<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div>SET UP:<br><br></div>Two with Centos KVM.<br><br><br></div>Hi ALL,<br><br></div>1. Additional compute node ( computenode2 ) is added to openstack and is showing in dashboard.<br>
<br></div>2. Created instance in computenode2 and in dashboard ip address is showing and instance status is running.<br><br></div>3. I have enabled Firewall in computenode2 now novncconsole also coming.<br><br><br></div>
<b>But the machine is not having IP ADDRESS.</b><br><br></div><div>4.Compuenode1 Everything is correct. <br><br></div><div>5. To get IPadress to additional compute node machine do i need to perform any additional steps?<br>
<br></div><div>6. I have installed all the packages and have four services. openstack-compue,api,network running in compute node.<br><br></div><div>7. Configured network same as compute node1<br><br></div><div>8. Not added bridge.</div>
<div><br><br></div><div><br><br></div>Please guide me on this.<br><br></div>Regards,<br></div>Dhanesh M<br></div>