[release-announce] os-ken 0.1.0 (stein)

no-reply at openstack.org no-reply at openstack.org
Mon Oct 8 18:23:48 UTC 2018

We jubilantly announce the release of:

os-ken 0.1.0: A component-based software defined networking framework
for OpenStack.

This is the first release of os-ken. This release is part of the stein
release series.

The source is available from:


Download the package from:


Please report issues through launchpad:


For more details, please see below.

Changes in os-ken aa5051a162c496c3beaef0cef24c720f78305eea..0.1.0

da39949 build universal wheels
9f1f172 Move files from ryu/* to os_ken/*
af2e4fc Apply OpenStack Cookiecutter template
a2bcf0a Ryu 4.27
840a348 Declare support of recent python3 versions
19662c5 Test more python versions on travis CI
6e9fbad Bump oslo.config to 2.5.0
49b5e5c Fix UT when running in python 3.7 env
b39ff68 lib/ovs/bridge: Return multiple controllers
e848eaa BGPSpeaker: Enable to specify remote port for neighbor
d96e6a6 switch.tester: Fix name shadowing
2c6a053 gui_topology: Avoid wildcard URL matching
b9909d0 Ryu 4.26
704dcc7 nx_actions: Fix NXActionSetTunnel docstring
4bc29b2 Fix pycodestyle W605 warnings
b1ec9ed BGPSpeaker: Fix BGP state string conversion
56aff9a pycodestyle: Ignore W504
db7338b BGPSpeaker: Advertise local routes to RR clients
a6bda03 pip: Blacklist eventlet 0.23.0
482aabc lldp: Remove remaining SystemCapabilities.subtype from tests
99fc573 lldp: fixed SystemCapabilities TLV
c29c901 Ryu 4.25
cda5bc7 allow versions of eventlet > 0.21.0
1c00806 Ryu 4.24
b8ebdbe ofproto: add Nicira extension ct_clear action
4e10ba4 ofproto: Encode data field on OFPErrorMsg
3003d47 ofp_handler: Close socket when HELLO failed
afbc803 controller: Wait for switch to disconnect connection
7a40d5c controller: Option to close socket after sending Message
976914f controller: Improve pylint result
fe06d87 test_requirements: Avoid using pip as library
a27c56a utils: Remove "parse_requirements" function
e677353 Switch to msgpack in pip-requires
a0f9011 nicira_ext: Support DEC_NSH_TTL action
684b665 nicira_ext: Support Network Service Header match
0841f3f doc: Fix unexpected indent in ofctl.api doc
8a48b62 Ryu 4.23
09d2811 doc: Document for ryu.lib.ovs
bd38499 lib/ovs: Fix a typo of "--may-exist" option
fb224e2 Ryu 4.22
fa17255 bgp/application: Add note for BGPSpeaker API reference
7d0b080 BGPSpeaker: Move docstring from __init__ to class
80312a4 BGPSpeaker: Enable to notify adj-RIB-in changed
e81ec3f ofctl: Enable to get all datapath objects
37c73db confroller/dpset: Add usage example of instantiation
81cdd4f test_rpc: Adopt to msgpack-python>=0.50
c3b484c doc: Usage for ryu/services/protocols/bgp/application.py
8287e35 Ryu 4.21
6e3eccb *: Apply autopep8
8365057 travis: Introduce autopep8 test
d64db26 *: Adopt to pycodestyle's checks
bdf3549 pycodestyle: Replace pep8
870dcab ofproto_v1_5_parser: oxm_ids with name str in OFPActionCopyField
4602651 ofproto_v1_5_parser: Missing trailing pads of OFPActionCopyField
aa9f3f4 ofproto_v1_5_parser: Fix length calculation of OFPOxmId
385b628 ovsdb: Fix small bug
1493f51 packet_data_generator3: Generate OF13 Ext-230 bundle packets
3812160 packet_data_generator3: Support ovs-2.8
9fa0b58 ofproto_v1_3: Add bundle extension
98ea902 ofproto: Correct OFPBundle{Ctrl, Add}Msg docstrings
bf83292 rest_vtep: Add some descriptions for troubleshooting
7e6f3f0 topology: Enable to detect migrations of hosts
63f8183 Ryu 4.20
7f6d873 fix bug in the example of flow_stats_reply
9aa56ef app: added simple switch with openflow 1.5 support
4d26387 ofproto_v1_5_parser: Change default of command_bucket_id
3b946c0 app: Fix simple_switch for multi switch env
ed2c6ec doc: fix typo
6ec8802 test_icmpv6: Catch proper Exception
f3d7521 packet/icmp: Avoid TypeError when calculating length
2599aef *: Reject Binary Represented IP Addresses
8185637 serivice/bgp: Fix ssh connection problem in Python 2.7
5bde6ae flags: Inject __class__ attribute to LooseVersion
eda4940 library_ovsdb_manager: Descriptions for OVS configs
92730dc app/ofctl: Enable to send single BarrierRequest
66bdeaa packet/zebra: Support FRRouting version 3.0
6e51b2a of14: Implement OFPBundleCtrlMsg parser
98d97b9 rest_qos: Avoid None when deleting OVSDB addr
253ce73 lib/ovs/vsctl: Function for validate OVSDB address
51a1130 Ryu 4.19
e1e8505 BGPSpeaker: Enable to specify local listen addresses
6329444 bgp/application: Enhance arguments handling for BGPSpeaker
7ef14a8 test_controller: Test cases for _split_addr()
09d5b25 controller: APIs to register switch address dynamically
f775290 controller: Support proactive connection
6e69e9b Ryu 4.18
3c22bf4 zclient/zserver: Support FRRouting messages format
bf9b8ac test_zebra: Enhance test cases
aedd392 packet/zebra: Support MPLS Labels messages
e423a1f packet/zebra: Support Interface Router Advertisement messages
6b48da6 packet/zebra: Support VRF related messages
7baed0a packet/zebra: Support BFD Destination messages
7804cbb packet/zebra: Support Neighbor Connected Address messages
7091523 test_zebra: Add pcap for API version 4 on FRR v2.0
90f0434 packet/zebra: Support some FRRouting messages format
0716d2c packet/zebra: Constants for supporting FRRouting format
a5f24fe packet/zebra: Support asymmetric structure of ZEBRA_*_IMPORT_LOOKUP
b66c597 packet/zebra: Parse messages based on Zebra API version
c860675 packet/zebra: Missing bw_cls_num in InterfaceLinkParams
8e85171 packet/zebra: Constants for Link Parameters Status
18fa853 packet/zebra: Constants for Interface Address Flags
a104e11 packet/zebra: Return "ZebraMessage" for message from Zebra
96891ad packet/zebra: Fix unresolved reference for _serialize_nexthops
0673a88 Only import pip if needed
1782f54 Ryu 4.17
0c0656f topology/switches: Fix delete port can't immediately remove link.
80fedbf BGPSpeaker/net_ctrl: Close activity for each session
98a838e packet/bmp: Correctly parse peer address with IPv4
f85ae78 rest_qos: Avoid discarding Queues info for each request
bc7451d services/ovsdb: Listen on IPv6 Address
7f537c4 packet/icmpv6: Assert length in options are valid
ee9a197 packet/icmpv6: Fix parsing undefined nd_option fails
44cd14a ofp_event: Timestamp when OpenFlow event was generated
6d95048 Ryu 4.16
800c136 doc: Fix unexpected indent in ryu/lib/packet/bgp.py
cb40f77 doc: Deprecated option html_use_smartypants
ec04ff9 ofproto: Avoid emitting illegal instruction sets
5e176f9 doc: Minor grammar changes in ryu_app_api
214cd8c unit/ofproto: Adopt to rename of OFPErrorExperimenterMsg
5099034 ofproto: Handle OFPErrorExperimenterMsg
b964275 bgp_sample_conf: absolute_import to suppress warnings
60651d8 service/ovsdb: get socket from RemoteOvsdb
cd67c52 Ryu 4.15
a991fed Revert "tests: Separate test files from Ryu module"
a67ed28 tests: Separate test files from Ryu module
d8ae949 service/ovsdb: Use dict.items() instead of six.iteritems()
ea23ebd doc/ovsdb_manager: Update Sample Code
10b9273 service/ovsdb: Use Python 2/3 compatible code
27b8d44 service/ovsdb: Avoid to use dict as default argument
cf667e4 service/ovsdb: Add properties to EventNewOVSDBConnection
2edfb20 test_vsctl: Strip unexpected double quote
d9d0588 pip: OpenStack updated requirements of eventlet again
388a97e manager: Introduce user flags option
0f1430e CONTRIBUTING: Update info of Python ver/lib and links
b4786a3 CONTRIBUTING: Update procedure for running tests
ef212fe CONTRIBUTING: Update procedure for submitting patches
cec1254 README: Dependencies for installing optional requirements
03c67d3 service/ovsdb: Default of controller_info in set_controller
574e417 Ryu 4.14
8fa14c8 doc: fix error in ovsdb_manager.rst code
51a86c4 fix dhcp6.py bug using python3
bfcd657 pip: OpenStack avoids newer eventlet
430bc97 ofctl: Add some tests for ofp_instruction_from_str
a52c62a ofctl: Add ovs-ofctl style action string parser
a5dca1a nicira_ext: Define some CT constants
7794ff7 BGPSpeaker/SSH: Support to show L2VPN Flow Spec routes
0168c28 BGPSpeaker: Support IPv6 Flow Spec update messages
0b9bc03 BGPSpeaker/info_base: Add tables for L2VPN Flow Spec
12b809f utils/test_bgp: Add unit tests for L2VPN Flow Spec
e82d26b test_table_manager: Add unit tests for L2VPN Flow Spec
2bcb040 test_bgpspeaker: Add unit tests for L2VPN Flow Spec
d37a311 packet/bgp: Support L2VPN Flow Spec
b327981 packet/bgp: Properly calculate length for FlowSpec
9a4e896 test_bgp: Add test cases for L2VPN Flow Spec
434b2ad BGPSpeaker/SSH: Support to show IPv6 Flow Spec routes
7e6c648 BGPSpeaker: Support IPv6 Flow Spec update messages
4d9d444 BGPSpeaker/info_base: Add tables for IPv6 Flow Spec
8597ef8 utils/test_bgp: Add unit tests for IPv6 Flow Spec
f8654b6 test_table_manager: Add unit tests for IPv6 Flow Spec
c536053 test_bgpspeaker: Add unit tests for IPv6 Flow Spec
bb38fb2 packet/bgp: Support IPv6 Flow Spec
64b9dfc test_bgp: Add test cases for IPv6 Flow Spec
607f4d8 ofproto: Allow CIDR notation for ipv[46]_{src, dst}
a197d87 utils.import_module: Prefer filepath than Python module
077eef8 library_packet_ref: Separate ref into each protocol
99e7cc4 lib/packet: Use literal block for diagram in pydoc
5969a89 packet/bgp: Omit description of default value
c6d9bfc packet/lldp: Add description for each class
4c7d523 packet/arp: Update description for arguments
352c007 BGPSpeaker/info_base/base: Unify documentation format
74c6f5b BGPSpeaker: Unify documentation format
3c0dd6e BGPSpeaker: Improve EVPN Redundancy Mode validation
09fa781 bgp: Enable to configure default local preference
2354bd7 packet/zebra: Support IP_ROUTE message from Zebra
6d35bb8 lib/hub: Workaround for issue of eventlet
5a1da54 Ryu 4.13
468f471 nicira_ext: Constants for IP fragment matching
e1741b7 bgp/info_base: Refactor has_nexthop() method
399a03f bgp/peer: Fix invalid NEXT_HOP in UPDATE message
b7dcd40 ofctl_v1_5: Fix lack of arguments for modify role API
6dfda4a ofctl_rest: Add get role API
d0f25d6 ofctl: Fix type of fields of DescStat
ab902d2 utils/test_bgp: Add unit tests for Flow Specification
9fa4e6b core_managers/test_table_manager: Add unit tests for Flow Specification
4230897 test_bgpspeaker: Add unit tests for Flow Specification
06a6112 library_packet_ref: Add description of action for Flow Specification
b3a83ef BGPSpeaker: Support Flow Specification update messages
a486539 BGPSpeaker/SSH: Supports display of Flow Specification RIB
880bd4a BGPSpeaker/info_base: Add tables for Flow Specification
765a723 packet/bgp: Implement the utility of Flow Specification for BGPSpeaker
f12485e packet/bgp: Fix subtype for Traffic Filtering Actions of Flow Specification
fd16c43 packet/bgp: Unify variable names for Flow Specification
271961e packet/bgp: Add the address converter for Flow Specification
66a5bdd packet/bgp: Fix data structure for VPNv4 Flow Specification
16c3640 library_packet_ref:Add bgp reference for Flow Specification
4cbdbb7 test_bgp: Add test cases for user interface of Flow Specification
4838463 packet/bgp: Implement user interface of Flow Specification
35e12d8 Ryu 4.12
9420884 hub.StreamServer: Ommit validation for IPv4 address
a134362 wsgi: Change default wsgi listen host to ""
7baa456 zebra: Add sample application for Zebra server service
8914385 zebra: Implement Server APIs for Zebra protocol service
1b486a0 zebra: Implement database for Zebra protocol service
dc57ff5 tools/optional-requires: SQLAlchemy for Zebra service
d90589c lib/netdevice: Constants defined in netdevice(7)
793dc13 controller: Change default OPF listen host to ""
9efde1d hub: Enable StreamServer to listen Unix domain socket
fd3bfb5 zebra: Add sample application for Zebra client service
e5a0974 Implement Zebra protocol client service
c1f810b bgp/utils/bgp: Use lib/ip for Python 3 compatibility
fd96d24 BGPSpeaker: Use isinstance(*, bool) for boolean check
ef3eefb BGPSpeaker: Support Route Reflector features [RFC4456]
e06ec47 packet/zebra: Enable to specify "prefix" arg in str
88aaba6 lib/ip: Add wrapper for netaddr.valid_ipv4/6
15a12a7 allow_local_as_in_count : allow local ASN in AS patch, e.g. "rd auto/route-target both auto"
e13f46b BGPSpeaker: Advertise VNI on EVPN Multicast Ethernet-Tag
6e78aa3 BGPSpeaker: Allow empty IP Address in EVPN advertisement
b0c9da1 RyuBGPSpeaker: Enable to notify BGP events
d2a97b1 ofctl_v1_*: Use utility functions of ofctl_utils
dffb3d3 ofctl_v1_*: Use str_to_int instead of builtin int
83bf7fa test_bgp: Add test cases for Flow Specification
79741fd packet/bgp: Support Flow Specification
838708a pakcket/bgp: pylint
c4218cc BGPSpeaker: Support to advertise Type 1, 2 Route Target
6c92a75 Ryu 4.11
37391bb utils: Re-implement parse_requirements
e909934 docker_base.py: fix an ip option of "docker network connect"
17e2e51 library_packet_ref: Add doc for Zebra packet library
8ed4e24 test_zebra: Unit tests for Zebra packet library
0662e90 packet/zebra: Add Zebra protocol parser
1513ac9 bgp_scenario_test: Clean previous builds before installing
9ccec7b sync ryu.services.protocols.ovsdb.client.Idl code with ovs lib
6d4b094 packet lib: adding DHCPv6 support
2197fd5 doc: library_packet_ref: Add reference of openflow
ca1a2a2 test_openflow: Add unit tests for OpenFlow packet library
82b113a packet lib: Add packet library of OpenFlow
ca5afab Ryu 4.10
25a1540 library_packet_ref: Update dhcp reference method
c893ba0 test_dhcp: Extend unit test for fragmented options
d908aff packet/dhcp: Revert b'str' conversion
a4d4291 packet/dhcp: Support fragmented options
42c71ad BGPSpeaker/net_ctrl: Support multiple RPC sessions
8555dda BGPSpeaker/base: Stop child activity by name
27b253d BGPSpeaker/net_ctrl: Move _send_*_response() function
f1edc9f BGPSpeaker/net_ctrl: Close RPC session when disconnected
fcea0dc BGPSpeaker/net_ctrl: Pylint and fixes of typos
7e30cf6 rpc_cli: Avoid to use eval()
98a3b03 rpc_cli: Close peer connections when exiting prompt
daea966 rpc_cli: Enable to execute a single command
49461e8 ryu/app: Use Request/Response wrappers in REST Apps
40178c9 wsgi: Wrapper classes of Request/Response in WebOb
9570213 library_bgp_speaker_ref: Fix unexpected unindent
6ebf0f7 optional-requires: Specify lxml version for OpenStack
73d3313 ryu-client: Remove client for OpenStack plugin/agent
cf1a2f3 doc: Deprecate OpenStack plugin ref
eb646ce test_geneve: Add unit tests for Geneve
b6c1189 packet lib: Add packet library of Geneve
6ea6e86 test_gre: Add unit tests for NVGRE
19e415a packet/gre: Support NVGRE extension
d1c275e doc: library_packet_ref: Update references
9b2cb18 rest_router: Fix ARP THA in reply message
cad9c8a install_docker_test_pkg: Remove unnecessary pip pacakges
6da65f5 tox: Move dependencies installation to .travis.yml
f152c69 bgp_scenario_test: Switch Python version
c0e06c7 test_requirements: Test cases for checking requirements
c810965 tox: Test ryu-manager without additional requirements
1453f0f pip: Add doc requirements for convenience
bc9796b library_bgp_speaker_ref: Fix unexpected indentation
f8fa7b6 doc: Add MRT file library reference
d993e43 test_mrtlib: Add unit tests for MRT paser
b3804a8 mrtlib: Add parser for MRT format [RFC6396]
a6dc0bc packet/ospf: Reduce Pylint warnings
5e8b6c6 type_desc: Define TypeDisp class for re-usability
4a8c724 bgp_scenario_test/bgp: Pylint
ee6cee3 bgp_scenario_test/common: Pylint
742c2a5 Delete an unnecessary function
4640976 Get some debug information
b5d232d Add DHCP options constants to DHCP lib
e0c446a lib/ofctl_v_*: Enable to filter flow stats by priority
002cbbe packet/bgp: Fix default of esi for IP Prefix route
88c5be0 BGPSpeaker: ESI to be optional arg in MAC/IP Adv route
9e5f9d9 packet/bgp: Support multiple next_hop in BGPPathAttributeMpReachNLRI
ad5ce12 packet/bgp: Unpack mpls_label in BGPPathAttributePmsiTunnel
430424a stringify: Add optional attributes list to be displayed
197a6c4 packet/bgp: Support multiple BGP messages in a packet
17acdbb BGPSpeaker: Support Ethernet A-D Route and Ethernet Segment Route
c4a84cb packet/bgp: Fix the ESI Label Extended Community to use mpls_label
a3c1a8e Ryu 4.9
5c5345e scenario test: Fix the wrong retry check in command execution
580f04d Enable to run a scenario test with a specific python version
d4d02dd rest_firewall: Compare reserved port in str representation
156b3d2 test_vsctl: Use osrg/ryu-book image as Mininet container
fbda130 test_vsctl: Wait for loading OVS kernel module
33ecea2 integrated/bgp: Use Ubuntu:16.04 for base image
5c71295 docker_base: Update base image to Ubuntu:16.04
8065784 BGPSpeaker: Confirm SSH feature to be optional
2b57fad docker_base: Add missing requirements for test-requires
77f1590 README: Use pip to resolve dependencies
03f77e7 pip: Separate test-requires
1af384f RPC: Specify encoding to msgpack.Packer/Unpacker
a45c180 test_rpc: Use numbers.Integral instead of long type
9f04612 wsgi: Avoid using inspect.getargspec
99ebbcc wsgi: Reduce pylint warnings
ffa736a wsgi: Use six.text_type instead of unicode
63ce337 contrib: Revert module path to ryu.contrib
2dc7d40 protocols/bgp/base: Add missing __next__ method
444c29f BGPSpeaker: Support to advertise EVPN IP Prefix route
972c31f packet/bgp: Support for IP Prefix Route encoding
264d32e packet/bgp: Fix the EvpnNLRI to use the ryu.lib.packet.vxlan
e84b21b packet/bgp: Fix the EvpnNLRI to use the ryu.lib.packet.mpls
a376adf packet/bgp: Fix the EvpnNLRI to use the ryu.lib.ip
e760300 BGPSpeaker: Enable to set capability for IPv6
4ed018d test_bgp: Add test cases for IPv6 and VPNv6 routes
7e1f648 test_bgp: Enable to check parsed BGP message
73f6105 packet/bgp: Refactor MP_REACH_NLRI and MP_UNREACH_NLRI
9e92d60 lib/ip: Add method to convert IPv4/IPv6 to int
48f577d test_bgp: Uncomment out test case for UPDATE
31364ba packet/bgp: Enable Extended Length flags if specified
b9e4345 pip: Move tinyrpc to pip-requires
6e2fe4e Ryu 4.8
f0fb62c contrib/tinyrpc: Remove embedded tinyrpc, use upstream
7e91a55 contrib/ncclient: Remove embedded ncclient, use upstream
fba95e2 ut/ovs: Add UT using Docker for ryu.lib.ovs
8d9ce87 BGPSpeaker: Support to advertise PMSI Tunnel Attribute
6e22fb4 packet/bgp: Add PMSI Tunnel Attribute
5360524 packet/vxlan: Add method to convert the format of vni
a582b0b packet/mpls: Add method to convert the format of label
ec1749b lib/ip: Add method to convert the format of Ipv4 or Ipv6
df1434a Enable to run a scnario test for ryu bgp on travis
7606163 Add scripts which install a dependency package
cd068e5 Add bgp scenario tests
0a60252 Add bgp scenario tests tool
649d31a bgp/application: Re-implement base BGP application
1dfe90d flags: Add CLI options for BGP application
bc7f43a BGPSpeaker: Enable to specify settings for SSH CLI
09e57c5 bgp/operator/ssh: Enable to quit gracefully
252591a bgp/operator/ssh: Reduce pylint warnings
e635d68 BGPSpeaker: Use dictConfig in the standard library
a7721fc utils: Backward compatibility for 'imp.load_source'
6792d6d Log OFPErrorMsg.data as ascii when type is OFPET_HELLO_FAILED
df95d2c ovs/vsctl: Fix API for parsing column/key/value set
d7cfe66 ovs/vsctl: Add missing Controller commands in OVS v2.6.0
05b3738 ovs/vsctl: Add missing Port commands in OVS v2.6.0
2744d0a ovs/vsctl: Add missing Interface commands in OVS v2.6.0
3e19c38 ovs/vsctl: Add missing Bridge commands in OVS v2.6.0
934e8dc ovs/vsctl: Sort out commands order
3aa4989 ovs/bridge: Add APIs for missing Database commands
589823b ovs: Add API corresponding to ovs-vsctl remove command
c21ad12 ovs: Add API corresponding to ovs-vsctl add command
c09c4e8 ovs: Add API corresponding to ovs-vsctl list command
d19e7a3 ovs: Add API corresponding to ovs-vsctl add-bond command
fe83cfd ovs/vsctl: Update command list with OVS v2.6.0
513bf4c ovs/vsctl: Avoid applying next() to non-iterator object
895ddfc ovs/vsctl: Add missing required argument for find_vlan_bridge
b9aab0a ovs: Reduce pylint warnings
5748031 ovs: Revert ovs module path
4d1bfc8 ovs/vsctl: Fix VSCtlCommand to inherit StringifyMixin
a354b45 ovs/vswitch_idl: Update OVSDB schema with v7.14.0
55dc115 ovs/vsctl: Change log level of redundant messages
2ebb921 rest_router: Fix conversion of Packet Library to dict
e80a363 dpset: Fix iteration error when disconnecting switches
0224065 test_parser: Add an truncate packet test
e880964 test_parser: Enable tests for truncated packets
6aa4adb ofproto_v1_3_parser: Raise OFPTruncatedMessage exception on truncated messages
b9a9f81 ofproto/nicira_ext: Add missing NXMs in OVS v2.6.0
8d93787 ryu/lib/ofctl_v1_3: port name decoding fix
6522ea1 BGPSpeaker: Enhance APIs for operator.show
7201a60 Ryu 4.7
81d5d8f BGPSpeaker: Fix to enable to notify peer down
a3ab6c8 use old cryptography version
35973fc packet: Avoid parsing an empty buffer
51e0abd pip-requires: Add ovs>=2.6.0
a443be9 doc: Add API reference for REST EVPN switch
ab92cc8 app: Add sample application for REST EVPN switch
57056d1 app: Integrate aplication of Ryu-book
b302d72 ovs/bridge: Enable to request tunnel port number
b77408d ovs/bridge: Add utility method to create VXLAN port
8627c28 ovs/bridge: Make local_ip to optional field for tunnel
3d815d3 ovs/vsctl: Catch the default tag type in Port Table
25a7eb5 stplib: Fix to store current OFPPort status
d23c070 stplib: Fix to compare MAC address and Bridge ID
29d1a97 BGPSpeaker/api/operator: Simplify registration decorator
4348ae6 BGPSpeaker: Fix typos
cb83c85 ofproto/ofproto_v1_5_parser: OFPMultipartReply malformed message offset fix
513a9d9 tests/switch: fix bug in _diff_packets function
8271382 Add Nicira extension vlan_tci field
e0e30d3 BGPSpeaker: Shutdown BGPSpeaker gracefully
5d1d864 BGPSpeaker: Enable to get path from EventPrefix
57aa646 BGPSpeaker/vrf: Handle non MPLS labled NLRI
3f10498 BGPSpeaker: Add EVPN routes from Global to VRF Table
7af944d table_manager: Fix conversion of De Morgan's laws
c09925e test_bgpspeaker: Add UT for advertising VNI for EVPN
3964735 BGPSpeaker: Extend to advertise VNI for EVPN routes
40fe7ff BGPSpeaker: Support to advertise Tunnel Encapsulation
bd4e8a7 packet/bgp: Add BGP Encapsulation Extended Community
cc24a85 doc: specify OFP v1.0 for sample application
1970e70 add modify role API in ofctl_rest
03e8028 lib/ofctl_v1_4: correct argument order for OFPFlowMod constructor
c09cd3d Ryu 4.6
09644f1 Validate OpenFlow message length in header, to prevent controller receive loop DoS
ba1fb5c PyInstaller: Enable to build stand-alone executables
db0f6c1 handler: Fix for frozen builds
37df91f BGPSpeaker: Suppress RD in EVPN VRF on SSH console
c2c421b doc: Update the API Reference for BGPSpeaker
aa136b2 test_validation: Add unit tests for validation utilities
d5ed7c2 BGPSpeaker: Enable validation for optional arguments
c8b8a34 BGPSpeaker: Raise exception when validation fails
ba150be BGPSpeaker: Improve validation utility methods
d8b0ea9 BGPSpeaker: Resolve unused argumet 'multi_exit_disc'
6d5a302 BGPSpeaker: Reduce Pylint warnings
55e517e test_table_manager: Add UTs for the Global Table API
83324ef table_manager: Rename internal API for consistency
8ea4e67 test_table_manager: Add UTs for the VRF Table API
b8e75e7 BGPSpeaker: Support VRF Table for Ethernet VPN
59a3049 test_bgpspeaker: Add unit test for the API of EVPN
985e255 BGPSpeaker: Support Ethernet VPN update messages
55e0097 packet/bgp: Fix to serialize BGPNotification on Python3
b999b8a BGPSpeaker/info_base: Add comparison methods for Python3
aeda7ae BGPSpeaker: Support Python3 on SSH console
c51c46b test_bgp: Add unit tests for Ethernet VPN
c4dac34 packet/bgp: Support MPLS-Based Ethernet VPN (RFC7432)
0255390 packet/bgp: Enable to parse the entire packet data
d4b8bd6 tests: Add tests for specifying Packet library for OFPPacketOut.data
7735137 lib/packet: Support the Json format data
cb4c0b8 ofproto: Enable to specify packet library for OFPPacketOut.data
59ea6a5 lib: Reduce Pylint warnings
6154450 stringify: Fix to utilise six.moves.builtins
016ec1c ofctl_nicira_ext: Fix not enough arguments for format string
8c5071e ofctl_nicira_ext: Resolve not initialized values
fbafa4b Ryu 4.5
12d6584 Ensure that send() and send_msg() in controller return status to calling applications
9ee265a Clean up stale Datapath objects in the ofctl_service application
d0992e2 packet lib: Add packet library of GRE
4ca81f9 ofproto/nx_actions: Update argument of NXActionCT
64ba9f1 ofproto/nx_actions: Revert API of NXAction
882262d manager: Except KeyboardInterrupt to suppress traceback
3c0bd5b stplib: Handle the port state not changed events
f52bb70 stplib: Adopt to Python3
a909fa3 rest_qos: Fix to handle the case without QoS action
c631c46 packet: support relayed DHCP packet
99d641c Fix: LLDP.OrganizationallySpecific not ignoring info field
b09b39c test_parser: Add test data for some NXAction
0288ae2 ofproto/nx_actions: Support some NXAction
eed1437 ofproto/nx_actions: Add comment for Ryu documents
8b8162c test_parser: Add test data for missing NXAction
89f6945 ofproto/nx_actions: Support missing NXAction
6daa1ee ofproto/nx_actions: Update arguments to be compatible with ovs-ofctl
8e30b1f test_parser: Add test data for NXAction used only in OpenFlow1.0
3b1a314 ofproto/nx_actions: Add NXAction used only in OpenFlow1.0
8cb23e1 test_packet: Avoid to use array.array as input binary
3736ab7 packet: Fix minimum ethernet frame length
81d3d56 test_peer: Unit test for peer.py of BGPSpeaker
55d955f BGPSpeaker: Support Four-Octet AS number
2039347 packet/bgp: Support Four-Octet AGGREGATOR Path Attribute
a6c5f27 BGPSpeaker: Fix capability check when MP-BGP not supported
04b4bbb fix of13 VLAN_PCP test case
400a98d Ryu 4.4
7d15368 topology: ignore cfm packets on packet in
2a2b2b1 topology: pep8 fixes
658c754 ofproto: Fix example of OFPSetAsync message
0dc79dd Update the readthedoc URL
8b038a4 lib/ofctl_utils: Log the datapath sent to
b0ab4f1 Avoid parallel executions of AppManager.close()
d079bf3 python3: Use six.add_metaclass for metaclass
c897ae7 python3: Use six.string_types instead of basestring
85023d4 python3: Improve Table class in services.protocols.bgp.info_base.base
9f43286 python 3: Replace deprecated logging.warn with logging.warning
f864993 Python3: Explicit string type encoding
55a88d6 BGPSpeaker: Remove unused utility modules
c263089 BGPSpeaker: Fix unresolved references in Python3
9393af3 BGPSpeaker: Support Per-Peer AS
7b562c3 packet_data_generator3/gen: Add some NXAction packets
7ca8690 ofproto/nicira_ext: Move the variable and method for Nicira Extension
5ebf0fa tests/test_parser_v10: Update test parameter
3c3896f ofproto/nx_actions: Update arguments to be compatible with ovs-ofctl
ecc3ea2 ofproto/ofproto_v1_0: Delete some NX actions
4622561 ofproto/nx_actions: Porting the NX Action definition of ofproto_v1_0_parser
5dfdc85 ofproto/nx_actions: Update serialize and parse
35a98fc Extend OVSDB api
865d6e5 Fix RuntimeError of lldp_packet_in_handler
d090b29 Ryu 4.3
24a041e nx_match: add tun_ipv6_{src,dst}
1bcb23e packet_data_generator3: Clear xid into zero
709b3ad ofproto: Implement OFPFlowMod parser
f3e931b doc: Add PCAP file library reference
ad481c7 test_pcaplib: Add unit tests for pcaplib
6643bae pcaplib: Reduce Pylint warnings
35fc29a test_bgp: Enable to test parser with pcap file
b3b8238 packet/bgp: Reduce Pylint warnings
171b35f bgp: fix typos
9b57e7b test-requires: Update to use the latest Pylint
4fa85d1 test-requires: Add tinyrpc for RPC controller in wsgi
9e3aaaf Make ovs optional
a6c3d38 packet: Add VXLAN parser
7f38397 packet/bgp: Add missing __hash__ function
a7e804f controller: Add backward compatibility for 6633 port
7d446f3 Update default OpenFlow port to 6653
a20b9e1 BGP: Make RouteFamily class hashable
13ae023 doc: Remove warnings when building doc pages
9d9f285 doc: Move Ryu App API doc into each source code
68025e6 network: Fix unresolved reference
3cccf23 doc: Add description for EventOFPPortStateChange
9774eb6 controller: Implement EventOFPPortStateChange
af2ae13 doc/app/ofctl_rest: Remove unused match field
3f60665 doc/source/conf: Set the False to SmartyPants
d435446 doc/app/ofctl_rest: Add a description for openflow1.5
f351cd3 doc/app/ofctl_rest: Update the optional parameter of the message
918edd4 doc/app/ofctl_rest: Add pbb_uca to match field
a605021 doc/app/ofctl_rest: Update the description method of Example
7f1c911 doc/app/ofctl_rest: Add Openflow version
89b2bf5 Bump version requirement for oslo.config, given usage of min parameter to IntOpt
208ad9d tox: Integrate Coveralls.io
dc6e2b8 tox: Add Python 3.5
ead9ce7 test_ofctl: Add test cases for new Actions of of15
e30eebb test_ofctl_rest: Add unit tests for ofctl_rest
4bec6ac test_ofctl: Add test cases for OpenFlow 1.5
255fd15 ofctl_rest: Support OpenFlow 1.5
a7b0927 lib/ofctl: Support OpenFlow 1.5
1452fac ofproto_v1_5_parser: Fix serialized length of OFPActionCopyField
c913228 ofctl_v1_4: Port some improvements from ofctl_v1_3
ea8c3b8 ofctl_v1_4: Rename to get_queue_desc for uniformity
a67f436 ofctl_v1_4: Support request parameters
9dd3b3c ofctl_utils: Enhance user value conversion
c104781 REST Apps: Adopt to Python 3
326b46b topology: Adopt to Python 3
4b99579 ofctl_rest: Enable to omit port_no and queue_id
f60c12c ofctl_rest: Adopt decorator to simplify
dcb1efb test_ofctl: Test cases for omitting port_no in get_queue_config
e721c18 lib/ofctl_v1_[23]: Unify the arguments order
bea97ae ofctl_utils: Confirm binary type data in send_experimenter
33d1023 test_import_module: Update test cases
c66b4b3 utils: fix for temporarily storing the value of sys.path
2d05aed Ryu 4.2
7db022b Enable filtering the OVSDB schema tables/columns
dbe6743 tox: Upgrade PyPy version to 2.6
f61bb5f Eventlet throws a subclass of IOError when an SSL read timeout occurs. Ensure that the read loop continues in this case.
d149552 Added support for the tcp flags nicira extension
b40422d Removes unnecessary Windows requirements
a5e9358 Ryu 4.1
c67c8c8 doc/app/ofctl_rest: Update example of set-field action
efb830c doc/app/ofctl_rest: Update the code-block language of response data
e4d8da6 doc/app/ofctl_rest: Update the ryu.app.ofctl_rest version from openflow1.3 to openflow1.4
93aa0d6 lib/ofctl_v1_[234]: Consolidate send_experimenter
369df99 lib/ofctl_v1_[34]: Consolidate common functions
1101185 lib/ofctl_v1_3: Support nicira extensions
429a6bc lib/ofctl_v1_3: Allow caller to disable conversion
cb51b6c lib/ofctl_*: Consolidate `send_stats_requst`
b69c5b9 lib/ofctl_*: Log the xid of messages being sent
3350ee0 unit/lib/test_ofctl: Fix Flake8 [e731]
3b7b281 ofproto/ofproto_v1_4_parser: Flake8 Fixes
2825212 ofproto/ofproto_v1_3_parser: Flake8 Fixes
740cc3a ofproto/ofproto_v1_2_parser: Flake8 Fixes
a77ab6f ofproto/ofproto_v1_0_parser: Flake8 Fixes
bb3cfef ofproto/nx_actions: Flake8 Fixes
daa77e7 lib/ofctl_v1_4: Flake8 Fixes
0f79e71 lib/ofctl_v1_3: Flake8 Fixes
e16faaa lib/ofctl_v1_2: Flake8 Fixes
b88adad lib/ofctl_v1_0: Flake8 Fixes
b8cb2d2 pip-requires: force ovs>=2.6.0dev0 for everyone
00c31a4 packet/tcp: Add TCP Control Flags
9bc1624 lib/ofctl_utils: Add a deprecated value
6130643 lib/ofctl_v1_4: Fix json format of queue_desc_reply
5246068 lib/ofctl_v1_4: Fix an omission in OFPTFPT_*
7715934 lib/ofctl_v1_4: Fix a small bug in mod_group_entry()
3484e6e lib/ofctl_v1_0: Fix a small bug in get_desc_stats() and get_aggregate_flow_stats()
d33c9f0 protocols/ovsdb: Add api for systemd_id lookup
9e7a3e2 protocols/ovsdb: Add bulk read support
b5cf6e1 protocols/ovsdb: Fix shadow variables
2de65ac protocols/ovsdb: Update wrapped Idl()
e190549 protocols/ovsdb: Remove patched ovs.vlog
c9a68a4 test_ofctl: Add test cases
a1a5ff0 doc/app/ofctl_rest: Add the attribute for message
32f5c62 ofctl_rest: Support port number and queue id in get_queue_stats()
3e180d8 ofctl_rest: Support meter id in get_meter_config()
c39b9d5 ofctl_rest: Support meter id in get_meter_stats()
ba1535b ofctl_rest: Support group id in get_group_stats()
294d241 ofctl_rest: Support port number in get_port_stats()
545645e hub: Preserve functions return value
6974430 protocols/ovsdb: Improve non-blocking performance
8d2604e contrib/ovs: Remove embeded ovs, use upstream
0ffbc19 protocols/ovsdb: Fix variable name issue
2b047bd protocols/ovsdb: Allow setting backoff settings
a3c8c59 Cleanups to controller.py
8ae807f protocols/ovsdb: Allow setting probe interval
57c6897 protocols/ovsdb: Fix shadow loop variables [F402]
db02d0f protocols/bgp: PEP-8 and Python3 fixes
7d42aec packet/bgp: PEP-8 and Python3 fixes
03e365d doc/app/ofctl_rest: Update description for action type of experimenter
020eb2b ofctl_v1_3: Add support for using action experimenter
801bdac ofproto_v1_3: Add unit test cases for action experimenter
7316f86 ofproto_v1_5: Reduce an unnecessary code
2f1500c ofproto_v1_5: Add test case for OFPExperimenter
1adae0f Ryu 4.0
4a99bb2 Typo fixes
1625117 of: add echo request support
ed30a8b make socket-timeout config file option
477f2dd Clean up socket close() handling
f1f0ca2 Wrap handler calls in the event loop in a try/except and log exceptions
db1c932 Use a slightly lighter Queue implementation
876e35d Protect events queue with a semaphore
442aa61 .pylintrc: Remove deprecated output format feature
4d8c6d3 run_mininet: Specify the controller port
f2bb13d run_mininet: Adopt utility methods of Mininet class
6b10a3b run_mininet: Support protocols option of ovs-vsctl
7b5d6bd ofp_handler: Handle empty data field in OFPErrorMsg
51fcda8 lib/ofctl: add test files for ofctl_v14
31d56d0 lib/ofctl: add ofctl_v1_4 library
c56edd5 app/ofctl_rest: support OpenFlow1.4
6b3c4df ofproto: Fixes invalid async config property types
ede171c simple_switch: Separate simple_switch for beginners
af5e6b5 drop python2.6 support
27409a5 Fix i386 test failures
5552348 test_parser: add an NXActionRegLoad test
d4c6e15 packet_data_generator3: generate an NXActionRegLoad packet
8830f61 Implement NXActionRegLoad
efc859e test_parser: Fix ofp_multipart_type in OFPFlowStatsRequest
5cb8f8c ofproto_v1_5_parser: Add missing field in OFPMeterFeaturesStats
a1fd26f ofproto_v1_5_parser: Fix unresolved structure references
e24fd2f test_parser: Add missing packet data for OFP15
2ae4f88 tox: Adapt to PyPy interpreter
4dc709d of12/3/4/5: fix to_jsondict of OFPActionSetField
00c7d29 protocols/bgp: Log socket creation error
4f1a4db Ryu 3.30
1076dfd Update conntrack test json and binary packets
135a1cb test_parser: add conntrack NAT tests
1d75182 packet_data_generator3: add a couple of conntrack packets
9fe0126 Implement NXActionNAT
28cb1d5 rest_router: Ensure that usage of icmp.dest_unreach and icmp.TimeExceeded complies with RFC 4884
8f7d302 packet: Better validate parameters to constructors better icmp
0b00bfb doc: remove obsolete OpenStack info
0bfdd1e bgp: Clean up syntax in services/protocols/bgp/operator/views/base.py to avoid SyntaxErrors
e3d0721 Reconnected event additions and cleanups
14379f2 test: Yet another typo fix
8a90e9a test: ImportError fix, error caused by unordered import Link
648ac64 topology: Make sure the last IP in the list is the newest IP.
63f9502 Message cleanup in ofproto_parser
849a9e3 Typo cleanup
9386be6 Typo fixes in lib/packet/bgp.py
c1c7826 Fix: "AddrFormatError: address '...' is not an EUIv48"
73416ea packet/bgp: Gaurd against extra data in the buffer
a71c2a9 protocols/ovsdb: Forcably kill the main_thread
636de20 protocols/ovsdb: Handle accept() errors
df065f5 protocols/ovsdb: Handle disconnects gracefully
5d04752 test: disable rpc unittest with large file for now
75fe76c ofproto/NXAction: Fix NXActionUnknown parsing
97ebd2f of14_parser: unify OFPActionExperimenter implementation
dbbd05f test_ofctl: Update json representations
001a695 test_ofctl_utils: Add unit tests for ofctl_utils.py
19e49c8 lib/ofctl: Add utility library for ofctl_v1_*.py
9571fde doc: Add Nicira Extension Structures references
a2d71f3 doc: ofproto_ref: Update supported actions/matches list
6d2b1c5 packet_data: regen
de2602b test_parser: Add expected json representations
aa3a2d5 packet_data_generator2: Add some OFP13/15 messages
7d626a5 lib/ofctl_v1_*: Confirm hw_addr is str in mod_port_behavior
a40efc3 test_ofctl: Compare sent messages in json representation
beb3353 Remove old link when link updates
ecfd21e fixes for mutable default arguments
7826290 Cleanup variable name for clarity
2250171 cap oslo.config version only in python2.6
cd779e2 Ryu 3.29
27ca64c Generate new datapath event for switch connecting multiple times
6945ad3 Fix handling of state transition to config mode
46f4ced Clean up for stability patch submitted previously
c085c0d Ensure to terminate threads where RyuApp.start() gives a thread object
4feded1 ofctl_v1/2/3: Some improvements
3e86414 of14: Add action experimenter to flow stats reply unit test
541dc65 test_tcp: Update test cases for tcp option
9521e46 lib/packet/tcp: Parse TCP Option field
d9ecfcc bgp: fix handling unknown and unsupported transitive path
fede089 ofp_handler: Remove sending SET_CONFIG message
d736b83 lib/ofctl: Add test cases for ofctl_v1_0
83d529a lib/ofctl: Add test cases for ofctl_v1_2
77f8628 lib/ofctl: Add test cases for ofctl_v1_3
1025d18 lib/ofctl: Implement unit test for sending messages
41e81c5 lib/ofctl: Rename unit test for action/match
ed6adb6 lib/ofctl: Confirm UTF-8 in binary fields
366044d ofproto_v1_[23]_parser: Add default arguments in OFPQueueProp
d58d93f test_parser: Add some expected json representations
9418dc5 packet_data: Regen
d0c9ddd packet_data_generator: Add ofp_group_stats messages for OF1.2
6e4b2b6 ofproto_v1_[2345]_parser: Set default length field
1ed92b2 avoid oslo.config 3.1.0 and later for python2.6 support
106e88f test_controller: Add unit test for _recv_loop()
0a22348 controller: Split received message buffer
6ca7093 Fix a stability issue relating to switch disconnection/re-connection events.
f449488 Ryu 3.28
7a9b1be test_parser: add conntrack tests
877ed28 packet_data_generator3: add a couple of conntrack packets
0599edf Implement NXActionCT and related ct_* matches
89e1bcd tox: disable wheel cache
7615458 python3: implicit relative import was deprecated
d6a1686 python3: itertools.ifilter() doesn't exist
718e934 python3: iter#next() doesn't exist
6c85fc9 python3: <function>#func_name is renamed to __name__
3a0ea9e python3: import __future__ for just in case
466cf26 python3: StandardError doesn't exist
6133901 ofctl_v1_3: Fix unsuitable error log in mod_meter_entry()
0aefad7 Ryu 3.27
5b81c63 bgp: fix of sending "Start-of-RIB" and "End-of-RIB" in Enhanced Route-Refresh
30e2eb6 doc/app/ofctl_rest: Add description for OFPTableStats message
58cb365 doc/app/ofctl_rest: Add description for OFPQueueGetConfig message
ec55ca5 doc/app/ofctl_rest: Add description for OFPTableFeaturesStats message
6518654 ofctl_rest: support OFPQueueGetConfig Message
26e8efb ofctl_rest: support OFPTableFeaturesStats Message
9a534b4 ofctl_rest: support OFPTableStats Message
f4f2446 vrrp: fix param of virtual_ip_address for rpc_api
7af6e28 tester: Reduce pylint warnings
ce6e5dd tester: Add test cases for OpenFlow1.0
74d5de7 tester: Support to test OpenFlow1.0 switch
7c7fb56 packet_data: Fix wildcarded match value in OF1.0
d6b7dd5 of10: Human readable address field in json Match/Action
a9876bf Try logging.config.dictConfig before in-tree version
ff66183 Python3: use int instead of long
dc361d1 Python3: complete previous removal of types usage
d5bb8d4 Python3: use dict instead of types.DictType
604b16c doc: Change Sphinx html_theme to sphinx_rtd_theme
e22f86f bgp: support of CAP_ENHANCED_REFRESH for vpnv4
e4f4704 tester: Use six.binary_type for binary data comparison
e4333e3 tester: Enable to sort instructions instance by type
72a5b44 tester: Remove too broad exception handling
c978373 tester: Strict string argument encoding in Python3
2c92a0a tester: Adapt to Python3 dictview
fb9d3cd packet_data: Regen
e437960 test_parser: Add expected json for OFP13/15 Messages
44e7069 packet_data_generator2: Add OFP13/15 Messages
3f0fdbc packet_data_generator2: Sort by OF1.5 index order
55ed988 packet_data_generator2: Fix to use struct eth_addr
b4c3ef0 doc: Add openflow api reference for of1.0
4195d38 ofproto_v1_0_parser: Add comments for OF1.0 protocol
4242dcf doc: Handle ERROR of unexpected indentation
e7ce316 test_ip: Add tests for IPv4-int conversion
9e542b8 of10: Add __contains__ method into OFPMatch
85bb012 test_parser_v10: Fix wildcards param for unit test
9663fbe of10: Support human readable MAC/IPv4 address in OFPMatch
c0723eb Ryu 3.26
b1c1adf switch/tester: Add sleep interval for each test case
40acc4b ofproto_v1_[45]_parser: Add parser() for OFPRequestForward
927cda4 remove old Ryu OpenStack plugin stuff
50ad776 packet: lldp: python3 fix
571f6a1 bgp: support disabling listening socket
448ebe9 bgp: python3 fixes
95ae3c7 test_parser_ofpmatch: Add tests for Experimenter OXMs
be5b009 OXM/OXS: Enable to sort Experimenter oxm_type/oxs_type in Python3
1d1777c test_parser_ofpmatch: Add test cases for OF1.4 and OF1.5
033d994 .travis.yml: Suppress the output of unit tests
4ada0bb ofproto: Sort out the NX OXMs definition
8120835 ofproto: Refine module import
5116d1f ofproto_v1_[45]_parser: Remove unused OFPMatchField
7872ba2 doc/ofproto_v1_2_ref: Add description for Port Structures
2079d06 doc/ofproto_v1_3_ref: Add description for Port Structures
950a506 doc/ofproto_v1_4_ref: Add description for Port Structures
c36bafe doc/ofproto_v1_5_ref: Add description for Port Structures and Controller Status Structure
c638c34 Examples contain invalid MAC addresses
388adf1 ofproto_v1_0_parser: Add __getitem__ method into OFPMatch
5cda019 test_parser_v10: Add test case for __getitem__ of OFPMatch
b874ae8 doc/app/ofctl_rest: Add command examples for WRITE/CLEAR_ACTIONS
992bf73 Uncap pbr version
2b527f6 topology: Fixed conditional statement
4c6b03a ofproto_v1_5: Add OFPBAC_BAD_METER
66eeb5b bgp: enable nexthop_self for locally generated routes
969b4b6 test_ofctl: improving readability
dc2d5a9 test_ofctl: Add unit test for OFPIT_[WRITE/CLEAR]_ACTIONS
91af6a5 ofctl_v1_[23]: Add support for OFPIT_[WRITE/CLEAR]_ACTIONS
b6e2801 ofp_handler: Output human readable error msg ev log
f593248 ofproto_parser: Unify str representation of MsgBase
23b2fc4 utils: Add binary_str() method to print binary data
27befc1 utils: Unify output str format of hex_array()
97906ee doc: Add some JSON examples to openflow api reference for of1.5
62a53a5 test_parser: Add expected json outputs for OF1.5
5b0106e doc: Add openflow api reference for of1.5
182e2e7 test_parser: Add test case for OFP15 table_features_reply
8726f8b Ryu 3.25
396c32d packet: dhcp should set _MIN_LEN
e47c5bf packet: udp should detect dhcp
22387e0 ofctl_v1_[23]: Fix the output result of get_flow_stats()
2701fa1 ofctl_v1_[23]: Convert masked match value into str
9bca06c packet/igmp: Python 3: truncate IGMP timer fields to integers before packing
7028704 doc: ofctl_rest: Add table of contents
08edfa0 README.rst: add OF 1.5 support
2a4423f bgp: Added support to indicate the next hop IP address for the BGP module
1a9008b bgp: add neighbor_state_get method
0d405de Remove hosts from edge port when link added
65695e4 ofproto_v1_5_parser: Fix typo in comment
d24b96c ofproto_v1_4_parser: Fix typo in comment
51dc621 ofproto_v1_3_parser: Fix typo in comment
3f005ea ofproto_v1_2_parser: Fix typo in comment
08cbbfb python3: Fix relative imports
1fc4ec6 doc: Include snort_integrate page into toctree
ad4613d Add missing comment to rest_topology
06d8445 Add EventHostAdd handler for web socket application
0d64e7f test_parser: Add test case for OFPQueuePropExperimenter
742644a ofproto_v1_3_parser: Add OFPQueuePropExperimenter support
f99d0cf ofproto_v1_3_parser: Backport OFPTableFeatureProp class
1a6b3e7 ofproto_v1_[45]_parser: Add missing OFPTFPT_EXPERIMENTER_MISS
189d5d5 ofproto_v1_3_parser: Backport OFPPropBase/OFPPropCommonExperimenter4ByteData
ec73df5 test_parser: Fix some expected json representations
90f7515 ofproto_v1_[45]_parser: Fix to parse experimenter_data
0b5dd61 ofproto_v1_[345]: Define common structure for experimenter property
e61ade4 ofproto_v1_4_parser: Move utility method to OFPPropBase
3af4f65 test_parser: Add test case for OFP15 packet_out
3be0ac4 ofproto_v1_5_parser: Enable setting OFPMatch in OFPPacketOut message
0841ac6 test_parser: Add test case for OFP15 controller connection status messages
0d9dfe3 test_parser: Add implemented type for OFPT_CONTROLLER_STATUS
d7fd76f ofproto_v1_5_parser: Add OFPControllerStatusStats support
57e1fa7 ofproto_v1_5_parser: Add OFPControllerStatus support
2a0d686 ofproto_v1_5_parser: Add OFPControllerStatusProp support
7ec9537 ofproto_v1_5_parser: Enable OFPRoleRequest to set short_id
6cdc272 Add register_service to topology events
2281b7a Add EventHostAdd event.
59da773 Allow specifing match fields in ClsRule.__init__
1d30f09 Sprinkle StringifyMixin
2fb5871 PEP8 Line length
31acdf8 Remove unused import
6921b54 Stop old app on reconnection
5c4a199 Use system_id from event
2119e6c Handle disconnection during discover_system_id
d71d84f test_parser: Add tests generated by packet_data_generator3
ea85625 Introduce packet_data_generator3
68ed177 test_parser: prepare for tests with packet_data_generator3
94750b9 Add register0 for nicira extensions
e0c19a2 packet_data_generator2: Add Makefile for GNU environment
79db626 use idle timeout in ofctl to avoid incomplete querying
3706eec Python 3: Fix search for bound methods
45c14ec Python 3: Filter out None values returned by getmodule(...) to fix the stack inspection
3b4a82b ofproto_v1_5_parser: Add OFPBundleFeaturesStats support
9497aad ofproto_v1_5_parser: Support new OFPTableFeaturesStats structure
1fef327 ofproto_v1_5_parser: Add OFPBundlePropTime support
a4a75eb test_parser: Add test case for OFP15 bundle_features request/reply
48ce2b5 test_parser: Add test case for OFP15 table_features_request
605165c ofproto_v1_5_parser: Add OFPBundleFeaturesProp support
964df7e ofproto_v1_5_parser: Add new table feature properties support
e8cda9e test_parser: Regen OFP15 port_desc request packet
3103973 test_parser: Regen OFP15 group_desc request packet
d815eb0 test_parser: Add test case for OXS related messages in OF1.5
317d3c4 ofproto_v1_5_parser: Add OFPFlowDesc support
c7df2ef ofproto_v1_5_parser: Fix OFPFlowStats/OFPAggregateStats to use OFPStats
141957f ofproto_v1_5_parser: Fix OFPFlowRemoved to use OFPStats
be1b802 ofproto_v1_5_parser: Use b'str' for binary data
5027417 ofproto_v1_5_parser: Use six.binary_type instead of buffer
5e6877b test_parser: Add test case for OFP15 group_desc reply
148cd09 test_parser: Add expected json representations of OF1.5 GroupMod
4dc9a03 packet_data: Regen
fcff174 packet_data_generator2: Generate OF1.5 GroupMod packets
64df243 ofproto_v1_5_parser: Support OF1.5 OFPGroupDescStats structure
09cef6d ofproto_v1_[345]: Fix backward compatibility for OFPGroupDescStats
6fe9321 ofproto_v1_5_parser: Support OF1.5 OFPGroupMod structure
7b2c49e ofproto_v1_5_parser: Add OFPGroupProp support
9d3e652 ofproto_v1_5_parser: Add OFPGroupBucketProp support
1c822d0 ofproto_v1_5: Fix a typo
579383e Ryu 3.24
27b7a52 ospf: fix serialize() to work with packet.Packet()
65205dc of1.5: Multipart METER_CONFIG was renamed to METER_DESC
70021b2 of1.5: Meter statistics field flow_count was renamed to ref_count
b7b8e2f test_parser: Add test case for OFP15 port_desc request
ebb87b4 of1.5: port statistics and port descriptions use a common request format
d073322 test_parser: Add test case for OFP15 group_desc request
69ef757 of1.5: group statistics and group descriptions use a common request format
b57db81 test_parser: Add test case for OFP15 queue_desc request
57c5a1f of1.5: queue statistics and queue descriptions use a common request format
8153510 ofproto_v1_[2345]_parser: Add items method to OFPMatch/OFPStats
aa198d6 Add OVSDB manager protocol application
0de43f7 OF: send fin/ack in response to fin packet
7025a0f packet_data_generator2: Adopt upgrade of ofputil_packet_in
9aa8e15 test_ofctl: Add some test cases of OF1.0 actions
10df461 ofctl_v1_0: fix output string of ENQUEUE
46185c4 OXM/OXS: Initialize exp_type with oxm_field
8a638c0 ofproto_v1_5_parser: Add OFPPortDescPropRecirculate class
142e180 ofproto_v1_5_parser: Add OFPPortDescPropOxm class
3a9559e ofproto_v1_5_parser: Move utility method to OFPPropBase
188d47e ofproto_v1_[45]_parser: Sort out the inheritance relation of OFP*Prop
d885753 ofproto_v1_[45]_parser: Correct example of OFPPortMod
8cb9b9a ofproto_v1_[45]_parser: Rename Port Description Properties class
7e313b9 ofproto_v1_5_parser: Enable setting mask in OFPActionSetField
ecb1d55 ofproto_v1_5_parser: Add OFPActionCopyField support
00a920c ofproto_v1_5_parser: Add OFPInstructionStatTrigger support
c7bf270 add host restful api
af63e5f add host discovery functions
b5c4b9a ignore lldp packet to avoid wrong links
7d37e33 bgp: fix withdrawn label handling again
4175f99 ignore lldp packet to avoid wrong links
607eeb0 declare python3 support
fba7213 bgp: fix bug of not taking care of withdrawn label
625aeff Add registers 1-7 as nicira extensions for matching and setting
2cc542c Implement NX Resubmit-table action
ecd1e42 travis: run tests with python3
fa4318b python3: Convert chr to six.int2byte
c31d6e8 Fix test packet data generation
675a7db Use the asciilist type for lists of ip addresses
eff5326 python3: Misc str related fixups
60c5121 python3: Round time() return value to microseconds
01ac890 python3: Adapt to iterator change
f99b504 python3: Use b'str' for binary data
8df05b1 python3: Convert str to six.binary_type
0fc3d72 packet_utils: Remove checksum() side-effect
57f9f8f python3: Use {encode, decode}('ascii') for text packet data
ed5b3ed python3: Partially revert b'str' conversion
e86e8c8 python3: Use six.indexbytes for extracting single byte of data
7da17ac python3: Store AsciiStringType class data as str
1bb849b Ryu 3.23
fe128c1 python3: fix bgp reggression
ffb4091 python3: Misc. python3 fix
8fe50be python3: Make stringify test functional
698cf43 python3: Make ryu.utils.hex_array functional
fb6256a python3: Use b'str' for binary data
675f33d python3: Use six.binary_type for I/O of ryu.lib.rpc
464f560 python3: Use 'str' not b'str' for user test data
7984bf5 python3: Restore original str()s where six.binary_type shouldn't be used
093776a python3: fix bgp reggression
0e4fec9 Avoid string exception raising
fe86b95 packet.ospf: Avoid parameter 'cls' reassignment
4d9819c Remove duplicated definitions
ebb69c8 test_ofctl: Fix dynamic addition of test cases
5250352 test_ofctl: Some improvement
269028e test_ofctl: Remove unused codes
45f3db2 test_ofctl: Add unit test for ofctl_v1_0
576d186 python3: Don't use str.encode
39697ad python3: Remove harmful AsciiStringType.{encode, decode}
01a3cde python3: Decode return value of b64encode into str
2f74871 python3: More b'str' conversion
25b3f23 python3: Calculate the number of ports as integer
8c8be53 python3: encode from string to bytes for s type of pack format
4099aec python3: Modify a literal argument in a bytes method call to bytes type
815dc50 Add support for pkt_mark nicira ext (NXM_NX_PKT_MARK)
645ae76 python3: Continuous patch to replace buffer to six.binary_type
b48fedc python3: Continuous patch to replace str to six.binary_type
89bc04b python3: Convert str to six.binary_type
2713471 python3: More b'str' conversion
a9b250d python3: Apply "2to3 -f map"
227b8fd python3: Convert str to six.binary_type where appropriate
7421556 python3: Use six.binary_type instead of str for binary data
955daab python3: adapt @wsgi.route()
02ab23f python3: Use items instead of iteritems
5ab9677 python3: Use zip instead of itertools.izip
f4b405f python3: Avoid applying ord() to integers
2749f9d python3: Use formencode instead of xml_compare
5b7fee0 python3: Open packet data with binary mode
a237344 python3: Fix dynamically added test methods
536a42d python3: Use b'str' for binary literals
79ad56e python3: Remove use of buffer()
267bcda python3: Use six.text_type instead of unicode
f65ecad eventlet has already supported WebSocket(RFC6455) in stable releases (>= 0.15)
4ee2f05 python3: Use integer division where appropriate
7681cf9 python3: Fix import issues with python2
75e8c58 python3: Use bytes type for binary data
c0590ea python3: Adapt to new iterator names
c3c2112 python3: Fix starndard library imports
6adf399 ofproto: Fix ImportError on python3
e83acc4 tox.ini: Be able to run python3 unit tests
d67a226 test_parser_ofpstats: Add unit test for OFPStats class
05984d0 ofproto_v1_5_parser: Add OPFStats parser for Flow Stats Structures
7510d10 test_oxs: Add unit test for oxs_fields.py
c7503bf oxs_fields: Add OXS class support
ce219b3 Clean up server socket and thread when shutting down
d3e9f6b Fixed the function name of out filter
9251504 ofctl_rest: fix error of delete_flow_entry
cd46e06 ofctl_v1_0: fix output of get_flow_stats
8e7a4c6 Ryu 3.22
d573cb9 test_parser: Add some expected json representations
74c04e9 packet_data: Regen
2b09bd0 packet_data_generator2: Generate conjunction packets
50769ac Implement NXActionConjunction and conj_id match for OF1.3 and OF1.5
5b280f4 Add missing ryu.contrib.update_module_path calls
9414322 Cap pbr version
12fd9e2 packet_data: Regen
dfcb5cd packet_generator2: learn action
af5d973 test_parser: Add some expected json representations
f6e2134 ofproto_v1_5: Add legacy NXM aliases for some OXMs
36f8825 ofproto_v1_3: Add legacy NXM aliases for some OXMs
3c7012f Pull nx_actions for OpenFlow 1.5
0c9726e _NXFlowSpec: Add type annotation for stringify stuff
765c847 nx_actions: Modify __module__ for generated classes for stringify stuff
9510f51 NXActionRegMove: Add type annotation for stringify stuff
c73d730 Adapt to namespace-less oslo
e14c49a test_lib: Remove a questional exception re-raising
d90209e Be able to parse classes that start with "NX"
3318324 Ryu 3.21
2a00087 Suppress warning
3c68b43 sw test tool: Fix typo
2639d7c tests: Remove some unnecessary shebangs
c25a05c packet_data: Regen
368d7a7 test_parser: Add expected json representations
bd5d4c2 packet_data_generator2: Generate OF1.3 packets where appropriate
c037915 packet_data_generator2: Make the list of OF versions per messages
ac7988f tests: Fix dynamically added test cases
720dc37 tests: Remove unnecessary shebang and x bit from test_lib.py
376a264 test_parser_compat: Fix indent
27107b0 test_parser: Try to detect test discovery failures and bail out loudly
1282393 MANIFEST.in: Exclude packet_data_generator2
f40bc34 tox.ini: Pass posargs to make "tox -e py27 path.to.test" work
b498958 bgpspeaker: Import paramiko only when necessary
7cd6b2f README.rst: Correct component which needs paramiko
fd348e7 disable padding check for llc packets
cdd7084 ryu.contrib: Be explicit about sys.path modification
d4e8026 Revert recent py3 changes under ryu/contrib
30777ea str to bytes
14e0206 'reload' has been renamed to 'imp.reload' in Python 3
813f2cb Integers between '/' operation become float in Python 3
82fcd1b 'string.upper' and 'string.lower' has been deprecated in Python 3
8e0e09e 'map' returns iterator like object with Python 3
ab20640 'izip' has been deprecated in Python 3
84d247e 'reduce' has been renamed to 'functools.reduce' in Python 3
87a0518 'long' has been deprecated in Python 3
fad258d 'reduce' has been renamed to 'functools.reduce' in Python 3
67e3821 'sys.maxint' has been deprecated in Python 3
d8a8a99 'itertools.izip()' has been deprecated in Python 3
07bc428 'ConfigParser' is renamed to 'configparser' in Python 3
22f5e67 '__div__' is renamed to '__truediv__' in Python 3
78cb838 app_manager: Clean up apps harder
cfdba5c Fix ImportError(s) with Python3
8698e09 Use range() instead of xrange()
cad8261 Reduce pep8 warnings with Python3
e2dfdbf Treatment was not enough
813379f '+' operator can't combine no-string object
6973cde Avoid invalid dpid and simplify the checking of ofctl version
c330ba1 packet_data_generator2: Fix message length field
856c3a9 test_parser: Add an expected result (bundle_add)
a658eb6 packet_data: regen (bundle_add)
29424b6 packet_data_generator2: Add bundle_add
99ff852 test_parser: Add an expected result (flow_mod)
af63b00 packet_data: regen (flow_mod)
c8fe765 packet_data_generator2: clear XID field
afb153f packet_data_generator2: Add flow_mod
3e48d82 test_parser: Add a expected result (bundle_ctrl)
1cc1609 packet_data: regen (bundle_ctrl)
86697d5 packet_data_generator2: Add bundle_ctrl
49ef3cd of15: Implement OFPBundleCtrlMsg parser
87015d1 packet_data_generator2: README
172d970 Show warning when Datapath#ports is read
325c9ae Syntax level compatibility with Python 3
3f448ad Ryu 3.20
e598af6 rest_firewall: Prevent adding fields which is unrelated to match
45762b0 ofctl_v1_[23]: Ignore unkown match fields
ea5f9ff Revert "pip-requires: Remove comments"
a9b26f0 test_parser: Enable OpenFlow 1.5 tests
c43c6e4 test_parser: Add a expected result
420bef6 packet_data: regen
a85fbc9 packet_data_generator2: another packet data generator using libofproto
8fc25ca pip-requires: Remove comments
76969c0 lib.ovs.vsctl: Fix a crash
b0a6979 bmp: fix bug of logging format in bmpstation
e9d7050 ofctl_rest: Reduce pylint warnings
7c98ab2 doc/app/ofctl_rest: Fix example of ipv6_exthdr match field
d299339 test_ofctl: Add unit test for masked ipv6_exthdr match field
109d2bb ofctl_v1_3: Support masked ipv6_exthdr match field
f39e950 requirements: Drop some optional requirements
e33f5e4 README.rst: Replace a reference to ryu-plugin with ofagent
bf58a6d pip-requires: Add comments to say what's required by what
e7b5e2c UT: Remove unused imports
7701b4d bgp: Remove an unused import
10dcde2 yet more logging call cleanups
5d993c4 ryu.app.ofctl: Handle a race with connection close
f10f4f7 silence pep8 warnings to the previous commit
b636219 Reduce logging overhead by cleaning up logging calls
1dd28e4 Ryu 3.19
e922a92 snortlib: Remove disabled flag MSG_WAITALL
305e41f ryu.cfg: Use a dedicated ConfigOpt instance
7fb83c1 snortlib: Fix nw_sock handling
afccf39 of: Prevent __str__() methods from raising exceptions
665be6e bgp: Prevent __str__() methods from raising exceptions
d1ff39e packet lib: dhcp: Fix to calculate Hardware address length
e330e43 travis-ci: use container-based infrastructure for faster testings
72a06f6 Move msg_pack_into from ofproto to lib
bbecb6c tox.ini: Disable pep8 W503 for now
83c5c15 bgp/bmp: bug fix. remove redundant construction of path attributes
b04e98f Move the definitions of ether types and inet protocols to lib.packet
4de8c74 ofproto: Fix invalid error code OFPQCFC_EPERM -> OFPSCFC_EPERM (EXT-208)
2889711 ofproto: Openflow 1.5 support (work-in-progress)
45e3784 ignore some pep8 errors for now
b3084c0 test_oxm: Add tests for EXT-109 and EXT-233
aef9838 ofproto_v1_3: Implement EXT-109 and EXT-233
c938f09 oxm_fields: Rename ONFExperimenter to OldONFExperimenter
ee0c84b oxm_fields: Update comment for the new version of EXT-256
ef0c72c bgp: support of new api for "show neighbor"
973d43f bgp: Fixed error in bgp implementation with single peer
79774a3 bgp: fix bug of Path formatting in "show neighbor"
b4c488f Ryu 3.18
32a5797 bgp: bug fix of sending Adj-RIB-Out
00bc159 ryu-manager: add --enable-debugger option
578327e bgp/cli: fix internel data destruction due to cli show command
611ffbe bgp: remove unnecessary bgp update construction
e3e0720 bgp: fix bug of NameError: global name 'sent_route' is not defined
66da38e bmpstation: bug fix. stop closing fds which are in use.
b86ab09 bgp: don't hold withdrawn routes in adj_rib_in
34465b3 bgp/bmp: send unmodified BGPUpdate to bmp server.
3736b0c Add parsing libpcap and reading/writing PCAP file
a34eda1 nx_actions: Avoid confusing StringifyMixin
306a500 nx_actions: Implement nx_action_learn
181d2fa test_nx_flow_spec: Add UTs for NX flow_mod_spec
1d2a30d nx_actions: Implement NX flow_mod_spec
4d06bed type_desc: Separate type conversion classes from oxm_fields
820a7cf nx_actions: Remove redundant initializations
cbb387f Implement nx_action_reg_move for OpenFlow 1.3
1a03f4c doc/app/ofctl_rest: Add description for OFPAggregateStats message
a4e9abf ofctl_rest: support OFPAggregateStats message
310e20e doc/app/ofctl_rest: Add description for OFPQueueStats message
fe0d068 ofctl_rest: support OFPQueueStats message
be94c50 test_oxm: Add UTs for 64-bit experimenter OXMs
98a9f69 test_oxm: dedicated UTs for oxm_fields module
a7621f9 oxm_fields: Fix 64-bit experimenter OXM support
3260df5 oxm_fields: Fix oxm_length calculation for experimenter OXMs
b7b920c oxm_fields: Add header-only variants of serializer/parser
2ce0f9c oxm_fields: Prefix internal functions with _ for readability
0d3ccc9 oxm_fields: Add comments
95d3a07 OF 1.0: Use ofproto_common.NX_EXPERIMENTER_ID instead of NX_VENDOR_ID
893517c nicira_ext: Separate the most of NX definitions from ofproto_v1_0
22aaa69 Cleanup isinstance(foo, (int, long))
ef90921 doc/app/ofctl_rest: Add descriptions for duration_nsec field
5b1a265 of_v1_0: Fixed the flow format logic to set it correctly when registers matches are set
25c7619 of_v1_0: Added support for the NXM_NX_TUN_IPV4_{SRC & DST}[_W] fields
c1e01c5 ospf: fix wrong OSPF LSA type
36d734f bgp: support of understanding assigned mpls-label for prefix_add in vpnv4
5d63bbf ofctl_v1_0/2/3: Fix unsuitable log level
b4f21bd Ryu 3.17
350ce71 ospf: add SummaryLSA class
bd4bde9 ofctl_v1_2, 3: Fix regression of IP arbitrary bitmask support
a962e9a bgp: bug fix of timestamps of BMPRouteMonitoring in bmp.py
1bac27e topology/switches: add of1.2+ support for the drop_packet function.
9de9596 bgp: Fix filter message variable
c484d73 bgp: support New best path selecting
3bfa3c5 ofctl_rest: Fix clear flow entries command
76e3903 rest_qos: fix error of additional a qos rule with "priority"
d160f78 rest_qos: fix a comment
3c03ba0 bgp: support new handler in case of changing BGP session
567ff4e doc/app/ofctl_rest: Add description for capabilities field in OPFMeterFeatures
9ecfa8f ofctl_v1_3: Fix to parse capabilities field in OPFMeterFeatures
311fe90 ofproto_v1_[234]_parser: Add notes for vlan_vid match field
cf58ed0 Ryu 3.16
b00969a packet lib: don't crash with bogus ospf packet
df42ea0 bmp: bug fix of peer bgp ID in BMP Message
d72ff0a doc/app/ofctl_rest: Add command examples for OFPVID_NONE/PRESENT
1979bde ofctl_v1_2/3: Fully support the match combinations for VLAN ID
31353a9 fix security problem of some RESTful apps
6a133b0 Workaround of os.path.samefile
007d5ad test_ofctl: Modify to use new match api and field parser
9d3c9db ofctl_v1_/2/3: Modify to_match() to use new match api
a552d50 ofctl_v1_/2/3: Modify match_to_str() to use new match field parser
aa497ed bgp: bug fix of handling nexthop for eBGP peering
00b84aa test_utils: Add unit test for ryu.utils
b1b02ce utils: Fix bytearray conversion
828b6f4 test_ofctl_v1_2/3: Add a test case of masked metadata
b8d7db4 test_ofctl_v1_2/3: Fix some test cases
ecc57e8 bgp: bug fix of Multi Exit Discriminator (MED)
8daa12a ofctl_rest: fix some mistypes
7b97aa0 doc/app/ofctl_rest: Correct command examples
32a17fb fix security problem of some RESTful apps
f430528 bgp: support connect modes to choose how to connect to the neighbors
1352d0c bgp: enable to stop a chile thread by specifying its name
b4c8c0d bgp: fix lacking import
cc544c8 bgp/cli: show adjacency rib in/out by show neighbor commands
9ed1681 ofctl_v1_0: Add remaining actions
74c6595 doc: Add tables about match and actions structures
91515a4 bgp: remove uncommon open msg check
8571349 bgp: fix _OptParamCapability parser
9f1c0b3 Ryu 3.15
89c3396 simple_switch_12: handle non-buffering switch
5021716 simple_switch: handle non-buffering switch
2528c33 simple_switch_13.py: Added ability to use buffer_id in FlowMod
8fd7b90 simple_switch_13: Added a logging when running in --verbose for truncated packets
b6093c3 bgp: supporting best_path_change_handler for Vpnv4/6 prefix in BGPSpeaker
16ea9e4 rest_router: fix security problem
df2cf83 packet lib: don't crash with truncated dhcp packet
1f2b24e packet lib: don't crash with corrupted lldp packet
f0ab847 ofctl_v1_0: match_to_str() does not convert nw_tos correctly
bac1f30 bgp: fix bug of ASPathFilter in case of iBGP peering
ac4c9cc stplib.py: Should wildcard non-relevant bits in the mask field of port mod message for OpenFlow 1.2+.
9ea360f simple_switch_14: Update a comment about OVS bug
a6098fd simple_switch_13: Update a comment about OVS bug
ad13db8 Add a simple switch for Openflow 1.4, an easy adaption of SimpleSwitch13
ab9f00c sw test tool: Fix typos
b94c288 ofproto_v1_4: Add tun_ipv4_src and tun_ipv4_dst NXMs
f473308 test_parser: Update expected json representations
c93cafb packet_data: Regen
0e2e378 packet_data_generator: Add tun_ipv4_src and tun_ipv4_dst for OF1.3
70c0e58 ofproto_v1_3: Add tun_ipv4_src and tun_ipv4_dst NXMs
be892f8 oxm_fields: Add Nicira Extended Match (NXM) support
73e336e oxm_fields: Add comments
dcf6ddd oxm_fields: Avoid shadowing python builtin
6fb4550 travis: Run tests via tox
00d736a test_addrconv: Fix a way to import the tested module
2d52d19 test_parser: Make this independent from test environment path
aae00a8 tox.ini: Add pep8 environment
459baf8 pyang_plugins: pep8 style fix
9bfba7f bgp: fix pep8 warnings
5fc3113 bgp: supporting loopback interface as neighbour_source_address for iBGP
5aa14c6 bfdlib: follow TTL/hop limit in RFC5881 explicitly.
49aa2ff doc: add lib.packet.bfd classes to library_packet_ref.
0b42159 lib: add IPv4 single hop BFD (RFC5881) support.
44437ea unit test for lib.packet.bfd
d1f9408 packet lib: add BFD support.
bcc2c13 ofctl_v1_0/2/3: check lock timeout by lock.is_set().
39f06bf test: add unittests for of1.3 parser
1e72c73 of12/3: support setting the oxm_value to OFPVID_NONE
baf4b7a ofproto_v1_4_parser: Handle experimenter OXMs in TableFeatures
8e16d24 ofproto_v1_3_parser: Handle experimenter OXMs in TableFeatures
9c83c8d oxm_fields: Add a comment
7575384 bgp: support next_hop_self
dca514f Ryu 3.14
2a4ba63 doc: Add ryu.app.ofctl_rest document
223dab9 of: Fix name of class member variables
8f07bb2 gui_topology: fix to work using WebSocket
ff064e6 bgp: ignore link-local address
594fb6a bgp: local preference support IPv6, VPNv4/v6 route family
0fff3fa Improve debug messages for unsupported request Log correct debug message
97c9e79 Fix spell check in group feature message Maintain name consistency in meter type in Meter Features message in OF 1.3 Add length field in group statistics reply in OF 1.2
2674a27 sw test tool: fix an error caused by changing enum name in of1.4
5239336 ofctl: Add default value to type field of OFPGroupMod
9bcce60 of: Add missing fields in OpenFlow statistics messages
72556a6 of: Fix Enum Names and Values
33ecedd of: Fix Enum Name for Bad Instruction Code Corrected Reset Count enum name
fad9872 bgp: local preference support
43ab347 sw test tool: add unit test
688351a sw test tool: add a comment about specifying the port number support
d2d5c4d sw test tool: support specifying the port number
2b202af ofctl_v1_0: correct flow modify message
4565fa4 ryu.cfg: Fix a comment
891eb5e ofa_neutron_agent: Add a comment to explain what uses this
9e8e241 ofp_pktinfilter: add 'logging' option
aa21f3d Snort Integrate:
acec421 bgp: rpc-api 'core.start' method in Network Controller
0d2d183 import BGPPathAttributeCommunities in peer manager
41d95ac bmp: add client information to each bmp message
f77f849 Ryu 3.13
5b8e717 ws_topology: bugfix an event is dropped
4cfc239 bgp: should not use dict comprehension
bbb7724 Snort integrate: Add the snort lib supporting snort integration. Add an sample application simple_switch_snort.py which can dump alert message.
86550bf packet lib: add linux cooked header support
2651909 doc: update obsolete Linux kernel SubmittingPatches url
6b5cec7 packet bmp: fix Peer Down Reason
dd79515 bgp: add parameter 'label_ranges' for 'core.start' method in BGPSpeaker
04766aa ofctl_rest: support OFPFlowStats filtered by fields
7cc538a bgp: reduce duplicate codes with helper_function.
06a38cf sw test tool: add a "note" for help to understand
950785e bmpstation: make configurable through environment variables
7a06df4 bgp: make reserved private variable
9606784 bgp: encode 'next_hop' in human readable format
f01af32 bgp: use _class_suffixes to support various AddrPrefix
fc2b0b0 stringify: introduce _class_suffixes for easy jsonize
7a5b83d bgp: move _TYPE declaration of IPAddrPrefix to the appropriate place.
f92b674 bgp: add support for RFC3107
cf42994 fix setup.cfg entry
c37692c bgp: simplify CLUSTER_LIST attribute parser
1f90cdd bgp: fix bug of receiving 'RouteRefresh' Message
a60c182 bgp: refine the API for connecting to bmp server
ad2d267 bgp: add BGP capability code 64 (graceful restart)
6b28af2 bgp: add attribute ORIGINATOR_ID and CLUSTER_LIST
afbf024 bgp: move ssh configuration to bgp config file
c637147 bgp: add route server function to bgpspeaker
c451b6e bgp: fix bug of labels formatting for show VPNv4 prefix information
c4abf05 bgp: fix bug of Path(Origin) formatting for show VPNv4 prefix information
4b07ae4 bgp: show VPNv4 Prefix information
712460f packet/bgp: add open capability code of 128
7f3af19 bgp: support add/delete vpnv6 prefix
0ee150e bgp: support add/delete VPNv6 VRF
4c98b34 app/bmpstation: fix to work with empty BMPMessage
2adfda5 packet/bmp: fix bug of BMP Peer Down Notification class
5fb5b6c packet/bgp: add 32bit AS number support to BGPPathAttributeAsPath
94d5d86 added parameter for vrfs_get (in case of format = 'cli')
4076adf added parameter for rib_get
d192aa9 Ryu 3.12
67328e0 ofctl_rest: Add support for strict matching
6096a49 bgp: fix conflict of PEER_NEXT_HOP and NEXT_HOP value
7acda14 bgp: add code to handle RD 0:0 at the head of nexthop network address in MP_REACH_NLRI path attribute
cc3c00b bgp: add parameter for site_of_origins to neighbor_add and vrf_add method
6630328 bmpstation: add copyright
915dd2c app: add simple bmp station application
3ead62d bgp: add bmp client function
851b486 bmp: add unit test
7d3b02c packet lib: add bmp(BGP Monitoring Protocol)
40a70a9 packet lib: sctp: fix default arguments
be9db8b packet lib: udp: fix default arguments
27c0cd5 packet lib: tcp: fix default arguments
8c6185b packet lib: ipv6: fix default arguments
cacb69b packet lib: ipv4: fix default arguments
3fa25ed bgp: fix bugs related to filter
184c88b bgp: fix AttributeError bug
b22b6b1 bgp: fix NameError bug
d8c4a46 ofproto_v1_4_parser: Remove a stale comment on OFPTableFeaturesStatsReply
cd6aec6 ofproto_v1_3_parser: Remove a stale comment on OFPTableFeaturesStatsReply
e51f1dc bgp: make 'core.reset_neighbor' API asynchronously
eb90b2e bgp: add show neighbor command to ssh client
6cbbe92 bgp: refine and fix filter code
a09850e bgp: manage filter in a peer instance instead of rtconf
6fe58b8 bgp: create adjacent rib in peer instance
b8a1f7b bgp: add in-filter function
e8d81ab bgp: enable filter configuration via configuration file
8c42cb3 bgp: move filter class under info_base/
312eee1 ofctl_v1_2/3: fix unsuitable log
883a2aa ofctl_v1_2/3: fix tcp_dst/src match fields
44fc2f9 unit test for ofctl_v1_2/3
7d08001 bgp: add neighbor_reset method to bgpspeaker
64e98a9 bgp: remove an unused variable from bgpspeaker
a1367ba bgpspeaker: refine logs
7304a57 bgp: make marker private variable
3a12b6b bgp: fix bug when restart neighbor
5bbc3c2 bgp: add neighbor_update
8ad3ce3 bgp: add med parameter to neighbor_add
ed7ee8f bgp: shut up runtime warning due to configuration file loading
d3d5d8a bgp: fix bug in net_ctrl listen_tcp
bd9ae63 bgp: fix logic for checking BGP capability
86192ca bgp: fix the way of getting RouteFamily object
3c0c9ce bgp: add out-filter function
9d7433e ofctl_rest: enable getting Description of a port
78786a4 ofctl_rest: support Port Modification Message
39c0fc0 ws_topology: fix typo
5eb2cdf Correct tcp option values in the test set
bfe4b79 ofctl_v1_2/3: fix POP_MPLS action and some match fields
261cda5 adding FloatOpt to the config parser
3770483 add --pid-file option to cli
a3f24e8 bgp: support specifying nexthop per prefix
8051160 pip-requires: gui_topology requires webob>=1.2
0c7952c bgp: fix send_notificaiton crash
d884524 Ryu 3.11
d096f76 ospf: describe prefix in one attribute 'prefix' for ease of use
df7f57e ospf: add segment routing opaque types
972bce0 ospf: fix bug in encoding
f96435b ospf: support for opaque message
fdce89a bgp: support md5 authentication for re-active sessions
b984c15 bgp: support md5 authentication for pro-active sessions
24220ea bgp: fix withdraw in EventPrefix notification
736e877 sw test too: use assured Forwarding behavior DSCP value for dscp_remark
bf58248 bgp: support specifying next hop for neighbor
f2e62c2 bgp: add IPv6 advertisement support
0ab9f19 packet/bgp: fix BGPPathAttributeMpReachNLRI next_hop parser and serializer
8907f5e bgp: clean up getpeername() and getsockname() usage
d94f7bd Initializing the variable 's' so that the get_desc_stats() call does not cause an exceptions when there are no messages
858aec4 Add a small library to deal with TCP-MD5 socket option
b620f7a doc: improve the appearance of the table
3e1fd45 doc: leave out too large samples
6b9f558 bgp: add ssh_console option for bgpspeaker module
5b1f5ae document: ryu.app.gui_topology
a3cb8f8 sw test tool: Add default test files (of14: new features)
44a8c69 sw test tool: Add default test files (of14: group:all/select)
dd960c9 sw test tool: Add default test files (of14: meter)
1319010 sw test tool: Add default test files (of14: match)
f333b94 sw test tool: Add default test files (of14: action with set-field only)
947465e sw test tool: Add default test files (of14: action without set-field)
76da336 sw test tool: run_mininet: support Open vSwitch with OpenFlow 1.4
2d173ad sw test tool: Modify OFPActionSetField to normalize
1474ec3 sw test tool: Modify OFPMatch to normalize
740823f sw test tool: Enable using connected switches to compare
013cc84 sw test tool: Enable using user-specified versions to parse
b9034c1 sw test tool: Add support for using user-specified versions
7aa7116 ryu/flags: Add config parameters related sw test tool
6942189 sw test tool: Modify conditions of ofp_packet_in_reason
63451ce bgp: fix ipv6 peering regression
3aeeffa bgp: fix best_path_change_handler for best_path_lost
9b07549 bgp: fix example code
602cf17 bgp: fix another crash (recv_open -> recv_open_msg)
2814715 bgp: fix some leftover of transition to packet lib bgp
254ae73 bgp: fix a crash in path comparison
24f4a01 library_bgp_speaker.rst: make an example more complete
eb602ab ofa_neutron_agent: Change the copyright notice
e5f2cad ofa_neutron_agent: Remove unused logger instance
581674d ofa_neutron_agent: Use AppManager.run_apps
ecbb864 AppManager: Add a convenient method to run apps
771fb79 ofa_neutron_agent: Simplify
c770172 app_manager: prevent loading unnecessary RyuApps
03731ad package: add python-ryu-doc
cc6dcba sw test tool: Enable IPv6 flow label maskable
a2fc54b document ryu.app.ofctl
e1f9e1e ws_topology: shut up pep8 for long lines in a comment
3c3a29b bgp: support IPv6 peering
dabcfaa Add GUI app
6650a97 ws_topology: Handle WebSocket disconnection
e1cd432 ws_topology: Avoid controller name confliction
712d599 add debian files to make packages for Ubuntu
4f19fc5 app_manager: Stop checking h.callers in get_handlers()
ba96216 bgp: catch socket error with sendall
f513b87 bgp: use sendall with lock
783663a bgp: use TCP_NODELAY for bgp connection
8d6f150 ryu.lib.hub: add logging wrapper for wsgi server
78a9a20 contrib: import tinyrpc library
dbb143f downgrade required version of msgpack-python
a5c1841 app_manager: Let application module to use require_app()
5474bf2 bgp: add bgpspaker module for non Ryu application usage
6fbd67e fix failure of instantiating app
a13f223 fix: wrong copyright
6b9cfd3 sw test tool: Improve readability of IP mask values
93c7c1e sw test tool: Improve readability of MAC mask values
ae69bf2 sw test tool: Improve readability of padding data
3bfddf9 sw test tool: Improve readability of tcp options
b3d75d1 rest_qos: Enable queue setting to interface individually
cfdce1f packet lib: add Connectivity Fault Management Protocol(CFM, IEEE 802.1ag)
ed25eef app_manager: Fix a crash in unregister_handler
5be7310 Ryu 3.10
482bbc9 doc: add test-of-config-with-linc page
6eb3417 doc: add test-vrrp page
f0df43b ofctl_v1_2: fix errors of get_flow_stats
4c34185 ofctl_v1_2: fix pep8
afc0b98 bgp: remove unnecessary OutgoingRoute attribute 'bgp4_format'
2c7ca2f bgp: fix typo
1f316cf bgp: fix bug of exchanging paths between vrf and global_table
49dcfa5 packet/bgp: add route distinguisher classes and refine codes
44725bc bgp: keep and use nexthop value as a string internally
24cc165 ofctl_v1_2/3: MAC arbitrary bitmask support
86a975a bgp: add 'neighbors.get' and 'show.rib' JSON RPC API
45ac298 bgp: add JSON RPC API
85c1917 bgp: set bgp-config-file default None
a1416d6 bgp: fix non configured peer exception
3dedb06 bgp: import lacking constants
2eb59a0 doc: add components page
25e19df bgp: use host's ssh host key if not specified
5c78159 sw test tool: Add default test files (group:all/select)
525a4a1 sw test tool: Enable sending packets using random values
af5267b sw test tool: Enable parsing OFPGroupMod messages in 'prerequisite'
99ab1a4 sw test tool: Add support for confirmation of installed group entries
bd9c02d sw test tool: Add support for installation of group tables
1146d1d sw test tool: Add support for initialization of group tables
2b4500a sw test tool: Add a link between switches
41a52ad wsgi: add ws_topology application
aecc7b0 rest_topology: use decorator api
d91f5e0 sw test tool: pylint
0356f5f sw test tool: Reduce similar methods of checking entries exist
5ad4f2c sw test tool: Reduce similar methods of handling events
d02ab63 sw test tool: Reduce similar methods of initializing flows
cc47d4d sw test tool: Reduce similar methods of deleting flows
d73d3bb sw test tool: Reduce similar classes
fea1f61 sw test tool: Remove an unnecessary wrapper method
f277686 simple_switch_websocket_13: Add get_arp_table RPC method
192d693 pip-requires: WebSocket-RPC requires tinyrpc
377769e Add WebSocket JSON RPC feature
55fe4e1 simple_switch_websocket_13: fix typo
7598ef0 New API for WebSocket support
eb0055f Add PacketIn dumper websocket application
7b6f638 wsgi: Support WebSocket
28339dd Import eventlet.websocket from master branch
73e16c1 hub: import semaphore
ca1b271 tester: cleanup the code of couting the results
200241a tester: let each attribute of meter had a chance to be compared.
ee5bf73 add openflow api reference for of1.4
fe8d8e2 app/rest_qos: fix pep8
6ab117d add pep8 options to tox.ini
857ec0c tests/unit: fix pep8
bd61cd5 tests: fix pep8
c468fdd services/protocols: fix pep8
039f9a1 lib/xflow: fix pep8
c38270c lib/packet: fix pep8
853bdeb lib/of_config: fix pep8
3f46c5a lib: fix pep8
16839df controller: fix pep8
89a428b app: fix pep8
f295487 topology/switches: fix pep8
f79634b base/app_manager: fix pep8
df8f807 ofproto: fix pep8
01bf2ca Added rest_qos module
abafab9 packet/bgp: bug fix of route target nlri class
b65d6dc bgp: fix bug of accessing dead socket
2430fc7 bgp: improve how to show rib
e3a3c7d bgp: fix typo
4f8d7a1 packet/bgp: enhanced route refresh support
c560908 packet/bgp: fix bug in serializing AS PATH path attribute
7c1410c bgp: add ssh client
eb488e3 bgp: fix wrong module path
ca923a3 packet/bgp: add helper methods to nlri class for bgp ssh client
1d97ac1 bgp: don't block at start method
6da9cf0 bgp: bug fix when the peer initiated the connection.
2d00b7d bgp: remove unnecessary log message
aad5866 set default attributes for OFPPortMod
bee4846 sw test tool: pylint
5e60f02 sw test tool: Remove unused codes
f7ca84d sw test tool: Reduce similar methods
882c288 Added queue stats request
73674f4 Added ovs-vsctl commands of QoS-related
4c72789 Ryu 3.9
56528cf sw test tool: Modify lengths of pad fields for ARP
8ac3968 sw test tool: Revert changes of test files
a6f5109 tests/integrated: Enable MPLS set-field and push MPLS tests
55ec423 tests/integrated: Match on MPLS dl_type for flows with MPLS TTL actions
f6e1fa4 tests/integrated: Match on MPLS dl_type for flows with pop MPLS actions
9e5e9ce tests/integrated: Match on IP dl_type for flows with set IPv6 addresses
a88bdff tests/integrated: Enable ARP tests
d5e433e tests/integrated: Match on IP dl_type for flows with set NW TTL actions
ec02de8 tests/integrated: Match on VLAN tag for flows which set VLAN tags
756521f tests/integrated: Match on VLAN tag for flows with pop VLAN TTL actions
47856c3 tests/integrated: Match on IP dl_type for flows with dec NW TTL actions
1d1c3b8 tests/integrated: Do not verify buffer_id of packet_in resulting from packet_out
d1b9e37 sw test tool: Modify lengths of pad fields for ARP
9c5e928 packet lib: ipv6: support Routing header (type3)
0f8407a sw test tool: Fix MAC addresses used in tests
4a38237 tests/integrated: Use table_id greater than the current table for goto-table instruction
9664f3b tests/integrated: Specify table_id for flow_mod modify tests
66759d7 bgp: fix connect timeout error
ce1c6c0 bgp: add __init__.py files
b47fa61 packet lib: ipv6: Fix to calculate AH length
57166dc bgp: fix pep8
8bda92d bgp: add sample configuration file
4488761 bgp: improve log visibility
d8407d4 bgp: avoid the trouble of having to explicitly specify IDs in configuration
8b07123 bgp: enable to use system IP addr implicitly for binding
ce33b61 bgp: enable default label range
d262c1b bgp: make bgpspeaker RyuApp
3a4f092 bgp: use ryu.lib.hub instead of the direct use of eventlet
68c13b7 bgp: clean up codes which constructs an update message
2eccc5d bgp: fix typo
128fd85 remove obsolete man pages (rpc_cli and neutron_ofagent_agent)
28f6f60 delete bin/neutron-ofagent-agent
78d0b08 delete ryu/tests/bin/of-config-cli
95fa2d6 delete bin/rpc-cli
86da3d9 document ryu command
769fb62 add bin/ryu to PYLINT_INCLUDE
ce2f39a add bin/ryu
7d1fcd7 pip-requires: require oslo.config >= 1.2.0
e88529f allow overriding argv and progname
186da7e ryu.cfg: re-export some more stuff for convenience
51ec3d2 sw test tool: Fix to compare OFPMatch using masks without byte boundary
660c8e6 bgp: remove original bgp packet library
9d5e66f bgp: use ryu bgp packet library instead of original one
bdad626 bgp: add stuff for integration with bgp speaker
a1fe3d9 Rename to CONTRIBUTING.rst
f4d3c56 of14: set default attributes for group-related classes
f516474 of13: set default attributes for group-related classes
97e8827 of12: set default attributes for group-related classes
d083895 sw test tool: Correct the comparison method to treat matches as the set
bff6008 sw test tool: Fix to compare OFPMatch ignoring fields that masks are all zero bits
02cce18 sw test tool: Fix to compare OFPMatch ignoring masks that are all one bits
2d7053a fix pbb itag related tests
d3f8f4e RyuApp: delete a key without handlers when unregistering a handler
92ef0bd ryu.app.ofctl: raise exceptions on openflow error messages
598c3c5 ryu.app.ofctl: implement multipart
7265edc ryu.app.ofctl: implement reception of reply message
5f57cfd ofp_event: add a function to find Event class for given OFP class
a4a7754 RyuApp: add methods to observe/unobserve specific event dynamically
5b34514 RyuApp: allow observing events without having handlers
b75cd0c RyuApp.get_handlers: restructure code and add a comment
6ccec65 RyuApp: add a method to unregister a handler
77e82d3 controller.handler: simplify code
d27deb3 controller.handler: use normal classes rather than a namedtuple
97bf63e controller.handler: g/c now unused code
f00952b igmplib: Fix a problem that querier stops sending a query message
792c75c Ryu 3.8
40da85e bgp: fix pep8
7c67afd bgp: enable to propagate ipv4 networks
b1a3201 bgp: improved debug message in neighbor creation
498611c bgp: changed default configuration value for ease of use with bgp4
e772be8 bgp: use hub.Event to wait for the core_service boot instead of sleep
77a6afa bgp: enable to show ipv4 rib
06c84f4 bgp: send BGP UPDATE msg in BGP4 format when nlri is ipv4
706cd11 bgp: handle non-MPBGP UPDATE msg
f813ec4 bgp: remove inappropriate assertion assuming only MPBGP (not BGP4)
f5543f9 bgp: fix wrong path
e1e89ce add BGP daemon feature
d6bbd83 ofctl_v1_3: Fix to enable using meter flags multiply
d0cd13a stplib: reduce unnecessary constant
c8a588d sw test tool: Add default test files (meter)
7e84cfa sw test tool: Add support for throughput analysis
1ff8957 sw test tool: Enable throughput analysis
268bd42 sw test tool: Add support for getting throughput
7789371 sw test tool: Add support for installation of flows for throughput analysis
de80a17 sw test tool: Add support for deletion of flows for throughput analysis
610fd11 sw test tool: Enable parsing a new 'egress' format
897dd9c sw test tool: Enable sending packets continuously
477b1ce sw test tool: Rename STATE_UNMATCH_PKT_SEND to STATE_SEND_BARRIER
9ef560e sw test tool: Refactor packet sending processes
867062f sw test tool: Add support for sending packets continuously
3b7b40d sw test tool: Enable parsing a new 'ingress' format
f9f88f4 sw test tool: Enable parsing OFPMeterMod messages in 'prerequisite'
acdfd23 sw test tool: Add support for confirmation of installed meter entries
35688fc sw test tool: Add support for installation of meter entries
50e9cda sw test tool: Add support for initialization of meter tables
ee78b87 sw test tool: Rename STATE_INIT to STATE_INIT_FLOW
35d5104 remove ryu.cmd.ofa_neutron_agent from console_scripts in setup.cfg
0d37752 of: set TCP_NODELAY for secure channel socket
e33a595 vrrp tests: update comments
a19d994 vrrp.api: request ryu.services.protocols.vrrp.manager
d70c9ae ryu.topology.api: request ryu.topology.switches
a9d7f1b test_vrrp_multi.sh: allow overriding ovs-vsctl
1c8f3b2 vrrp: update after ryu.topology.api change
1bdcc2b rest_topology: update after ryu.topology.api change
7de6dbd topology: split out exported API from the implementation
efe8406 ofa_neutron_agent: no need to load ofctl.service explicitly anymore
990a7b8 ryu.app.ofctl.api: request ryu.app.ofctl.service
cd615a2 app_manager: add a function to request to load the server application
07c3aa1 doc: remove a stale reference
084ed12 add ryu-manager to PYLINT_INCLUDE
af7220a ofctl_rest: use multistage @set_ev_cls
80ff736 enable multistage @set_ev_cls or @set_ev_handler
6212f37 ofproto: get rid of fragile and slow glob'ing modules
b2ce73e topology/switches: duplicate datapath connections handling
b4e7900 Add request forward message unit test
37f5992 Add request forward message support
9128082 of14: Add bundle add message unit test
7938d73 of14: Add bundle add message support
5ba92e9 Allow messages inside messages
e04d169 ofctl_v1_2:support whole of match fields
6ce4593 rest_router: fix OFPSetAsync bit mask
81d6f1e ofp_event: fix a typo
97f81e5 ofctl_v1_2/3: IP arbitrary bitmask support
8728c11 sw test tool: Fix a problem for disconnection
281067b of14: Add bundle control message unit test
d3e1e26 of14: Add bundle control message support
a376cc9 of14: Remove incorrect OFP_ASYNC_CONFIG_{PACK_STR, SIZE}
c0a1fd6 of14: Update get async reply and set async implementation to follow spec
f9888ba of14: Add OFPAsyncConfigProp
7b3c1ab of14: Add table status unit test
5ae836b of14: Add table status support
2316f5e of14: Add flow monitor reply message unit test
dad6754 of14: Add flow monitor request unit test
41c2d62 packet_data_generator: New ofproto dependency for v5 updates
233c615 of14: Add flow monitor reply support
3df9da5 of14: Add flow monitor request support
fbd51b6 of14: Add OFPFlowUpdate
08f7517 dpset: absorb *args, **kwargs passed to __init__
06f343b ofctl_v1_2/3: Convert IP fields to string with dotted decimal mask
24b850f sw test tool: avoid test termination in initialization
e95a684 ofctl_v1_2: Fix unsuitable log
8fd3959 ofctl_v1_3: Fix unsuitable log
eb07d4b library_packet.rst: fix an example code
13ec0df pyang plugin to generate of_config.generated_classes
7b1d0eb reduce direct uses of oslo.config.cfg.CONF
934fc15 ryu.cfg: re-export some frequently used stuff for convenience
6756ff5 add ryu.cfg
e8d7eaf ryu.conf: obsoleted argument used in sample configuration
d5ec1f2 ofctl_v1_2/3: IPv4 dotted decimal subnet mask support
5ce9e31 Ryu 3.7
b570fca test_parser: update expected json representation
e0ce849 OFPPropCommonExperimenter4ByteData: change payload to bytes
fb47014 Apply normalize_json.py
0c83f96 of14: Correct documentation of table mod flags and properties
ce11165 of13: Correct documentation of meter mod flags
0dc8cb8 of13: Correct documentation of flow mod flags
4e54354 of13: Correct documentation of set config flags
663a4c1 of13: Correct documentation and example of get config reply flags
7fb985f of14: Correct documentation of flow mod flags
2f5a1a9 of14: Correct documentation of meter mod flags
1ea8199 of14: Correct documentation of set config flags
aa08ed2 of14: Correct documentation and example of get config reply flags
de7af3a of14: set default attributes for meter-related classes
813ae5e of13: set default attributes for meter-related classes
caeaae6 fix load_apps() in AppManager class
1875071 six.add_metaclass requires six>=1.4.0
9719958 of14: Add experimenter property to port mod reply unit test
974e403 of14: Add port mod experimenter property
6e2f80e of14: Add optical property to port mod reply unit test
55b89f0 of14: Add port mod optical property
77fd419 of14: Remove _PACK_STR from port mod ethernet property
ec5f96d of14: Add experimenter property to port stats reply unit test
cd728e3 of14: Add port stats experimenter property
8caa002 of14: Add optical property to port stats reply unit test
3634f3c of14: Add experimenter property to port status unit test
39b78cc ofctl_v1_3:support whole of match fields
4e60ce0 of14: Add port stats optical property
808a1bf of14: Add experimenter property to queue stats reply unit test
49079b4 of14: Add queue stats experimenter property
1c6b6e0 of14: Rename QueueProp as QueueStatsProp
d86c96c of14: Add experimenter property to table features request unit test
a0fef2d of14: Add experimenter property to table features reply unit test
68e0785 of14: Add table feature experimenter property
c70836e of14: Add table feature table sync from property
db3e8d4 of14: Add experimenter property to port desc reply unit test
7e9180e of14: Add port desc experimenter property
948be70 of14: Add optical property to port desc reply unit test
f03ff41 of14: Add optical property to port status unit test
7d0cff7 of14: Add port desc optical property
9f33ad8 of14: Add action experimenter to flow mod unit test
5dbe5df of14: Add action experimenter support
a3afbf0 of13: Add experimenter property to table features reply unit test
9aafc0e of13: Add experimenter property to table features request unit test
22a7078 of13: Add table feature experimenter property
549bb3c ofproto_v1_3_parser: update OFPActionSetField docstring
826c64a ofproto_v1_2_parser: update OFPActionSetField docstring
bdb2c96 ofproto_v1_4_parser: update OFPActionSetField docstring
5800214 of14: Remove supruious comment from OFPPropBase
6dd0f63 of14: Add role status unit test
d27be42 packet_data_generator: of14: Add role status message
55a909b of14: Add role status support
6548049 of14: Add OFPRoleProp
da74cda of14: Add OFPPropCommonExperimenter4ByteData
a9aa84d of14: Add queue desc reply unit test
ef68e87 packet_data_generator: of14: Add queue desc reply
7ed214c of14: Add queue desc request support
14f20a7 of14: Add queue desc request unit test
2fecf39 packet_data_generator: of14: Add queue desc request
e0a0673 of14: Add queue desc request support
ef86337 of14: Add OFPQueueDesc
7c96df6 of14: Add OFPQueueDescProp
d268e10 of14: table mod with properties
5a4adf4 of14: Add properties support to flow mod
727307c of14: Add OFPTableModProp serialization
5b0bb7f of14: Add table desc unit tests
41b1129 packet_data_generator: of14: Add table desc
5309a56 of14: Add table desc request and reply message support
60411c3 of14: Add OFPTableDesc
96f7f51 of14: Add OFPTableModProp
81322b7 sw test tool: fix missing to receive error of PacketOut
98f5c2a of13: support OFPAactionExperimenter with data
f3f784e sw test tool: fix pop_pbb action
c566ba1 of14: Document OFPRR_{METER_DELETE, EVICTION} reasons for flow removed message
a63daf6 sw test tool: add test report output
1250c6d ofproto: correct typo
c8b45e1 test_add_flow_v12_actions: fix a typo
2743eb4 rename neutron agent from "ofswitch" to "ofagent"
2a95c18 of13/14: fix OFPFMFC_TABLE_FULL typo
4c63a5c ofconfig: add commit and discard_changes operation support
f45f534 of_config: add OFPortStateType class
78fede3 topology: support OF1.2 and 1.4
37fed5c handler.register_service: comment
d5bb06a use six.add_metaclass
6f59821 pip-requires: sort in alphabetical order
f3c7dcb of14: set default attributes for OFPMeterMod
ba348e8 of13: set default attributes for OFPMeterMod
188d68f neutron-ofswitch-agent man page
d175ca6 setup.cfg: add neutron-ofswitch-agent to console_scrpits
6b97276 run_tests.sh: add neutron-ofswitch-agent to PYLINT_INCLUDE
a5e3693 neutron-ofswitch-agent: neutron agent for ofswitch ML2 mechanism driver
d00d149 ofproto_v1_3_parser: add a comment about extensions support
4d9382c pbb: add a comment
57d14a3 of_config_cli: remove a unused import
e3d08bd run_tests.sh: add of-config-cli to PYLINT_INCLUDE
3423b2a ofctl_v1_3: let action group can be converted to string
4030ec7 sw test tool: FIX: return the transaction id when flow entries were deleted
29027c2 sw test tool: correct the comparison method to treat instructions as the set
0a2a4b4 sw test tool: correct error message
66f825a sw test tool: remove unnecessary debug code
c6343de of12: fix InstructionWriteMetadata json decoder
44e9a47 sw test tool: fix wrong match(ipv6_exthdr) value of test file
8244d4f sw test tool: fix wrong instruction(write metadata) value of test files
8801af2 test_ofctl_v1_3: replace a hack with ProtocolDesc
c01d5d4 test_parser_v12: replace a hack with ProtocolDesc
190abc8 test_ofp_pktinfilter: replace a hack with ProtocolDesc
843e89e ProtocolDesc: provide supported_ofp_version for ofp_handler
bda7478 ofproto_protocol: fix UnboundLocalError
6973e84 tests: add a test case for ofproto_protocol
b487725 test_ofp_pktinfilter: simplify
474538a OFPGroupMod: Fix OFPGC_* typo in examples
bcce5c4 test_parser: replace a hack with ProtocolDesc
c0fd8a0 controller: use ProtocolDesc
5467e8b ofproto_protocol: provide a class to describe an openflow version
b857e80 ofproto_v1_3_parser: import ofproto_v1_3 as 'ofproto'
5dcb10d ofproto_v1_2_parser: import ofproto_v1_2 as 'ofproto'
b42dd0d ofproto_v1_0_parser: import ofproto_v1_0 as 'ofproto'
455249b of14: Add to ofproto unit tests
9e999fa of14: Add port mod message support
cfc6c34 of14: Add queue stats request and reply message support
1309fec of14: Add port stats request and reply message support
d86df91 of14: Add generic OFPropBase class
29f7f1f of14: Rename OFPPortDescPropUnknown as OFPPortPropUnknown
0742b5b of14: Add port status message support
4c119f9 of14: Add meter mod message support
0f9bdca of14: Add OFPMeterBandDscpRemark and OFPMeterBandExperimenter
b4895e1 of14: Move OFPMeterBand* to above OFPMeterConfigStats
5bfc825 of14: Add table features stats request and reply message support
03a9196 of14: Add _ordered_fields to .4 OFPMatch
c8d6444 of14: Fix OFPInstructionWriteMetadata JSON decode
1350b96 of14: set default attributes for OFPMultipartRequest subclasses
5c1ef5f of14: add some assertions
5ab61a2 Ryu 3.6
1368fd6 of13: set default attributes for OFPMultipartRequest subclasses
0b8e988 of12: set default attributes for OFPStatsRequest subclasses
9f30e7d allow application to specify its logger name
bd074ef fix syslogd usage on OSX
1b62801 vrrp: fix busy timer by the default parameter
2971608 of14: fix OFPMatch from_jsondict method
49b84f4 of14: Fix OFPInstructionMeter json format
7ac5282 of14: default ethernet type for PUSH_VLAN action
1f590c0 of14: set default ethernet types for MPLS actions
84202a8 of14: remove of1.2/1.3 old SetField aciton API
1356d2c doc: announce OF1.4 support in README
affd4cc Add OF1.4 set async message support
5752b25 Add OF1.4 get async request and reply support
c6bea4f Add OF1.4 meter features stats request and reply message support
9d87fc0 Add OF1.4 meter stats request and reply message support
7b0699c Add OF1.4 meter config stats request and reply message support
8daae74 Add OF1.4 meter band drop
2f36dd6 Add OF1.4 group mod message supoort
e59f9ac Add OF1.4 table mod message support
557af7f Add OF1.4 flow removed message support
58458a3 Add OF1.4 group desc stats request and reply message support
d2c7855 Add OF1.4 OFPBucket
e914730 Add OF1.4 group features stats request and reply message support
4612d63 Add OF1.4 table stats request and reply message support
6094d72 Add OF1.4 aggregate stats request and reply message support
fd0f72b Add OF1.4 role request and reply message support
3043c90 Add OF1.4 barrier request and reply message support
8453331 Add OF1.4 experimenter message support
0d0bd45 Add OF1.4 error message support
c8440ab Add OF1.4 echo request and reply message support
688b26e Add OF1.4 SetNwTtl action support
ec6438d Add OF1.4 DecNwTtl action support
b7455bc Add OF1.4 DecMplsTtl action support
281be18 Add OF1.4 PushVlan action support
7ab4ce1 Add OF1.4 PopVlan action support
2cf3a6e Add OF1.4 PushMpls action support
12f03a0 Add OF1.4 PopMpls action support
2235def Add OF1.4 PushPbb action support
bb65f94 Add OF1.4 PopPbb action support
3de81a2 Add OF1.4 CopyTtlIn action support
384adb3 Add OF1.4 CopyTtlOut action support
5231ba3 Add OF1.4 SetField action support
ec18b3f Add OF1.4 OFPMatchField support
4a52dae Add OF1.4 desc stats request and reply message support
fd98c4a Add OF1.4 group stats request and reply message support
19ff713 Add OF1.4 multipart experimenter request and reply message support
e7882b9 packet_data_generator: Remove OF1.4 queue set config request and reply message support
5b8afbb Correct OF1.4 OFPMatch JSON serialisation and formatting
d4c259d of12: set default ethernet types for MPLS actions
73a11d4 of13: set default ethernet types for MPLS actions
abeb9b7 ofproto_v1_3_parser: have a default value for push_vlan ethertype
578f8e1 ofproto_v1_2_parser: have a default value for push_vlan ethertype
e08ac47 ofproto_v1_3_parser: put some assertions
053c985 ofproto_v1_2_parser: put some assertions
8639905 Make type and len class attributes of OFPInstructionMeter
d5c2c1f doc: improve RyuApp documentation
bd235f1 doc: update after the sync request change
3fcbaa1 vrrp: Add RPC API
eda5f9e ofctl.service: fix a crash on error msg
391326d ofctl.service: reduce log level of some messages
f89a9be ofctl.service: fix some crashes
4a394aa Fix OFPInstructionWriteMetadata JSON decode
cc97a58 dpset: start up dpset if there are subscribers of dpset events
c9325a2 fix bidirectional event confusion
f1506fd packet_data_generator: Add OF1.4
2867143 ofctl_v1_2/3: fix SET_FIELD action and some match fields
999d8d7 bgp: fix IP/MPLS_VPN addresses
b1b5545 bgp: comments about notification data
069bcc7 bgp: a comment
f833da0 bgp: RFC 4486
69d1519 bgp: constants for NOTIFICATION code/subcode
2727981 bgp: a comment
ce34664 ryu.app.ofctl: Add a proxy application to send OF messages
31846f3 test tool: run_mininet: support CPqD Software Switch
dd70570 bgp: implement the rest of RFC 3107
4209fc0 bgp: implement BGPOptParamCapabilityCarryingLabelInfo
93215e4 bgp: add a constant for enhanced route refresh
b68b66f safi: add a constant for route target constrain
a3e6dc6 rest_firewall: support IPv6 match conditions
faebcd2 ofctl_v1_2/3: fix match conditions about ARP
328385d enable OpenFlow 1.4
3b3b626 packet_data_generator: update of_protocol upstream
e9e91d2 test_bpdu: add unit test
267eced bpdu: handling based on version and type
aa074b2 ofctl_rest: improve readability of the result of MeterFeatures
8b2097b ofctl_rest: support group-related messages
cd8cf7d lib.of_config: import ryu.contrib
7ca3621 tests: add some tests for ryu.lib.of_config.classes
eb94fa6 A happy new year 2014
86a0c20 Ryu 3.5
e67d9fa firewall: correct acquisition result of DENY rule
7a10aaf ofctl_rest: fix mod_meter_entry in OpenFlow1.0/1.2
79e2460 ofctl_rest: support OFPExperimenter message
b6cb397 ofctl_rest: fix delete_flow_entry
53e41b6 topology: Setting highest rule priority to LLDP packets
1753c1e Fix Windows setup dependency bug
ffc1f82 add IGMP snooping application
5611b9e packet lib: icmpv6: support MLD (v1/v2)
a412753 packet lib: igmp: support IGMP v3
44815b7 firewall: packet blocking log for DENY rule
8e64bc9 ofctl_v1_2/3: support IPv6
8597df8 ofctl_v1_2/3: support OXM field names
988475f ofctl_rest: support OpenFlow1.2
b817416 of_config_cli: remove no longer necessary "_pythonify" stuff
ac94864 of_config: allows both of of-config element names and python style names
f3060bf of_config_cli: add add_queue command
c5a3642 of_config_cli: add delete_config and copy_config
abfc1bd a simple of-config client command
28c6aa1 of_config.capable_switch: add delete_config and copy_config
9a83a89 tests.integrated.test_of_config: update after capable_switch api change
7d313ad of_config.capable_switch: api tweak
e0ddf4c add some convenient OF-Config classes
82dafb7 requires lxml
11006e7 oxm_fields: make a crash less cryptic
119990d ofctl_v1_3: support OFPMeterConfigStats
d30e9da ofctl_v1_3: fix match for metadata
a05b1e9 ofctl_v1_3: correct MeterStats and MeterFeatures
b039832 topology: add of13 support
c380405 ofctl_v1_3: support meter
b5bc06c ofctl_v1_3: support metadata
d2bb220 packet.ospf: workaround a bytearray vs buffer problem
5ac517a rest_firewall: use the explicit max_len of flow_mod
52540f2 lib: ofctl: support the specified max_len of flow_mod
31b0f16 packet lib: improve readability of json
3d26e75 add license to ospf files
f3e3ccc test tool: add a script to make the test environment on mininet
bef570d test tool: add default test files (match)
40e88be test tool: add default test files (action with set-field only)
4b7da3a test tool: add default test files (action without set-field)
7054238 test tool: add OpenFlowSwitch test tool
c44f71a unit test for lib.packet.ospf
dd7a9db packet lib: add ospf
23b1226 lib/packet/packet_utils: Add a function to calculate fletcher checksum
31c0941 packet lib: ipv6: correct a default parameter of opt_header
f7118a8 packet lib: add unittests for reversibility about json
1e26d5a packet lib: slow: fix reversibility about json
a1ebf2a packet lib: sctp: fix reversibility about json
e52b732 packet lib: lldp: fix reversibility about json
95d482a packet lib: llc: fix reversibility about json
c71af61 packet lib: ipv6: fix reversibility about json
f460bc6 packet lib: icmpv6: fix reversibility about json
3731f46 packet lib: icmp: fix reversibility about json
8cee77d packet lib: dhcp: fix reversibility about json
1c6bc8a packet lib: bpdu: fix reversibility about json
9b0c24c packet lib: bgp: fix reversibility about json
3f9a902 packet lib: packet_base: add a method which makes '_class_prefixes' easy to use
2eb4f44 stplib: support OF 1.2/1.3
3ccf752 stplib: Reduction of the number of threads
9305ef9 add OpenFlow 1.4 definitions
ddf1cbc packet lib: igmp: support default parameters
ba963ae Ryu 3.4
9a2f31e vrrp: handle interface failure
60d8f41 rpc-cli man page
3e3cb12 a simple command line msgpack-rpc client
220b9e2 add rpc.Client.peek_notification
21f4f64 msgpack-rpc: unit tests
e4aeb0e rpc: prefix closed_by_peer with _ as it's private
e8962c2 rpc: If the socket is closed by peer, endpoint stop the serve.
03ac874 msgpack-rpc fixes and improvements
bd897e7 msgpack rpc helper
5ce96a4 test_parser: expected json for onf_flow_monitor_request
1771085 packet_data: regen for onf_flow_monitor_request
a72cd9d packet_data_generator: add a case for onf_flow_monitor_request
b5a4dec packet_data_generator: update of_protocol for onf_flow_monitor_request
44a1087 of13: implement ONFFlowMonitorStatsRequest
e9068b1 ofproto_parser.StringifyMixin: add "ONF" to the list of class prefixes
bef4d15 of13: EXT-187 definitions
b927ae5 of13 OFPExperimenterStatsRequest: api tweak
0b15642 of13: add a bunch of ONFERR_ constants from OF Extensions for 1.3.X
0ff15a5 of13 OFPTableFeaturesStatsRequest: remove an unused argument
748f8ae unit test: test ryu.cmd.manager
ab4a65c vrrp: declare event.py to be dependent for manager.py
aab020d vrrp: add statistics support
8ad764f Add support for admin_state (role)
c36e686 fix vrrp utils
ce52d70 register monitor_linux and monitor_openflow for VRRPInterfaceMonitor class
4773d12 vrrp: use sysfs instead of ioctl to get ifindex
25f82f1 rest_firewall: support OF 1.3
f7daafb ofctl_v1_3: support some actions
52bf896 ofctl_v1_3: correct the output result of get_flow_stats()
ad79fbd rest_router: support OF 1.3
5dfb0ff ofp: use RyuApp start() to return Greenlet thread
8ace63f allow RyuApp start() method returns Greenlet thread
e39fec0 Revert "doc: update tls example"
1593025 run OFP if no application is specified
cafb177 fix the regression due to e45f382e51c9a3d57a6d8c01cec9e70f7ca364fd
cc70e9f a script to set up an environment for test_vrrp_multi.py
59353b6 a script to set up an environment for test_vrrp_linux_multi.py
a42050f test apps for VRRP service
3c10efe vrrp service
f03a9ce packet.vrrp: some convenient routines
9837d81 base/app_manager: context might be RyuApp
e45f382 base/app_manager: create/destroy RyuApp instances dynamically
2a10dfb base/app_manager: introduce singleton pattern to AppManager
5dd45ae base/app_manager: RyuApp initialization race at startup
b7235b3 topology.switches: stop abusing Packet.next()
e9ee8c9 test_lldp: stop abusing Packet.next()
afcdb5f Packet: fix iterator
4cb7683 skip malformed OF messages and continue instead of stopping
1630783 of13: fix wrong comments
23f5ff3 test_parser: update expected json representations for EXT-256
fbada6c packet_data: regen
65e94f2 packet_data_generator: add a case for EXT-256 (PBB UCA match field)
36cc424 packet_data_generator: update of_protocol upstream
ad9c7df of13: implement EXT-256 (PBB UCA match field)
085717b lacplib: reduce unnecessary constant
b10491e of13: OFPTableFeaturesStatsRequest: update docstring
b209a30 of13: OFPOxmId: update comment
3f6bfbe ryu.app.client: comments
d56644e ryu.app.tunnel_port_updater: comments
4363ffe ryu.app.gre_tunnel: comments
3aad2cf ryu.app.rest_quantum: comments
24e3953 ryu.app.rest_conf_switch: comments
d04f89f ryu.app.rest: comments
01dcd0c doc: update tls example
1a7c928 of12: implment OFPT_EXPERIMENTER serializer
0d1d889 of13: implment OFPT_EXPERIMENTER serializer
ea9e7a7 test_parser: enable serializer tests for OFPT_EXPERIMENTER
73ae9dd solve application dependency via @set_ev_cls
47f1d19 dpset: fix a reconnect race
f14b3f2 doc: hook up dpset
8d4d74a dpset: add some docstrings
be9ebaf dpset: remove dead code
8aa44aa dpset: prefix private methods with _
f5669a8 ofproto: fixed comments of ofp_capabilities.
690c2ad test_parser: expected json representations for OFPMP_EXPERIMENTER
ff35e71 packet_data: regen
3e7914c packet_data_generator: add cases for experimenter mp request/reply
32fff07 of13: implement OFPMP_EXPERIMENTER request and reply
a8750a2 packet lib: ipv6: change some default parameters
723961f packet lib: ethernet: support default parameters
2e79d5a bgp: add tests for extended communities
e7d7e5d bgp: implement extended communities
12bc3e5 test_parser: test OFPET_EXPERIMENTER serializer as we now have it
9ca35b3 test_parser: expected json representation
e08c201 packet_data: regen
f3ce0b3 packet_data_generator: uncomment ofp_error_msg_experimenter
d0576b5 of13: OFPErrorExperimenterMsg: implement serializer
3924892 of12: OFPErrorExperimenterMsg: implement serializer
f6a8c36 of13: implement OFPErrorExperimenterMsg
0efe1a8 of12: reduce unnecessary diffs from of13
396ef8d ofproto_common: define some experimenter id
7f84fe4 add STP application
c988725 packet lib: add unittests that use default parameters of IPv4/IPv6 and ICMP/ICMPv6
fe011d7 packet lib: icmp: support default parameters
8de9941 packet lib: icmp: support len(icmp.*)
1d1cdee packet lib: icmpv6: support default parameters and the auto calculation of lengths
42942c7 packet lib: icmpv6: support len(icmpv6.*)
521a7d2 packet lib: icmpv6: omit type of nd_option object
418384f packet lib: icmpv6: include type and length in nd_option object
7cce0f9 packet lib: icmpv6: move ND_OPTION_* constants from classes to the module
b32dbed packet lib: icmpv6: change the timing of bit shift
c062520 packet lib: icmpv6: correct typos
fb846da ofctl_rest.py: Fix compatibily for both OF 1.0 & 1.3 datapaths.
805ae1f ofctl_v1_3.py: Add get_desc_stats & get_port_stats from ofctl_v1_0.py.
2da9a7c lacplib: set the max priority to LACP flow entries
75586c6 packet lib: add unittests that use default parameters of IPv4/6 and TCP/UDP/SCTP
0f7d535 packet lib: ipv6: support default parameters and the auto calculation of payload_length
ae94701 packet lib: udp: support default parameters
96d5be0 packet lib: tcp: support default parameters and the auto calculation of offset
e6a4f58 packet lib: sctp: correct len(sctp)
203e3a5 SubmittingPatches: mention tools/normalize_json.py
ccaa4ec test_parser: expected json representations for new test cases
43d5b69 packet_data: regen
65e98eb packet_data_generator: add cases to use all oxm types
b106b98 packet_data_generator: update of_protocol
bd3941b normalize *.json files
47e6297 Ryu 3.3
6e5c242 Decoration Based PacketIn Filter
9a957e2 of13: correct variable name same as spec
7fd7e84 ofproto_parser: dump packets if error is encountered during parse
3ba951f packet lib: support Provider Backbone Bridges (PBB, IEEE 802.1ah)
0cc9c21 packet lib: vlan: support Q-in-Q (IEEE 802.1ad)
c0cd5da rest_router: fix mac address conversion
0ced2d9 packet lib: sctp: change the timing of the auto calculation
0dca4fd packet lib: sctp: remove the past 'TODO' comments
fb62194 rest_router: bug fix of match parameter
18a5678 test_parser: expected json output for ofp_table_features_request/reply
ca91f03 packet_data: regen
a191220 packet_data_generator: uncomment ofp_table_features_request
53c69c4 packet_data_generator: update of_protocol upstream
5769688 of13: implement table features request/reply
f138351 OFPMultipartRequest: remove a wrong assertion
4985890 oxm_fields: allow None values
1d22551 packet lib: sctp: support default parameters and the auto calculation of lengths
6048694 packet lib: sctp: aggregate the same method into the base class
d9e4791 packet lib: sctp: correct typos
87877d9 packet lib: sctp: correct sphinx document format
3647b1f correct typos
eed16aa test_parser: update expected json output
1c2497c packet_data: regen
d6e13da packet_data_generator: use more actions
5731804 packet_data_generator: update upstream
16a69ca tests: apply tools/normalize_json.py
978e454 ofproto.test_parser: fix an expected json output
ee0f603 packet_data: regen
adb46e2 packet_data_generator: adapt to of_protocol upstream api change
f4a580e packet_data_generator: change of_protocol upstream
1d00d23 packet lib: sctp: correct comments
b466614 of13: support PUSH_PBB/POP_PBB actions
3b1f076 of1.0, of1.2, of1.3: Modify the default of max_len in OFPActionOutput
315101b packet lib: sctp: support the auto calculation of lengths of parameters and causes
5c8a59b packet lib: sctp: fill up lack of decolators
e1e2207 packet lib: sctp: remove unnecessary __init__()
6fe0421 packet lib: sctp: reduce computation
a4693e6 To specify a logging configuration file
89b2c6a bgp: implement communities attribute
ab6850c bgp: well known communities
2a4c36e bgp: implement multiprotocol capability
6d11c92 bgp: implement MP_UNREACH_NLRI
61b8917 bgp: implement MP_REACH_NLRI
3ff6202 bgp: update a comment
208fe1d packet lib: sctp: add tests for protocol stack
aa2b5a0 packet lib: sctp: fix problems about padding
3f0b578 lib.packet.sctp: fix misuses of abstractproperty
45c1df5 doc: hook up lib.packet.sctp
8767363 packet lib: sctp: add a unittest for SCTP
b493df2 packet lib: add Stream Control Transmission Protocol
97aff06 packet lib: icmpv6.nd_router_advert: skip unknown options correctly
96f857c packet lib: icmpv6: comment
c0de228 packet lib: ipv6: correct parser() about flow_label
a94efce simple_switch_13: using table-miss flow
ab46901 of13: fix OFPGroupStats
650c5b9 ofproto tests: add expected json outputs
3c7f438 packet_data: regen
1f31a91 packet_data_generator: add of1.3 group_stats_request/reply
8b67f6f of10: fix pep8
3b29d45 of13: correct parser() in several OFPActions
05011f5 of10: Register TCP_DST and UDP_DST headers in NXM
e27741a simple_switch: use packet library
2494ab9 packet.bgp: parse/serialize FOUR OCTET AS NUMBER capability
cf9cb7e packet.bgp: parse/serialize ROUTE REFRESH capability
20f1dab packet.bgp: implement ROUTE REFRESH message
7849503 packet lib: some AFI/SAFI constants
496d803 packet.bgp: parse/serialize capability options
c2f5f18 packet.bgp: some capability related constants
3ac5482 bgp test: appease pep8
63de853 packet.bgp: appease pep8
0f00d06 of13: fix InstructionMeter parser
b9c1fdb Switch how to call the API of Routes for every version
789fbb3 To specify a context of a controller from WSGIApplication#register()
8df8cca packet.bgp test: parse real packets taken from quagga
0c55f5a packet.bgp test: some on-wire packets snooped from running quagga
3151190 packet.bgp: implement RFC 4893
95a1cfb packet.bgp: parse/serialize path attribute values
a7416dc python-oslo-config is necessary for Ryu built by RPM
a5559c6 Ryu 3.2
913f269 fix setup from a tarball again
d6a9890 avoid pbr's non multi-version aware script
9159bd7 revert "support setup.py install with git archive tarballs" commit
a861730 revert "stick with pbr 0.5.19" commit
c19e0a2 Ryu 3.1
1c2110c packet lib: dhcp: remove unnecessary import
116a188 packet lib: dhcp: add unittest
349750a packet lib: dhcp: use text addresses
a6dce73 packet lib: add get_protocol API
239f4c7 of1.3: set default arguments for FlowStatsRequest
094a1da of1.2: set default arguments for FlowStatsRequest
8cbfc3f topology.switches: fix link discovery
3aefc92 ofproto: remove a bogus comment
b76000e ofproto: remove unused definitions
a53bc80 ofproto: fix OF1.0 packet_in parser
54989c7 packet lib: icmp: rewrite unittest
91e54cd tests/integrated: fix mac address format
ec70b2d Advanced WSGI API
dfe8bbb doc: hook up streaming parser docs
1e3f880 implement BGP-4 streaming parser
011e19f streaming parser base class
45633e8 doc: hook up lib.packet.bgp
5ddbd7f unit test for lib.packet.bgp
ba92a9e packet lib: implement basic part of BGP-4
ba7bde9 test_addrconv: add more test
e7cdb59 packet lib: ipv6: avoid dangerous default value [] as argument
96afdc7 packet lib: ipv6: simplify the operations of __init__()
2275dc1 packet lib: ipv6: support udp
7cbae7d packet lib: ipv6: remove unnecessary import
66e529f packet lib: icmp: correct parser() of TimeExceeded
d8d88fc unit test for import_module
dd06396 import_module: deal with cases mod.__file__ is not accessible
9bfef03 packet lib: ipv6: correct a comment
8c1cb38 packet lib: ipv6: add test for multi extension headers
3905f4c packet lib: ipv6: support IP Authentication header
dc26a90 packet lib: ipv6: support fragment header
d174c98 packet lib: ipv6: support destination header
e492669 packet lib: ipv6: support Hop-by-Hop Options header
95909af packet lib: ipv6: prepare to support Hop-by-Hop Options header and destination header
67a4c2f packet lib: ipv6: support options for Hop-by-Hop Options header and destination header
40e979b packet lib: ipv6: prepare to support extension headers
06e50ce rest_firewall: improve REST response
435d701 comment on OFP_xxx_PORT
35c0ca1 vlan: remove unnecessary import
1afea08 doc: ryu app api overview
bdbcfda document OFPTableFeaturesStatsRequest/OFPTableFeaturesStatsReply
7d37903 doc: sprinkle of13 json examples
672db3d doc: sprinkle of12 json examples
32977c1 document MsgBase
71ea304 add some docstring on StringifyMixin and relevant code
e1ae103 lib: lacplib: correct comments
fbfdf4f lib: lacplib: add underscore to a protected member
c6819ef lib: lacplib: support OpenFlow1.2/1.3
0ac175e packet lib: Simpler API to assemble a packet
3f135fd of12, of13: fix OFPActionSetField padding
5f7cd86 test: update expected json outputs
cf6f19c packet_data: regen
d53ec84 tweak packet_data_generator
d42f4e9 rest_firewall: remove of unused constant values
85778d3 rest_firewall: remove of an unnecessary comma of json response
8408253 rest_firewall: remove of a redundant code
990072d rest_firewall: bug fix of handling an empty dict
c737364 ofproto: raise an exception for unsupported operation
8c6c2e4 test_parser: test serializing a message multiple times
79ee99e ofproto: remove some assertions
915b3be ryu-manager: copyright notice
fec3501 of10: change OFPMatch to support ipv4 src and dst mask when wildcards are omitted in __init__
9eac763 Support old style class
9ae95a8 simple_switch: simplify
9ab6cc6 simple_switch_12: reduce difference from simple_switch_13
80475be test: update of12 expected *.json outputs after utf-8 change
4f76dd3 test: update of13 expected *.json outputs after utf-8 change
b8bd6e2 test: regen *.packet after utf-8 changes
31f8a21 packet_data_generator: use utf-8 in table name and port name
35f7c12 of13: update expected *.json outputs for table name change
a6a2dc8 of13: assume OFPTableFeaturesStats.name UTF-8
1d35c7d of12: update expected *.json outputs for table name change
f8b26c8 of12: assume OFPTableStats.name UTF-8
7cbc98d of10: assume OFPTableStats.name UTF-8
35676eb of13: update expected *.json results for OFPPort.name change
b0a9ecb of13: assume OFPPort.name UTF-8
0f5a4f9 of12: update expected *.json results for OFPPort.name change
2b3d715 of12: assume OFPPort.name UTF-8
a1fc266 of10: update expected *.json results for OFPPhyPort.name change
85c28bd of10: assume OFPPhyPort.name UTF-8
6b993c5 stringify: add 'utf-8' type
d8f1ad7 packet lib: update icmpv6 doc
f06df97 use run_tests.sh -N for Travis CI
e472f94 Ryu 3.0
e777a16 rest_firewall: blocked packet logging
05cdadc ofctl v1.0/v1.2: add miss_send_len for packet in
23013d8 restore bin/ryu-manager
7d4a54c packet lib: bpdu: add some constant values
1837366 rest_firewall: bug fix of dict keyError
62170fb doc: update format of pages for ofproto
eacabd7 doc: fix warnings
673c811 doc: update reference page for ofproto.
f7ff5b8 of12, of13: small update of the document
baddcec test_parser: ensure that "len" "length" fields can be omitted
6a09920 of13: update after OFPMeterBand changes
bfa0a84 of13: make OFPMeterBand's "type" and "len" visible to users
e65fa56 of13: update *.json after OFPHelloElemVersionBitmap changes
d3706ca of13: make OFPHelloElemVersionBitmap's "type" and "length" to users
e63dc32 of13: update *.json after OFPxxxStats.length changes
d46b1eb of13: make OFPxxxStats.length visible to users
52bece1 of13: update *.json after multipart request/reply's "type" changes
1957204 of13: make multipart request/reply's "type" visible to users
71e5eb3 of13: update *.json after OFPPacketOut.actions_len changes
1bf4f6d of13: make OFPPacketOut.actions_len visible to users
d388d99 of13: update *.json after OFPMatch "type" and "length" changes
ab19de6 of13: make OFPMatch "type" and "length" visible to users
f798a2e of13: update *.json after OFPQueuePropHeader.property change
844a13f of13: make OFPQueuePropHeader.property visible to user
1ca1ccd of13: update *.json after "len" "type" changes
2c4d583 of13: some "len" "type" attributes visible to user
ddeee6a test_parser_v12: update after OFPxxxStats.length changes
d9ed5a5 of12: update *.json after OFPxxxStats.length changes
180462b of12: make OFPxxxStats.length visible to users
a580502 of12: update *.json after OFPStatsReply.type changes
3969270 of12: make OFPStatsReply.type visible to users
ccad3f8 test_parser_v12: update after OFPPacketOut.actions_len changes
4110b40 of12: update *.json after OFPPacketOut.actions_len changes
1db25c9 of12: make OFPPacketOut.actions_len visible to users
3607503 test_parser_v12: update after OFPErrorExperimenterMsg.type changes
27d1384 of12: update *.json after OFPErrorExperimenterMsg.type changes
50bfeb7 of12: make OFPErrorExperimenterMsg.type visible to users
1e93f59 of12: update *.json after OFPMatch "type" and "length" changes
dd10c22 of12: make OFPMatch "type" and "length" visible to users
bed4bd1 of12: update *.json after OFPQueuePropHeader.property change
84b290c test_parser_v12: update after OFPQueuePropHeader.property change
6cd20b2 of12: make OFPQueuePropHeader.property visible to user
9b221f1 test_parser_v12: update after "len" changes
3d623c8 of12: update *.json after "len" "type" changes
80533a0 of12: some "len" "type" attributes visible to user
a6b71f6 packet lib: icmpv6: add nd_router messages
cdbc739 add .tox/ to .gitignore
ada18ba workaround a python bug
205485e stick with pbr 0.5.19
983aa39 new way to use pbr
10b835e remove bin/ryu-manager from the list of files for pylint/pep8
f731bc8 move ryu-manager to entrypoints
519b302 test_parser: update expected json results
429ca0d packet_data: regen
c495f59 packet_data_generator: follow the recent fixes in of_protocol upstream
d131c86 packet_data_generator: be specific about versions of dependencies
52c7b4d packet_data_generator: move of_protocol upstream back to the origin
242f302 rest_router: make pep8 comfortable
e2612dd Revert "packet lib: igmp: add some constant values"
d2246e6 Add a configuration file for tox (http://testrun.org/tox/)
bab02cf Fix POP_MPLS of ofctl_v1_3.to_actions() problem
9899811 packet lib: igmp: add some constant values
ff384ba packet lib: bpdu: use text address
afb737c packet lib: igmp: add a constant value
483d9a8 packet lib: llc: correct a variable name
ffe9193 of12: add docstrings for openflow messages
6a64c9e of13: add docstrings for openflow messages
a0460ef packet lib: igmp: add some constant values
2ca49a2 add LACP application
46d7a98 rest_router: convert haddr to bin for OFPActionSetDlSrc/Dst
d5c4d77 rest_router: avoid assertion when ip_text is 0
667e41c avoid importing a module twice
7acf32e of13: set default args for FlowMod
0125138 of12: set default args for FlowMod
cec887f fix of match from_jsondict mask bug
943a1c7 of13: update expected *.json output for OFPTableFeaturesStats.name
67df35b of13: remove trailing NULs in OFPTableFeaturesStats.name
0e92c8e test_parser_v12: update after OFPTableStats.name change
cf4d066 of12: update expected *.json output for OFPTableStats.name
c832fe6 of12: remove trailing NULs in OFPTableStats.name
b972589 of10: remove trailing NULs in OFPTableStats.name
24d91c9 of13: update expected *.json output after OFPPort.name change
90581d0 of13: remove trailing NULs in OFPPort.name
78147bb of12: update expected *.json output after OFPPort.name change
a0313b7 of12: remove trailing NULs in OFPPort.name
552f4a2 of10: update expected *.json output after OFPPhyPort.name change
aa6f056 of10: remove trailing NULs in OFPPhyPort.name
4af07ca regen after "packet_data_generator: fix port names" commit
77bda64 packet_data_generator: fix port names
193093a of13: update expected *.json after OFPDescStats changes
30a1a41 of13: make OFPDescStats more human readable
49ad016 of12: update expected *.json after OFPDescStats changes
534f8c7 of12: make OFPDescStats more human readable
aa6c1e8 of10: make OFPDescStats more human readable
b8e1d50 rest_router: update after ofproto hw_addr changes
0cfe9b4 rest_router: fix of10 case
4457537 a simple script to plot rest_topology's output
c27f2f1 topology.switches: fix bin vs text address problem
4228f3d of13: update tests
1d24352 of13: fix json representation of OFPPort.hw_addr and OFPPortMod.hw_addr
94cda7a of12: update tests
4923862 of12: fix json representation of OFPPort.hw_addr and OFPPortMod.hw_addr
7803819 of10: update tests
9e698c7 of10: fix json representation of OFPPhyPort.hw_addr and OFPPortMod.hw_addr
93a8487 stringify: allow user classes to annotate type of their attributes
1a3adad of13: use text address for OFPPort.hw_addr and OFPPortMod.hw_addr
ec23d73 of12: use text address for OFPPort.hw_addr and OFPPortMod.hw_addr
bae19f1 of10: use text address for OFPPhyPort.hw_addr and OFPPortMod.hw_addr
7847a7c MANIFEST.in: exclude packet_data_generator
57705fe add simple learning switch app for OF1.2
47c8aa3 add simple learning switch app for OF1.3
19445e2 of13: set ActionOutput default max_len to zero
3553e7e of12: set ActionOutput default max_len to zero
45a34eb fix the commit 833328a mess-up
c2acbc8 lib/packet: update docstrings to fix broken tables in latex/pdf
f8da5a9 doc: fix overflow from the page in latex/pdf.
833328a of1.2, of1.3: update document for OFPMatch
f4e4765 packet lib: fix ipv6 parser
2ea5431 ofctl lib: Actions is a list
80bf4d3 of13: test_parser: update expected *.json results
bb77437 of13: test_parser: regen *.packet
d832509 of13: packet_data_generator: use set_field action
de438db of13: change OFPActionSetField api, following the recent OFPMatch api
ed4f746 of12: test_parser: update expected *.json results
659e92c of12: test_parser: regen *.packet
a10c43d of12: packet_data_generator: use set_field action
af8aca2 of12: change OFPActionSetField api, following the recent OFPMatch api
54caa78 of13: update *.json after OFPMatch changes
8a0c25c of13: change OFPMatch json representation to match with on-wire
cedeae6 of13: make OFPMatch use oxm_fields routines
557e098 of12: update *.json after OFPMatch changes
8b1ca35 of12: change OFPMatch json representation to match with on-wire
496e2ac of12: make OFPMatch use oxm_fields routines
b5d03f0 oxm_fields: add some routines
d0b4e50 doc: add reference for ofproto api document
d15a234 packet_base: update docstring
0a8e581 doc: fix some sphinx warnings and errors
beb9867 doc: fix a typo
50ea820 ofproto_v1_3_parser: add docstring to OFPMatch
9220abd normalize json files using tools/normalize_json.py
fef6f62 a script to normalize json
d84d9a7 lib/packet: add Internet Group Management Protocol
bed38d4 test_parser: stop testing unsupported operations
7ae93d2 test_parser: have a list of operations expected to work
c8ed38b unit test: test OFPMatch.append_field
6bc1d4d unit test for OFPMatch old/new api compatibility
30b2dfb app/rest_firewall: add API for VLAN configuration
5e703c7 ofproto: _baseattribute can be class attribute
4fd61eb ofproto: make binary code loadable
38893d9 packet lib: make vrrp get_payload robust
0b52918 packet lib to string: unit tests
e0d82b9 packet lib to string: add __str__ to base
87cb024 packet lib to string: inherits StringifyMixin
2a60164 unit tests for the new OFPMatch api
f1d86f0 of13: fix old parser and serializer of PBB_ID
3b92834 of12: stop assuming OFPXMC_OPENFLOW_BASIC
0bec116 dpset: support OF1.3
7f6bb8c packet lib: provide bpdu._MIN_LEN
8b8608d packet lib: provide llc._MIN_LEN
b34a682 packet lib: implement lacp.__len__
ce4a758 packet lib: implement ryu.lib.packet.lldp.lldp.__len__
39c9718 packet lib: provide a default impl of __len__
55aa474 support setup.py install with git archive tarballs
193a049 use d2to1 and pbr for packaging
f7219a7 tests: stop comparing text addresses
1f330f9 correct file permission
37a1152 note about network address representation
4f74c9b packet lib: pydoc update/improvements after api change
d29b3b3 packet lib api: update documentation
54c3438 rest_router: update after packet lib api changes
db1bd93 topology.switches: update after packet lib api changes
c14a418 packet lib: change the api to use text addresses
84236ab Ryu 2.2
15e7a48 sync README with the web site
a1f5d45 add 2013 to copyright for documentations
7b499a0 test_parser: update of13 expected results
0e4c83d of13 OFPMatch: remove now unused code
6208524 of13: more OFPMatch old api compat
d88a62d of13: make OFPMatch.to_jsondict work on instances composed with old api
9844c86 of13 OFPMatchField: make this safe to serialize multiple times
9370016 of13: OFPMatch api compat
3580177 of13: OFPMatch from_json/to_json for new api
6b6fd7e of13: add OFPMatch.get for convenience
023586e of13: add OFPMatch.iteritems for convenience
205fb83 of13: new OFPMatch field query api
8aa8fca of13: new match field parser
b7075a1 of13: new OFPMatch composer api
2ef6d90 test_parser: update of12 expected results
6fe5867 of12 OFPMatch: remove now unused code
d12f9d9 of12: OFPMatch more old api compat
9194268 of12: make OFPMatch.to_jsondict work on instances composed with old api
4dfd93b of12 OFPMatchField: make this safe to serialize multiple times
efcf926 of12: OFPMatch api compat
4c14442 of12: OFPMatch from_json/to_json for new api
288b682 of12: add OFPMatch.get for convenience
c1044aa of12: add OFPMatch.iteritems for convenience
ed2b568 of12: new OFPMatch field query api
150fac2 of12: new match field parser
e0addad of12: new OFPMatch composer api
311b940 oxm_fields: accept [value, mask] as well as (value, mask)
f708912 oxm_fields: generate OFPXMT_OFB_ and OXM_OF_ from a single source
4571711 add unit test for packet library llc
ad3b896 update library_packet_ref.rst
f57a550 link to LLC sub layer
a7499bb lib/packet/llc
a3492f1 lib/packet/bpdu
aba1d18 The trick for installing argparse is deleted
ee79a1a update packet generator code comment
89ae14b test_addrconv: fix a copy and paste mistake
8be31f0 Remove contrib/oslo directory
cd49f54 addrconv: remove embedded test code
cb38a66 add a test for ryu.lib.addrconv
47abace regenerate packet_data for meter_mod
2bd307f test_parser: an expected result for meter_mod
9bbba68 packet_data_generator: uncomment ofp_meter_mod
70e4fa0 of13 OFPMeterMod: fix _len vs len mismatch
6b8add7 of13 OFPMeterBandExperimenter: fix super
bdde02b ryu/app/ofctl_rest: add of1.3 support
afefe3c add ofctl_v1_3 library
db40bc0 rest_router: follow packet lib api change
d31b5dd addrconv: use bytes instead of int to represent ipv4 addresses
faf13ff addrconv: replace bin<->text converters for ipv6
343e0f6 addrconv: replace bin<->text converters for mac addresses
80d4202 addrconv: binary <-> text conversion of mac/ipv4/ipv6 addresses
a1b6d39 lib/packet: add Link Aggregation Control Protocol
d0cd6e1 of-wire json test: a program to generate test data for unit tests
e6dd2e8 dist: pypi tar ball misses tools directory
f3e70d4 stringify.StringifyMixin.__str__: simplify
ffc1e60 rest_router: stop catching Exception
1b0c2e3 of-wire json test: unit test
8e311a4 of-wire json test: generated *.packet
30d8d72 of-wire json test: expected results
60bae5e of-wire json: adapt OF13 OFPMeterBand
3fc9c42 of-wire json: adapt OF13 OFPTableFeaturesStatsReply
4737da4 of-wire json: adapt OF13 OFPPortDescStatsReply
a44a947 of13: fix OFPTableFeaturesStats.parser
c2c8d43 of1.3: fix OFPort parser
24e9c15 appease pep8
7099838 add router Ryu application
66b0c29 app/quantum_adapter: Lazily initialize neutron client
9746e52 ofproto v1.3: implement MeterBand parsers
090f6a5 Send MeterMod messages
55c8f9e quantum_adapter: race between ovs port deletion and plugin port deletion
2f9b932 simple_vlan.py: race condition
6dc9cc0 gre_tunnel.py: race condition
a86e9b7 network: add a helper function to list ports that doesn't raise
3ac48b7 gre_tunnel: exception due to race condition
1fd877f network.py: exception in Networks.remove_port()
068020d network: sort out order between event and actual deletion of network
93a2604 network.py: sort out order between event and actual deletion of port
01d201c app/gre_tunnel.py: typo has_network -> has_networks
596d01d app/quantum_adapter: pylint
2382c5c app/simple_vlan: pylint
a82f0ba controller/network: pylint
733679c add a test for ryu.lib.stringify
152e228 test_parser_v12: abuse this to test to_jsondict and from_jsondict
41877da of1.3: omit mask attribute from str() when appropriate
309e9c6 of1.3: of-wire json adapt
fbc7baf of1.2: omit mask attribute from str() when appropriate
8e2e0e8 of1.2: of-wire json adapt
2c5fb2c of1.0: of-wire json adapt
ec47fd0 StringifyMixin: json support
673b83b ryu/flags: rename config paramerters related to openstack
cfa7c91 app/quantum_adapter: fix missing change to neutron
3edf6db app/quantum_adapter: project rename quantum -> neutron
473b034 app/client: update for quantum->neutron change
5c6d66f fix comment typos (ofprotp -> ofproto)
c9c2db9 fix typos (mpls_lable -> mpls_label)
1ed5950 base/app_manager: teach event dispatcher state
b2636e0 use ofproto.OFP_NO_BUFFER in some places
9104a8e define OFP_NO_BUFFER
a6ca472 ryu/app/conf_switch_key: fix a comment
3e0315d update the site url
9dcdf93 man: remove man page of ryu client
fa946a9 packege: rpmlint warning
f4ffb37 MANIFEST.in: fix up to address warning
a66bcf0 openstack copyright notice
3837a84 lib/packet: teach packet library to truncate padding octet
3679d7f lib/packet: make packet_base.parser abstract method
43e8372 lib/packet: make protocol_name property instead of attributes
5694ddb Ryu 2.1
b38974f rename ryu-client under ryu/tests
d7db9cf of1.3: fix OFPSetConfig default arguments
03e469c of1.2: OFPGroupFeaturesStats: tuple -> list
42a097c of1.3: fix OFP_GROUP_DESC_STATS_PACK_STR
c519c7d of1.3: fix OFPMeterStats
e943f61 topology/switches: exception during serialization
58e86b1 topology/switches: packet in handler
23e6b8f packet lib: stop tlv parsing when finding LLDP_TLV_END
694c833 packet lib: add ICMP sub encoder/decoder class
de5099f ofctl_v1_2.actions_to_str: ignore unknown instructions
2214fae of13: prefix private attributes of OFPMatch with _
ea7798f of12: prefix private attributes of OFPMatch with _
abca83c nx_match: some comments
852c2e8 datapath_connection_factory deal with None datapath.id
727d7bd of13: Added InstructionMeter
df42ae8 packet lib: avoid exception for bogus protocol header parsing
6080f2c quantum_adapter: check if quantum_controller_addr is valid
7b72677 of13 OFPBucket: fix a fatal typo
a3c06c6 of13 OFPGroupDescStats: fix super call
3ed1e3f of13 OFPExperimenter: fix parser and remove completely broken serializer
3408c76 of13 fix OFPQueueProp parsing
c75be1d of13 fix multipart reply parsing
6796ffc of13 fix OFPGroupFeaturesStats parser
633cb45 of13: add missing itertools import
196b15d of12 OFPGroupFeaturesStats: add missing self.length
cb3823a of12: fix OFPExperimenter parser
6b2b043 of1.3: Fix parsing of OFP_QUEUE_GET_CONFIG_REPLY
6d414d0 packet lib: packet class supports get_protocol method
178b1dd packet lib: add Packet.__contains__
a504815 packet lib: packet class accepts protocols list argument
c91960e packet lib: arp default args
6960bce packet lib: vlan default args
f79bcbc packet lib: mpls default args
bd8d3a2 packet lib: ipv4 default args
d63d4b1 packet lib: icmp support time exceeded type
3d90147 of1.2: fix OFPSetConfig default arguments
8ab425f fix travis config file
c06ad6e Add config file for Travis
f0dbb92 packet lib: allow packet type to be specified when parsing packet
95f79d6 packet lib: For convenience, make packet into a sequence type
43b4397 Ryu 2.0
144eca0 of1.3: various fixes
d7d4d8c fix 77effb29 regression
93b457b packet lib: make test_packet work stand-alone
f9b24a1 Add Packet library API Reference
6f2716b lib/packet: DHCP packet parser/serializer
77effb2 ofproto/ofproto_parser: pylint
d86f040 of1.0: use tun_id instead of tun_id_
f09407e docs: fix ryu module import
cc6fc59 tests/unit/packet/test_vrrp: add tests for is_valid()
1ece471 lib/packet/vrrp: fix is_valid()
524f79e test_parser_v10: remove tests for __str__
2169214 of13: Fix for OFPQueueGetConfigReply/Request
3b7d91e run_tests: make python interpreter overridable
688f196 app/gre_tunnel: pylint
66e2e84 app/quantum_adapter: unbreak quantum change
b836696 of10: sprinkle StringifyMixin
2ef1107 of: StringifyMixin
2caf583 use dpid_to_str in some places
9afd1a8 tests/ofproto: add unit test for ofproto automatic detection
d00268a ofproto: exception during startup related ofp module detaction
608ae01 tests/ofproto: add unit test for ofproto automatic detection
eae62b4 ofproto: exception during startup related ofp module detaction
9d06333 of13: add missing UINTxx_MAX
4006436 controller/ofp_event: don't hardcode supported OFP parser module
84449fa ofproto: detect supported OFP versions automatically.
0fb2bba ofproto_parser: simplify msg_str_attr() a bit
ed06fbd update requirements
d359677 Support bind IPv6 addresses in StreamServer
7c184ce Revert "add eventlet to test requirement"
edd7048 ofproto: change the way __str__ is implemented for of-wire messages
359efd7 controller: stop catching GreenletExit
5003c16 hub: add some more tests
47bc96e hub: handle GreenletExit internally
6955c13 hub: comment
aa7518a of1.0: simplify NXAction initialization
9e25097 of1.0: simplify OFPActionVendor
77414c1 of1.0: NXActionHeader should be subclass of OFPActionVendor
95963e3 of1.3: fix OFPPortStatus parser
4dd3028 of1.3: fix parser of OFPGetAsyncReply
deccd31 of1.3: fix serializer of OFPSetAsync
c78d174 of1.3: fix wrong method name in OFPQueueGetConfigRequest
0c7b42a of1.3: fix pack string of OFPMeterStatsRequest
76b2714 of1.3: fix wrong class name in OFPGroupFeaturesStatsRequest.__init__()
bc78776 of1.3: fix attribute name of OFPGroupDescStats
0f83d74 of1.3: fix lacking argument in OFPAggregateStatsRequest.__init__()
e93a3f2 add eventlet to test requirement
2613431 lib/hub: Event.wait should return its internal flag
ca1372a of1.0: match accepts partial parameters
71aa062 limit the size of ryu app's event queue
fe6f944 controller: fix send queue draining again
9e6d305 sweep the tree to change from gevent to ryu.lib.hub
a01972e add a threading hub module
8fcbebb Ryu 1.9
45fa75a of1.0: add nx_aggregate_stats support
32f2196 of1.0: OFPMatch support keyword-style parameters
b103538 ovs.poller: workaround a bug in eventlet
507d11d run_tests.sh: support integrated tests
0d4ff7d tests/integrated: auto testing script using Mininet and OVS
84ef5c5 tests/integrated: Skip MPLS related test
78c0d63 Fix typo in comments in GRE tunnel class
15a1851 ryu/app/simple_vlan: fix typo
3488d0b add a template for ryu.lib.packet class documentation.
3ed8040 ryu.lib.packet: docstring tweaks for better rendering
4ed1379 nx_match: support IPv4 mask
7431011 rest_tunnel: fix comment typos
97c1aad of1.3: parser should return msg, not implicit None
ec38a02 nx_match: remove an unnecessary import
ca5292e of1.3: remove port_no argument
4dfaf65 of1.3: fix typos in ofproto_v1_3.py
67c4f23 ryu/app/rest_firewall.py: handling of no switch connection
c3c6ad3 ryu.lib.packet: docstring
b2bba21 ryu.lib.packet: docstring
fc161ff of1.0: add nx_match to NXFlowStatsRequest
fd7723e lib: ip address presentation convert helper methods
db46baf g/c a stale reference to find_protocol
84374d2 packet lib: docstring
2b18979 tests/unit, lib/packet/vrrp: unit test for vrrp packet parser/serializer
af97e2b lib/packet: VRRP packet parser/serializer
1a36bbd lib/packet/ipv6: add constants for parse/serialize
66f69f2 lib/packet/ipv4: add constants for parse/serialize
d232288 ofproto/inet: add VRRP protocol number
e20fcad lib/packet/arp.py: add convenience function to create arp for ip
3f3b683 ofproto/nx_match: pep8
964e48c doc: fix the mailing list address
7f5bd07 of1.3: Add special group identifier values defined on OpenFlow 1.3.1
3a4bdd3 lib/packet/lldp.py: pylint
521fbcf ryu/lib/packet/lldp.py: remove __str__ method from class LLDPBasicTLV and class lldp
5ccf671 tests/integrated/test_of_config: comment on how to run
1f529be tests/integrated/test_of_config: disable known host check
30b05de setup.py: install xsd files
1e9c9c3 nx: match_tuple() function now handles nw src/dst
7a4a384 nx: make pack string of IPv6 address consistent with OF1.2/1.3
e64bb2b topology/dumper: define contexts to receive events
3d8d88e ryu/topology/switches: simplify Switches with RyuApp.reply_to_request
48b2665 ryu/base/app_manager: introduce RyuApp:replay_to_request()
d763da5 base/app_manager.py: sort out registering bricks
e48512f ryu/base/app_manager: pylint unused variables
7bd83a8 topology/dumper: use handler.set_ev_cls instead of set_ev_handler
9c1bc8b remove openstack related document
826d727 ryu/lib/packet/packet.py: should use isinstance instead of __class__.__base__
e0bcd61 lib/packet/packet_utils: optimize checksum
b471e19 Ryu 1.8
b9025b5 rest_firewall: fix comments
29ada11 topology/dumper: fix RyuApp.__init__ signature
a744128 doc: fix a program name
adb4e3e of1.0: fix import error
533fd97 of1.0: utils.round_up cleanup
e1414b7 lib/packet/tcp: use checksum_ip()
4053cda lib/packet/udp: use checksum_ip()
3f72ee6 lib/packet/icmpv6: use checksum_ip()
2195ba0 lib/packet: checksum function with pseudo ipv4/ipv6 header
565df6f lib/packet/packet_utils: improve checksum byteswap
d0c5c14 lib/packet/packet_utils: improve checksum padding
01798a7 tests/unit/packet/test_tcp.py: typo UDP -> TCP
1439e2c test_icmpv6: correct icmpv6 checksum
d2f055e ryu-client: print http response
51baabb ryu-client: support Topology REST API
fd7a4e6 topology: Add REST API
2a7e193 topology: exported function returns Switch/Link list instead of event
4590e0d lib/port_no: handling port_no as string
128b125 support parse OFPAction in NXFlowStats
03c6224 test_parser_v10: fix unittest breakage
d3970fa lib/packet/packet_base: fix signature of PacketBase.{parser, serialize}
65aba13 of1.0: fix NXActionHeader typo
4f94ae8 lib ofctl_v1_2: add VLAN_ID setting means
366da0b ofproto_v1_0_parser: add nx_flow_stats_{request, reply}
0bfc3cd ofproto_v1_0: add nx_stats constants
e4ed8f7 nx_match: add MFField parser
6e352af lib ofctl_v1_2: fix file modes
bb72e94 add ofctl_v1_2 library
b4424c9 update ofctl_v1_0 library
90b084a add firewall Ryu application
65b1d94 app_manager: fix close dict handling bug
7341336 ryu-manager: use try-finally statement
322e0cf nx_match: add vlan and vlan_pop
7d5a68c topology: support link discovery
443891b topology: switch discovering module
c249e76 event: Add sync flag and event src for request/reply
9126ac2 TLS: use a full spelling of a cli option
e3fb48a TLS: test cli options consistently in the same line
fc584ae TLS: update an example output
4c0b438 ofconfig: use ElementTree iterator instead of getchildren
2ac7a9c ryu.controller.controller.Datapath: keep handler list regardless of state
9ad5a49 vsctl: fix timeout
1343341 tunnel_port_updater: g/c _LOCK
5cff2a3 packet lib: fix icmpv6.nd parser
914826d doc: of_config library
3cfb6fa of_config: sample test code to use ofconfig capable_switch
e2566bb of_config: OF capable switch class to issue OFConfig request
4290929 of_config: constants for of-config
281c813 of_config/schema: add missing import
df5de86 of_config: import XML schema files for OF config.
cf8520e netconf: add constants for netconf
d40b121 netconf: improve schema for netconf
7f9370a netconf: import XML schema for netconf
22ffd62 netconf: import xml schema
53fd01a MANIFEST.in: include XML schema files
9fcc42d ofp: send events to others before calling own handlers
a85cb74 wsgi: remove unused logging code
be014d7 doc: fix bug in tls.rst
43daf0b log-cleanup: honor --default-log-level in case of --verbose
998a8ad log-cleanup: per RyuApp logger
acc692a log-cleanup: remove an unused logger instance
2959abb log-cleanup: remove an unused logger instance
a776d02 ryu-manager: stop modifying CONF.app_list
db27b8f of1.3: fix error in group_mod
d8625d4 Add request/reply event support to support communication between apps
99755c2 ryu.log: change type of --use_syslog option to Boolean.
71ef3d8 contrib ncclient: missing comma
8649e9e contrib: import ncclient library (NETCONF clients)
d1a87e8 of1.3: fix a comment typo
49556ce revert s/_/-/ changes for ryu.conf
8c52463 fix missing parameter in calling 'msg_pack_info' of OFPActionPushMpls/PopMpls
fc00f7c add missing 'field' parameter to __init__ function of OFPActionSetField
93ae92d fix incorrect naming '__serialize_body' in OFPRoleRequest
a119198 fix OFPMatch decode error in 'parser' function of OFPFlowRemoved
c4ddf50 add missing 'length' field of OFPPort when decoding
11659ae add missing 'match' parameter to __init__ function of OFPAggregateStatsRequest
cef3ca9 fix error in OFP_DESC_PACK_STR (change 'c' to 's')
6a43111 remove port_no argument of OFPPortDescStatsRequest.__init__
632e454 fix OFPMultipartRequest._serialize_stats_body
5e29110 test of1.2: fix typos from mid to min
72a061f g/c --monkey-patch option
fe786cd test of1.2: add test code of OFPErrorExperimenterMsg
8e9f287 Ryu 1.7
3dc0c13 RyuApp: allows observers to specify state
22dbaa1 lib/mac: fix raise ValueError
817baee app_manager: allow separated modules of Event and RyuApp
0fab6cd of1.2: fix OFPErrorExperimenterMsg
e1c7f73 try to sync documentation with the reality
0a6d7c5 mechanical documentation update after option name changes
40375e1 update an example after option name changes
4523b1b change --foo_bar options to --foo-bar
be17cd3 appease pep8
c36d388 test of1.2: add test code of max, min, and pattern. review of the test code
e354403 xflow: add sflow support
2a77267 remove no longer used contrib/openstack
0af7056 switch from openstack.common.cfg to oslo.config.cfg
998feb1 import oslo-config
b083da4 controller: fix that sender thread is never terminated
19a8d21 test: remove unnecessary variables
4c66674 packet lib: fix icmpv6.nd_s.parser() and support NDP option type
a3cc10b of1.3: fix error in port_mod and get_config_reply logic
61158c6 ryu/controller/dpset.py: duplicate import
7518f39 of1.2: fix OFPGroupDescStats parser
be07508 doc: internal document on openstack cooperation
c947e66 test: tuning integration test for OFPT_FLOW_REMOVED
f7eed15 of1.3: fix ACTION_POP_MPLS
eef3667 stop requiring gflags
f214408 fix a typo in the help message of quantum_controller_addr
9ba977f update a sample and documentation
3e79fbd adjust import order in ryu-manager and add a comment.
6be8ef3 use openstack.common.cfg instead of gflags
6dcfed2 import cfg.py from oslo-incubator
83e3709 controller: fix send_q draining
d4822f6 of1.2: fix OFPQueueProp parser
bdaf539 fix breakage the commit 68f3259754fdbd7b5351c9739bf6f238c7ffb313
68f3259 controller/ofp_handler: improve version negotiation
e87f7d5 quantum_adapter: exception when VM deletion
b82c290 LICENCE: change end-of-line code CRLF to LF
9532121 tests: make run_tests.py, test_lib.py executable as it includes #!
5d9efe0 doc: man pages for ryu-manager and ryu-client
48bd30f doc: eliminate sphinx warnings
7edc2ab fix typos in comments
0e66f61 fix a fatal typo in network.py
4627e89 fix a fatal typo in GRETunnel _CONTEXTS
3d124cb gre_tunnel: adapt to the new world order after dispatcher removal
33a21e9 tunnel_port_updater: adapt to the new world order after dispatcher removal
b869748 controller/handler: allow set_ev_handler without dispatchers
4b8a4fc app_manager: add some assertions and LOG.info
d7163b5 app_manager: print event flow for --verbose
589601c app_manager: print some info about event flows for --verbose
ea80cae app_manager: add an function to register an app instance explicitly
9bd88b5 Add support live-migration
6b4a5f7 ryu/controller/controller: add a helper method, is_reserved_port()
cffa13e ovs/bridge: more helper methods
f8a99a3 ovs/vsctl: more commands
966099c lib/ovs/db_client: library for low-level ovsdb manipulation
585e4dc app/client: add mac support
c28f383 app/rest: add requirements to path component
9a145d1 app/rest: add API to register/update mac address for a given port
a523cd8 app/tunnel_port_updater: application that creates/deletes tunnel ports
693a83d ryu/controller/network.py: add helper functions for tunnel updater
68b19be app/gre_tunnel: implement GRETunnel app
85adde9 packet lib: rename icmp6 to icmpv6
e97b724 test: fix integration tests: reflects 978f3e5c
c268793 dpset: fix the new event mechnism breakage
bc8af73 dpset: improve debug message
74d90c7 packet lib: fix a bug in ipv6
2d999c7 test: update integration tests
332ed5f ryu/app/simple_vlan: simple VLAN app for OVS
6e76328 app: Add quantum adapter
670e2b4 bin/ryu-client: teach quantum iface rest api
1bf4e88 ryu/app/client: teach quantum iface api
a99c33c rest/quantum: quantum iface REST API
ffed73f ryu/lib/quantum_ifaces.py: track the relation of quantum iface-id
3c39edc bin/ryu-client: support switch_conf
021adfb bin/ryu-client: support gre tunnel client
17a4c4c ryu/app/client: support conf_switch
b604d89 ryu/app: REST API to set per-switch configuration
aeabd81 controller/switch_conf: introduce a class to manage per-switch configuration
c3e4dd5 app/client: add tunnel client
257f2ec app/rest_tunnel: REST API for tunnel
fe970d3 controller/tunnel: introduce new class for tunneling
978f3e5 dpset: add port event support
7832ba6 controller/network: add event supports
7330741 controller/handler: allow set_ev_cls not to specify dispatchers
e917582 packet lib: add ipv6 ICMP support
bed275e packet lib: add ipv6 support
7699633 packet lib: add LLDP support.
c41d271 xflow: add netflow support
a004fdd remove event dumper application
b2615cc remove old dispatcher and friends
7e5c37c bin/ryu-manager: import ryu.flags for common options
73fa069 app/client: add helper function to ignore NOT_FOUND, 404
7ac93f4 ryu/app/client: factor out rest client code
4cd7ca9 app/rest_nw_id: add port type for reserved port and vport-gre
60b6d09 app/rest: add requirements to path component
7578e7d replace dispatcher mechanism
64e2f97 lib/ovs/bridge: helper class to manipulate ovs bridge
23f68af lib/ovs/vsctl: python reimplementation of ovs-vsctl
4ff5308 lib/ovs: add constants for ovsdb Open_vSwitch db
575c623 contrib: fix a comment typo
0ab9899 dpset: fix join race
5dd7e2f packet lib: pep8 warning fix
49bf5c9 test: remove some unnecessary bash dependencies
6a5738c Ryu 1.6
24d894b test: add mininet-test suite
7d5b496 test: Add "Decrement IP TTL" integration test
abd1039 ofctl_v1_0: fix stats timeout handling
63c8a15 fix lack of comma in flagfile list
2e3c0c0 of1.3: Fix a typo in OFPPacketOut
e69a891 setup: update installation infos
429401a test: change the branch of openvswitch to 'of12'
797b8a7 ofp_handler: receiving side of OFPHelloElem version negotiation
2f3d989 of1.3: improve OFPHello and OFPHelloElemVerionsBitmap
4d28544 ofctl_{rest, v1_0}: update and clean up
ac2b2f0 ryu-manager: fix keyError
76c9a16 don't abuse __dict__ attribute
7e56bfb ofp_handler: Improve hello version negotiation
65e7cf4 of1.3: fix OFPMultipartReply parser
aa3ab7d of1.3: support OFPHET_VERSIONBITMAP
70194be doc: setup TLS connection
3e98bf7 of1.3: fix OFPT_PACKET_IN parser
6df14f6 Ryu 1.5
f2c6dfe set setup.py install_requires properly
1150dc4 python/ovs/stream: Fix Stream.connect() retval for incomplete connection.
dae4bc4 Revert "contrib/ovs/stream.py: TypeError: bad operand type for unary -: 'NoneType'"
c5c7dc9 ryu/log: bugfix
c7d4aa7 ofctl_v1_0: update and clean up
3dcb33b enable OF1.3 support
91df9a3 of1.3: fix OFPMP_FLOW
fad94da of1.3: support OFPMatch
4152e5d Add workaround to switch_features_handler for OF1.3
2bd4e30 of1.3: fix OFPPacketQueue
11dad83 of1.3: fix OFPSetAsyn
5697566 of1.3: fix OFPQueueProp
cdf4218 of1.3: fix OFPMeterFeaturesStatsRequest
4498217 of1.3: fix OFPMeterConfigStatsReply
eaf7d47 of1.3: fix OFPPortStatsReply
183b624 of1.3: fix OFPMP_AGGREGATE
180cbe7 of1.3: fix OFP_DESC_PACK_STR
2b7d08f of1.3: fix OFP_METER_BAND_DSCP_REMARK_PACK_STR assert
0f348cd of1.3: fix OFP_TABLE_MOD_PACK_STR assert
b1ffa1a of1.3: fix OFP_OXM_EXPERIMENTER_HEADER_SIZE assert
b2f725c contrib/ovs: TypeError: bad operand type for unary -: 'NoneType'
00ddd89 of1.2: fix some error constant typos
91b4f9f packet lib: add arp constants
c1dfc53 add TLS support
6afa1c3 of1.2: Fix MTVlanVid() parser and serializer
6e14f98 don't use select.POLL* constants
5ccf138 ofctl_v1_0: update get_flow_stats() to dump actions
d347dce wsgi/routes: add regex pattern for each REST component
4b90f75 contrib/ovs/dirs: replace @variables@ which is replaced by configure
8aefef5 import ovs python binding library
0ae9c29 prepare contrib directory which holds third party library
6eeddaa of1.2: Fix OFPActionExperimenter parser
4f7b30d packet lib: remove unnecessary ICMP debug message
552d77e Ryu 1.4
5651637 ryu/app/ofctl_rest: implements ofctl_rest app
3e74c78 ryu/lib/ofctl_v1_0: introduce OF interface
51b3b9a test: add unittests for packet library
3027bec silence unhandled event message
21f29c6 test: add unittests for packet library
c92d8be packet lib: fix udp header length
c42673d packet lib: fix ipv4 assertion of option field
398d9a4 tools/pip-requires: add routes which is used by wsgi.py module
f5d2157 packet lib: add unparsed data to Packet.protocols
ef8284d doc: update packet library
fd692d3 packet lib: kill find_protocol in Packet class
5a0eea6 packet lib: set protocol_name in each protocol
5fd538e packet lib: make Packet class iterator
9c30012 packet lib: fix icmp echo serialize
9314fa4 packet lib: add mpls
7ad45aa test: fix unittests for of parser
12e9445 packet lib: add icmp.py
b624e63 ofp_handler: print msg.data in hex format, not raw string
05a9c4d utils: a helper function to convert byte array into hex string
0c3dd30 of1.0: fix/add PortMod message
94965a3 Removed leading '/' from data_files
5483d98 Ryu 1.3
fc264cc Fix zero padding
19c205b packet lib: fix vlan pcp bitshift
79e7d09 packet lib: ipv4 option data support
bb05f39 test: add more of1.2 integration tests
09c7017 packet lib: tcp option support
3cd6423 doc: fix typo in openstack.rst
83e53c5 doc: rearrange top page
e1e8544 doc: use README as getting_started
9b3246a doc: rename getting_started.rst -> parameters.rst
8b7950d doc: rearrange openstack docs
5e8d298 doc: packet library
8f28a48 app/simple_isolation: update handler registration
d26cbdd packet lib: fix ipv4 flags bitshift
ae0253a simplify handler registration core
222d6f1 register OFP handlers via register_instance
965c46a doc: integrate HACKING.rst into SubmittingPatches.rst
4d678d8 doc: rename SubmittingPatches to SubmittingPatches.rst
4dcda4e doc: convert SubmittingPatches into reST style
74b59f2 doc: update README.rst about migration from osrg.net
78c4822 doc: set PYTHONPATH for ryu version constant
7e95ccb doc: write Ryu application
6cc438c doc: use ryu version constant
ab1253e doc: change Sphinx style to haiku
0dc6d0c doc: fix the link in README.rst
d56ee9d Ryu 1.2
90021d4 remove OFPFlowRemoved and OFPPortStatus handlers in MAIN_DISPATCHER
6e55bc8 remove unnecessary OFPFlowRemoved and OFPBarrierReply handlers in CONFIG_DISPATCHER
10fa798 remove unnecessary OFPEchoReply handler in dispatchers
0552139 packet lib: fix ipv4 option field handling
77df140 packet lib: set _MIN_LEN class variable
4d00bc8 packet lib: add tcp support
1241daf packet lib: convert ip to use the checksum helper function
2814763 packet lib: add udp data transmit and checksum support
0153f49 packet lib: add packet_utils.py
3fdb2da packet lib: add data serialize support to Packet class
4e887d0 packet lib: calculate the udp length
79ae375 packet lib: calculate the ip total length
d0cc259 packet lib: serialize in reverse order
b3e4913 of1.2: fix OFPFlowRemoved parser
3c339e7 of1.2: fix ofp_port_stats pack format
cccd01f test: fix pep8 1.3.3 warnings
c8cd422 fix pep8 1.3.3 warnings
1dcf8f7 test: use the latest version of pep8
03b42e2 add packet library
3579a3e controller: print backtrace when exception in addition to stacktrace
c771dc8 test: add stats and config tests to integrated test suite
2a7f243 of: Fix OFPEchoRequest serialize
1eb52f7 of1.2: pretty OFPGetConfigReply parser
b49ccfc clean up ETH_TYPE_ constants
7830a13 add ethernet type constants
254db17 test: fix SET_NW_TOS action in test_add_flow_v10
89b5f3c clean up IPPROTO_ constants
6ba1075 add IPPROTO_SCTP constant
5625159 rename ryu/ofproto/in.py to ryu/ofproto/inet.py
a41029a test: specify OF version in integrated test suite
dbade0c Add SubmittingPatches doc
be18e1b Ryu 1.1
6b99b14 of1.2: handle unknown match field properly
8c19789 test: simplify integrated OVS test suite
dfa4ab1 test: add more of1.2 unittests
696639d of1.2: fix IPv6 match parsers
2bf07c0 of1.2: make set_metadata implementation consistent with the rest
f2ac2b5 of1.2: fix OFPExperimenter parser
ef5c5e4 of1.2: fix Instruction parser
a7eb8c4 of1.2: add OXM_OF_METADATA support
68bfa1f fix 475ca44ef4f87b00945ccd5be8ee4ab196c4e86f regression
475ca44 test: add integrated OVS test suite
bdaafad of1.2: fix OFPPortStatsRequest typo
b281cc7 of1.2: OFPGroupMod and OFPGroupFeaturesStats
b5d462f simple_switch: remove outside module dependence
e3e7039 cbench: specify OF1.0
112c7e5 simple_switch: specify OF1.0
4c2de66 stop import ofproto_v1_0 as ofproto
ad18468 nxm: remove import ofproto
f8b75c9 of1.2: OFPMatch serialiser: fix ARP_SPA, ARP_TPA and IPV6_FLABEL masking
c46fdc6 simple_switch: fix port_status_handler
fc05f44 of1.2: add OFPSF_REPLY_MORE constant
bff41cb of1.2: remove unused mask in MTEthType
42f704f enable applications to specify OF versions
c9edce4 of1.2: add OFPQueuePropMinRate and OFPQueuePropMaxRate
323610d nxm: fix nxm to OFPMatch conversion
d73680f of1.2: fix OFPGroupMod serialize
007d735 of1.2: OFPSetField serializer pads too much
da26715 of1.2: fix OFPPacketIn parser
b389c93 of1.2: fix MTIPv6NdTarget
cb41bff of1.2: fix OFPActionPopVlan parser
a8938cb of1.2: fix OFPActionSetField padding
e97dd71 of1.2: fix vlan_vid match
b15a664 app/rest: fix value error exception
b983bae of1.2: change IPv6 address representation
5b0fc90 of1.2: fix OFPActionSetField
e7a9ad2 of1.2: Correct pad calculation for OFPMatch
8843a8d of1.2: fix OFPBucket parser and serialize methods
8de8d65 of1.2: fix OFAActionCopyTtlOut and OFPActionCopyTtlIn's parsers
f132d53 of1.2: fix OFPActionSetField
1d415b8 of1.2: remove match argument in MT* class serialize method
6458b4e of1.2: add the common serialize method for MT* classes
ad135eb of1.2: make MT* class make method take value and mask
fb66e65 of1.2: set value and mask in MT* instance
56ceda1 of1.2: remove unused parser method in MT* classes
ff0efc8 of1.2: add common field_parser for MT* classes
7eac608 of1.2: make pack_str class variable
79aa4d5 test: add more of1.2 unittests
ea53420 of1.2: add missing struct ofp_bucket definition
b561307 of1.2: implement FlowStats instruction parser
a1a9a54 Ryu 1.0
23bd7d8 of1.2: add unittest workaround to OFPPortStatus parser
f4df617 of1.2: fix bugs
1262ead add '--version' command line option
bead388 of1.2: add OFPG_ constants
acdf0f0 of1.3: Add OFPQ_ALL
f4d4802 of1.2: Add OFPQ_ALL
4187f31 test: improve the framework
8dc9bf8 doc: add the supported OF versions to README.rst
6a351aa of1.2: add OFPFlowStats support
6f74ab1 of1.2: fix OFPPacketIn parser to set ethernet frame
6a647fd of1.2: improve OFPMatch parser
fd7bac0 nxm: fix NXM_NX_REG
8748812 of1.2: add OXM_OF_IPV6_ND_SLL and OXM_OF_IPV6_ND_TLL
3b3dcae of1.2: add OXM_OF_IPV6_ND_TARGET
1512e1e of1.2: add OXM_OF_ICMPV6_TYPE and OXM_OF_ICMPV6_CODE
c860a47 of1.2: add OXM_OF_IPV6_FLABEL
9cf752c of1.2: add OXM_OF_IPV6_SRC and XM_OF_IPV6_DST
ff5e007 don't call send_delete_all_flows function in the core
9105639 add round_up utility function
b0d7722 of1.2: Correct arguments to OFPMatch.parser() in OFPPacketIn
9e3899c of1.2: support ofp_instruction for OFPFlowMod
c9ac97c of1.2: add OXM_OF_ICMPV4_TYPE and OXM_OF_ICMPV4_CODE
e931aeb of1.2: add OXM_OF_SCTP_SRC and OXM_OF_SCTP_DST
c4c8b07 of1.2: add OXM_OF_UDP_SRC and OXM_OF_UDP_DST
8b6b732 of1.2: add OXM_OF_TCP_SRC and OXM_OF_TCP_DST
c163b93 of1.2: add OXM_OF_IP_SRC and OXM_OF_IP_DST
fcca479 of1.2: add OXM_OF_IP_PROTO
cb713e4 of1.2: add OXM_OF_IP_ECN
1e9855b of1.2: add OXM_OF_IP_DSCP
c68f4bb of1.2: remove FWW_* constants
0be33c4 of1.2: fix OFPFlowMod and OFPFlowRemoved
85dfcbd Add OFPBarrierRequest and OFPBarrierReply
e9b1c97 Remove duplicated OFPMatch definition
40e378a of1.3: initial OF1.3 support
24410d4 nxm: add NXM_NX_REG
41296ad fix test_lib.py for SkipTest
150ce63 nxm: add NXM_NX_IP_FRAG
0a37601 nxm: add NXM_NX_ND_TARGET
111d331 nxm: add NXM_NX_IPV6_SRC and NXM_NX_IPV6_DST
c878fbb nxm: add NXM_NX_IPV6_LABEL
ed1f2b6 nxm: add NXM_OF_ARP_SPA and NXM_OF_ARP_TPA
86c3c52 nxm: fix MFField putw
1715740 of1.2: initial ofp_match support
b77751a of1.2: reorder the arguments of OFPPacketOut
c4e1826 nxm: add NXM_NX_ICMPV6_TYPE and NXM_NX_ICMPV6_CODE support
6e12052 add IPPROTO_ constants
2f4d4e0 nxm: fix NXM_OF_ICMP_TYPE and NXM_OF_ICMP_CODE
a3469e3 nxm: fix nxm_put()
b97c80c Fix README.rst format
5de36cd Move version string to ryu/__init__.py
a364a7a Update setup.py
8b93eda Update REAME.rst
c60e1d6 of1.2: Add OXM_OF_ constants
1dabff3 of1.2: fix typo
83f1f43 of1.2: fix some typos
4e62b4e update the official site url
3b3bcaa ofproto/nx_match: various minor clean up
bf51bb2 ofproto/nx_match: simplify set_dl_{src, dst}_mask()
9319c3e of1.2: add MAX_XID constant
3fafa12 update setup.py for PyPI
039aef2 nxm: add NXM_OF_ICMP_TYPE and NXM_OF_ICMP_ICMP_CODE support
370d8d2 nxm: add NXM_OF_IP_SRC and NXM_OF_IP_DST support
a566ae9 nxm: add NXM_NX_ARP_* support
53e09d1 nxm: add NXM_OF_TCP_* and NXM_OF_UDP_* support
2b07838 nxm: add NXM_OF_ETH_SRC_W support
a26a2fc nxm: support arbitrary dl_dst masks
411e22d nxm: add NXM_OF_IP_PROTO support
b7d3844 nxm: add NXM_NX_IP_TTL support
500c744 of1.2: cleanup and update
d9348a5 nxm: add NXM_OF_VLAN_TCI support
b3a39fc kill unused function in utils.py
c9f6b1b support commandline application initialization
63cc493 Pass AppManager module name instead of class name
1b6b0c4 Make clear that ryu supports all the NX actions
32d3a9f Add Nicira Extension NXAST_LEARN support
720c67f Add Nicira Extension NXT_SET_ASYNC_CONFIG support
511df56 Add Nicira Extension NXT_FLOW_AGE support
903de17 Add Nicira Extension NXT_PACKET_IN support
5ad1639 Add Nicira Extension NXT_SET_PACKET_IN_FORMAT support
9b631b7 Add Nicira Extension NXT_FLOW_REMOVED support
252cce1 rename NXMatch parse method to parser
61e3df2 update setup.py and setup.cfg for better packaging
6167200 doc: update the requirement in README
32cb6a2 Replace wsapi
cc8e311 add Nicira Extension NXAST_NOTE support
db34d7a add Nicira Extension NXAST_DEC_TTL support
ffa2378 add Nicira Extension NXAST_FIN_TIMEOUT support
c061b47 add Nicira Extension NXAST_CONTROLLER support
3216305 Add Nicira Extension NXT_SET_CONTROLLER_ID support
903b80c silence pep8 warning
e8cc132 fix NX_ACTION_HEADER pack string and size
67004ec don't close connection when getting OFPT_ERROR_MSG
807bb2d rename OFPGetSwitchConfig to OFPGetConfigReply class
d9856db discard sample/test_simple_switch because of unittest fail
2544442 test: add NTT copyright to unittest files
5b9ad7f app/simple_switch: fix commit e5e4b844250d36788f9b1bf71cfd36a6e14d5315 regression
e5e4b84 ryu/app: convert existing application to new style ryu application
32f644f base/app_manager: introduce application context
1e54050 add NXT_ROLE_REPLY support
be9fc3d Add Switch to Controller Nicira extension message support
0c74a77 Add Switch to Controller Vendor message support
840aea5 test: add more unittests
921e685 Fix NXActionAutopath parser
0865321 test: add unittests for of1.2 parser
d43b27d test: add more unittests for of1.0 parser
daa3dc8 test: add more unittests for of parser
a931806 Fix OFPFlowRemoved __str__ method typo
9fe033f Fix OFPVendorStats parser method
cd8da96 Fix OFPSwitchFeatures parser (of 1.2)
1b67d92 Fix the commit 458042d4032ad52dff93deb0f78d94cadb4f2d37 messup
fd55c3f Fix the commit eea434b8e45bc8ee91aa02096903a66af898ae35 messup
c41dca6 Fix OFPFlowStats parser
458042d Add Nicira Extension NXAST_POP_QUEUE support
eea434b Add Nicira Extension NXAST_SET_QUEUE support
8082e3f add Nicira Extension NXAST_AUTOPATH support
79189bd add Nicira Extension NXAST_EXIT support
4d93ca6 Fix NXActionSetTunnel64 parser
f68cdbf Fix NXAactionOutputReg parser
9b8c61f rename NXTRequest to NiciraHeader
2670733 add NXT_ROLE_REQUEST support
8dff2cb Add NXT_ROLE_REQUEST/REPLY constants
97cbf84 ryu/controller/dpset.py: code simplification
396fda8 lib/dpid: dpid formatter/parser
b5592b0 Kill parser_stats_body_array method in OFPFlowStats class
936635a fix OFPQueueGetConfigReply parser
fcc066d fix OFPVendor parser
5089fdf fix typo in ofproto_v1_0_parser comment
c778b54 fix StatsReply parser
7df808e Fix OFPQueuePropMinRate class
e817357 fix OFPPacketQueue class parser
49214f6 ryu/app/wsapi: make json_parse_message_body work
54bdba9 Pretty NXAcationBundleBase parser up
af6d24c fix NXActionRegLoad parser
50df478 fix NXActionRegMove parser
2b5511b fix NXActionMultipath parser
ffe34d0 add Nicira Extension NXAST_OUTPUT_REG support
17979ff add Nicira Extension NXAST_BUNDLE and NXAST_BUNDLE_LOAD support
37b633d add Nicira Extension NXAST_REG_LOAD support
8761cba add Nicira Extension NXAST_REG_MOVE support
15951cd Fix OFPStatsReply parser
4c2a192 Add NXAction parser support
23c7ea0 Add OFPActionStripVlan class
ed75589 lib/mac: improve helper functions
c7059d2 ofproto/ofproto_v1_0_parser: PacketIn parser
4887c1d ofproto_v1_0_parser: fix OFPPacketOut serializer
ca19f46 remote COPYRIGHT file from MANIFEST.in
824af80 README: added the pointer to Gmane ML archive
3e84089 add Nicira Extension NXAST_MULTIPATH action
875ebcb Added test framework, ported from Quantum
3cf1b23 doc/source/step_by_step.rst: add item to setup quantum db
81a894f Fix OFPActionHeader class 'serialize' method
10fcdec controller/controller: make send_flow_mod() allow default value for priority
7d19e5c app: use symbol instead of 32678 for default priority
c721e81 ofproto/ofproto_v1_0_parser: flowmod default parameter
5eaf2ad ofproto/ofproto_v1_0_parser: make FlowMod allow meaningful default parameter
57bd1ab controller, ofproto_v1_0: avoid format for argument
7858adf ofproto/ofproto_v1_0_parser: serializer for NXActionResbumit
d435bc6 ofproto/ofproto_v1_0_parser: serializer for nxt_flow_mod_table_id
c88e184 ofproto/ofproto_v1_0_parser: improve NXTRequest initializer
72bb1a1 ofproto/ofproto_v1_0: more constants for nx
d107e8e app/wsapi: make WSPathComponent inherit object
a7d3449 app/wsapi/WSPathArbitraryString: wrong indent
d486967 add missing super().__init__()
a7b7254 app/simple_isolation: unbreak nx patch
1ce1db0 fix find_flagfile path handling bug
96c91e5 update docs on the license switch
711301a Switch to Apache 2.0 license
382f9b3 Use the original file license
20b25a5 ryu 0.2
8d2a263 ignore GreenletExit exception
006c7cb Add NXActionSetTunnel and NXActionSetTunnel64
c5a2dd5 Allow send_flow_mod() to send NXTFlowMod messages
a36af27 Add match_tuple() and flow_format() methods to ClsRule
797b5ef Add NXTFlowMod
07b1afb NXM: Add MFIPDSCP and MFIPECN classes
3d780e2 NXM: Add MFEthType class
eb3fbc5 NXM: Add MFEthSrc class
36a62fa NXM: Add MFEthDst class
bb7d3e8 NXM: Add MFTunId class
cda7026 NXM: Add MFInPort class
8033bea Add base for serialising NXM matches
85fe60a Add support for NXT_SET_FLOW_FORMAT
0f8c795 Add Nicira vendor extensions
cdb513c ryu/handler: class decorator should return class object
ba5ce1a controller: print stack trace when datapath main loop goes wrong and log it
828f58b controller/network: fix key error
bd73873 Avoid loop in OFPAction.parser()
4bd7c50 Increment offset in OFPFlowStats.parser()
abd8313 Use struct.unpack_from() in OFPFlowStats.parser()
4556ac6 doc: update README.rst (OpenStack mainline inclusion status)
6aa847a Correct typos in OFPFlowStatsRequestBase class
d7ee5d2 yield the CPU to other greenlets
f6741e9 avoid reading too much data from socket
d0e3264 limit the queue size (send_q)
e44c9d6 kill recv_q
d08c5c9 dispatcher: eliminate weakref.WeakValueDictionary
1ca3314 dispatcher: eliminate use of weakref for EventQueue event queue
68b1424 controller: eliminate weakref of datapath.ev_q.aux
d650102 dispatcher: use TrackInstances and kill some WeakValueDictionary
6b2e652 lib: mixin class to track all instances of a given class
0275604 controller: make Controller::serve more robust
e546c1b ryu/controller/ofp_event: use utils.load_module
de4c848 ryu/utils: make import_module() reliable
f3ba502 controller/dispatcher: eliminate unregistering handlers
92b58c2 enable OF1.2 support
bee5d55 add initial OF1.2 support
de3308d doc: update using_with_openstack.rst to catch up openstack
6461c84 add HACKING.rst: style guide
c7d4228 doc: update osrg/nova, quantum repository
95f72ed setup.py: typo autor -> author
8cca418 dpset: pep8
f5f36ea ryu/controller/handler: pep8
79a4cce ofproto_parser: pep8
95bfa7a ofproto_v1_0_parser: typo
9637144 ofproto/ofproto_v1_0_parser: unbreak 0bff34ca87af74b7eb13d9c996fd869172a7f0a4
74858ad doc: sample configuration files
a110a9c doc: step-by-step example
6d4206d app/simple_isolation: various improvement
b4465af controller/{mac_to_port, network}: add more methods to track port status change
2c018c6 controller/datapath: add a helper function to delete flow entries
c597ecf controller/dispatcher: eliminate the use of WeakSet
b9ddde8 fix ofp_event conversion messup
70e8d09 add cbench application
f4063f2 move to the main mode right after sending BARRIER
567cb2c fix datapath disconnection cleanup
9f02284 rest: add '/network' prefix to its path
78e3eba remove unused members in Datapath class
89a3f01 client: pass http responce when an error occurs
c22ef47 controller: factor out ofp message event from event.py
b300228 pylint: various fixes for pylint
6ff0a21 doc: how to invoke ryu-manager, its options and example
c16b232 app: event dumper application
e66a04e controller/dpset: Introduce datapath enter/leave event
5e0dbb6 dispatcher, handler: constantiate dispatcher name
39bc833 controller: pass datapath to EventQueue for EventQueueCreate event
58658d3 dispacher: introduce inheritable handler
f9bae8b controller/dispatcher: introduce events on event queue itself
4dd1118 dispatcher: pass name to EventQueue and track all instances
d6d7c9d controller/dispatcher: allow handler that accepts any event type
8e44468 controller/dispatcher: pylint
0be016c use 0 dl_{src, dst} for OFPMatch
774088c move _pack_into and _str_attr to ofproto_parser.py
1044361 xid: improve xid handling
2d3a510 ofproto_v1_0: add a constant, MAX_XID
0bff34c ofproto/ofproto_v1_0_parser: more parsers/serializers
5ef02df ofproto_v1_0_parser: allows 0 as dl_{src, dst} for OFPMatch
18cbaad lib/mac: add helper function/values
326eb1d ofproto/ofproto_v1_0: typo, missing consts
1866e2d move MsgBase class to ofproto_parser.py from ofproto_parser_v1_0.py
68e7bc7 remove OF version dependence from MsgBase class
741ac69 pylint: add a script to run pylint and pylintrc
d05fbf2 pep8: utils.py
9cc4f69 pep8: ryu/ofproto/ofproto_v1_0.py
91eb898 ryu.conf: eliminate obsolete config
67a06fc Use from gevent.queue import Queue
cd0fbaf Fix to send OFPT_HELLO with the highest OpenFlow protocol version
3f7d742 doc: how-l2-segregation-works: update images a bit
a3b9db3 doc: fix typos
fdbb049 doc: use Network Operating System instead of Network OS for consistency
a4b65e5 doc: fix typo
156ba71 doc: clarify our goal for OpenStack

Requirements updates

diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a631f64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# The order of packages is significant, because pip processes them in the order
+# of appearance. Changing the order has an impact on the overall integration
+# process, which may cause wedges in the gate later.
+pbr>=2.0 # Apache-2.0
+msgpack>=0.3.0  # RPC library, BGP speaker(net_cntl)
+ovs>=2.6.0  # OVSDB
+routes  # wsgi
+tinyrpc  # RPC library, BGP speaker(net_cntl)
+webob>=1.2  # wsgi
diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e9616e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# The order of packages is significant, because pip processes them in the order
+# of appearance. Changing the order has an impact on the overall integration
+# process, which may cause wedges in the gate later.
+hacking>=0.12.0,<0.13 # Apache-2.0
+coverage>=4.0,!=4.4 # Apache-2.0
+python-subunit>=0.0.18 # Apache-2.0/BSD
+oslotest>=1.10.0 # Apache-2.0
+stestr>=1.0.0 # Apache-2.0
+testtools>=1.4.0 # MIT

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