[Openstack] Openstack Mitaka Domain question
Eugen Block
eblock at nde.ag
Thu Jun 9 09:48:04 UTC 2016
I've managed to enable multi-domain support for my Mitaka environment,
but there are still some things to configure properly. I have two
questions regarding domains.
> Log in as admin under the default domain, go to the Domains dashboard
1. How can I enable the domain view in Horizon? I can't see that tab
in the dashboard, I'm not sure where to look anymore.
2. Has anyone a working separation of cloud_admin and domain_admin? I
used the v3-policy file mentioned in the last response, changed the
admin_domain_id to default as suggested, updated the keystone
endpoints to v3, but now I can't execute some actions like list
projects, list users etc. The logs say
You are not authorized to perform the requested action:
So I take a look into the policy.json:
"cloud_admin": "rule:admin_required and domain_id:default",
"identity:list_domains": "rule:cloud_admin"
As far as I understand, I assigend the domain "default" to
cloud_admin, so I assume that I should be able to list domains,
projects etc.
Until now I simply used the default config files for identity, can
anyone advise how to configure that file properly?
Zitat von Brad Pokorny <Brad_Pokorny at symantec.com>:
> 1. Yes, you can create new users in the "labA" domain via Horizon.
> Log in as admin under the default domain, go to the Domains
> dashboard, and click the "Set Domain Context" button for the "labA"
> domain. Then when you go back to the create user workflow, the
> "labA" domain will be automatically filled in for the user.
> 2. Go to the Domains tab, click the "Set Domain Context" button for
> the other domain, and go back to the Users dashboard.
> If you later need to think about using a domain admin via Horizon,
> take a look at this blog post:
> http://www.symantec.com/connect/blogs/domain-support-horizon-here
> Thanks,
> Brad
> From: zhihao wang
> <wangzhihaocom at hotmail.com<mailto:wangzhihaocom at hotmail.com>>
> Date: Tuesday, May 31, 2016 at 8:40 AM
> To:
> "openstack at lists.openstack.org<mailto:openstack at lists.openstack.org>"
> <openstack at lists.openstack.org<mailto:openstack at lists.openstack.org>>
> Subject: [Openstack] Openstack Mitaka Domain question
> Hi All
> I setup the openstack Mitaka, and beside the "default" domain, I
> create another domain called "labA".
> I login using labA domain.
> My question are
> 1. Can I create different users and assign to different domain from
> Horizon dashboard GUI? or do i have to do it from a command line?
> 2. If I login as admin user under default domain, How can I see all
> the users with all different domain in horizon dashboard GUI?
> .
> Thanks a lot
> wally
Eugen Block voice : +49-40-559 51 75
NDE Netzdesign und -entwicklung AG fax : +49-40-559 51 77
Postfach 61 03 15
D-22423 Hamburg e-mail : eblock at nde.ag
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