[Product] FW: Final version of "Glimpse At Roadmap" Presentation

Barrett, Carol L carol.l.barrett at intel.com
Sun May 17 17:46:01 UTC 2015

Forwarded on Rob's behalf....

On 5/17/15, 10:36 AM, "Esker, Robert" wrote:

>Hi All,
>I've been watching the working group's progress and wanted to pass along my plaudits for the progress to date. At the March boarding meeting in NYC (we're also touching upon this today), a number of us broke out to discuss product / program management of OpenStack across projects and release. I've a few questions / suggestions as a result I thought I'd pass along for discussion as we head into this week:
>* Many of the folks who ought participate in this group across the breadth of the community are consumed with other obligations during the week of Summit. Among those I've bounced this off, the familiar refrain was that double & triple-booked schedules were the norm. It certainly makes sense to provide a community update during Summit week, but I'm wondering if there'd be common support to offset the working portion from the distraction of the conference. I realize this harkens to a long-running discussion about whether or not the Design Summit and Conference ought inhabit the same week, but short of anything changing there it would seem pragmatic to pend working sessions to perhaps 2-3 weeks after.
>* The emergence of the product working group is very timely given the coincident changes around DefCore and within the TC around project lifecycle / structure. Do you feel that the relationship between the 3 is clear? Does the product working group have sufficient influence / mandate to affect a coherent cross release / cross project roadmap? Are there any actions you'd suggest the board take to clarify / define charter / et cetera?
>* Given the changes around project lifecycle, do you have any concerns about the notion of incubation being deprecated? It's been my observation that there is a definite predestination paradox presented with trying to legitimize and proliferate nascent projects. Many deployers don't have interest in making use of something that isn't yet officially designated as ready and within the fold... yet a project can't "graduate" until it demonstrates a critical mass of deployer adoption. The prior notion of incubation helped to bridge this gap a bit (although admittedly imperfectly). Between it's demise and the emergence of DefCore (which is predicated on the look back to what's already out there), I'm concerned that we may not have sufficient mechanism to rapidly foster and proliferate net new capabilities. Are we I?gnoring an opportunity to encourage new innovation?
>Wishing I could attend this week's sessions (the first bullet above applies) to take part... good luck!
>Rob Esker
>NetApp, Inc.
>On 5/16/15, 4:24 PM, "Shamail Tahir" wrote:
>>Hi everyone,
>>We have finalized the content for the Monday 11:15AM session entitled
>>"What's Next in OpenStack? A Glimpse At The Roadmap". Please provide
>>feedback to me directly if you notice any glaring errors, typos, etc.
>>I will continue to make minor tweaks as needed but we will not be
>>changing content unless absolutely necessary. Thank you to everyone
>>who helped with this presentation and with talking to the PTLs/Core
>>members to get their projects plans/desired focus areas for the new few releases!
>>Shamail Tahir
>>Cloud Architect, EMC
>>t: @ShamailXD
>>tz: Eastern Time
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