[Openstack] Horizon Mitaka can_set_password

William Lima Reiznautt - IC william at ic.unicamp.br
Thu May 19 13:31:31 UTC 2016

Hi Folks,

We are conducting the test mitaka OpenStack, but we're having trouble 
with Horizon to enable set password in dashboard. When I enabled 
'can_set_password': True in local_settings, it not show in Launch 
Instance in dashboard.

     'can_set_mount_point': False,
     'can_set_password': True,
     'requires_keypair': False,

Does anyone have any idea about this ? I made any test and debug but 
with new interface, I dont know to do.

Sorry for bad English :)

Thank you in advance

William Lima Reiznautt
IC3 - UNICAMP - Telefone: +55 (19) 3521-5915
chavepgp: http://www.ic.unicamp.br/~william/william.pgp

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