<div dir="ltr"><div><br></div><div style>I'm just getting up and running with Folsom on Ubuntu 12.10. Of two compute nodes I have running, one of them died (some kind of grub corruption). So my next step is to re-kick it, but I don't know how to remove the compute node from Nova. I can do this:</div>
<div style><br></div><div style><div>root@kcon-gen-01i:~# nova-manage service disable --host=kvm-sn-10i --service=nova-compute</div><div>root@kcon-gen-01i:~# nova-manage service list</div><div>Binary Host Zone Status State Updated_At</div>
<div>nova-cert kcon-gen-01i nova enabled :-) 2013-04-30 18:32:56</div><div>nova-consoleauth kcon-gen-01i nova enabled :-) 2013-04-30 18:32:56</div>
<div>nova-scheduler kcon-gen-01i nova enabled :-) 2013-04-30 18:32:52</div><div>nova-compute kvm-sn-10i nova disabled :-) 2013-04-30 18:32:54</div>
<div>nova-compute kvm-sn-14i nova enabled :-) 2013-04-30 18:32:55</div></div><div><br></div>But the host itself is still there!<div><br></div><div><div>root@kcon-gen-01i:~# nova-manage host list | sed 's/cs-//'</div>
<div>host <span class="" style="white-space:pre"> </span>zone</div><div>kcon-gen-01i <span class="" style="white-space:pre"> </span>nova</div><div>kvm-sn-10i <span class="" style="white-space:pre"> </span>nova</div>
<div>kvm-sn-14i <span class="" style="white-space:pre"> </span>nova</div><div><br></div><div style>My concern is that when I bring kvm-sn-10i back to life, my controller node won't be able to authorize it. </div>
<div style><br></div><div style>So what is the proper way to delete/remove/decommission a compute node?</div><div style><br></div><div style>Thanks.</div>-- <br>\*..+.-<br>--Greg Chavez<br>+//..;};