[release-announce] [heat] heat-dashboard 1.0.0 (queens)

no-reply at openstack.org no-reply at openstack.org
Fri Dec 8 19:03:59 UTC 2017

We are satisfied to announce the release of:

heat-dashboard 1.0.0: Heat Management Dashboard

This is the first release of heat-dashboard. This release is part of
the queens release series.

The source is available from:


Download the package from:


Please report issues through launchpad:


For more details, please see below.



Heat support in OpenStack Dashboard is now split into a separated
python package.

New Features

* Heat support in OpenStack Dashboard is now split into a separete
  package "heat-dashboard". You need to install "heat-dashboard" after
  upgrading OpenStack Dashboard to Queens release and add "enabled"
  file for Heat Dashboard. For detail information, see

* A panel for "Template Generator" is newly added.  There is not
  specific installation process.  After installing heat-dashboard,
  this panel will be displayed along with "Stacks", "Resource Types"
  and "Template Versions".

Changes in heat-dashboard f77bcd62d635149385e42dd638bebae23128e24c..1.0.0

be97728 fix typo in releasenote
d2e18d2 Added leftover change in horizon
df9aa21 comment out logging configuration for heatclient
09aaff4 Update plugin.sh to resolve a couple of issues
de02f3b Fix nova server networks config options
aa684dc Add user doc of template generator
153f169 Deleted locale dir & Updated babel-django.cfg
fe76077 Split out heat own items from Horizon settings.
1590bfe Migrate Heat relevant docs to Heat Dashboard
5220939 Remove unnecessary `$locationProvider` settings
dbbba16 Change rewriteLinks to false
199f0e0 Align tox_install.sh with other projects
9110688 Fix mistake in devstack installation procedure.
2721198 Partially Revert "Updated release note toward Queens release."
de6c373 Updated release note toward Queens release.
aea63e9 Fix installation procedure for heat_policy.json according to Horizon team's advice.
0eb0aea Change page header name to Template Generator
ff7f63b Submit generated template file directly
55a26e3 Added procedure to enable heat_policy.json.
54b8643 Remove test.py.
6c13231 Fix installation procedure due to lack of process.
2ece46d Remove setting of version/release from releasenotes
8e9b3e6 Updated from global requirements
ba1ccf4 Taken over policy file for heat from Horizon repository.
7201c18 In future, Horizon team is planning to remove heat relevant logic like, - Heat GUI part - API wrapper client - API rest endpoint creator (like api/rest/heat)
e1650a0 Updated from global requirements
d6e9449 Add resources svg to heat-dashboard
01dface Consume horizon in-tree django variant jobs
1fafd50 Modify Neutron Router modal
b8d56d9 Clean up npm package dependencies
a2a56c7 Add in repo zuul job definition
ad9eba2 Add initial files as devstack settings/documents/requirements.
52f2e31 Add unittests for template generator angular
867749f add docs
2a40503 add release notes.
6ea30d1 fix tox.ini
e63ec10 add initial files.
6e04652 update files by working files.
2865d31 add template generator
ce9ca6e move files.
70988a5 move all files under heat_dashboard  directory
c23d74c flake8-import-order: Ensure to place project imports last
96e75f2 Make nosehtmloutput an optional test requirement
a9a088e Add exceptions for action
c897e69 Added SELECTABLE_THEMES setting
467a961 Use doc8 check
3d60225 Fix py27dj18 definition
7c08192 Add '*.pyc' clean up for unit_tests
8e15035 Add Django 1.11 tox env
01f2a69 Use flake8-import-order plugin
8353ee4 doc: cleanup formatting
ba35724 Horizon Forms should allow themable number spinners
4f5ed96 Split out FWaaS dashboard
be9bc3c Split out VPNaaS dashboard
eaefa89 test helper: Ensure to populate JS_CATALOG in context
8568d7c Add instance locked status on instances table
ef92543 HTML test report only when nosehtmloutput is installed
6922fe0 Adds basic angular QoS panel to Horizon
e065c08 Fix H405 (multi line docstring) warnings (openstack_dashboard)
81a7f5a hacking: Specify white list rules in noqa explicity
2d0b348 New readonly panel for trunks
a3fd537 Enable some off-by-default hacking rules
2771a5c Generate unit test HTML reports
2978c54 Testing: mock add_panel_mocks() more flexible
1d180c4 Allow Chrome to start when tox is running npm
c51d9b4 Delete instance,volume,etc confirmation is missing name or ID
88d27a9 Update the access_and_security url
5133612 Handle log message interpolation by the logger
1189d1d Remove py34 in tox.ini
706f2ef Drop py34 target in tox.ini
178f5e1 Remove all remaining vendor specific code
f12ba77 hacking: noqa cleanup in openstack_dashboard
3bcf542 hacking: Drop import_exceptions from tox.ini
40596cc Make extract_messages quiet in pep8 test
178aa7b Use ThemableSelectWidget for themable
c5cb393 Correct error in policy action name
66bdfb4 Replace six.iteritems/itervalues with dict.items()/values()
8ee0bf6 Refactor Project Volumes stand-alone panel
12b11be Use more specific asserts in tests
2118101 Use "Default", "Value" and "DefaultValue" for Heat parameters
f7a6c12 Pass environment variables of proxy to tox
1b1a5e5 Fake deprecated nova client properties
3b0cb06 Add default common template to python table views
0d0598d Adding identity ng-roles panel
0ab9fd1 Remove duplicated modal_header statements
4bf1e9c Revert "Add policy rules to project panels"
421272a Add policy rules to project panels
f79bf1a Replace six.iteritems(iter) with iter.items()
58d1781 Fixes inconsistency in Stacks filter label
73efd1c Wrap api calls with tracing decorators
4d4a267 Add the Profiler panel to the Developer dashboard
0863137 Refactor tox & update docs
54be37d Remove local/enabled from test settings
c9285b4 Removing deprecate ceilometer code
b299082 Removing deprecated Swift UI code
25ca403 Drop LBaaS v1 dashboard
8770a4e Server-side filtering Orchestration
1eba91b Flavors panel can switch to Angular
d14f493 add ploop type to the list of image backends
2c05e5e Fix logspam in django 1.9 and django 1.10 tests
383fead Make ResourceTypesTests skippable
86681e1 Using /tmp for SECRET_KEY in tests
68651b0 Fix tox cover to not fail
1bcada1 Turn on docs warning check in document generation
b1177af Move Developer enabled/ files to contrib
9a90f78 Fix compatibility issues with Django 1.10
a999622 Support for Glance v2
177ee95 Remove the lowercase case boolean type in heat param_type
6671b30 Enable Python 3.5 testing and fix tests
f50d288 Fix error detection in horizon test suite
997c4df Hard-code stubbed novaclient api_version to 2.1
4db354a [TrivialFix] Ignore node_modules while we run flake8 test
c5c4ab8 Use upper constraints for all jobs in tox.ini
6cc8178 Add filter action to Template Versions tables
d09f049 Re-work static_settings to clean up
efea41a Remove Orchestration Resource Types names restriction
a2c5460 Add ANGULAR_FEATURES setting dict
99534f5 Restrict user private network cidr input
ec2cef6 Remove openstack/common from the exclude list of flake8 in tox
b76a868 Make 'switch' between legacy and Angular Images
dac319a Update Django 1.10 tox env
b98ece5 Remove multi select option on Resource types table
5595628 Embed support for external data sinks into api.glance
3ec7d11 Delete the useless API of heat
b99f737 Pre-populate the Angular template cache and allow template overrides
72dfa5a Enable tox to run the subset test cases.
b46b788 Do not import local/enabled when to run test
aaac802 Add Django 1.10 tox env
5017623 Escape angularjs templating in unsafe HTML
3f6ed62 Fix coverage post job
1f8327c Updating heat policy file
bc19df9 Implement video capture for failed tests
5edf0cf Handle non ASCII tenant names gracefully when downloading RC file
1042337 Use upper-constraints in tox test environments
223b293 Whitelist 'rm' in pep8 tox environment
c23b760 Refactor Orchectration Stacks menu
62633ac Update tox.ini for pot files not in tree
8cbba77 [Trivial] Wrong policy for Heat resource type details
d63b0d4 Heat Template Versions panel
7320f33 removing httplib2 test dependency
2087e8f Add filter function on resource type table
3ee2109 Enhances tox to not rely on run_tests
7695819 Fix remaining Django 1.9 test failures
f17195b Pass environment data to update stack action
baa7cc3 Remove PYTHONHASHSEED=0 from tox
21ad9d9 Make no response notification(msg) level to INFO
c44e8b6 Update URLs to Django 1.8+ style
779695e Add "data_required=True" check into heat rest api
8c7fb34 Make ngcontainers the default Swift UI
120aa68 Branding: Workflow cancel btn should be themable
bf9b28a Horizon support for Heat template versions
325b816 Fixing heatclient release compat issues
2c84430 Add Swift REST API
e70a416 Add some new heat-snapshot-api.
c27bd2a Port last unit tests to Python 3
0a8b7b2 Switch to use "# noqa" correctly
cf3e80c Port identity provider dashboard to Python 3
c645e77 Follow-up patch of bug: #1527457
db39a85 Port dashboard containers to Python 3
9291833 [Django 1.9] Stop using django.utils.importlib
79e03f3 [Django 1.9] Remove testserver from expected_url
a7194b5 Remove all pre-Django 1.8 workarounds
1534c81 Add support for identity provider management
2d54b2a [Django 1.9] Replace django.utils.unittest
c71ad84 Port volume backup dashboard to Python 3
5ee814b Port loadbalancers tests to Python 3
79b94fc Modify 'admin' used by fixed string
6ec35d4 Fixed the width of the stack template detail box
bf97ce4 Add py27dj19 tox env
5557b90 Delete some deprecated codes
ff3b3d4 Correcting heat resource drill down
4d5679a Use new log style when LOG.error
fce4e91 Make it possible to pick False for default stack parameter value
aec0d18 Add handle get_file when launch stack from horizon
ef8f628 Eliminate mutable default arguments
f339d3b Add API services for system information
4953c91 Add missing unit tests for Heat Stacks Details
aed91e5 Deprecated tox -downloadcache option removed
32c87c1 Delete the unused LOG configure code
2a686a9 Fixes heat templates hidden parameters are not loading problem
ea6c2dd Add Developer Dashboard + Bootstrap Theme Preview
cac69c2 Fix errors showing in Network tests
6efcd2d Excising Sahara from Horizon
b22d4c9 Force releasenotes warnings to be treated as errors
be494df Make unit testing less reliant on HTML fragments
6a671b8 Adding download for openrc file for keystone v3
3669f41 Add version check for listing namespaces
4e902f0 Drop Django 1.7 support
dc74574 Add reno for release notes management
71ff222 Add breadcrumb to more details pages
bf2e6ea Fix Python 3 issues in dashboard image tests
3bb282d Port network topology tests to Python 3
542827b Port dashboard stack tests to Python 3
d8bc4e4 Port dashboard router tests on Python 3
09f6580 Port project instance tests to Python 3
3233f09 tox: add /bin/bash to whitelist_externals
2784362 py3: Fix unicode versus bytes issues
7ed6bb4 Adds config to disable the password in stack
bb2aca1 Wrong url in stack preview detail page
c510360 In Stack Details do not display as links events leading to nowhere
a35a1dd Port admin metering tests to Python 3
58ef4eb py3: Replace unicode with six.text_type
98caa0c Replace filter() with list-comprehension
6b8d1a9 Port remaining Horizon tests for Python 3
0779c40 py3: Add json attribute to HTTP response objects
9676240 Heat Stacks Details: Events table doesn't show up
d0d759d Port horizon tabs tests to Python 3
e3741ce Port babel_extract_angular tests to Python 3
970125d Add missing MEDIA config in test settings
776022d Fix Python 3 issue in horizon DataTable
93dd97f Add icons for Heat Stacks BatchActions
6337594 Port openstack dashboard overview tests to Python 3
0985951 Port horizon utils tests to Python 3
d2ed46b Pass Heat environment through form variables too.
f8c3366 Improving find  static robustness
7cba655 TestCase: add aliases to assert methods on py3
0525e41 Port horizon base tests to Python 3
2fdfd45 Replace SortedDict with OrderedDict
109b1f3 Port dashboard api access tests to Python 3
1e0ec4e Port password tests to Python 3
e0ac82a Port horizon forms tests to Python 3
0688ef9 Port error_pages tests to Python 3
5a04fb7 Port config_rest_tests to Python 3
fd044a4 Run a subset of tests on Python 3
a031a24 py3: Replace unicode with six.text_type
057e77c Javascript Heat API
f068d45 A few fixes to make the App Catalog plugin work.
91e9a8d py3: replace reload with six.moves.reload_module
525a294 py3: Replace basestring with six.string_types
189ef6d Fixes Selenium tests for openstack_dashboard
50e5373 remove django<1.7 from tests
e6d67ff Moving Trove to contrib
1a32194 Move Horizon to pure plugin loading only
8b68f25 Fix the misspell Ochestration to Orchestration
6e5c8bd Remove Router Dashboard
d685b6d Fix static file paths in heat topology view
9f21591 Use relative imports
9b3b07d Moving Sahara to contrib
82fbf59 Replace mox with mox3
b54b057 Removed JSHint
b9e93f3 Switched from JSCS to ESLint
be33b0a Turning off offline compression for integration test
ef44c82 Removing unnecessary test setting of dashboards
54aab1b Escape the description param from heat template
b4b58e2 Inherit environment variables for tests that use nodeenv
74ddaa1   Heat topology display improvement
57655c3 Establish baseline JSCS configuration
cd2a0eb Fix addition of plugin panel to panel group
00ce73e Fix addition of plugin panel to panel group
42b947f [Heat] Resource url mapping improvement
d14073a [Launch Instance Fix] Settings for volume name
95f161e Revert "Refactoring the exceptions lists"
7c7e07b Refactoring the exceptions lists
5757eea [Heat] Fix default values displaying for "Launch Stack"
ed9df3f Fixing changing WEBROOT from /
8d2da4c Use novaclient v2 instead v1_1
71a30e1 Heat resource url mapping improvement
6d25e66 Clean modal forms in Orchestration Stacks
74fa402 Add "Preview Stack" action to Stacks table
df7f9fb Always show stack status reason in topology
a95891e Base dashboard Jasmine framework
1a8693b REST API to support create instance angular (Neutron).
b37b998 Adding policy rest endpoint for angular
8155564 Generate a drop down field for custom heat parameters
ae77578 Refactor REST API tests for common code patterns
73ad062 Add orchestration service status reporting
06bce41 Read access to config via REST
414dc57 Make the values of Stack Resource status be translatable
153a6c0 Network Rest API for Angular Front End
7b2ffe3 Cinder REST API for angular front end
993316f Nova REST API for angular front end
eeeaf7b Glance Rest API for Angular Front End
f5de418 Reduce page title duplication in Stacks
3bb1608 Add missing stubs to project stacks tests
9f6c606 Reduced code duplication in creating page headers
ffa53f6 Stack resources table improvement
8cdc092 made stack status value is translatable
19ac0c3 Move to hacking 0.10
03528a4 Make params order fixed in stack forms
fadb6a3 Remove unused import urlencode
252dd7f Make test helpers properly inheritable/extendable
e82e4dd Fixes Resource id mapping with Heat Resources
a609030 added filter for stacks table
113df8d Add missing OS::Cinder::Volume resource url map
98e9e5a Updating stack resource urls mapping
bb2e3ea Heat stack status column improvement
092d5ba Correcting heat resource page title
0e7f3ac Add "Suspend" and "Resume" actions to Stacks table
be9f51c Resource types table improvement
176b885 Keystone REST API for angular front end.
e8ee05e Add "Check Stack" action to Stacks table
4da09a0 Orchestration Resource types panel
f164b03 Unify the syntax used for the {% ... %} delimter in Jinja2 templates
d361a6a Switch from oslo.utils to oslo_utils
6669e55 we don't need to allow insecure any more
f7c6bec REST API for angular front end.
7b9903a Fixed display issues on Details Page caused by bootstrap 3 update
2bb9c0a Clean up terminal output for stack details section
f7c7c0d Documenting create_stubs decorator for tests
7982a7f Fixes Inconsistent usage of Detail / Details
522fc6b Fixed row deletion for deleted stack
a6bfc75 Split large methods into submethods to reduce max-complexity
d7d8a36 Create titles without concatenation
bcbd10d Remove Python 2.6 classifier
a42ae88 Stack update call needs password
a360b76 place the word "Info" with "Information"
0deaac7 'Stack Template' tab for Heat Stack Details page
c738278 Move the panel mocks to a separate method on TestCase
39dae40 Hide the "Host Aggregates" admin panel if not enabled
5e71db4 Add max-complexity to pep8 for Horizon
e65bd6b Do not log keystone token
06488de Fix E128 errors in remaining openstack_dashboard/
92ff4bb Fix E128 errors in openstack_dashboard/dashboards/project/
4c97a5a Fix E127 errors in remaining openstack_dashboard/
0adda0b Use strutils from oslo.utils
436f2e2 Fix E127 errors in openstack_dashboard/dashboards/project/
48e2c75 Add check for makemessages in tox.ini PEP8
4490597 fixed errors when run_tests.sh --makemessages
c16dc80 Revert file permissions changed unexpectedly
9bb4fd0 display boolean and json parameters in stack launch form
7c28f09 Add ':' inside translatable (Part 2 of 2)
0779206 Add dropdown actions to all details pages
821b02b Workaround for 'File exists' test failure
04a3c9c Remove #noqa from django.conf.urls.include
af8b0c7 Fix concatenation in more misc actions
ac0ac8e Reuse API client object in a request
3f7f685 Remove #noqa from two common imports and add them to import_exceptions
85b33e2 swift: Respect the OPENSTACK_SSL_NO_VERIFY setting
9a66250 Enable flavors metadata update
2938e0b Use integer instead of string for form max_length
c1c3f63 render stack parameters in the correct order
69351fc Allow translators to translate BatchActions
9d34692 Add templates for bootstrap's horizontal forms
c992fca Work toward Python 3.4 support and testing
0371d43 Render hidden stack parameters with a password field
7d23c12 Display Network panels based on neutron ext-list
609cba9 Fix order of arguments in assertEqual
06a0a88 Add a config option to disable Router panel
a2dd59a Improve help messages on modals
ca3c203 Horizon changes for DVR
ee58f60 Domain Role assignment to Users
d46b2d2 Exclude .ropeproject from flake8 checks
2874aa7 show correct link to compute instances in stack resource overview tab
7d19b87 Separating Identity Dashboard and using RBAC
b5c239b Remove "builtins = _" from tox.ini
f1252ae Run the integration tests headlessly
b3e58fb Replace force_unicode with force_text
1098a38 add Previous link to Project > Stacks table
1c1d626 Delete Stacks button doesn't work
b872931 Set python hash seed to 0 in tox.ini
5c1748a Fix and enable H701 check "Empty localization string"
c0bfdc5 Fix and enable H702 _() method check
e344213 Re-enable flake8 check
602ec7a Fix Flake8 style warnings in openstack_dashboard/
4bdffc4 Update Twitter Bootstrap to version 3
1f397b8 Cleanup for Horizon fields
788456a Run router dashboard unit tests by default
7c1d0a9 Fixing subproject test runs
9a84b42 Remove requirements style check
202031d Fix multiple Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities.
39a133f Adding support for volume backups
e6c6b17 Adding plugins panel for Sahara
3f9822e Add jshint for javascript linting
05438f1 Fix keystone warnings while building docs
8e347c3 Ensuring environment data is passed to heat template validate
b35bfd0 Use six.add_metaclass instead of __metaclass__
f19933f Incorrect config item in local_settings.py.example
a9023e2 Allow extensions to add Angular modules
78d46c6 replace dict.iteritems() with six.iteritems(dict)
650a25b Show default text for image format
759cd89 Remove extraneous vim configuration comments
82d5f2c Added the field label to the field arguments.
476e4e0 Use the latest Django 1.4 release to test Horizon
c2082c9 Fix formatting of heat exceptions
f51b609 Fix tox does not pass arguments to nose
40c995f Introduces escaping in Horizon/Orchestration
42c601e Add tox env to build docs
1f4df05 Add pagination to stack list
5e9ff96 Add logging handler for openstack_auth in the tests
25a940a Plugin-based panel group configuration
72a6eec Enable settings/change password on keystone v3
73002f8 Handle "null" time values for Stacks
b8c2b84 Use built-in print() instead of print statement
4ddc187 Fix wrong links to volume detail
0446a97 Fix project name in the table for Cisco N1K profiles
6cd8bb9 Remove I18N strings from test/settings.py
1bcb924 Adding django 1.6 support
5fb5ea2 Updated outdated docstring, fixed typo/space
e913220 Adding resource link to resource detail page in Heat view
e59043d Additional optional Environment data to heat template selection
97c2451 Fixing heat stack status column
eabc890 Heat Stack update view/form
c515d8b Add flavor extra spec key templates
b02f561 Sort requirement files in alphabetical order
39cde2f Integration tests - running the tests
434b98a Use six.moves.urllib.parse instead of urlparse
e20ce9d Exclude local directory from flake8 tests.
08d458f Replace assertEqual(None, *) with assertIsNone in tests
0e14eea Adding policy checks for heat
798782c Fixing tests to work with keystoneclient 0.6.0
9f3fc43 Fix missing option in the test settings.py file
a9f5078 Remove delete action and bar when stack is DELETE_COMPLETE.
fa1c5fc Fix misspellings in horizon
6373ad5 Remove leftovers of "# noqa"
78a6e56 Sync OPENSTACK_KEYSTONE_DEFAULT_ROLE with keystone
97a92d2 Adding management_url to test mock client
2283f31 Passing stack_id argument to get_data view
b529003 Replace asserts in __init__ files with __all__
12c9cc3 Remove #noqa from most common imports and add them to import_exceptions
f5fafe6 Whitelist external netaddr requirement
c79cb93 Use memoized_method decorator in views
52219a7 Updates tox.ini to use new features
ad7c8be Extend options for custom flavor sorting when launching instances
4f5501c Allow translators to control word order of BatchAction message
f2e9ffa Common keystone version fallback
efde505 Set can_set_mount_point default to False
a7a5eb1 Plugin-based dashboard configuration
d5a008e Update troveclient to 1.0.0
f514412 Heat Stack name is missing form validation.
4e50f5e Gate on H4xx docstrings for pep8
c1d565a Fix "it's vs. its" typos
1728884 Gate on H102 Apache 2.0 license header not found for pep8
7a75fda Importing from trove-client compat first
ec00734 Add option to disable server password fields
882fad2 Add logging configuration for iso8601 module
e37329d Importing from trove-client compat
1593f74 Fix django.conf.urls.defaults imports
03e516f Ignore irrelevant secgroup form field errors
287e03a Run flake8 tests automatically on ./run_tests.sh
02c5042 Disable H803 check.
51dd5ed Remove unused LOG
d36ddf6 Convert generator to list in Heat list API call
6da469f PEP8 E126 has been resolved
de2e03f Make troveclient optional
8c625e9 FWaaS Horizon panel
39800c3 Enable F403 and F999 check
e381c34 VPNaaS UI implementation
87db7a4 Remove test string from translation files
7a49934 PEP8 E121 has been resolved
fa0dbbc Add Cisco N1K plugin support in Horizon
82b22a6 Make Image Service image formats configurable
a91d963 Custom CA certificate for verifying SSL connections
6203f16 Adding panels for trove
f0f4649 Remove encryption option for volumes
0f5c35e Add ceilometer api and the tests for it
e386829 Rename heat logical_resource_id to resource_name
8baed3c Adding RBAC policy system and checks for identity
533e2d8 Show Neutron floating IPs quotas on Overview
21e6a0e Small "H302 check" cleanup
38943c7 Enable H302 check
4dea9b0 Enable H201: do not write "except:"
0665b51 Fix stack status displaying
bc8657e Updated from global requirements
dfcf5c0 Updates Topology to correctly handle resources in the INIT state.
515e469 Ensure the user monkey patching is done for the API tests
f92ba79 Add support for parsing jsonfied heat error
7457019 remove 'import *' usage (or mark is #noqa)
e443a69 Removed a comment from tox.ini that no longer applied.
92e5ff2 Enable pep8 F841 checking.
50b61f2 Fixing the AJAX function location
8c42275 Adding Heat Resource Topology to Horizon
8771973 Enable H304 check
5a4375b Prompt for password on stack create.
8c2dada Adding the ability to set/use domain context
7bedde1 update Quantum references to Neutron
d87df00 Implementation of a Heat stacks UI.
b78631b Enable H306 check
9e15b4a Mock some more keystoneclient.Client properties for mox
0ae64a3 Fix Further Pyflakes warnings
fcf7cda Enable hacking H101 test
16112d2 python3: Introduce py33 to tox.ini
639f117 Manually mock service_catalog in stub_keystoneclient
bf3ecbb Sort imports alphabetically
c8fed8e remove unused imports
c55d63e Add HACKING.rst
bb64524 Enable most of the pyflakes checks.
437eaf3 Add security group rule templates
5b19cf2 New tox environment for testing with Django 1.4
ce83a31 Renames tools/pip-requires to requirements.txt
cbdadf1 Group CRUD and Management in Admin Dashboard.
bbb7ac6 Adding CRUD for roles
d65a04d Adding Domain CRUD in Admin Dashboard.
ddb21e1 Preparing for Heat tests
e262a07 Access to heat API via python-heatclient
49fd5d2 Move to flake8.
04a4c50 Update Horizon for Django 1.5 compatibility
73c0ae5 blueprint quantum-lbaas
3a1be65 Correctly mock keystoneclient.Client.auto_token property with Mox
f9aef5b Added encryption support for volumes
0b1bfaa Resolve API import issues (quantum)
4660699 Implements ability to upload local image to glance.
fb78452 Adds API Access information to Access & Security panel.
cacb791 Properly enable/disable project/user edit via setting.
d47fc1d Quantum Floating IP support
86fead3 Ensure to use api.<category>.<method>
2103b68 Avoid cinder calls, when cinder is unavailable
5c18d12 Fixes for missing files in MANIFEST.
715d39e Unifies Horizon conf.
f315a40 Client-side validation of password/confirmation match
e4b61bc Allow running tests individually
e29371b Enable quota data from multiple sources.
f99d890 Splits OpenStack Dashboard bits from framework app code.
530a056 Provide utilities to automate secure secret key generation
589ace8 Add ProjectTestingInterface to horizon.

Requirements updates

diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..450f3f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# The order of packages is significant, because pip processes them in the order
+# of appearance. Changing the order has an impact on the overall integration
+# process, which may cause wedges in the gate later.
+# Order matters to the pip dependency resolver, so sorting this file
+# changes how packages are installed.  New dependencies should be
+# added in alphabetical order, however, some dependencies may need to
+# be installed in a specific order.
+# PBR should always appear first
+pbr!=2.1.0,>=2.0.0 # Apache-2.0
+python-heatclient>=1.10.0 # Apache-2.0
diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0eb220f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# The order of packages is significant, because pip processes them in the order
+# of appearance. Changing the order has an impact on the overall integration
+# process, which may cause wedges in the gate later.
+# Order matters to the pip dependency resolver, so sorting this file
+# changes how packages are installed.  New dependencies should be
+# added in alphabetical order, however, some dependencies may need to
+# be installed in a specific order.
+# Hacking should appear first in case something else depends on pep8
+hacking!=0.13.0,<0.14,>=0.12.0 # Apache-2.0
+coverage!=4.4,>=4.0 # Apache-2.0
+django-nose>=1.4.4 # BSD
+doc8>=0.6.0 # Apache-2.0
+flake8-import-order==0.12 # LGPLv3
+mock>=2.0.0 # BSD
+mox3>=0.20.0 # Apache-2.0
+nodeenv>=0.9.4 # BSD
+nose>=1.3.7 # LGPL
+nose-exclude>=0.3.0 # LGPL
+nosehtmloutput>=0.0.3 # Apache-2.0
+nosexcover>=1.0.10 # BSD
+openstack.nose-plugin>=0.7 # Apache-2.0
+openstackdocstheme>=1.17.0 # Apache-2.0
+reno>=2.5.0 # Apache-2.0
+sphinx>=1.6.2 # BSD
+testtools>=2.2.0 # MIT
+# This also needs xvfb library installed on your OS

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