Hey all<br>
I know I will get the usual "don't use dev stack in prod" lecture. Hopefully we can skip that part. I know now. <br>
We had setup openstack just as a cool project using dev stack. We had to move offices and now realized there is some good work in some of the VMS. <br>
I'm locked out of horizon right now and I don't really care about making openstack work. I just need to bring up the vms to pul off some data. (postgres database). Then I can get rid of all the vms<br>
Is there a way to launch these vms without openstack dashboard? Could I use virt manager to start these bad boys?<br>
I have full root on the system. I'm tired of fighting with horizon now I just want the vms. Hopefully something can be done. <br>
Yes I know dev stack shouldn't be run in prod :p<br>