[release-announce] [kolla] kolla-kubernetes 0.4.0

no-reply at openstack.org no-reply at openstack.org
Mon Jan 16 15:34:30 UTC 2017

We are excited to announce the release of:

kolla-kubernetes 0.4.0: Kubernetes deployment of the Kolla containers

The source is available from:


Download the package from:


Please report issues through launchpad:


For more details, please see below.


This unstable release is highly focused on implementing Helm packaged
microservices of OpenStack services based upon interaction with the
Helm upstream community and the kolla-kubernetes-core sub-team of

New Features

* Global helm API implementation permitting standardization of the

* Implemented helm build microservices python code

* Implemented helm build repo python code

* Implemented helm build services python code

* Documented a development environment using the Halcyon-Kubernetes
  deployment project

* Gating for full Kubernetes/Ceph/iSCSI/OpenStack deployment
  including multinode tests and basic function tests of the deployed

* Configmap generation via genconfig (to be revisited later)

* Deployment of working compute kit using helm packages

* External openvswitch support

* Optional support for kubernetes-entrypoint

* Prototyped service packages for easier deployment (work in

* Implemented the following OpenStack microservices and packaged in

  * cinder implementing CEPH and LVM complete

  * glance complete

  * heat is nearly complete

  * horizon is complete

  * keystone is complete

  * memcached is complete

  * neutron is complete

  * nova is complete

* Implemented the following Infrastructure microservices and
  packaged in Helm:

  * ceph is not complete but nearing completion. At present it is
    only suitable for testing

  * helm is complete

  * iscsid is complete

  * mariadb is complete

  * openvswitch is complete

  * rabbitmq is complete

  * tgtd is complete

* Created reusable templates for deployment abstractions:

  * apache based api

  * pure python apis

  * statefull workers

  * database creation

  * database initial migration

  * keystone user creation

  * keystone service registration

  * keystone endpoint registration

* Implemented helm microservice packaging from templates including:

  * ceph-admin-pod

  * ceph-rbd-daemonset

  * cinder-api-deployment

  * cinder-api-svc

  * cinder-backup-statefulset

  * cinder-create-db-job

  * cinder-create-keystone-endpoint-admin-job

  * cinder-create-keystone-endpoint-adminv2-job

  * cinder-create-keystone-endpoint-internal-job

  * cinder-create-keystone-endpoint-internalv2-job

  * cinder-create-keystone-endpoint-public-job

  * cinder-create-keystone-endpoint-publicv2-job

  * cinder-create-keystone-service-job

  * cinder-create-keystone-servicev2-job

  * cinder-create-keystone-user-job

  * cinder-manage-db-job

  * cinder-scheduler-statefulset

  * cinder-volume-ceph-statefulset

  * cinder-volume-lvm-daemonset

  * glance-api-deployment

  * glance-api-svc

  * glance-create-db-job

  * glance-create-keystone-endpoint-admin-job

  * glance-create-keystone-endpoint-internal-job

  * glance-create-keystone-endpoint-public-job

  * glance-create-keystone-service-job

  * glance-create-keystone-user-job

  * glance-manage-db-job

  * glance-pv

  * glance-pvc

  * glance-registry-deployment

  * glance-registry-svc

  * heat-api-cfn-deployment

  * heat-api-deployment

  * heat-api-svc

  * heat-cfn-api-svc

  * heat-engine-statefulset

  * helm-repo-deployment

  * helm-repo-pv

  * helm-repo-pvc

  * helm-repo-svc

  * horizon-deployment

  * horizon-svc

  * iscsid-daemonset

  * keystone-admin-svc

  * keystone-api-deployment

  * keystone-create-db-job

  * keystone-create-endpoints-job

  * keystone-internal-svc

  * keystone-manage-db-job

  * keystone-public-svc

  * mariadb-init-element-job

  * mariadb-pv

  * mariadb-pvc

  * mariadb-statefulset

  * mariadb-svc

  * memcached-deployment

  * memcached-svc

  * neutron-create-db-job

  * neutron-create-keystone-endpoint-admin-job

  * neutron-create-keystone-endpoint-internal-job

  * neutron-create-keystone-endpoint-public-job

  * neutron-create-keystone-service-job

  * neutron-create-keystone-user-job

  * neutron-dhcp-agent-daemonset

  * neutron-l3-agent-daemonset

  * neutron-manage-db-job

  * neutron-metadata-agent-daemonset

  * neutron-openvswitch-agent-daemonset

  * neutron-server-deployment

  * neutron-server-svc

  * nova-api-create-db-job

  * nova-api-deployment

  * nova-api-manage-db-job

  * nova-api-svc

  * nova-compute-daemonset

  * nova-conductor-statefulset

  * nova-consoleauth-statefulset

  * nova-create-db-job

  * nova-create-keystone-endpoint-admin-job

  * nova-create-keystone-endpoint-internal-job

  * nova-create-keystone-endpoint-public-job

  * nova-create-keystone-service-job

  * nova-create-keystone-user-job

  * nova-libvirt-daemonset

  * nova-metadata-svc

  * nova-novncproxy-deployment

  * nova-novncproxy-svc

  * nova-scheduler-statefulset

  * openvswitch-ovsdb-daemonset

  * openvswitch-vswitchd-daemonset

  * rabbitmq-init-element-job

  * rabbitmq-pv

  * rabbitmq-pvc

  * rabbitmq-statefulset

  * rabbitmq-svc

  * tgtd-daemonset

Known Issues

* No upgrade technique is supported.

* Ceph Helm packaging is dangerous in its current state in Kolla-
  Kubernetes and only for testing purposes. Using ceph on the other
  hand within Kolla-Kubernetes works well.

* Version 2.0.2 of the Kolla containers (Mitaka) are used in this
  release. Some small subset of containers use version 3.0.2 as well
  as one 4.0.0 container (entrypoint).  The kolla-kubernetes-core team
  will rectify this deficiency in 0.5.0.

Upgrade Notes

* There is no way to upgrade, however, a stable Helm API has been
  implemented.  This paves the way for upgrades in the future.

Other Notes

* The kolla-kubernetes deliverable has not actively been using reno
  during development. As of this release the Kolla core team is
  rolling up the release notes for 0.4.0 and committed to creating
  reno notes for future commits where a releasenote would be

Changes in kolla-kubernetes 0.3.0..0.4.0

8e1233c Revert name in metadata back to kolla-kubernetes
5ec591a Add consolidated release notes
b8d068c Set versions to 0.4.0 and upgrade some to 3.0.2
1d10049 Add -type to all microservices missing them.
9f2d8e0 Helm repository container and service
c680689 Convert ceph-rbd and ceph-admin to microservice packages.
8d8c1de Remove unneeded file.
cd5a416 Finish transitioning to the global api
62d276c Convert statefulset to global api & fix gate workflows
1c0862f Switch pv's to new global api
7340231 Place holder for helm-operator gate job
e2a0f41 Convert create-db/manage-db scripts to global api.
e5a402f Fix the trailing backtick
17f47e2 Switch keystone jobs to global api
e5232f1 Switch svc to use global api
8148823 Switch python deployments to global api.
6c6da4e Fix service fork of ceph_workflow
e6a73df Fix the mariadb/rabbitmq elements and add searchPaths.
232275f Nailing ansible version at the kube gate
dc3599f Add default searchPath to almost all templates.
2598d56 Fix typo in variable name
14a0d4d Updated from global requirements
c4b6de5 Visual feedback
0903acf kolla-common value get functions
2fa5bbe Standardize the documentation a bit more related to README.rst
c9f2933 Add Kolla project mission
e487fcd Updated README.rst with deliverable information
1f99b16 Add kolla-kubernetes tags to README.rst
cabedaf Adds cinder volume lvm microservice
beb1c04 Adding iscsi support to the gate.
09de043 Helm charts for cinder keystone v2 endpoints
d609177 Fix python tox -e cover failure
7ec0f41 Helm charts for heat-api-svc and heat-cfn-api-svc
1135988 Fix wrong keywords in nova-create-keystone-user
f2c70f6 PS adds iscsid and tgtd microservices
8875fef Standardize vals for keystone user creation
9b197a1 Add init containers for deps to missing things
89d68e2 Ensure all microservices pass Release
452ef94 Global api
649b618 Delete configMap volume in cinder_create_db.yaml
56a63f5 Bump helm to 2.1.3 in gate
dfd225d Python 3.5 support for Kolla
a070143 Added missing required ubuntu dev setup packages
d5c9eb0 Bump helm version
57a3432 Fix Kolla-Kubernetes developer quickstart guide
9d6801d Helm charts for nova keystone service and endpoints
795e272 Change common dependency container to convert env var names to uppercase
bf03ed1 PS adds support service deployment at the gate
5970196 Update development environment documentation.
0b80c4a Memcached svc
d3b1ae6 Fixing dependencies container
60b67fc Gate fix for helm sometimes failing
3277f78 DNS fix
c025ae5 Fixing vswitchd crash
f9dfa16 RAX partprobe fix
f240d25 Helm-entrypoint git hooks
28ab38c Helm charts for cinder keystone v1 endpoints
9a60b14 Helm entrypoint hooks
a69de9d Helm build server
18d7938 Fix rolling upgrades
f1a2b7e Helm chart for glance registry
448d3bc Helm chart for glance api pod
f3c54ec Cleanup ceph_workflow
1683a50 Privileged cleanup
1c6966b Some more dep container features
817fcb5 Helm Chart for Cinder Volume
55541da Entrypoint dependency init container
4e54825 Entrypoint dependency init container
57d1a89 Helm charts for glance keystone endpoints
b717e8a Helm Cinder Backup
12025c1 Helm chart for cinder-scheduler
2a17ff8 Helmize Heat-engine
e21e04f Helmize neutron dhcp/metadata agents.
1ddda3c Helm-ize Cinder api pod
eeb8cf3 Change bootstrap delete invocations to helm delete instead
cbd5ab2 Helm charts for creating and managing the Glance database
011a39d Helmize neutron db stuff and add svc.
852d4d5 Helm Keystone API
e9ad4c7 Switch to helm 2.1.0 and kubernetes 1.5+
2eac374 DNS fix 3
d8e2037 Hel-ming horizon components
7ad07ad Helm chart for Cinder API service
be35a67 Helm charts for bootstrapping cinder database
b1272e0 Helm create nova keystone user
e932bd5 Helm create neutron keystone user
138bd96 Helm create glance keystone user
9086741 Helm create cinder user (and add common template)
1419f53 Helm charts for glance services
4ffbd7f WIP Helm-ize Heat API and CFN
3dbb30b Keystone service endpoint creation (keystone specific)
cc42f79 Helm Keystone K8s Services
49a0efe Helm database creation for Nova
920216a Helm creation of Nova services
1b18f60 Helm for installing other nova services
f37cd23 Helm charts for Glance PV/PVC
5c93942 Helm for nova-api
1138601 Helm for nova-libvirt
897e7e1 Adds type label to service selector
b21678a Fix configmap mapping in _common_manage_db_job.yaml
a9d2258 Change _common_svc.yaml to support differing service names
706d6d5 Add neutron keystone service/endpoint creation jobs
a2e5038 More dns gate fixes
6bfe2e8 Helm for nova-compute
0a62faf Have gate wait for dns ready
f9e2001 PS modifies Rabbitmq templates to use new common elements
0b14707 Update common deployment for python apis
037fb2a Hel-ming mariadb components
0655919 Add DB creation and initial migration templates (keystone)
714914e Pull kube-system images as part of CNI setup
56d2224 Helm-ize memcached
473184a Hel-ming Rabbitmq
0c4070b Add ceph values for gate
00109cc Stateful services
ec0ec5c Follow Docker Inc's trademark guidelines
ca55262 Change HELM version to 2.0.1
a66593a Hel-ming openvswitch-vswitchd
428925b Fix distro in gate
9e4b43e Helmize openvswitch-agent and l3-agent
6b2e2ef Helmize neutron-server
7327633 Adds filtering to .gitignore for values.yaml and **/charts
703b9b0 Kolla-Kubernetes Vagrant development environment documentation
d46538b Helm common package
2f62d25 Adding openvswitch-ovsdb microservice
66dc794 Initial Helm support
acdc898 Initial Helm support in the gate
97b5bbf Use assertGreater(len(x), 0) instead of assertTrue(len(x) > 0)
f87bc9b Remove white space between print ()
ba52afe Fix gate after the repo split
271e935 Spec - Kolla-Kubernetes Deployment Architecture
fe88f61 External openvswitch
453ff9d Unbreak gate from recent kolla change
f265e21 Fix new kubeadm precheck
7c09d2b Add advisory language to specs directory for kolla-kubernetes
c0fa884 Remove ansible dir from kolla-kubernetes
e3480e7 Don't include openstack/common in flake8 exclude list
6f0d8b1 Multinode Gate & Misc fixes
bc9ccf6 Modular gate
3d80a2f Clean imports in code
a488ca2 TrivialFix: Remove unused code

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

.coveragerc                                        |   4 +-
.gitignore                                         |   4 +
README.rst                                         |  77 +-
ansible/group_vars/all.yml                         |   0
ansible/inventory/kubernetes                       |   0
ansible/site.yml                                   |   0
helm/all_values.yaml                               | 769 ++++++++++++++++++++
helm/kolla-common/.helmignore                      |   4 +
helm/kolla-common/Chart.yaml                       |  11 +
.../templates/_common_api_apache_deployment.yaml   |  80 +++
.../templates/_common_api_python_deployment.yaml   | 184 +++++
.../templates/_common_create_db_job.yaml           |  79 ++
.../_common_create_keystone_endpoint.yaml          |  62 ++
.../templates/_common_create_keystone_service.yaml |  62 ++
.../templates/_common_create_keystone_user.yaml    |  85 +++
helm/kolla-common/templates/_common_defines.yaml   |  49 ++
.../templates/_common_dependency_container.yaml    |  81 +++
helm/kolla-common/templates/_common_disabled.yaml  |   7 +
helm/kolla-common/templates/_common_lib.yaml       |  87 +++
.../templates/_common_manage_db_job.yaml           |  41 ++
helm/kolla-common/templates/_common_pv.yaml        |  53 ++
helm/kolla-common/templates/_common_pvc.yaml       |  16 +
.../templates/_common_statefulset.yaml             |  66 ++
helm/kolla-common/templates/_common_svc.yaml       |  40 ++
helm/kolla-common/templates/_common_val_get.rst    |  94 +++
helm/kolla-common/templates/_common_val_get.yaml   |  56 ++
helm/microservice/ceph-admin-pod/Chart.yaml        |  11 +
.../ceph-admin-pod/templates/ceph_admin_pod.yaml   |  61 ++
helm/microservice/ceph-rbd-daemonset/Chart.yaml    |  11 +
.../templates/ceph_rbd_daemonset.yaml              |  89 +++
helm/microservice/cinder-api-deployment/Chart.yaml |  11 +
.../templates/cinder_api.yaml                      |  21 +
helm/microservice/cinder-api-svc/Chart.yaml        |  11 +
.../cinder-api-svc/templates/cinder_api_svc.yaml   |   9 +
.../cinder-backup-statefulset/Chart.yaml           |  11 +
.../templates/cinder_backup.yaml                   |  93 +++
helm/microservice/cinder-create-db-job/Chart.yaml  |  11 +
.../templates/cinder_create_db.yaml                |   7 +
.../Chart.yaml                                     |  11 +
.../cinder-create-keystone-endpoint-admin.yaml     |  15 +
.../Chart.yaml                                     |  12 +
.../cinder-create-keystone-endpoint-adminv2.yaml   |  17 +
.../Chart.yaml                                     |  11 +
.../cinder-create-keystone-endpoint-internal.yaml  |  15 +
.../Chart.yaml                                     |  12 +
...cinder-create-keystone-endpoint-internalv2.yaml |  16 +
.../Chart.yaml                                     |  11 +
.../cinder-create-keystone-endpoint-public.yaml    |  15 +
.../Chart.yaml                                     |  12 +
.../cinder-create-keystone-endpoint-publicv2.yaml  |  16 +
.../cinder-create-keystone-service-job/Chart.yaml  |  11 +
.../templates/cinder-create-keystone-service.yaml  |  10 +
.../Chart.yaml                                     |  12 +
.../cinder-create-keystone-servicev2.yaml          |  12 +
.../cinder-create-keystone-user-job/Chart.yaml     |  12 +
.../templates/cinder_create_keystone_user.yaml     |  20 +
helm/microservice/cinder-manage-db-job/Chart.yaml  |  11 +
.../templates/cinder_manage_db.yaml                |  12 +
.../cinder-scheduler-statefulset/Chart.yaml        |  11 +
.../templates/cinder_scheduler.yaml                |  15 +
.../cinder-volume-ceph-statefulset/Chart.yaml      |  11 +
.../templates/cinder_volume_ceph.yaml              | 113 +++
.../cinder-volume-lvm-daemonset/Chart.yaml         |  11 +
.../templates/cinder-volume-lvm-daemonset.yaml     | 145 ++++
helm/microservice/glance-api-deployment/Chart.yaml |  11 +
.../templates/glance_api.yaml                      | 190 +++++
helm/microservice/glance-api-svc/Chart.yaml        |  11 +
.../glance-api-svc/templates/glance_api_svc.yaml   |   8 +
helm/microservice/glance-create-db-job/Chart.yaml  |  12 +
.../templates/glance_create_db.yaml                |   7 +
.../Chart.yaml                                     |  11 +
.../glance-create-keystone-endpoint-admin.yaml     |  15 +
.../Chart.yaml                                     |  11 +
.../glance-create-keystone-endpoint-internal.yaml  |  16 +
.../Chart.yaml                                     |  11 +
.../glance-create-keystone-endpoint-public.yaml    |  15 +
.../glance-create-keystone-service-job/Chart.yaml  |  11 +
.../templates/glance-create-keystone-service.yaml  |  10 +
.../glance-create-keystone-user-job/Chart.yaml     |  12 +
.../templates/glance_create_keystone_user.yaml     |  20 +
helm/microservice/glance-manage-db-job/Chart.yaml  |  12 +
.../templates/glance_manage_db.yaml                |  74 ++
helm/microservice/glance-pv/Chart.yaml             |  11 +
.../glance-pv/templates/glance_pv.yaml             |   9 +
helm/microservice/glance-pvc/Chart.yaml            |  11 +
.../glance-pvc/templates/glance_pvc.yaml           |   7 +
.../glance-registry-deployment/Chart.yaml          |  11 +
.../templates/glance_registry.yaml                 |  21 +
helm/microservice/glance-registry-svc/Chart.yaml   |  11 +
.../templates/glance_registry_svc.yaml             |   8 +
.../heat-api-cfn-deployment/Chart.yaml             |  11 +
.../templates/heat-api-cfn-deployment.yaml         |  33 +
helm/microservice/heat-api-deployment/Chart.yaml   |  11 +
.../templates/heat-api-deployment.yaml             |  31 +
helm/microservice/heat-api-svc/Chart.yaml          |  12 +
.../heat-api-svc/templates/heat_api_svc.yaml       |   9 +
helm/microservice/heat-cfn-api-svc/Chart.yaml      |  12 +
.../templates/heat_cfn_api_svc.yaml                |   9 +
.../heat-engine-statefulset/Chart.yaml             |  11 +
.../templates/heat-engine-statefulset.yaml         |  15 +
helm/microservice/helm-repo-deployment/Chart.yaml  |  11 +
.../helm-repo-deployment/templates/helm-repo.yaml  | 125 ++++
helm/microservice/helm-repo-pv/Chart.yaml          |  11 +
.../helm-repo-pv/templates/helm-repo_pv.yaml       |  10 +
helm/microservice/helm-repo-pvc/Chart.yaml         |  11 +
.../helm-repo-pvc/templates/helm-repo_pvc.yaml     |   8 +
helm/microservice/helm-repo-svc/Chart.yaml         |  11 +
.../helm-repo-svc/templates/helm-repo_svc.yaml     |   7 +
helm/microservice/horizon-deployment/Chart.yaml    |  11 +
.../horizon-deployment/templates/horizon-api.yaml  |  60 ++
helm/microservice/horizon-svc/Chart.yaml           |  11 +
.../horizon-svc/templates/horizon-svc.yaml         |   7 +
helm/microservice/iscsid-daemonset/Chart.yaml      |  11 +
.../templates/iscsid-daemonset.yaml                | 102 +++
helm/microservice/keystone-admin-svc/Chart.yaml    |  12 +
.../templates/keystone_admin_svc.yaml              |  10 +
.../keystone-api-deployment/Chart.yaml             |  11 +
.../templates/keystone_api.yaml                    |  57 ++
.../microservice/keystone-create-db-job/Chart.yaml |  12 +
.../templates/keystone_create_db.yaml              |   7 +
.../keystone-create-endpoints-job/Chart.yaml       |  12 +
.../templates/keystone_create_endpoints.yaml       |  65 ++
helm/microservice/keystone-internal-svc/Chart.yaml |  12 +
.../templates/keystone_internal_svc.yaml           |  10 +
.../microservice/keystone-manage-db-job/Chart.yaml |  12 +
.../templates/keystone_manage_db.yaml              |  12 +
helm/microservice/keystone-public-svc/Chart.yaml   |  12 +
.../templates/keystone_public_svc.yaml             |  10 +
.../mariadb-init-element-job/Chart.yaml            |  12 +
.../templates/mariadb-init-element.yaml            |  49 ++
helm/microservice/mariadb-pv/Chart.yaml            |  12 +
.../mariadb-pv/templates/mariadb-pv.yaml           |  10 +
helm/microservice/mariadb-pvc/Chart.yaml           |  12 +
.../mariadb-pvc/templates/mariadb-pvc.yaml         |   8 +
helm/microservice/mariadb-statefulset/Chart.yaml   |  12 +
.../mariadb-statefulset/templates/mariadb-pod.yaml |  63 ++
helm/microservice/mariadb-svc/Chart.yaml           |  12 +
.../mariadb-svc/templates/mariadb-svc.yaml         |   7 +
helm/microservice/memcached-deployment/Chart.yaml  |  10 +
.../templates/memcached_deployment.yaml            |  62 ++
helm/microservice/memcached-svc/Chart.yaml         |  12 +
.../memcached-svc/templates/memcached-svc.yaml     |  14 +
helm/microservice/neutron-create-db-job/Chart.yaml |  12 +
.../templates/neutron-create-db.yaml               |   7 +
.../Chart.yaml                                     |  11 +
.../neutron-create-keystone-endpoint-admin.yaml    |  15 +
.../Chart.yaml                                     |  11 +
.../neutron-create-keystone-endpoint-internal.yaml |  15 +
.../Chart.yaml                                     |  11 +
.../neutron-create-keystone-endpoint-public.yaml   |  15 +
.../neutron-create-keystone-service-job/Chart.yaml |  11 +
.../templates/neutron-create-keystone-service.yaml |  10 +
.../neutron-create-keystone-user-job/Chart.yaml    |  12 +
.../templates/neutron_create_keystone_user.yaml    |  20 +
.../neutron-dhcp-agent-daemonset/Chart.yaml        |  11 +
.../templates/dhcp_agent_daemonset.yaml            | 140 ++++
.../neutron-l3-agent-daemonset/Chart.yaml          |  11 +
.../templates/l3_agent_daemonset.yaml              | 157 ++++
helm/microservice/neutron-manage-db-job/Chart.yaml |  12 +
.../templates/neutron-manage-db.yaml               |  26 +
.../neutron-metadata-agent-daemonset/Chart.yaml    |  11 +
.../templates/metadata_agent_daemonset.yaml        |  79 ++
.../neutron-openvswitch-agent-daemonset/Chart.yaml |  11 +
.../templates/openvswitch_agent_daemonset.yaml     | 182 +++++
.../neutron-server-deployment/Chart.yaml           |  11 +
.../templates/neutron_server.yaml                  |  35 +
helm/microservice/neutron-server-svc/Chart.yaml    |  12 +
.../templates/neutron_server_svc.yaml              |   9 +
.../microservice/nova-api-create-db-job/Chart.yaml |  13 +
.../templates/nova-api-create-db.yaml              |   7 +
helm/microservice/nova-api-deployment/Chart.yaml   |  11 +
.../nova-api-deployment/templates/nova_api.yaml    |  32 +
.../microservice/nova-api-manage-db-job/Chart.yaml |  13 +
.../templates/nova-api-manage-db.yaml              |  12 +
helm/microservice/nova-api-svc/Chart.yaml          |  12 +
.../nova-api-svc/templates/nova_api_svc.yaml       |   9 +
.../microservice/nova-compute-daemonset/Chart.yaml |  11 +
.../templates/nova_compute.yaml                    | 179 +++++
.../nova-conductor-statefulset/Chart.yaml          |  11 +
.../templates/nova_conductor.yaml                  |  15 +
.../nova-consoleauth-statefulset/Chart.yaml        |  11 +
.../templates/nova_consoleauth.yaml                |  15 +
helm/microservice/nova-create-db-job/Chart.yaml    |  12 +
.../templates/nova-create-db.yaml                  |   7 +
.../Chart.yaml                                     |  11 +
.../nova-create-keystone-endpoint-admin.yaml       |  15 +
.../Chart.yaml                                     |  11 +
.../nova-create-keystone-endpoint-internal.yaml    |  15 +
.../Chart.yaml                                     |  11 +
.../nova-create-keystone-endpoint-public.yaml      |  15 +
.../nova-create-keystone-service-job/Chart.yaml    |  11 +
.../templates/nova-create-keystone-service.yaml    |  10 +
.../nova-create-keystone-user-job/Chart.yaml       |  12 +
.../templates/nova_create_keystone_user.yaml       |  20 +
.../microservice/nova-libvirt-daemonset/Chart.yaml |  11 +
.../templates/nova_libvirt.yaml                    | 169 +++++
helm/microservice/nova-metadata-svc/Chart.yaml     |  12 +
.../templates/nova_metadata_svc.yaml               |   9 +
.../nova-novncproxy-deployment/Chart.yaml          |  11 +
.../templates/nova_novncproxy.yaml                 |  21 +
helm/microservice/nova-novncproxy-svc/Chart.yaml   |  12 +
.../templates/nova_novncproxy_svc.yaml             |   9 +
.../nova-scheduler-statefulset/Chart.yaml          |  11 +
.../templates/nova_scheduler.yaml                  |  15 +
.../openvswitch-ovsdb-daemonset/Chart.yaml         |  11 +
.../templates/openvswitch-ovsdb-daemonset.yaml     | 101 +++
.../openvswitch-vswitchd-daemonset/Chart.yaml      |  11 +
.../templates/openvswitch-vswitchd-daemonset.yaml  | 135 ++++
.../rabbitmq-init-element-job/Chart.yaml           |  12 +
.../templates/rabbitmq-init-element.yaml           |  51 ++
helm/microservice/rabbitmq-pv/Chart.yaml           |  12 +
.../rabbitmq-pv/templates/rabbitmq-pv.yaml         |  10 +
helm/microservice/rabbitmq-pvc/Chart.yaml          |  12 +
.../rabbitmq-pvc/templates/rabbitmq-pvc.yaml       |   8 +
helm/microservice/rabbitmq-statefulset/Chart.yaml  |  12 +
.../templates/rabbitmq-pod.yaml                    |  84 +++
helm/microservice/rabbitmq-svc/Chart.yaml          |  12 +
.../rabbitmq-svc/templates/rabbitmq-mgmt-svc.yaml  |   7 +
.../rabbitmq-svc/templates/rabbitmq-svc.yaml       |   7 +
helm/microservice/tgtd-daemonset/Chart.yaml        |  11 +
.../tgtd-daemonset/templates/tgtd-daemonset.yaml   | 113 +++
helm/service/neutron/Chart.yaml                    |  11 +
helm/service/neutron/requirements.yaml             |   4 +
kolla_kubernetes/app.py                            |   4 +-
kolla_kubernetes/commands/base_command.py          |   4 +-
kolla_kubernetes/commands/cmd_resource.py          |  56 +-
kolla_kubernetes/commands/cmd_service.py           |  21 +-
kolla_kubernetes/kube_service_status.py            |  10 +-
kolla_kubernetes/pathfinder.py                     |   5 -
kolla_kubernetes/service_resources.py              |   6 -
.../consolidated-notes-0.4.0-18fcedafcfeb1647.yaml | 170 +++++
requirements.txt                                   |  12 +-
services/ceph/ceph-bootstrap-initial-mon.yml.j2    |   3 +-
services/ceph/ceph-bootstrap-osd.yml.j2            |   3 +-
services/ceph/ceph-mon-pod.yml.j2                  |   3 +-
services/ceph/ceph-osd-pod.yml.j2                  |   3 +-
services/cinder/cinder-backup-pod.yml.j2           |   8 +-
services/cinder/cinder-scheduler-pod.yml.j2        |   6 +-
services/cinder/cinder-volume-ceph-pod.yml.j2      |   8 +-
services/common/common-deployment.yml.j2           |   3 +-
services/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-pod.yml.j2    |   8 +-
services/glance/glance-api-pod.yml.j2              |   3 +-
services/horizon/horizon-pod.yml.j2                |   3 +-
services/keystone/keystone-pod.yml.j2              |   3 +-
.../neutron/neutron-dhcp-agent-daemonset.yml.j2    |   4 +-
services/nova/nova-libvirt-pod.yml.j2              |   2 +
setup.py                                           |   2 +-
specs/README.rst                                   |  17 +
specs/kolla-kubernetes-arch.rst                    | 391 ++++++++++
test-requirements.txt                              |  16 +-
.../conf/iscsi-all-in-one/kolla_kubernetes_config  |  12 +
tools/build_local_admin_keystonerc.sh              |  19 +
tools/helm_build_all.sh                            |  30 +
tools/helm_build_microservices.py                  |  64 ++
tools/helm_build_services.py                       |  55 ++
tools/helm_buildrepo.sh                            |  44 ++
tools/helm_prebuild_microservices.py               | 143 ++++
tools/helm_prebuild_services.py                    |  49 ++
tools/pull_containers.sh                           |   9 +
tools/secret-generator.py                          |   5 +-
tools/setup-ceph-secrets.sh                        |   4 +-
tools/setup_gate.sh                                | 793 ++++-----------------
tools/setup_gate_iscsi.sh                          | 124 ++++
tools/setup_helm.sh                                |  14 +
tools/setup_kubernetes.sh                          |  62 ++
tools/setup_rbd_volumes.sh                         |  26 +
tools/setup_simple_ceph_users.sh                   |  33 +
tools/test.sh                                      |   3 +-
tools/test_kube_dns.sh                             |  59 ++
tools/wait_for_pods.sh                             |  23 +
tox.ini                                            |  12 +-
294 files changed, 10658 insertions(+), 784 deletions(-)

Requirements updates

diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 5250e54..6fdde3b 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@
-cliff!=1.16.0,!=1.17.0,>=1.15.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.config>=3.9.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.utils>=3.5.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.log>=1.14.0 # Apache-2.0
+pbr>=1.8 # Apache-2.0
+cliff>=2.3.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.config!=3.18.0,>=3.14.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.utils>=3.18.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.log>=3.11.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -12 +12 @@ Jinja2>=2.8 # BSD License (3 clause)
-PyYAML>=3.1.0 # MIT
+PyYAML>=3.10.0 # MIT
diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt
index 93f9f1a..feb8494 100644
--- a/test-requirements.txt
+++ b/test-requirements.txt
@@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ hacking<0.11,>=0.10.0
-reno>=1.6.2 # Apache2
-oslosphinx>=2.5.0 # Apache-2.0
+reno>=1.8.0 # Apache-2.0
+coverage>=4.0 # Apache-2.0
+python-subunit>=0.0.18 # Apache-2.0/BSD
+sphinx!=1.3b1,<1.4,>=1.2.1 # BSD
+oslosphinx>=4.7.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -13,3 +13,3 @@ oslotest>=1.10.0 # Apache-2.0
+testrepository>=0.0.18 # Apache-2.0/BSD
+testscenarios>=0.4 # Apache-2.0/BSD
+testtools>=1.4.0 # MIT

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