<div class="report"><p>Hi,every:<br>
That is my first install swift,I according to objectstorage-adminguide-essex.pdf from <a href="http://www.openstack.org">www.openstack.org</a>.<br>
when I after install ,Verify the Installation,<br>
use swift -V 2 -A <a rel="nofollow" href="http://%3CAUTH_HOSTNAME%3E:5000/v2.0">http://<AUTH_HOSTNAME>:5000/v2.0</a> -U adminUser:admin -K 012345SECRET99TOKEN012345 stat<br>
[Errno 111] ECONNREFUSED</p>
before this error ,everything is ok.<br>
there are not erroe in syslog<br>
why ?<br>
what can i do for it</p>
<p>what'mean "-U option"?<br>
system user?or keystone tenant admin ?</p>
<p>please help me!</p></div>