[Openstack] [Manila] Metrics about shares into ceilometer/gnocchi

Davide Panarese dpanarese at enter.eu
Wed Sep 5 10:14:56 UTC 2018

I’m testing Manila Queens service with CEPHFS backend and it’s quite good. But I don’t understand if there are metrics about shares into ceilometer. I configured notification sections like other services but I can’t see anything about my shares into ceilometer meter-list. I’m using Ceilometer Mitaka version (maybe it doesn’t work with oldest version?!). Anyone could explain me if manila provide native metrics or I need to manage manually custom metrics for this service?

$ cat manila.conf
driver = messagingv2
transport_url = rabbit://rabbit:password@rabbithost.local:5672/
topics = notifications

$ manila list
| ID                                   | Name         | Size | Share Proto | Status    | Is Public | Share Type Name | Host | Availability Zone |
| 15b209ca-cab3-47eb-8c36-8452bc8187f8 | test-share01 | 10   | NFS         | available | False     | cephfsnfstype   |      | nova              |

$ ceilometer meter-list
| Name                          | Type  | Unit | Resource ID                          | User ID                          | Project ID                       |
| bandwidth                     | delta | B    | 693ff8e8-0448-4c30-bb2a-25771292b005 | None                             | 856cebe7051a461baa00cf26faaca24c |
| bandwidth                     | delta | B    | 92ca8ccb-339a-4766-9c63-8575578ff330 | None                             | 48e622c4c017407b9fbc7f12f9b8b8f5 |
| image.size                    | gauge | B    | 294b8125-deec-459f-a8a0-13b6a661c355 | None                             | 48e622c4c017407b9fbc7f12f9b8b8f5 |
| image.size                    | gauge | B    | 88bec41c-b64e-4c32-8273-3d6d08118759 | None                             | 48e622c4c017407b9fbc7f12f9b8b8f5 |

Thanks a lot,
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