[Openstack] Role inheritance in keystone

Andrew Bogott abogott at wikimedia.org
Sun Oct 30 16:38:37 UTC 2016

I've just read


and I think I understand it, but can't put it into practice.  I have a 
user with a role on a domain, and a project in that domain, but I see no 
evidence that the role assignment is inherited by the project.  Am I 
missing some extra 'enable inheritance' config?  Or does inheritance 
explicitly not work for the 'default' project?

I'm running Openstack Liberty; My entire workflow is attached, below.  
Hopefully there's an obvious mistake!

Thank you!


$export OS_USERNAME="novaadmin"
$export OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID="default"
$export OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID="default"
$export OS_PASSWORD="<redacted>"
$export OS_AUTH_URL="http://<redacted>:35357/v3"
$export OS_REGION_NAME="codfw"
$export OS_NO_CACHE=1

$ curl $OS_AUTH_URL
{"version": {"status": "stable", "updated": "2015-03-30T00:00:00Z", 
"media-types": [{"base": "application/json", "type": 
"application/vnd.openstack.identity-v3+json"}], "id": "v3.4", "links": 
[{"href": "http://labtestcontrol2001.wikimedia.org:35357/v3/", "rel": 

$ Conclusion:  running keystone api 3.4

$ openstack project show emptytestproject
| Field       | Value                            |
| description |                                  |
| domain_id   | default                          |
| enabled     | True                             |
| id          | 23c3fe708cb44c4db3144c3763b2c96c |
| is_domain   | False                            |
| name        | emptytestproject                 |
| parent_id   | None                             |

$ openstack domain list
| ID      | Name    | Enabled | Description |
| default | Default | True    | Owns users and tenants (i.e. projects) 
available on Identity API v2. |

$ # Conclusion: 'emptytestproject' is in domain 'default.'

$ openstack role assignment list --domain default --user novaadmin
| Role                             | User      | Group | Project | 
Domain  | Inherited |
| 8284c7e1155a464c818cf1eacf008c23 | novaadmin |       |         | 
default | False     |
| cb17fb40e2ef4cdd99956cd771b1799a | novaadmin |       |         | 
default | False     |

$ openstack role list
| ID                               | Name         |
| 8284c7e1155a464c818cf1eacf008c23 | user         |
| 8e86568d85984eda8ff44532f99e9304 | admin        |
| cb17fb40e2ef4cdd99956cd771b1799a | projectadmin |
| eb3fb807ab684f3d9fa77eed65bc0817 | glanceadmin  |

$ # Conclusion:  user 'novaadmin' has roles 'projectadmin' and 'user' on 
domain 'default.'

$ # expected:  user 'novaadmin' should have those two inherited roles in 

$ openstack role assignment list --project emptytestproject --user novaadmin

$ # nope, no roles.

$ # expected:  user 'novaadmin' should be able to list servers in 

$ OS_TENANT_NAME=emptytestproject openstack server list
The request you have made requires authentication. (HTTP 401) 
(Request-ID: req-5b173b30-1cdc-4d30-b1d1-41558dd0cd26)

$ # nope!

$ # ==================================================================
$ # policy doublecheck
$ # ==================================================================

$ openstack role assignment list --project labtestproject --user novaadmin
| Role                             | User      | Group | Project        
| Domain | Inherited |
| 8284c7e1155a464c818cf1eacf008c23 | novaadmin |       | labtestproject 
|        | False     |
| cb17fb40e2ef4cdd99956cd771b1799a | novaadmin |       | labtestproject 
|        | False     |

$ OS_TENANT_NAME=labtestproject openstack server list
| ID                                   | Name              | Status | 
Networks                        |
| dd3dd963-c78f-4c68-801a-6bdada4b2c35 | puppetless        | SHUTOFF | 
public=             |
| 12d4fe67-7da2-4c28-8c33-bff64b06bff5 | eightpointfive    | SHUTOFF | 
public=             |
| 932b8e24-e3ac-44ed-a0a5-035ab3c69869 | rnds-test-104     | SHUTOFF | 
public=             |
| 991ba7b0-0b1a-4843-ba85-4a5ae5f72ce6 | spice-test-101    | SHUTOFF | 
public=             |
| 93139bfd-51f6-4796-b3ec-0ac971f1d24e | libvirt-test-101  | SHUTOFF | 
public=             |
| 1d28d0e3-8dea-4cce-9bd4-a999a43ebea3 | network-tests-101 | SHUTOFF | 
public=, |

$ # Yep, policy allows user with projectadmin role to list servers.

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