[Openstack] Trove MySQL v5.[67] images?

Turbo Fredriksson turbo at bayour.com
Mon Oct 10 09:52:59 UTC 2016

On Oct 10, 2016, at 3:19 AM, Mark Kirkwood wrote:

> On 10/10/16 06:36, Clint Byrum wrote:
>> Plenty of examples here:
>> http://codesearch.openstack.org/?q=guestagent&i=nope&files=&repos=
> Thanks Clint - and I do see your point. The link you posted *is* useful and helpful!

What .. pisses me of most is that everyone seem to be a politician here.
I.e., answering a question I did not ask!

I did not ask for help to install devstack, nor did I ask help to configure

I asked if anyone had a (working, non-devstack) image that they could share,
because I wasn't sure if it was my setup or my image(s)..

And I don't understand why people STILL insist on trying to 'help' me setup
everything.. Until I (know!) I have an image that [should] work, then I still
don't know if my configuration is correct or if there's a bug..

But for the record, I've followed and read almost everything there is to read
about Trove, and as far as I can tell, my configuration [of Trove] is correct.

Now, if I'm doing something 'illegal' (i.e., NOT using or wanting devstack),
then I suggest that something like

	The Trove team will in no way help you with installing, configuring or
	help you with getting Trove to work if you're not using devstack.

is put in big letters on the Trove 'front page'.

Don't want to help me, fine. That's your prerogative (this is Opensource and
everyone provide their own, personal time - not a problem), but then don't
'help' me with things I did not ask for. I have other things to do than justifying
my life and the choices I make in it.

Everyone is free to choose how they do things, and I'm F'n _demand_ the right
to things _my_ way!!
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- Sockerconny

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