13c9c.yaml |   2 +-
releasenotes/source/index.rst                      |   1 +
releasenotes/source/rocky.rst                      |   6 +
roles/BlockStorage.yaml                            |   4 +-
roles/CephAll.yaml                                 |   4 +-
roles/CephFile.yaml                                |   4 +-
roles/CephObject.yaml                              |   4 +-
roles/CephStorage.yaml                             |   4 +-
roles/Compute.yaml                                 |   4 +-
roles/ComputeAlt.yaml                              |   3 +-
roles/ComputeDVR.yaml                              |   5 +-
roles/ComputeHCI.yaml                              |   4 +-
roles/ComputeInstanceHA.yaml                       |   4 +-
roles/ComputeLiquidio.yaml                         |   4 +-
roles/ComputeOvsDpdk.yaml                          |   4 +-
roles/ComputeOvsDpdkRT.yaml                        |   4 +-
roles/ComputePPC64LE.yaml                          |   4 +-
roles/ComputeRealTime.yaml                         |   4 +-
roles/ComputeSriov.yaml                            |   4 +-
roles/ComputeSriovRT.yaml                          |   4 +-
roles/Controller.yaml                              |   5 +-
roles/ControllerAllNovaStandalone.yaml             |   3 +-
roles/ControllerNoCeph.yaml                        |   5 +-
roles/ControllerNovaStandalone.yaml                |   3 +-
roles/ControllerOpenstack.yaml                     |   3 +-
roles/ControllerStorageNfs.yaml                    |  12 +-
roles/Database.yaml                                |   3 +-
roles/HciCephAll.yaml                              |   4 +-
roles/HciCephFile.yaml                             |   4 +-
roles/HciCephMon.yaml                              |   4 +-
roles/HciCephObject.yaml                           |   4 +-
roles/IronicConductor.yaml                         |   5 +-
roles/Messaging.yaml                               |   3 +-
roles/Networker.yaml                               |   3 +-
roles/Novacontrol.yaml                             |   3 +-
roles/ObjectStorage.yaml                           |   3 +-
roles/OpenShiftAllInOne.yaml                       |  33 ++
roles/OpenShiftInfra.yaml                          |  25 +
roles/OpenShiftMaster.yaml                         |   8 +-
roles/OpenShiftWorker.yaml                         |   5 +-
roles/README.rst                                   |   3 +-
roles/Standalone.yaml                              |  12 +-
roles/Telemetry.yaml                               |   3 +-
roles/Undercloud.yaml                              |   4 +-
roles_data.yaml                                    |  20 +-
roles_data_undercloud.yaml                         |   4 +-
sample-env-generator/enable-services.yaml          |  48 ++
sample-env-generator/ssl.yaml                      |   5 +
sample-env-generator/standalone.yaml               | 254 ++++++++
tools/process-templates.py                         |   6 +-
tools/yaml-validate.py                             |   2 +-
tox.ini                                            |   7 +
validation-scripts/all-nodes.sh                    |  16 +-
zuul.d/layout.yaml                                 |  19 +-
296 files changed, 3168 insertions(+), 1148 deletions(-)

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